miniZ v1.8z3 is out!

Hi everyone,

A new miniZ version v1.8z3 is out with improved and increased support for AMD GPUs.

For detailed changelog, read below.

Please find miniZ version v1.8z3

Download page.

miniZ v1.8z3 is out!


  • Added support for AMD GPUs RX 6600/6800/6900 (XT).
  • Added support for AMD RX 590.
  • Reduced stale shares on Aion.
  • Improved stability.
  • Minor bug fixes.

NOTE: If you only have AMD GPUs then use --amd option to prevent the miner from getting stuck on the message LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

*** Thank you all for the feedback! ***

Remember to try --oc1/--oc2/--ocX options for optimum performance. (NVIDIA only)

For additional information check our Usage or FAQ pages.

*** Download miniZ version v1.8z3 here. ***

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Because your feedback is very important, miniZ kindly encourages you to use the comment box below for general questions and feedback.

Certainly we will strive to help you with any doubt and provide a solution to any problem you may encounter. In case you need to reach us, please check the Support page.

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We wish you a fast and friendly mining experience!



  1. Ivan says:

    Hi, thanks for adding other AMD, unfortunately I have a problem. MiniZ v1.8z3 seems to freeze and does not show any information but actually works. I can only monitor in telemetry and in the pool. As in telemetry for AMD shows only how much Sols/s is in at the moment, no other information. For Nvidia, everything is correct.Regards

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ivan,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      These issues are related – freezing the output and the incomplete information in telemetry.
      It seems that the miner is waiting for GPU information (temperature, etc).
      What OS are you using? Could you paste here the output of running miniZ with -ci (only this option)?

      • Ivan says:

        Hi miniZ, OS is Windows 11 and AMD 6600XT.Everything works perfectly differently, just nothing is visible when started. Visible only in telemetry or in the poolNumber of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.60] devices found: 4 #0 MSI GeForce RTX 3070 Ti | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 48 | cores: 6144 | Memory: 6.959GB | BusID: 0000:07:00.0 #1 MSI GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 38 | cores: 4864 | Memory: 6.993GB | BusID: 0000:0b:00.0 #2 Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 38 | cores: 4864 | Memory: 6.993GB | BusID: 0000:0c:00.0 #3 Palit GeForce RTX 3070 Ti | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 48 | cores: 6144 | Memory: 6.959GB | BusID: 0000:0d:00.0 #4 AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT | SM version: | SM count: 16 | cores: 0 | Memory: 7.984GB | BusID: 0000:0a:00.0Number of OpenCL[Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.] devices found: 1

  2. Vincent says:

    Hi ..

    I already mining with solo flux  start from 1 june 2022 until today, the question : how long the payout will be made? And how to check the running process ?

  3. .Yumiya says:

    On the page of the new version of MiniZ (v1.8z3), it would be good to specify to activate the “–amd” function to prevent the miner from getting stuck on the message LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

  4. FSOL says:

    Hello. I am mining SERO on with miniZ last release. The worker ID is not managed correctly. It is always displayed as 0 on the pool.How can I help you to correct this? Thank you for your work.

  5. Ruben says:

    Working flawlessly on rtx, but on my 6800, i cant see anything showing up on the miner itself, windowsCant wait for 5xxx series, got a bunch of 5500 and 5600 that i want to mine flux with, keep up the good work

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ruben,
      Thanks for the information.
      Are you using the latest version v1.8z3?
      Which OS are you using?
      We’ll see if we can understand the issue with the AMD 6800.

      • Ruben says:

        Hey, sorry for the late reply, the issue is happening with both my 6800, i cant test any other at the moment, im running windows on the last version, the miner is running (gpus too because i can feel the heat and amd software is reporting wattage) but the miner is not “showing” it. Pool also detects that i have it runningCheers

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Ruben,
          Do you get any error or warning on the console?
          Could you paste here the output of running
          miniZ.exe -ci?

  6. Mike says:

    Something is not right with new version in hive. I have gpu 0 as 480, gpu1 as 6600xt, gpu 2 2070 super, gpu 3 6600xt, gpu 4 3060ti and gpu 5 570. When i use –cd 1 2 3 in hive os it picks 6600xt, 6600xt and 3060ti. Should be picking 6600xt, 2070 super, and 6600xt.seem like there something wrong with the selection not sure. Seems like it wont let me pick 2070 super no matter what number I use.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mike,
      In the command line run
      ./miniZ -ci
      This will list all gpus, and you’ll be able to see the order that miniZ uses.
      Check if this order is the same that you mentioned.

