
miniZ team will strive to give you support and feedback.

For general feedback, you can leave your comments and questions in the comment box of the respective release/version post. Currently, this one.

Additionally, miniZ created a few posts to help and guide specific problems you may experience while running/starting miniZ miner, or other requests or information you may want to share:

  • In case you’re having trouble running/starting miniZ miner, comment here.
  • If you want report a problem with a specific GPU/architecture, comment here.
  • Do you wish to exchange and/or compare information with others, such as OC settings or Sol/s? Comment here.
  • Also, to report any trouble connecting to a specific pool, comment here.

Your first comment needs to pass a spam check, so please be patient if you don’t see it online immediately.


Our website is the best place for you to keep up-to-date with the latest news, and for support. However you can follow our threads in other locations where you can find useful information posted and discussed by other miners. We pay close attention to your feedback there too.

We keep our threads updated on these forums:

Wishes of a fast and friendly mining experience!