Trouble running miniZ

If you are experiencing any trouble starting/running miniZ, please leave your comment in the comment box below, for support.



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  1. While attempting to convert my older Maxwell (2GB) rig from zcash to btg, i’m getting a segfault with miniZ:

    [115034.317747] miniZ[8379]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000000000 sp 00007fd5077fdaf8 error 14 in nvidiactl[200000000+100000]
    [115048.229614] miniZ[8408]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000000000 sp 00007f3b7e7fbaf8 error 14 in nvidiactl[200000000+100000]

    voodoo@m4a77d:~/miners/bins/miniZ_miner_v1.0b$ ./miniZ –url
    ************ miniZ v1.0b ************
    Number of CUDA devices found: 3
    Cannot read health status! (is installed?): Success
    miniZ,144,5[2]: Selecting GPU#2 GeForce GTX 750 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[2]: Selecting GPU#1 GeForce GTX 960
    miniZ,144,5[2]: Selecting GPU#0 GeForce GTX 960
    Algo: EQ[144,5]
    Pool#0: user[robertcnelson.m4a77d] server[] port[8866] ssl[no] pers[BgoldPoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    Segmentation fault

    The system is based of Debian Buster, 4.17.x kernel, with nvidia 396.45

    voodoo@m4a77d:~/miners/bins/miniZ_miner_v1.0b$ ./miniZ -ci
    ************ miniZ v1.0b ************
    Number of CUDA devices found: 3
    #0 GeForce GTX 960 | SM version: 5.2 | SM count: 8 | Memory: 1949
    #1 GeForce GTX 960 | SM version: 5.2 | SM count: 8 | Memory: 1949
    #2 GeForce GTX 750 Ti | SM version: 5.0 | SM count: 5 | Memory: 1962


    • miniZ says:


      thank you for leaving feedback.

      I is a bit late here but could you try the following and report back? We’ll try to get you and answer asap.

      1. Run nvidia-smi.

      2. Could you run miniZ with each que GPU separately? Or, at least separately for the GTX 750 Ti, and GTX 960?

      ./miniZ --url --cuda-devices 0


      ./miniZ --url --cuda-devices 2

      and report if you get the same error?

      Although nvidia-ml doesn’t seem to be your main problem, it still needs to be solved.

      Thank you. Cheers.

      • Barto says:

        I got the same error, but perhaps is related to internet connection ?
        All the streams in others computers stoped when recibe this error in the mining machine.
        All connected in the same network.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Barto,
          from what you describe, it seems that the connection to the internet (or the pool) was lost.
          Was this solved? If not, could you paste here the error log?

      • MUSA says:

        My 3060TI getting only 49mh on MINIZ miner. It used to get 60mh when i used other miners. The driver i am using is 470.05 so that i can get extra mh on my V1 3060.
        The oc settings are same as it was before. How can i get 60mh again with my 3060TI?

        • MUSA says:

          I have a V1 nerf 3060 but my pcie x16 slot is broke
          what is the best way to get maximum amount of hashrarte while running it in riser?

      • THOMAS says:

        Sorry for posting here but I did’nt find the box to add new request.In a console on Linux, I ran : ./miniZ -cd 0 -u t1fTbtisXs2kcDphM7yKDK5TKXFgt5rggRS.xafo1 -l –port=7011 -p minpayout=80 –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProofI have obtained : [ERROR ] GPU[0] miniZ requires at least 2406MB to run, but only has 1501MB.[WARNING] miniZ<125,4>[-1:0:00.0:1501]: Not selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GT 640Please help me

        • miniZ says:

          Hi THOMAS,
          To mine flux you need a GPU that has more than ~2.5MB of available memory.
          Geforce GT640 is only 2GB. It seems that you may be using the GPU for display so there is only ~1.5MB of available memory. With your GPU you will be able to mine AION.

          • Olavsen says:

            Hi, I want to set the fan speed to 100 on all my rigs. Iam using Awesome miner software which have all miner include miniz mineri when i use other miner i set –fan 100 and fan run 1t 100% but ther are no option to in miniz miner to do it or may be i dont know, how to do it in miniz miner?

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Olavsen,
              There is no way to do it at the moment.
              Also, it will not be implemented in the next release.
              But we’ll see what we can do for other future release.

    • Ashburry says:

      I have Geforce 3060 Ti running with MiniZ. I get error:[FATAL ] Cannot load deviceZ code.\************ miniZ v1.6w2 ************Number of CUDA[10.0] devices found: 1Algo: EQ[144,5]Pool#0: user[0x427D6a7A13A61666336A76Ea95d8Cd7e7fA68906.nvidiagpucpu] server[] port[2020] ssl[no] pers[auto]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Temp. limit: [90°C]miniZ<144,5>[13:0:00:7061]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti[FATAL ] Cannot load deviceZ code.[INFO ] Disconnecting from[INFO ] Stopping miner

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Ashburry,
        To mine with your 3060 Ti you will need to use the latest miniZ version (at least v1.8y3).
        Try the beta version v1.8y4rc2. You can download it here.
        thank you for using miniZ.

  2. PARTS says:

    C:\Users\파츠짱\Downloads\miniZ_v1.0i_win-x64 (1)>miniZ.exe –url
    ************ miniZ v1.0i++ ************
    Number of CUDA devices found: 13
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#0 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#8 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#1 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#3 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#4 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#5 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#6 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#7 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#2 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#9 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#10 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#11 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    miniZ,144,5[1]: Selecting GPU#12 GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
    Algo: EQ[144,5]
    Pool#0: user[parts333.1080ti] server[] port[20595] ssl[no] pers[BgoldPoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90? <<cursor

    No more no progress

    • miniZ says:

      Hi PARTS, do you have enough memory available for those 13 GPUs? You can try to increase the pagefile and see if it helps. Also, can you run the miniZ with less GPUs? This may help understand what is happening.
      Thank you for the feedback.

      • Thib says:

        Bonjour, j’ai le même problème mais j’ai que une 2080 ti. Je lance miniZ et ça écrit sélection gpu et aucun progrès non plus

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Thib,
          Sorry for taking a bit to answer.
          This seems to be an error with nvml dll file.
          You can try update the NVIDIA driver and check if this resolves the issue.
          Let us know if this helps.
          ps: We’ll work on a solution for this issue, in the next version.

  3. UselessGuru says:

    Hi there!

    Is there a ‘proper’ API available? Preferrably Ccminer compatible 🙂


    • miniZ says:

      Hi UselessGuru,
      Thanks for your message. We have some kind of “standard” json api, which is fully compatible with the EWBF miner.

      Example (Linux):
      curl --silent rig2:20000 -X '{"id":"0", "method":"getstat"}'

      {"id":0, "method":"getstat", "error":null, "start_time":1544548916, "current_server":"", "server_latency":62.4, "available_servers":1, "server_status":1, "result":[{"gpuid":0, "cudaid":0, "busid":"busid", "name":"GeForce GTX 1050", "gpu_status":2, "solver":-1, "temperature":66, "gpu_fan_speed":35, "gpu_power_usage":75.0, "gpu_clock_core_max":1695, "gpu_clock_memory":3504, "speed_sps":16.1, "accepted_shares":23, "rejected_shares":0, "start_time":1544548916},{"gpuid":1, "cudaid":1, "busid":"busid", "name":"GeForce GTX 1050 Ti", "gpu_status":2, "solver":-1, "temperature":71, "gpu_fan_speed":38, "gpu_power_usage":75.0, "gpu_clock_core_max":1594, "gpu_clock_memory":3504, "speed_sps":18.6, "accepted_shares":22, "rejected_shares":0, "start_time":1544548916},{"gpuid":2, "cudaid":2, "busid":"busid", "name":"GeForce GTX 1070 Ti", "gpu_status":2, "solver":-1, "temperature":69, "gpu_fan_speed":49, "gpu_power_usage":172.1, "gpu_clock_core_max":1759, "gpu_clock_memory":3802, "speed_sps":59.0, "accepted_shares":69, "rejected_shares":0, "start_time":1544548916}]}

      Let us know if you need further help.


