Supported pools

The following pools are supported (updated)

If the pool you use is not listed above, or if you are experiencing any trouble with a pool, please leave your comment bellow.

miniZ will try to update this information and help you having the best mining experience.


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  1. joginvik says:

    some troubles with pool mine-…

    ping too big (170 ms and higher) with miniz or red * in miner

    at the same time in other miners – ping 40-50 ping and all good

    but overall miniz is more stable

    • miniZ says:

      Hi joginvik, thank you for your feedback.

      The red star may be related to the personalization string, maybe it was not entered correctly.
      Can you specify which coin are you mining? And, if possible the command line you entered?

      Regarding the latency when the miner starts you see a higher latency time because of communication handshake. Also, the average time window was too big. This will be corrected in the next version.

      • joginvik says:

        about red* – it was my fault – was writen –pers snZelProof insted of –pers ZelProof

        about ping – good – This will be corrected in the next version.

        maybe it will be good to show some stats like in phoenixminer

        • miniZ says:

          Hi joginvik, what stats would you like to see?
          In the console, miniZ already shows detailed information per rig: submitted shares (accepted and invalid), instant speed (3min average) and long run speed (3h average); and detailed information per GPU: temperature and fan speed; share information, iterations/second, instant speed (3min) and long run speed (3h), power consumption, core and memory clocks, and efficiency.
          Telemetry adds some stats too, to both rig and each GPU.
          Maybe we can add something more, already for the next version, if you specify what you pretend.

  2. ed says:


    are you looking at supporting nicehash?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi ed,
      you can use miniZ on NiceHash:
      1. From here click ‘GPU or CPU‘, or ‘Rig farm‘.
      2. In ‘Select closest location‘ select Zhash. Then ‘Generate stratum‘.
      You get instructions to set the stratum+tcp address, username (your Bitcoin address) and password.
      3. Example usage: miniZ.exe --url --pass x --pers auto --gpu-line
      4. Follow your miner by entering your BTC address @

      Hope that this helps.

  3. Woris says:

    I can use your updated version v1.h to mine in Suprnova without problem but cannot use your
    v1.0i+ version because you pre filled the 2miners
    .on address inside the exe. And I can not delete or amend inside.
    Could you issue a new version without any specified mining pool as v.1h.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Woris,
      we tested the version in various mining pools and there was no problem running the miner with them.
      Could you post here your command line?

  4. Matthew Wagner says:

    Hello miniZ,

    Love the miner, hoping you can shed some light.

    I have recently started running a full node Bitcoin Gold BTG and want to mine with my two rigs directly to it.

    I have opened port 8338 on my router and the node is successfully synced up and running smoothly. I have the ip address to where the server is located but having trouble connecting and mining.

    Check it out at – Just scroll down till you see the location in “Florence” and the carrier is Charter Communications.

    I have attempted to connect directly with the ip but I am not having any luck. Here is a copy of the .sh file I am running, btw, I am running Ubuntu 18.04 linux distro:

    ./miniZ –url Ge31GZvBuMje6zhiKu6dNQaBbGPg9sTd4b.Duke@ –cd 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    I know this is a bit unusual but I would really appreciate any advice or help you have to offer.

    Thank You!

  5. Matthew Wagner says:

    Just as a follow up to my last message sent just less than an hour ago:

    here is the published live address information for the full node BTG I am running. I attached a link to my last message but thought I would follow with the actual information.
    Since 1 day ago /Bitcoin Gold:0.15.2/ (70016)
    America/Los_Angeles Charter Communications

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Matthew,
      thanks for the message. Unfortunately, miniZ can only mine to a mining pool.
      It would require many modifications to make it possible to mine directly to a node.
      We are sorry about this.

  6. Dark Oopa says:

    I tried to use miniZ on with –pers auto but the problem is it doesn’t change the pers on the fly.