  7. Lombard says:

    Hi, The settings –gpuclock and –memclock seems to be completely ignored in the bat file when mining on Windows, is that for Linux only?It would be nice if it worked for Windows as well.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Lombard,
      The options work with Windows (we need to have a look ate --memclock…) but you need to run the bat file as administrator.
      Just open a console – “Run as administrator” (read here). Or read here for another example, by creating a shortcut.
      Let us know if this helps.

  8. Home miner says:

    I tried to use miniz on Hive with a 6700xt but it just gives an error:

    [ERROR  ] GPU[09]: cannot load kernelZ!
    It works fine on the 6600xt though if I disable the 6700 in the options.
    Also it would be really nice if the 5700 series could be added as I will have to run a separate miner just for that one card as it is.
    • miniZ says:

      Hi Home miner,
      We may have solved this issue already.
      Could you paste here the output of running miniZ with -ci option?
      miniZ.exe -ci
      We’ll support 5700 in the next release.

  9. MOHSEN says:

    ASRock RX 590 GME8 GB 08:00.0 , Hynix GDDR5, 113-EXT800151-L01 BIOS??????

  10. John D says:

    Support for Navi 56/57 series?

  11. Bob says:

    I’m trying to get my Nvidia cards (2×3060, 3060ti, 3070) and 1 6700XT to mine Flux in HiveOS. I can’t get it to mine with both Nvidia/AMD or just AMD by itself using —AMD. It pops up “cannot load kernalZ.” Any ideas for fixes?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Bob,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      We think we already understand the issue.
      It should be fixed on the next release.

  12. CCMT says:

    Its Work With Driver 488 b4 update..OS : Ubuntu 22.04 LTS************ miniZ v1.8z3 ************Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[0.00] devices found: 1Segmentation fault (core dumped)NVIDIA-SMI 510.73.05 Driver Version: 510.73.05 CUDA Version: 11.6Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.60] devices found: 1 #0 MSI GeForce RTX 3080

  13. 2nd TL Mining says:

    Hey TeamLove that you added AMD support for Flux. I can run and work around the issue in Windows 11. Only small thing is not stats is coming through around frequency temps ect. In hive if its a mixed rig it just flat out doesnt want to start. But otherwise looking good. Do you have a date in mind for the next release?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 2nd TL Mining,
      We’re working on the new release. Having a look at this issue with Hive. Thanks for the information.
      Planning to post the new version next week.

  14. Philip Nel says:

    Hi all just a heads up. I have a mixed rig and NVIDIA on miniZ for Flux and AMD on teamred for ETH. Recentlyc i had my amd cards coming up with Card detected dead, and after much searching I found that switching from 1.8z3 to 1.8z2 solved my problem.Almost like there was a conflict between the two miners, a strange anomaly that showed up was that it looked like the AMD cars was trying to mine both ETH and FLUX(sol’s)Hope this helps someone else

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Philip Nel,
      Thank you for sharing.
      We’re not sure we understand the issue. However, it is possible that miniZ is trying to mine with all cards in your rig. Both nvidia and amd cards.
      If you want miniZ to mine with only nvidia cards you need to explicitly mention this in the command line. You can use --nvidia, or explicitly refer to each card using -cd (or -cde to exclude) options.
      For more information read here.
      Let us know if this helps.

  15. 2nd Time Lucky says:

    Hey TeamGetting the Kernel error on 6700XT. Any dates for support for the 6700XT?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 2nd Time Lucky,
      We’re working on the new release.
      Planning to post the new version next week.

  16. diggHaisk says:

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    and i would to ask community, most powerful forum engine is?
    mybb etc? thanks digg

  17. eric says:

    hi, i m using v1.8z3 with amd6800 mining Flux 61.6sol/162w on windows10/64bit , but it haven’t show clk/mclk/watt in program , how can i fix it?

  18. Gamer says:

    With the merge around the corner I was doing some testing on my Gaming machines to see what I would do after ETH.