      • Bathmat says:

        Heya, I was trying to access the api and just querying the base address/port returns the html text, not a json or json-like output. Is there another endpoint I should be using?

  4. UselessGuru says:

    Thank you!

    Could you give me an example for PowerShell (I am a Windows guy)?
    I googled to no avail…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi UselessGuru,

      you can try this PowerShell script

      $server = "localhost"
      $port = 20000
      $Message = '{"id":"0", "method":"getstat"}'
      $Client = $Null
      $Client = New-Object System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient $server, $port
      $Writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter $Client.GetStream()
      $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader $Client.GetStream()
      $client.SendTimeout = 10000
      $client.ReceiveTimeout = 10000
      $Writer.AutoFlush = $true
      $Request = $Reader.ReadLine()
      $Data = $Request | ConvertFrom-Json

      Write-Host $Data
      Write-Host $Data.result

      @{id=0; method=getstat; error=; start_time=1546129190;; server_latency=73.8; available_servers=-2; server_status=1; result=System.Object[]}
      @{gpuid=0; cudaid=0; busid=busid; name=GeForce GTX 1060 3GB; gpu_status=2; solver=-1; temperature=71; gpu_fan_speed=43; gpu_power_usage=117.2; gpu_clock_core_max=1771; gpu_clock_memory=3802; speed_sps=33.1; accepted_shares=66; rejected_shares=1; start_time=1546129190}


  5. UselessGuru says:

    Thank you – works like a charm!

    I’ve added you miner to MultiPoolMiner (

  6. Matthew Wagner says:

    Keep getting cuda devices not found error. What am I doing wrong:

    Here is a copy of my .sh file. I am running Bionic Beaver Ubuntu:

    ./miniZ –url –log –gpu-line 0 1 2 3 4

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mathew,
      it seems you are missing the option that is required to specify the devices -cd or --cuda-devices (before the device(s) number). Try the following:

      ./miniZ --url --log --gpu-line -cd 0 1 2 3 4

      For other usage information and examples check
      Let us know how it goes.

  7. Thank you, that fixed the original problem, awesome, but now the miner fires up and begins to mine but then hangs/freezes/crashes whatever term you prefer and I have to kill power and restart.

    Using assorted nvidia cards, eleven of them, 1070, 1070ti and 1080. Updated drivers to 410 cuda version 10.0

    Thanks again. Any help greatly appreciated!


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Matteo,
      we are sorry about this.

      On a first approach this may be related with the OC settings of the cards, if you did some OC. If so, do you have this issue with stock settings too?

      If the previous does not apply, could you let us know if the problem also exists with v1.0h? Maybe this can help us figure out what’s going on.


      • Hello miniZ,

        Yes, I run an OC script before I start the miner, should I not do that?

        I am now traveling for the week but feel free to communicate any other ideas. I really like your miniZ Miner from what I can see and am excited to give it a try.

        Thank you for your help, greatly appreciated

      • Okay, so I tried without running the OC script and it still froze up.

        Any other thoughts on what could be causing the problem?

        Thank You for any help, greatly appreciated….

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Matthew,
          Thank you for the feedback!

          We’ve just released a new miniZ version v1.0j.
          Try this new version, and let us know how did it go.

          Try also cuda 8.0 variant.

  8. Matthew Wagner says:

    This is just insane why this miner continues to freeze.

    Can we please communicate via email?

  9. leo says:


    i got error on running miniz miner

    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 05:59:21]: GPU[0]: CUDA error ‘CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version’ in func ‘cE;aB43dE<E7:bb::getinfo' line 255
    GPU[0]: CUDA error 'CUDA driver version is insufficient for CUDA runtime version' in func 'cE;aB43dE<E7:bb::getinfo' line 255

    Can you help me ?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Leo,
      maybe you need to update the NVIDIA driver.
      Which miniZ and Cuda version are you using? And which OS and NVIDIA driver version?
      Could you paste here the output of nvidia-smi?

      • leo says:


        the version of miniz : miniZ_v1.2m_cuda10_win-x64

        the version of OS : windows 10

        Wed Apr 17 09:16:30 2019
        | NVIDIA-SMI 388.59 Driver Version: 388.59 |
        | GPU Name TCC/WDDM | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
        | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
        | 0 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:01:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 85% 70C P2 152W / 152W | 1935MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 1 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:02:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 78% 69C P2 193W / 204W | 1935MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 2 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:05:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 79% 66C P2 187W / 204W | 1935MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 3 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:06:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 78% 67C P2 172W / 177W | 1934MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 4 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:08:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 79% 66C P2 178W / 198W | 1935MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 5 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:0C:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 78% 70C P2 178W / 175W | 1935MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 6 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:0D:00.0 On | N/A |
        | 78% 62C P2 178W / 198W | 2047MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 7 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:0E:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 77% 65C P2 171W / 172W | 1934MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 8 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:0F:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 85% 73C P2 166W / 175W | 1935MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |
        | 9 GeForce GTX 108… WDDM | 00000000:10:00.0 Off | N/A |
        | 78% 62C P2 189W / 212W | 1935MiB / 11264MiB | 100% Default |

        | Processes: GPU Memory |
        | GPU PID Type Process name Usage |
        | 0 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 1 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 2 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 3 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 4 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 5 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 6 224 C+G Insufficient Permissions N/A |
        | 6 1400 C+G …mmersiveControlPanel\SystemSettings.exe N/A |
        | 6 1956 C+G Insufficient Permissions N/A |
        | 6 3208 C+G …x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Microsoft.Photos.exe N/A |
        | 6 6604 C+G C:\Windows\explorer.exe N/A |
        | 6 6616 C+G …t_cw5n1h2txyewy\ShellExperienceHost.exe N/A |
        | 6 6920 C+G …dows.Cortana_cw5n1h2txyewy\SearchUI.exe N/A |
        | 6 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 6 7500 C+G …11411.0_x64__8wekyb3d8bbwe\Video.UI.exe N/A |
        | 7 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 8 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |
        | 9 7352 C C:\winsys\gminer_1_37_windows64\miner.exe N/A |

        Please reply my on my email. i dont get any notification here

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Leo,
          we have just sent you an email.
          Thanks for reaching us and reporting the information.
          For your driver (388.59) you must use miniZ Cuda 8 version. Alternatively, to be able to use Cuda 10 version, you need to update your driver to the latest version (>=418 recommended).
          Let us know how it goes.

  10. MiningTaken says:

    Telemetry doesn’t work.

    My command line is:
    miniZ.exe –oc2 –par=192_7 –pers auto -a –server [Server] –port [Port] –user [User] –pass [Password]

    Miner works like charm, but when I open browser (Google Chrome) and type “” or “http://localhost:42000”, none of those works.

    Chrome only shows “This site can’t be reached” message after try to Connecting for a while.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MiningTaken,
      You are right, -a is not working as documented. We will fix this for the next version.
      Try -a 42000 or --telemetry (or --telemetry 42000)

  11. hoomanleo says:

    hi my miniz work well but i hav note any accept share from suprnova pool :(((

    • miniZ says:

      Hi hoomanleo,
      miniZ should work very well with Suprnova. It could be that, in your case, the algo or the personalisation string are note well specified.
      Could you post here your command line?