    For example, I’m mining BTG from mmr to miningpoolhub and everything works. I get rented by someone mining other thing than BTG, the pool just receive invalid shares. If I restart the miner, it start to work. Then, the rental finish, so the rig goes back to mining pool hub on BTG and again, only invalid shares until I restart the miner.

    So the miner is able to mine different coins without any change in the config, but it doesn’t change on the fly, it needs to be restarted so it can’t be used with mining rig rental :/

    is there a solution? I use the 1.2l.


    • Dark Oopa says:

      equihash 144,5 algo

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Dark Oopa,

      we were checking and miningpoolhub does not support auto (when you specify --pers auto).
      If you mine to a pool that supports auto, then it should work. Let us know if you try this, just to be sure.
      At the moment this is the only workaround we can suggest, but we will address this issue and try to fix it for the next version (should be out next week).

      Thanks for the feedback. Quite relevant!

  7. Brian997 says:

    Running on pool minermore with no problem

  8. Chris says: is not listed. They have a embedded link to your software on their site

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Chris,
      Thanks. Beam instructions (FAQ page) listed leafpool (and other Beam pools). However, this post was not updated.
      It is listed now on post too 🙂

  9. mindsignals says:

    beepool has an optional pplns designation to enable that instead of pps. However, I cannot find a way to specify it when using miniZ. Below are examples of my configuration for gminer and for miniZ, the only difference being that I am unable to specify pplns for miniZ, which prevents me from being able to use it instead of gminer.

    gminer: (note the @pplns immediately following the address)
    miner.exe –algo 150_5 –server –port 9507 –ssl 1 –devices 0 1 2 3 –user b8808067ee6a83e4b8d21efe70b588fe7114f8050a9bc43f9929b1edceefee4791@pplns

    miniZ: (if I add the @pplns, it becomes part of the hostname, which is incorrect)
    miniZ.exe –oc2 –par 150,5 –url ssl:// –cuda-devices=0,1,2,3

    • miniZ says:

      Hi mindsignals,
      miniZ will not parse the url correctly because of the @ symbol. In this case you have to use the alternative syntax.

      miniZ.exe --oc2 --par=150,5 --user=b8808067ee6a83e4b8d21efe70b588fe7114f8050a9bc43f9929b1edceefee4791@pplns --server=ssl:// --cuda-devices=0,1,2,3

      It should work fine like this, let us know how it goes.

  10. Yashnik says:

    miner tested on without any issues. please add to list.

  11. nemosminer says: support

    • miniZ says:

      Hi nemosminer,
      we’re having a look.
      But could you elaborate? Are you having some trouble connecting to the pool?

      • nemosminer says:

        only equihash 125 zel, 192 and 144 have been working great. this seems to have been fixed for me in v1.5q3 beta im testing v1.5q4 beta atm it also seems to been handling connection drops timeouts better, than previous version, thankyou for improvments

        • miniZ says:

          Hi nemosminer,
          Let us know if connection drops persist.
          For example if they happen for minutes or just a few seconds, and how often they occur.
          Thanks a lot for the feedback!

  12. Aleks says:

    pool problem Coin Cash
    .\miniZ.exe –url=ssl:// –par=150,5,3
    timeout /t 5
    goto loop

  13. George says:

    Hi, I am a newbie but I managed for some time to mine several coins. I found your miner and I mined some beam. But the miner in several pools cannot connect like 2 miners saying that user is not authorized. I don’t understand what kind of authorization it is about since 2miners or others don’t have password. I really want to mine Zcash but it seems that your miner is not suitable? Please advice

    • miniZ says:

      Hi George,
      sorry for taking a bit longer to reply.

      miniZ is a equihash cuda miner, but you cannot mine Zcash with it, GPUs are not efficient to mine Zcash. However, it is suitable for Beam mining.

      Could you paste here your command line so that we can check if there is something off with it?

      This should work:
      miniZ.exe –url=ssl:// –log

      Thanks for your preference!

  14. Terry says:

    I have a question about the latency? I’m using HiveOS and running miniz latest version mining ZEL at ZelLabs.
    The latency showing in miniz shows 900’s but if I ping the server from HiveOS I get the 100’s. Why does it go up so high running miniz?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Terry,
      Thank you for your question.