    My plan was to put them on Flux but sadly the built in overclocking support will not work for this. Some of the issues I faced when testing:

    The built in overclocking totally screws up the System overclocks requiring a restart to fix it

    It does not reset the overclocks when you exit the miner

    Does not support core offset overclocks (which work best on flux most of the time). Sometimes locked core + offset works good but you need the offset for sure on a core intensive algo, that is what undervolts and allows higher efficiency.

    P.S. The 6700xt does not work for me on Hive. Saw above this should be fixed in the next release?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Gamer,
      We’re having a look at this, however it may not be fully functional in the next version. The AMDs do not have this option yet.
      You can reset the clocks by setting the option to 1. We’ll try to implement the reset when exiting for the next release.
      Also, the 6700XT should be working on Hive in the next release.
      Thanks for your message with valuable information.

  19. Nicolas says:

    Hello,Does the AMD RX 6750XT will be supported?Thank you

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Nicolas,
      Thanks for your message.
      Yes, the RX 6750 XT will be supported in the next release.

      • 2nd Time Lucky Mining says:

        Hey TeamCurious if you have a date target for the new version? Super excited to get my AMD GPU’s rocking on Flux 😉

  20. Mike says:

    Hi miniZ, it was really nice to lock core clock, set memclock, power limit and fan speeds in other miners (Trex,NBminer). Is miniZ capable of doing this?I found the following commands–memclock, –gpuclock, -plIs gpuclock = core clock and can you lock this? Is memclock an offset or absolute? Is power a percentage or wattage? Can fan speeds be implemented?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mike,
      Sorry about taking longer to reply. Somehow your message got mixed with spam.

      miniZ is able to lock core and memory clocks, and you can also set PL.
      In the next release you’ll be able to control fan too.

      With --memclock, --gpuclock, and --power you set absolute values (in MHz and W).
      Sudo (Linux) or administrator priviledges (Windows) are required.

      At the moment these options are only available for nvidia GPUs.
      We’ll try to implement this for AMDs, in the future.

      ps: Let us know if you find any issue(s) with any of these options.

      • Mike says:

        Thanks for the response miniZ. Is there any plans to make core clock and mem clock offsettable as well? I am assuming gpuclock = core clock is that correct? Cant wait till fan speed on next release.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Mike,
          Yes, gpuclock refers to core clock. 🙂
          Making core/mem clocks offsettable is not a priority at the moment, but we’ll think about it.
          Thanks for the suggestion!

  21. Jon says:

    Hello,I am running an AMD rig with 6800’s, 6800xt, 5700’s, 5700xt’s and a rx 580 on HiveOS.When I create a flight sheet for FLUX, the flight sheet is created fine but when I go to the rig page/flight sheet. It isn’t showing up. I have rebooted, etc. Do you have any suggestions.Thanks

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jon,
      Currently, miniZ supports your RX 6800’s and RX 580. We’re preparing the new release with better support for AMD, including RX 5700’s.
      Howver, at the moment HiveOS marks miniZ as Nvidia miner only. We think that this is causing your issue.
      We’ll see what we can do to fix this.

  22. Mike says:

    I keep getting load average too high when running equihash on my 6600xt. It will run sometimes for 4 hours and sometimes for 12 hours. Then the load average goes crazy. Any idea? Running on hive os 1600mhz 675 core 1130 memory clock 1275 memory voltage soc freq 990 soc vddmax 800driver 21.40.1 (5.13.0201) hive 0.6-219@220828

  23. SAM says:

    Hi Dears

    good day and Tnx for all your efforts

    I am using hive os and flux pools to mine Flux and I am using Miniz for my 12x 6800XT, I am also having same config for my 12x 2060S. The Nvidia rig has no issue and working super stable for the past 7 days but on the other hand the AMD rig is so unreliable and unstable.

    my OC seems to be so ok with 67 sol/s per GPU and the miner works fine for 3-4 hrs and sometimes for 7-8 hrs and then it crashes in a way that it must be manually restarted. Wit gminer everything is stable but the hashrate drops to 56 sol/s.

    All my drivers and Hive os are upgraded to latest version but still not much of progress.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi SAM,

      This should be related to OCs.
      Could you adjust them a little and check again?
      You can also use the latest version v1.9z3.

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