      • hoomanleo says:

        miniZ.exe –url –log –extra

        • miniZ says:

          (edited) Hi hoomanleo,
          Thanks for providing your command line.

          We have just tested your command line:
          miniZ.exe --url --log --extra
          and it works! (Just in case, check for the double dash -- instead of -)

          Console Screenshot

          Let us know if you manage to solve the issue.

          • hoomanleo says:

            hi the problem solved but after 1 day mining or less the mining stop and get this error

            aproblem caused the program to stop working correctly
            windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available

          • hoomanleo says:

            ccminer is incorrect miniz.exe has stopped working

          • hoomanleo says:

            and the last command line is warning parse response failed
            can i use task scheduler for this error?

            • miniZ says:

              Hi hoomaleo,
              This could be related to your OCs, but could you provide the console output (or the logfile) just before the crash?
              Try also the new miniZ v1.3n3 that has a few fixes and should be more stable.
              Let us know if this helped.

          • hoomanleo says:

            hi i use miniz ver 1.3n4 but i have no share with green star

            • miniZ says:

              Hi hoomanleo,
              could you provide here some details such as:
              1. your command line,
              2. the beginning of console output, including when the miner detects GPUs. (Or logfile output).
              Thank you!

          • hoomanleo says:


            miniZ.exe –url –log –extra
            this command line already work well whit ver 1.3n3
            but from yesterday till now this version and version 1.3n4 dos not have share imean green star near fan speed
            aftre header listing show up after 5 minutes mining start but without green star our share

          • hoomanleo says:

            and after 20 min say with red color can not connect to any mining pool

            • miniZ says:

              Hi hoomanleo,
              we’ve tested your line and we had good shares. You seem to be unable to connect to suprnova. This may be something temporary. Are you still experiencing this? If so, we suggest you to try another pool and see if it persists.
              Let us know how it goes.

          • hoomanleo says:

            i test with funakooshi miner and it work well
            but miniz!!!!!!! 2 weeks works good and then error cannot connect to any mininig pool :(((

            • miniZ says:

              Hi hoomanleo,
              we have just answered to your other messages.
              It seems that it lost connection to suprnova and could not reconnect again. Does it work if you restart miniZ?

          • hoomanleo says:

            no i restart miniz many times and chek everything but dos not work

          • hoomanleo says:

            [ 0d 0h22m18s] S: 0/0 231(227.5)Sol/s 621(544.0)W [fee.server] (9.3%) (90.7%)
            0>GTX 1070 100% [65øC/65%] 27.64 I/s 55.4(54.7)Sol/s 135(119.5)W clk=1771MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.46
            1>GTX 1070
            100% [69øC/69%] 29.06 I/s 58.2(57.6)Sol/s 160(139.7)W clk=1847MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.41
            2>GTX 1070 100% [65øC/65%] 29.05 I/s 58.3(57.4)Sol/s 162(138.2)W clk=1835MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.42
            3>GTX 1070
            100% [65øC/65%] 29.47 I/s 58.4(57.8)Sol/s 165(139.5)W clk=1885MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.41
            [ERROR ] Cannot connect to any mining pool!!!
            [ 0d 0h22m28s] S: 0/0 230(227.5)Sol/s 627(545.4)W [fee.server] (9.2%) (90.8%)
            0>GTX 1070 100% [65øC/65%] 27.64 I/s 55.4(54.7)Sol/s 140(119.8)W clk=1771MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.46
            1>GTX 1070
            100% [70øC/69%] 29.07 I/s 58.2(57.6)Sol/s 162(140.0)W clk=1847MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.41
            2>GTX 1070 100% [66øC/65%] 29.06 I/s 58.2(57.4)Sol/s 162(138.5)W clk=1847MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.41
            3>GTX 1070
            100% [65øC/65%] 29.47 I/s 58.4(57.8)Sol/s 163(139.7)W clk=1898MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.41
            [ 0d 0h22m38s] S: 0/0 230(227.5)Sol/s 387(538.8)W [fee.server] (9.2%) (90.8%)
            0>GTX 1070 100% [60øC/62%] 27.64 I/s 55.4(54.7)Sol/s 88(118.8)W clk=1632MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.46
            1>GTX 1070
            100% [63øC/66%] 29.07 I/s 58.2(57.6)Sol/s 100(138.7)W clk=1632MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.41
            2>GTX 1070 100% [58øC/61%] 29.06 I/s 58.2(57.4)Sol/s 99(137.3)W clk=1632MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.42
            3>GTX 1070
            100% [56øC/59%] 29.47 I/s 58.4(57.8)Sol/s 99(138.5)W clk=1632MHz mclk=3802MHz Sol/W=0.42
            [ 0d 0h22m49s] S: 0/0 230(227.5)Sol/s 213(530.6)W [fee.server] (9.2%) (90.8%)
            0>GTX 1070 100% [58øC/60%] 27.64 I/s 55.4(54.7)Sol/s 51(117.6)W clk=139MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.46
            1>GTX 1070
            100% [60øC/63%] 29.07 I/s 58.2(57.6)Sol/s 55(137.2)W clk=139MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.42
            2>GTX 1070 100% [55øC/58%] 29.06 I/s 58.2(57.4)Sol/s 54(135.7)W clk=139MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.42
            3>GTX 1070
            100% [53øC/56%] 29.47 I/s 58.4(57.8)Sol/s 54(136.9)W clk=139MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.42

            • miniZ says:

              Hi hoomanleo,
              we are sorry about this. It looks like it lost connection to the mining pool and could not reconnect again.
              If you define a different pool, or if you define a second mining pool, does the problem persist?

              You can define a second pool like this:
              miniZ.exe --url --url YourWalletAddress.WorkerName@SecondPoolServer:PortNumber --log --extra

              Could you confirm which miniZ version you are using? (You can also check this by running miniZ.exe –version)

        • hoomanleo says:

          i use 3 different pool and non of them dosnot work
          and i already use ver1.2m ver 1.3n3 ver 1.3n4
          but 2 weeks earlier my rigs work well with ver 1.3n.3
          suddenly every rigs getting error that cannot connect to any pool
          tnx for your replying

          • miniZ says:

            Hi hoomanleo,
            at the moment we do not fully understand the problem you are experiencing.
            It seems to be related to poor network connectivity, but we will investigate further and we will try to reproduce some scenarios.

          • hoomanleo says:

            when i push telemetry on GUI launcher chrome can not open page
            and say localhost refused to connect.

            Checking the connection
            Checking the proxy and the firewall
            i disable fire wall already and nothimg change
            maybe this is my connection problem????????

  12. brian997 says:

    This miner works fine but terminates every 1-2 hours. I wonder if that’s when it mines for fee. There appears to be no logfile? NV drivers 419.17 cuda 10 win10.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Brian997,
      we have improved stability and these problems should be solved in the next version (will be out very soon).
      Regarding the logfile, if you run miniZ with --log, which creates a miniZ.log file, does it work?