      Latency is the time it takes for the request signal to travel to and return from the pool to the miner. This includes the time the pool takes to deal with data.

      Ping only tests/refers to speed of a signal sent to the pool ip address, it does not include any processing time. It is just the time a data packet takes to arrive to the destination.

      Ping is always lower than latency. In any case we will check this, 900 might be a bit high.


  15. FlyInTheSky says:

    Hi MiniZ Team,


    Could you please add this pool?


    Thank you.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi FlyInTheSky,
      In the next version it should start with the correct pers automatically for every algo.

      Could you also add miniZ webpage link to your pool page?

      Thank you for your message.

  16. noobminer says:


    I fail to change default payout on Nanopool.

    and as I just mine with 1 T1060 6gb to learn mining, it’s gonna take years to reach the default payout (0.2eth)


    I tried the following command (with
    miniZ.exe –url=ssl:// – –par=ethash –coolui –templimit=80 –ocX –write-config NanopoolEth.conf


    miniz version 1.7×3


    • miniZ says:

      Hi noobminer,

      We understand your concern, but to change minimum payout you will need to contact the pool.
      We read on the pool webpage that payouts can be set from 0.05 to 20 ETH. Try to contact their support and ask if there is a way to change for a lower value.

      Otherwise, you may look for a pool with lower minimum payouts.
      For example, a quick search we found this one (they state that it’s 0.01 ETH), but possibly there are others.

      Thanks for using miniZ.

  17. Sil3ntVip3r says:

    Can you please add to the BTCZ list of pools please 🙂

  18. Joako's mining says:


    I am interested on using your miner for a few reasons. First, the 0.75% fee for eth is pretty good, second, I am interested on testing my 30xx gpus and see that possible 8% extra hash and finally I have a lot of 1080ti that I want to test with you… but… I moved my hash power with a pool that is not on your list. “Crazypool” I would like to know if there is any possible way for you guys to work something out and add this pool.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Joako’s mining,
      Thank you for your words, and your interest in miniZ.

      We do not experience any trouble with crazypool. We already added to the list on our website.

      Are you mining ETH? This command line works well:
      ./miniZ --extra

      If you are mining ETH it is not necessary to specify the algorithm. However, for now, to mine ETC you will need to add --par=etchash --pers=etchash, but this will not be necessary in the next version.

      Let us know how if this helped.

  19. Winzall says:

    Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong. I tried connecting my 2- RTX 3060 cards using HiveOS on the Ethermine pool and it looks like it is mining but I get these errors.

    [ERROR] Pool: us-east: – worker not authorized: (my wallet address). (rig name)

    what could be causing this any ideas?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Winzall,
      Thank your contacting us.

      The miner cannot connect to the pool. You refer that you want to mine on Ethermine pool but it looks like something went wrong with the configuration. The error mentions Miningpoolhub pool. Could you re-check the configuration settings?

      On mininpoolhub you need to first define a username with the pool.

      If this doesn’t help and you cannot find a way, can you paste here the command line HiveOS is using to start miniZ? Or at least the start of the log output that miniZ generates?


  20. Lucas says:

    Hi guys, when are you going to add mining pool?


  21. Emi says:

    plase support this pool

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Emi,
      Thank you for reaching us.

      We already support Ezil pool.

      A simple command line (Windows):
      miniZ.exe --logfile=miniZ_logfile.log --extra

      Add your ETH and ZIL wallets.


      • RJ says:

        What are the settings for HiveOs on Ezil?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi RJ,

          The following command line is working well for us:
          ./miniZ – –logfile=miniZ_logfile.log –extra

          Add your ETH and ZIL wallets.
          Let us know if you managed to get it working.