  13. brian997 says:

    I ran with –log below is output after 26 minutes it crashed. The script forces restart, but the ramping up time is a little slow. The miner is 1-2% faster than gminer, but it crashes and ramps up to peak slower than gminer. I have been using same overclaock settings for about 6 months. FYI below…pasted log at time of crash.
    0>GTX 1070 Ti 100% [56øC/56%] 18.55 I/s 37.8(36.9)Sol/s 108(105.3)W clk=1632MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.35
    1>GTX 1070 Ti
    100% [55øC/55%] 18.24 I/s 36.4(36.2)Sol/s 111(107.2)W clk=1607MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.34
    2>GTX 1060 6GB 100% [61øC/61%] 10.75 I/s 21.3(21.5)Sol/s 88( 91.3)W clk=1708MHz mclk=4252MHz Sol/W=0.24
    3>GTX 1070 Ti
    100% [56øC/55%] 18.32 I/s 36.4(36.9)Sol/s 105(105.4)W clk=1607MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.35
    4>GTX 1070 Ti 93.3% [51øC/51%] 17.28 I/s 34.7(34.4)Sol/s 114(112.5)W clk=1544MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.31
    5>GTX 1070 Ti
    100% [50øC/49%] 16.84 I/s 34.2(33.8)Sol/s 113(112.2)W clk=1455MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.30
    6>GTX 1070 Ti 100% [60øC/60%] 18.27 I/s 36.0(36.3)Sol/s 102(105.1)W clk=1607MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.35
    7>GTX 1070 Ti
    100% [57øC/56%] 18.31 I/s 36.4(36.3)Sol/s 108(106.0)W clk=1607MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.34
    8>GTX 1060 6GB ` 100% [54øC/54%] 11.08 I/s 22.6(22.3)Sol/s 89( 92.4)W clk=1784MHz mclk=4252MHz Sol/W=0.24
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[8]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[6]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[8]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[0]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[4]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[6]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[5]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[3]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[2]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[4]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[5]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[3]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[7]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[2]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    CUDA ERROR[1970-01-02 03:28:32]: GPU[1]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925
    GPU[7]: CUDA error ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in func ‘eq;~>[4~c2BBa,x81424~8a6:>00:cBB~5;>,,c;c~_5e7a,a]]solve’ line 1925

    • miniZ says:

      Hi brian997,
      Thanks for the feedback and for reporting the errors.

      The ramp up you refer may be an artifact of the mean. We use a 3 minute exponential moving average for “instant” calculations to remove noise, providing a value easy to read.

      By examining the log file, it looks like some memory addresses are messed up due to the overclock settings. To some extent the miner can try to recover and eventually produce a bad share instead of crashing. We have just released a new version of miniZ, that will try harder to deal with your issues, but there are no guarantees 🙂

      Keep in mind that different miners require different overclock settings for best efficiency. You can check our suggested overclock for best efficiency on our website If you are using MSI Afterburner on Windows, remember to divide our suggested memory overclock settings by a factor of two.

      Also be try the --oc1/--oc2 for best performance.


  14. MiningTaken says:

    Hi Dev,
    I set “–telemetry” and it only works at the rig’s local computer.
    What should I put to “–telemetry” if I want to monitor it from other computer in the same LAN ?
    I had tried “–telemetry”, but it doesn’t work out.
    Thank you.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MiningTaken,
      At the moment miniZ always binds the telemetry to, so there is no need to add your ip address.
      Something like –telemetry 42000 would work.
      If you can connect locally but not from other computer on the same LAN it may be due firewall settings… did you check this?

  15. Darko says:

    Again having trouble starting miner on 3 gb cards … 3n5 version,3n3 version all the same …

    All startet after a restart of mining OS …

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Darko,
      Thanks for reporting this.
      It seems that your OS is using more memory on the GPUs.
      Our 3GB implementation is a bit tight so if there are other applications running on the card (like vga adapter, for example) it may not fit.
      We’ll see what we can do about it.

  16. Darko says:

    Must admitt that gminer starts with no problems …

  17. P says:

    Can mini-z just exit if api port is in use?
    Mini-z just do nothing on linux platform.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi P,
      On Linux, when the port is in use, miniZ gives a warning and moves to the next availabe port. Are you using Linux?

      Could you clarify “just do nothing”? Do you mean that miniZ does not start mining?

      Could you paste here your command line?
      Could you run ./miniz -ci and paste here the output?


  18. Max says:

    Is there any way to detect mining errors and auto restart miner? miniZ isn’t as stable as it should be

    • Max says:

      esolve’ line 5880;[Bc;b49c65 6 ‘the launch timed out and was terminated’ in func ‘eq_64B4a

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Max,
        this error seems to be related to your OC settings.
        If this doesn’t happen too often you can restart the miner by defining a loop.

        Are you using Windows OS? You can create a bat file like this (do not forget to customize your wallet address, worker name, server and port number):
        miniZ.exe --url=YourWallet.worker@server:port --log --extra
        timeout /t 5
        goto loop


        • Max says:

          I’ve tried this but it does not restart when this error happens.
          OS settings are exactly the same on different computers, but I get error only on one of them.

          • miniZ says:

            Hi Max,
            if the program cannot exit, the nvidia driver must have crashed.
            We suggest that you try to adjust the OC settings for that computer, to check if still crashes. Different computers (different power supply, different motherboard…) may require some OC settings adjustment.
            Let us know if adjusting the OCs helps.

  19. Jay says:

    Every time I go to run the batch file it instantly closes. I added a pause in there and it shows it’s not recognizing the GPUs even though all my other miners do.

    • Jay says:

      It says “0 CUDA devices found” but my other software recognizes them.

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Jay,
        It looks like the NVIDIA driver that you are using is not compatible with the miniZ CUDA version you are using.
        Did you try both miniZ Cuda 8 and miniZ Cuda 10?
        Which NVIDIA driver version are you using? And which GPUs?

        • Jay says:

          So CUDA 8 is recognizing the GPUs but I instantly get an error that I have a GPU “out of memory”

          • miniZ says:

            Hi Jay,
            Could you paste here your command line?
            What are you mining and whith which GPUs?

            • Jay says:

              I am using 1060s and 1070s. I got miniz to work on my other miner cannot get it to work on this one though.

              • miniZ says:

                Hi Jay,
                it is likely that one of your 1060 3GB (?) does not have enough memory available to mine. What are you mining? What OS are you using?
                Could you paste here your command line?

  20. Jeff says:

    I’m having trouble mining Beam on Leaf pool, they want an email address to send notifications if the miner goes down. The format is “beam_address.worker/” When I include that in the command line, it parses the server address incorrectly and includes “” into the server address. Any way around this? I would like to be notified by the pool if the miner goes down.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jeff,
      miniZ will not parse the url correctly because of the @ symbol. In this case you have to use the alternative syntax.

      miniZ --server=ssl:// --user=beam_address.worker/

      It should work fine like this, let us know how it goes.

  21. Matt says:

    I have a GTX 780 with 3072 MB of ram and miniz wont load the GPU, it loads the other 1050ti’s just fine. I used the command line to load one GPU at a time.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Matt,
      we will need to know what is the error miniZ is writing to the console output (or log file). Probably this is a memory problem but we need to know.
      Could you paste here the error?

  22. Matt says:

    Number of CUDA devices found: 3
    GPU[1] miniZ requires at least 2.78GB to run.

    C:\Users\PapaPerks\Desktop\miniZ_v1.3n5_cuda10_win-x64>timeout /t 5

    Waiting for 0 seconds, press a key to continue …

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Matt,
      it seems you are trying to run 150,5 algorithm, on Windows 10. The 3GB GPUs cannot run 150,5 on Windows 10.
      It is possible on Windows 7, but you have to run with --mode=3 option.
      Windows does not allow miniZ to use all GPU memory. On Linux this limitation does not exist and miniZ will run at full speed.
      Beam will introduce a few changes in the algo, we will try to look at this in the future. Maybe we can shrink it a bit more so that it can fit also on Windows 10. (No guarantees though).

  23. Jarek says:

    Hey , u wrote that at algo 192_7 GPUs 1063 worked , but it seems didnt. It wrote that needed 2.7 gb video by Windows.

    • Jarek says:

      Sorry just saw the previous comment, so i understand i have the same problem… Thanks a lot.

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Jarek,
        no problem. Indeed 3GB is a bit tight for this algorithm and mining 192,7 is not possible on Windows 10 since it does not allow miniZ to use all GPU memory.
        We will check it out and see if it is worth making this work.

  24. Greg says:

    The first time using miniZ on ARWthe worker does now show on the pool, it appears to be hashing, but doesn’t show in the worker list on If I reconnect after that, its fine (GMiner and others work fine on the first connection)

    ./miniZ –par 192,7 –pers ZcashPoW –server –port 3890 –user WALLET.MINR-11

    Any ideas?

  25. Terry Rich says:

    Every time i try using miniz on hiveos (150,50,3) after about a minute of hashing I get a very high rate of invalids. I’ve tried using OC settings and stock settings with the same results.

    • Terence Rich says:

      I’m using the latest version of miniz

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Terence,
        Does this happen also after that? Or is it only at start up?
        Also, could you let us know what is your GPU? And to which pool are you connecting?
        Are you using the beta v1.5q4?

        • Terence says:

          It happens all the time. I have all NVIDIA with mixture of GTX and RTX.
          === /hive/miners/miniz/1.5q-cuda100/miniz.conf =================================================
          –par=150,5,3 –url=ssl://
          [ 0d 0h 2m05s] 328(328.4)Sol/s 1365(1342.9)W
          0>GTX 1070 100% [68°C/49%] 19.08 I/s 38.2(38.2)Sol/s 150(148.1)W clk=1822MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.26
          1>GTX 1070
          25.0% [71°C/48%]*18.99 I/s 36.3(36.3)Sol/s 145(141.9)W clk=1797MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.26
          2>GTX 1070 Ti 87.5% [67°C/40%] 21.41 I/s 42.6(42.6)Sol/s 176(175.4)W clk=1746MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.24
          100% [66°C/55%] 19.82 I/s 38.9(38.9)Sol/s 177(177.6)W clk=1885MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.22
          4>GTX 1070 0.00% [64°C/44%] 18.95 I/s 37.2(37.2)Sol/s 149(148.0)W clk=1822MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          5>GTX 1070
          100% [68°C/65%] 19.78 I/s 39.6(39.6)Sol/s 163(161.1)W clk=1898MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          6>GTX 1080 Ti 100% [65°C/34%] 30.23 I/s 59.2(59.2)Sol/s 273(263.6)W clk=1949MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.22
          7>GTX 1070
          66.7% [67°C/65%]*18.25 I/s 37.0(37.0)Sol/s 130(127.4)W clk=1733MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.29
          [ 0d 0h 2m15s] 330(329.5)Sol/s 1347(1340.9)W
          0>GTX 1070 100% [68°C/49%] 19.08 I/s 38.3(38.3)Sol/s 144(146.5)W clk=1822MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.26
          1>GTX 1070
          25.0% [71°C/49%] 18.98 I/s 36.9(36.9)Sol/s 145(142.4)W clk=1809MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.26
          2>GTX 1070 Ti 87.5% [67°C/40%] 21.40 I/s 42.7(42.7)Sol/s 178(176.0)W clk=1746MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.24
          100% [66°C/56%] 19.82 I/s 38.2(38.2)Sol/s 180(178.1)W clk=1885MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.21
          4>GTX 1070 0.00% [64°C/44%] 18.94 I/s 37.3(37.3)Sol/s 147(147.4)W clk=1822MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          5>GTX 1070
          66.7% [69°C/65%]*19.79 I/s 39.9(39.9)Sol/s 161(160.7)W clk=1898MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          6>GTX 1080 Ti 100% [65°C/34%] 30.23 I/s 59.8(59.8)Sol/s 268(263.4)W clk=1949MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.23
          7>GTX 1070
          66.7% [67°C/65%] 18.26 I/s 37.8(37.8)Sol/s 125(126.3)W clk=1733MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.30
          [ 0d 0h 2m25s] 330(330.1)Sol/s 1329(1337.1)W
          0>GTX 1070 100% [69°C/50%] 19.07 I/s 38.7(38.7)Sol/s 142(145.6)W clk=1822MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.27
          1>GTX 1070
          25.0% [71°C/49%] 18.98 I/s 36.7(36.7)Sol/s 144(142.5)W clk=1809MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.26
          2>GTX 1070 Ti 87.5% [67°C/40%] 21.40 I/s 42.8(42.8)Sol/s 176(175.7)W clk=1746MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.24
          100% [66°C/56%] 19.82 I/s 37.9(37.9)Sol/s 176(177.5)W clk=1885MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.21
          4>GTX 1070 0.00% [64°C/44%] 18.94 I/s 37.4(37.4)Sol/s 149(148.0)W clk=1822MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          5>GTX 1070
          66.7% [69°C/65%] 19.79 I/s 39.6(39.6)Sol/s 164(161.7)W clk=1898MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          6>GTX 1080 Ti 100% [64°C/34%] 30.23 I/s 60.0(60.0)Sol/s 260(261.8)W clk=1949MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.23
          7>GTX 1070
          66.7% [67°C/65%] 18.26 I/s 37.9(37.9)Sol/s 118(124.3)W clk=1733MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.31
          [ 0d 0h 2m35s] 330(329.6)Sol/s 1325(1335.0)W
          0>GTX 1070 100% [69°C/50%] 19.07 I/s 38.8(38.8)Sol/s 148(146.6)W clk=1835MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.26
          1>GTX 1070
          25.0% [71°C/50%] 18.97 I/s 36.9(36.9)Sol/s 144(142.7)W clk=1809MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.26
          2>GTX 1070 Ti 87.5% [67°C/41%] 21.40 I/s 42.7(42.7)Sol/s 170(174.2)W clk=1759MHz mclk=4303MHz Sol/W=0.25
          83.3% [67°C/56%]*19.82 I/s 38.2(38.2)Sol/s 181(178.5)W clk=1898MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.21
          4>GTX 1070 0.00% [65°C/44%] 18.94 I/s 37.0(37.0)Sol/s 146(147.3)W clk=1822MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          5>GTX 1070
          66.7% [69°C/65%] 19.79 I/s 39.6(39.6)Sol/s 160(161.0)W clk=1898MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.25
          6>GTX 1080 Ti 100% [64°C/34%] 30.23 I/s 59.8(59.8)Sol/s 252(259.6)W clk=1974MHz mclk=5508MHz Sol/W=0.23
          7>GTX 1070
          66.7% [67°C/65%] 18.26 I/s 37.7(37.7)Sol/s 124(125.0)W clk=1733MHz mclk=4050MHz Sol/W=0.30

  26. Alex says:

    Hi, on my rigs (RTX 2070,RTX2080S) miniz show information about shares, speed and etc so slowly,(on beamv2)
    I updated/back drivers nvidia 430-436 versions. Back to default clocks on cards, but it doesn’t help.
    I mine on nicehash, with gminer for example everything working fine.
    Used miniz 1.5q2-q6. Could you check?

    • Alex says:

      Also, I see that CPU load is very high 99-100%

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Alex,
        thank you for letting us know.
        We’ll look into this. It may be slow because of CPU usage. Which miniZ version are you using?
        Does this happen only with beamv2?

        • Alex says:

          Using last versions 1.5q2-q6. Right, Problems with miniz on BeamV2 algo.
          I tested Zhash 144,5 and it working fine.