  22. Martin says:


    I have problem with authorization “[ERROR ] – worker not authorized:”

    This are my settings in batch file:

    miniZ.exe –url –log -p myPassword

    Please help.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Martin,

      Could you check your command line? If you want to mine zec with 2miners pool, then you’ll need to add a ZEC wallet address in the command line (not BTC). Also you’ll need to user a different miner. miniZ doesn’t support ZEC. ZEC is not suitable for GPU mining.

      If you want to mine with nicehash then you need to add the correct server+port address.

      Let us know how it goes.

  23. Johnny says:

    Hi! I’d liket to mine ETH on pool. But i can’t get a connection to with miniZ. It needs Stratum nicehash in miner-config, but i didn’t find this option in docs.



  24. Wilbur says:

    Hi MiniZ Team,


    Could you please add this pool?



    Thank you.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Wilbur,
      In the next version it should work without adding --par/--pers to the command line.
      Could you also add miniZ miner to the list of supported miners, in your website? 🙂

  25. Cryptowinner says:

    Hey guys what’s up. I’m just getting into Hiveos and I was using MiniZ for mining. It was great for a long time, but now mining has took a crap because you don’t have Hiveos Pool. This is a good choice for a lot of people that want no fees while just starting mining. Is it possible to add Hiveos pool so that there isn’t a huge percent drop in Miniz? I’ve tried most option to fix Dag.. it’s just not enough and we need the Hive pool to stabilize hash percent so there isn’t so many stale and invalid

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Cryptowinner,
      Thank you for your message.

      We’ve just tested miniZ with HiveOs Pool. We did have a few rejected shares with our 1070Ti, but not with the RTX.
      Which GPUs are you using? We’ll need to have a look into this.


  26. Star says:

    This is a very interesting Miner project. I set it up quickly and was able to run it on a WIN 7 machine, but as often is the case the hashrate is low on this OS, about 18 MH for GTX-1070 where it should be 26-27. I do have one HIVE OS config I may try it on, but would like it to work on WIN7 for single card and test rigs. I have no interest in WIN 10 usage. Is there any way to make it work corretly on WIN7?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Star,

      Thank you for your message.

      Which miniZ version are you using?

      Better to use the version v1.8y4rc1 (beta), if you are not already using it.

      Let us know how it goes.

  27. ravencoin can’t be connected in all pools, please fix

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mubasir Alamsah,
      Thanks for the feedback.
      We find no issue with ravencoin. Which pool are you using?
      If you are still experiencing this issue could you paste here your command line?

  28. Stephen says:

    miniZ cannot mine GRIMM on MRR, always is wrong pers or pow type, any pool chosen.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Stephen,
      We had no trouble mining Grimm with MiningRigRentals.
      You need to add --par 150,5 to your command line, but otherwise is working well.

      ./miniZ --par 150,5

      With pool configuration: stratum+tcp:// worked well for us.

      Do you keep having this issue?

  29. Flux miner says:

    Please increase the sock5 proxy parameter option, it is dangerous to connect directly in some Asian countries…


  30. connection problem says:

    Please increase the sock5 proxy option, if I don’t use sock5 proxy I can’t connect to the mining pool in my country, thank you.

  31. Bruno says:

    hi i have some issue on ubuntu 20 vith my nvidia gpu, . on nvdia side all is ok (CUDA core 192) but on miniZ , it doesn t see it *********** miniZ v1.7×3 ************
    miniZ: Excluding GPU#0 Quadro K600
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0
    No devices selected, exiting…
    /miniZ -u t1XjwYaMTMtCopaq7vm4Q6NhaFPBRqRLxYu -l –port=7011 -p minpayout=50 –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –log -cd 192
    ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
    Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]
    [WARNING] No mining pool specified!
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
    [FATAL ] GPU[192]: Driver error 101 ‘invalid device ordinal’ in line 191
    Temp. limit: [90°C]

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Bruno,
      When you add -cd 192 to your command line miniZ will want to mine with GPU number 192.
      -cd is used to specify the devices you want to use. In this case you will need to use -cd 0.

      The Quadro K600 has only 1GB available. You only will be able to mine Aion (algo 210,9) with this GPU.