          • miniZ says:

            Hi Alex,
            sorry for taking a bit longer than usual to respond.
            Thank you for the information. We would like to share some information that another miner shared with us and might help the cpu high usage, in the case you are using the latest nvidia driver. When he went back to 430.86 it solved the cpu issue.
            Hope this helps.

  27. john7797 says:

    Hi, I’m running a little bit of an unusual config. 24GB system memory, windows 10 running from USB key, no swap file.

    You seem to be attempting to malloc 2GB RAM per GPU, which has a hidden requirement in windows that there be 2x the asked-for memory available. So your ~12GB actual usage balloons into slightly more than the amount of RAM I have, which means I can’t start.

    I confirmed all this by limiting to 5 CUDA devices (works), and adding physical RAM (works).

    Do you have a workaround? Either to make windows not do this, or to use slightly less RAM?

    ************ ←[01;31mminiZ←[22;37m v1.5q6 ************
    Algo: EQ[150,5]
    Pool#0: user[omitted]
    server[] port[3378] ssl[no] pers[Beam-PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    miniZ[1:1:00:6787]: Selecting GPU#3[3] GeForce GTX 1070
    miniZ[1:1:00:6787]: Selecting GPU#5[5] GeForce GTX 1070
    miniZ[1:1:00:6787]: Selecting GPU#1[1] GeForce GTX 1070
    miniZ[1:1:00:6787]: Selecting GPU#2[2] GeForce GTX 1070
    miniZ[1:1:00:6787]: Selecting GPU#4[4] GeForce GTX 1070
    miniZ[1:1:00:6787]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GTX 1070
    [FATAL ] CUDA: failed to alloc 1973 MB for main data
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from
    [INFO ] Stopping miner

    • miniZ says:

      Hi john7797,

      you have 6 1070 GPUs, 8GB each, for this you will need more memory that what you have at the moment. Depending on the algorithm you are using the miner needs to allocate 1.7-4.2 GB memory on each GPU, there is not much we can do about this. Additionally, Windows allocates a bit more for its functioning…we cannot do anything about this either. For windows you’ll need to increase your virtual memory, you have a tight fit there.

      We can only suggest you to try to use Linux OS, since it is less demanding on memory. It will solve your problem.

      We noticed that you want to mine Beam in Nicehash. It seems that you specified the algorithm as 150,5. However, Beam made a few changes to its algorithm, if you specify the algorithm you need to write --par=150,5,3. If you do not specify the algorithm it should work too. You can always confirm this with miniZ, it shows the information in the console/logfile output. For Beam you should read: Algo: EQ[150,5,3].


  28. Carl Zhou says:

    It looks like miniZ_gui.exe (version 1.5r, Windows x64 Cuda 10) has Trojan:Win32/Tiggre!plock
    How can this happen?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Carl Zhou,
      thanks for your message.

      It is best to always confirm if the file SHA256 is the one indicated on the website. If the SHA256 is correct then miniZ_gui.exe should be fine. This is is a false positive, and only part of the engines detect it.

      This kind of problem is annoying, but not new. In our case this is due to the function frombase64string that we use to encode our .ico images appearing on GUI. Also from the fact that there is someone/rule (always the same person/company) that keeps marking miniZ_gui as suspicious, as it can be seen in

      We are working on an alternative to that function so we will figure out a way to solve this soon. 🙂

      To exclude a file from Defender (if this is your case), you need to open the Windows security window.
      Then go to “Virus and threat protection settings” under the “Virus & threat protection” tab. And in “Exclusions” you can add or remove exclusions.

      We hope this information is helpful to you.
      Thanks for using miniZ.

  29. Dovi says:

    Hey guys, huge fan of your miner!

    I have an issue mining the coin $EXCC. The coin is already a big deal with over $1,000,000 in revenue / day, and looks to be getting bigger. Problem is, apparently according to their team, since the coins is hybrid PoW and PoS, it can’t just be mined by any regular Equihash 144,5 miners, but needs to be coded specially – so supposedly LOL miner is the only one that will work with this coin.
    Is there any way you could make miniZ mine this coin? Your miner is the FASTEST and hands down the BEST equihash miner there is….
    Here’s a link to their website –


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Dovi,
      thanks for reaching us and for the suggestion.
      At the moment we are working on improvements for the current supported algorithms.
      We had a look at it before and end up putting it aside. It was not obvious what we need to do to support EXCC (stratum, header size…), we did not find this information.
      We’ll try again soon and see what we can do about it. 🙂

  30. fvgenn says:

    hi guys! thank you for your work. two questions i’ve got:
    1. when i access telemetry page, no colored gauge meters appears down the screen
    2. not the subject of this teme, but if i’m here, why not. could you please flush STDOUT each time you print the log string on console, something like –boff as EWBF miner does: “–boff disable output buffering”

    **i run latest miniZ_v1.5r_cuda10_linux-x64 on ubuntu server 16.04, watching telemetry with Google Chrome 78.0.3904.97 on ubuntu 16.04 workstation

    Thank you so much, wish you luck and stay the best!!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi fvgenn,
      thank you for your message, and for your preference!
      On the next version miniZ will flush STDOUT every line.
      Regarding telemetry, it would be great if you can use another browser. We tested it on falkon and firefox, and it works.
      We will see if we can fix this in the future. Sorry but this has low priority at the moment 🙂
      Happy mining!

  31. Sleobo says:

    I am running miniZ 1.5s with the Nicehash Miner v1.9.2.17

    miniZ is the only miner I am running, there is no profit/algo switching. The algo is EQ 150,5,3

    The miner keeps restarting (or crashing and re-opening) randomly. Sometimes it does this after just a few minutes (~3-5mins) and sometimes after ~20-30 minutes.

    I can’t find any error messages/logs on windows Event viewer related to this problem.
    All software and drivers are up to date.

    Windows 10 Pro
    i5-4670, 16gigs DDR3 mem
    GTX 1080 on nvidia 441.08 drivers.

    Any idea what is causing this or how to fix this?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Sleobo,
      Are you applying some OC to your GPUs?
      From what you describe it looks that this might be related to OC settings, seems that is causing some instability.
      If this is the case try to adjust them a bit and check if it gets better.
      Let us know how it goes. 🙂
      Thanks for using miniZ!

      • Sleobo says:

        I do run my cards OC’ed. But I’ve also tried this with stock clocks and even underclocked. Doesn’t matter, the behavior continues. Temps are ok (around 60C). I have tried PL between 60 and 100, no change.

        I did download the 1.5s as a stand-alone and tried it. It doesn’t crash or restart so the problem must be with the Nicehash miner and not with miniZ.

        Sorry to have bothered with this as the problem is somewhere else than miniZ, but I hope this small tidbit might help anyone else having similar problem.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Sleobo,
          It is no bother at all, as you wrote the information can be useful for someone else. 🙂
          Also, it is definitely good to know that it is not a miniZ problem. Maybe a bug with miniZ integration into Nicehash miner.
          Thanks a lot for the feedback and happy mining!

  32. The MIner says:

    getting “segmentation fault (core dumped)” randomly, when starting MiniZ v1.5s on Ubuntu 19. When this occurs, I tried launching with one GPU without success. Only Reboot seems to fix this issue. I tried launching GMiner which works normally on such occurrence (never had this issue with any other miner). RIG has 9 GPUs, 1070s 1080s and 1070TIs. I even created 50GB SWAP, and tried different driver versions. What could be the issue?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi The MIner,
      could you paste here the program output just before this crash occurs?
      Which algo are you mining?

  33. bahram says:

    I use miniz to mine beam and the program use 100% of cpu although should just use gpu.
    os: win10 x64
    gpu:nvidia 1070

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Bahram,
      thank you for your message.
      Does this happen everytime you start the miner?
      Does this happen when mining other algorithms?
      Could you paste here the output of
      miniZ.exe -ci ?

  34. Crypto Sifu says:

    MiniZ 1.5s keeps restarting on me.
    Running x1 1070. Log doesn’t report any error. It just stops and restarts.
    Happening about once every 10-15 mins.
    I have —log enabled in command line.
    Any ideas?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Crypto Sifu,
      could you paste here the program output a little bit before the restart occurs?
      Which algo are you mining?
      This might not be related but just in case: do you you OC your GPUs? If so does this also happens when no OCs are applied?

  35. theislander says:

    I have setup a AION pool (private) but miniZ keeps crashing when connecting to the pool using this command: miniz.exe –user [wallet_addr].worker –server 192.168.x.x –port 3333 –log –extra –pers AION0PoW

    any help?

  36. Audrius says:

    | GMiner v1.96 |
    Algorithm: Equihash 144,5 “auto”
    DevFee: 2%
    Stratum server:
    user: 39PLRiKd3ANjcY8azwq8KmJGcqcsCavyiF$0-DKh15PFHhVWSzjnCvP0f6Q
    password: x
    Power calculator: on
    Color output: on
    Watchdog: off
    Log to file: off
    Selected devices: GPU0
    Intensity: 100
    Temperature limits: 90C
    16:35:13 GPU0 MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Ti 6GB: Selected Normal Solver
    16:35:13 Connect to Failed: Access is denied

    I First time using this

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Audrius,

      you can mine 144,5 algorithm using miniZ by downloading the miner from our Download page.

      If you need further help with setting up and using miniZ you can check “Windows mining with miniZ step-by-step“.

      Also, in the FAQ and Usage pages you can find additional information regarding miniZ usage.

      However, the problem you are facing seems to be related to your user/wallet, it does not look like a correct wallet address.

      We hope this helps and feel free to let us know if you need further help with miniZ miner. 🙂 … not with gminer 🙁


  37. cristian chasoy says:

    Hola buenas noches, quiero aprender a configurar para minar Grimm ya descargue MiniZ GUI Launcher v1.5 no se como configurarlo

    • miniZ says:

      Hola Cristian Chasoy,

      puedes ver el tutorial aquí. (en ingles)
      Es un ejemplo para BTG pero puede adaptarlo para Grimm.

      For example to mine Grimm/minar Grimm:

    • Server/port: la dirección de la pool y por el puerto.
    • Si quieres minar en Ravepool –
      Server: Port: 3333

      Si quieres minar en Sunpool –
      Server: Port: 3333 (or 3334)

    • Wallet: your wallet address/la dirección de su cartera.
    • Worker: su nombre de worker(rig). No es obligatorio pero en realidad depende de la pool que use. No es necessario en Ravepool y en Sunpool.
    • Password: no es obligatorio/necessario.
    • Algo: 150,5
    • Pers: GrimmPOW
    • Para más información, visite la página de instrucciones y FAQs (en ingles).

      Si hace falta puede contactarnos.

  • Crypto says:

    Hi, I have used MiniZ for about two weeks now, successfully, with no problems. Today, it cut off and now I am unable to even run my bat file (even though yesterday it worked fine). I have not changed or tinkered with anything, except restarting my computer a few times to see if it helps (it didn’t). any suggestions?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Crypto,
      Thank you for contacting us, sorry for taking a bit longer to reply.
      Also sorry about this.

      Do you get to see the miniZ header ************ miniZ v1.5t3 ************ ?
      Could you paste here your bat file? It looks that maybe something got broken with the file…


    • Bouebird says:

      Windows defender flagged miniz.exe as a virus. Need to go in defender and remove from quarantine and allow for the restore of the miniz.exe.. prob should do the same for the minizgui if you use it..

    • Bluebird says:

      Windows defender flagged miniz.exe as a virus. Need to go in defender and remove from quarantine and allow for the restore of the miniz.exe.. prob should do the same for the minizgui if you use it..

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Bluebird, and Crypto,

        It is true that Windows Defender sometimes wrongly flags some software, in this case you need to allow it manually.
        It is best to always confirm if the file SHA256 is the one indicated on the website. If the SHA256 is correct then miniZ should be fine. However, we will investigate this further.

        Thank you for your contribute to the forum.


  • Bluebird says:

    Why is there high latency using Miniz in hiveos when submitting shares, using 192,7.. gminer has latency of 53ms, same website, same config miniz has a latency of 500-600ms.. resulting in stale shares. Miniz in the win10 environment (5 rigs) is 53ms to same website and config. All 4 rigs with hiveos report 500-600ms..

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Bluebird,

      You may be using the latest miniZ version? We are taking care of this.
      Do you also experience this issue with miniz v1.5t2?

      Thank you for your feedback.


  • yellow says:

    hello, can we use miniZ with a personal block header and nonce, such as block header is 32 byte and nonce is 32 byte?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi yellow,

      At the moment miniZ does not support that feature. But, it is something to think about in the future.

      For which algo were you thinking of adding this? We do not see (yet) how we could implement this in the miner, command-line-wise. Do you have any ideas you care to share?

      Thank you for the suggestion!


      • yellow says:

        For equihash. there are a lot of public chains choose equihash as pow algorithm, but a lot of them can’t change the input of equihash (they keep input same with zcash witch 140 bytes header with nonce)because a lot of miners only support this input,i found out that miniz is the fatest miner of equihash, so i expect miniz can support general input of equihash, it will be a great help for public chains to define their own block header

        • miniZ says:

          Hi yellow,
          Thank you for your suggestions.
          We have to think about this more carefully (we’ve been a bit busy with Beam’s fork).
          It seems interesting 🙂 and we will see if this is doable in the near future.

  • Magoo says:

    Running miniZ on my old pc just fine. I built a new pc running Windows 10, installed the newest nvidia drivers for my cards and whenever I try to start miniZ it is giving me the “The application was unable to start correctly” accompanied by an error code (0xc000007b). I have tried everything I can find on that error. installed .net framework, update windows, update drivers and still can’t get it to work. Any ideas?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Magoo,

      Did you install Windows 64 bits? miniZ requires the 64bit version.

      Have you tried other miners? Do they work?


      • Magoo says:


        I do have windows 64bit pro version installed. I’m using gminer just fine but would like to use miniZ. Is there anything that could of not been installed on this fresh install of windows that might be causing miniZ to not run?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Magoo,

          “and whenever I try to start miniZ it is giving me the “The application was unable to start correctly” accompanied by an error code (0xc000007b). ”

          The only error you get is what you mentioned? miniZ doesn’t print/log any information at all?

          Maybe let’s start by asking you about the command line. Could you paste it here?

          Together we must be able to find the issue 🙂


          • Magoo says:

            Good news I got it to work. I installed
            Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 from Microsoft and
            Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2015 – 2019 from Microsoft
            Plus I increased my windows virtual memory initial to match the 6 cards i’m using. Not sure which one of those items fixed it as I did them all at the same time but I’m happy now lol.

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Magoo,
              Great that you managed to get it to work!
              Thank you for the feedback. This information might be useful for others too. 🙂

  • RainbowMiner says:

    There is a bug in the new v1.6v3 when mining on Nicehash. The miner seems to alter the selected algorithm from “–par=144,5s” to “150,5,3” causing 100% rejected shares on Nicehash:

    This is the commandline:
    miniZ.exe –telemetry 33000 -cd 0 1 4 –server –port 3387 –user 3M73gP6x55C7nws3ie7UwCHpy5tDDVLwHN.GTX1660TIs –pass x –pers Beam-PoW –gpu-line –extra –latency –nocolor –par=144,5s

    .. for some rigs it switches to “150,5,3” at the very beginning.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi rainbowminer,
      We tested your command line and it is working well.