      The following should work:
      ./miniZ --url=YourWalletAddress@PoolAddress:Port -cd 0 --log

      YourWalletAddress: change for your Aion wallet address.
      PoolAddress: change to the pool server address.
      Port: add here the port number.

      Let us know if this helps.

  32. Mike says:

    Enigmapool, a flux pool, works great with your miner. Awesome work. I happen to notice that your dev flux wallet might not pointed to a pool that offers parallel mining rewards. You are losing out on almost half your mining rewards if this is the case. Just looking out for you.

  33. Matt says:

    I’m using this on for FLUX, and it’s working. Better hash rates than gminer, which I was using previously, which is nice. 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Matt,
      Thank you for your message.
      Great that it is working well for you!
      We added to the list. 🙂

  34. Андрей says:

    1.Периодически при работе с пулом nanopool.eth выдает ошибку: [FATAL ] GPU[1]: CUDA error 74 ‘misaligned address’ in line 1015 на RTX3060EVGA. Драйвер 511.79, с другими драйверами то же самое.

    2.Не работает с пулом, не могу ни как настроить bat. файл ни для соло майнинга Eth, ни для дуал майнига Eth и ZIL

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Андрей,

      1. This issue should be related to your OC settings. Try to adjust a bit the settings and try again.
      2. We had no problem mining ETH, or ETH+ZIL, with pool.
      The following worked well for us:

      To mine ETH+ZIL: miniZ.exe --url=ssl:// --extra
      To mine ETH: miniZ.exe --url=ssl:// --extra

      Let us know if this helps.

  35. Андрей says:

    Добрый день как добывать ETC с помощью пула как прописать bat.файл.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Андрей,
      You need to add --par=etc (or --par=etchash) to your command line.
      miniZ.exe --log --extra --par=etc
      For more information you can read here.
      Hope this helps.

  36. aminer says:

    Last night one of my rigs got an [ERROR] Socket connect error. I am using HiveOS and have set-up a failover pool. According to logs, the miner kept trying to reconnect to the same pool every 60 secs for a couple hours, without ever trying to connect to the failover pool.My flight sheet has these two pools configured:Server messages from logs is this:[ERROR ] Socket connect error.[ERROR ] Socket connect error.[ERROR ] Socket connect error.[WARNING] Cannot connect to pool, reconnect in ~60s!

  37. Miner says:

    I think you connect the fee mining zergpool. Because today zergpool is down, and my rig restarting always because 20 mins no share and i check, when miner try to switch the fee mining than come the problem.

  38. Miner says:

    equihash 192/7 i forget to say

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Miner,
      We’ll have a look at this. Thank you for the message.

      • kreamm says:

        Hi miniz, the equi192,7 algo YEC mining has taken a crap on zergpool! it mines and then stops accepting shares after about 20mins or when 58 shares has been confirmed accepted! i contacted zergpool admin p!np1n say its the miner software issue because the asics are kreaming it all day, all night. now, what say yous check this out problem and see for yurselves. i used gtx1080.

  39. Steve says:

    Hi,I am no longer able to connect to nicehash to mine

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steve,
      Thanks for the message.
      It seeems that the stratum changed.

      Could you add stratum1:// right before the wallet string, and try again?

      Let us know if it works now.

  40. Rahmat says:

    hi i have some issue on windows 10 with my nvidia gpu, . on nvdia side all is ok (CUDA core 192) but on miniZ , it doesn t see it *********** miniZ v1.7×3 ************

    miniZ: Excluding GPU#0 Quadro K600

    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0

    No devices selected, exiting…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Rahmat,
      Try adding -cd 0 to your command line.
      For older Kepler GPUs, you need to explicitly tell the miner to use them.
      However, to mine 192,7 the GPU needs to have more than 2GB availabe. Might require 3GB GPU.
      (With 2GB it may work on Linux. But, even if it works it will not be profitable. It is best to mine another algo.)

      Let us know if this helps.

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