      We have an idea about what can be happening: can you confirm that you wrote the ‘s’ in --par=144,5s ? It seems that you may have copied/wrote without the ‘s’.
      However, if we use --par=144,5 instead of --par=144,5s we have the same output as you have.

      You can also use --par=beam3 that may be more user friendly.

      Let us know if this helped.
      Thank you for the feedback. We’ll try to make miniZ ‘smarter’ in the next version to help avoid this issues. 🙂


      ps: We saw your message @ bitcointalk forum, and replied there too.

  • MiningTaken says:

    miniZ v1.6v3:
    “Algo equihash125 has closed with Exit Code: -1073741819 Attempting restart in 5 seconds…” error, after running several minutes with “–ocX” option.

    Command line: MiniZ.exe –ocX –cleanjobs –par=125_4 –smart-pers –telemetry=42000 –latency –extra –server [Server] –port [Port] –user [User] –pass [Password]

    FYI.: With “–oc2”, it runs smoothly.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MiningTaken,
      In stock settings usually --ocX does ok. However, when we modify core/memory clocks it can happen that one (or more) of the kernels become unstable. Depends a bit on the settings. Sometimes it happens on one specific kernel (mode). Do you see this? Does it always exits on the same mode?

      If it persists try to adjust your OCs. Or, if you observe that it seems specific to one mode, then you can try and do it manually.

      You can test a specific mode using --mode. Ex. --mode 0, runs mode 0 on all GPUs.

      --oc2 runs a specific mode (per GPU). It is good to know that that one is stable.

      In any case, we will have a closer look. Which GPU(s) are you using?
      We are trying to improve ocX versatility.

      Thanks for the feedback!

  • AZ Ronin says:

    I’m using v1.6v3 – I run Equihash 125_4. I’ve used previous versions and I’m fairly familiar with your miner. It’s the best I’ve used. However, this version –ocx causes the miner to close whereas the last version did not. I run 2x 1080ti and 1x 1080 with current drivers. I don’t get any codes and the system remains stable, the miner just stops and closes. Once I remove –ocx the miner runs like a champ.

    I’d be happy to provide any further information if it’s needed. Just let me know specifics of what else I can provide.

    Keep up the great work!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi AZ Ronin,
      Thank you for your message.
      We did not manage to reproduce this behavior.
      It is odd that you do not get any error. We’ll investigate.

      Could you paste here the start of the log (with the GPUs information)? Could you also paste the log when the miner closes?

      We’re making some structural modifications so we expect this to be resolved in the next version.

  • Paul says:

    Hello, I’m using miniZ v.1.6v3_cuda10 with RTX 2070 super, Windows10. Mining Beam Coins (BeamHash III).

    Why the software only boost the card until 1605MHz@core? Getting 23.5 Sol/s. I know the card can go up to 2010MHz@core on gaming, no manual OC.
    Also if I increase the memory clock +650MHz, nothing changes, same result 23.5 Sol/s.
    Temps 45C / 113F.
    Nvidia drivers v.451.48.

    Thank You,

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Paul,
      miniZ does nothing to the GPUs clocks. It is the driver that manages core clock even when you make manual adjustments to the oc settings.

      Possibly performance is limited by core clock, so an increase in memory clock may not help.

      Be aware that GPU utilization during gaming is quite different from mining.

      At the moment, the only thing we see that we could help is by working for better GPU optimization, by making miniZ better.
      So, in the next version you may be able to see better results. 🙂


  • Miner says:

    It looks like some times a [fee server] share is erroneously reported as a regular share (even when the –all-shares option is not selected).
    Specifically it reports the last share found on the last connection to the [fee server] as belonging to the pool server when it is not, it is really a share found while connected to the fee server and not the pool.
    This is very noticiable when solo mining.
    Please fix on next version.
    Many thanks!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Miner,
      You are right, this may happen ocasionally. The default output is 10 sec and the stars appear when a switch to the fee-pool, or user-pool, occur in those 10 sec.
      We understand your issue, specially in solo mining.
      We believe that we managed to fix this. It should be OK in the next version.
      Thanks a lot for the feedback!

  • Nathan says:

    Can you tell me what the 0.00% refers to - noting that it starts at 100% then shortly goes to 0.00%. I don’t know if this is indicating a problem, nor what it could be.

    ************ miniZ v1.6v3 ************
    Number of CUDA[10.0] devices found: 1
    Algo: EQ[144,5]
    Pool#0: user[natfu.natfuzcash1]
    server[] port[4444] ssl[no] pers[auto]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Optimisation: ocX[0]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    miniZ[06:0:00:5131]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce RTX 2060
    [ 0d 0h 0m10s] 0>RTX 2060 100% [59°C/ 0%] 23.63 I/s 48.4(48.4)Sol/s 80( 79.9)W clk=1350MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.61- 447ms
    [ 0d 0h 0m20s] 0>RTX 2060
    100% [60°C/ 0%] 24.48 I/s 50.3(50.3)Sol/s 79( 78.9)W clk=1350MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.64- 447ms
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Optimisation temperature not stable *T=59+-1.3C*
    [ 0d 0h 0m30s] 0>RTX 2060 100% [61°C/ 0%] 24.65 I/s 50.6(50.6)Sol/s 78( 78.4)W clk=1305MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.65- 447ms
    [ 0d 0h 0m40s] 0>RTX 2060
    100% [62°C/ 0%] 24.65 I/s 48.2(48.2)Sol/s 78( 78.5)W clk=1335MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.61- 447ms
    [ 0d 0h 0m50s] 0>RTX 2060 100% [62°C/ 0%] 24.64 I/s 47.3(47.3)Sol/s 79( 78.6)W clk=1305MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.60- 447ms
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Optimisation temperature not stable *T=61+-1.4C*
    [ 0d 0h 1m00s] 0>RTX 2060
    100% [61°C/ 0%] 24.65 I/s 47.7(47.7)Sol/s 79( 78.6)W clk=1305MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.61- 447ms
    [ 0d 0h 1m10s] 0>RTX 2060 100% [60°C/ 0%] 24.65 I/s 48.9(48.9)Sol/s 78( 78.2)W clk=1305MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.62- 447ms
    [ 0d 0h 1m20s] 0>RTX 2060
    100% [60°C/ 0%] 24.66 I/s 48.9(48.9)Sol/s 78( 78.4)W clk=1305MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.62- 447ms
    [ 0d 0h 1m30s] 0>RTX 2060 0.00% [59°C/ 0%]*24.68 I/s 48.5(48.5)Sol/s 78( 78.3)W clk=1335MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.62- 445ms
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Optimisation temperature not stable *T=60+-1.3C*
    [ 0d 0h 1m40s] 0>RTX 2060
    0.00% [59°C/ 0%]*24.69 I/s 49.3(49.3)Sol/s 79( 78.4)W clk=1305MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.63- 448ms
    [ 0d 0h 1m50s] 0>RTX 2060 `0.00% [59°C/ 0%] 24.71 I/s 48.9(48.9)Sol/s 78( 78.3)W clk=1305MHz mclk=6801MHz Sol/W=0.62- 448ms

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Nathan,
      Sadly miniZ does not support ZEC algorithm, usually referred as Equihash (without reference to parameters). ZEC usually is mined with asic miner as GPUs are not efficient in this case. This is why miniZ is indicating that you are not submitting good shares to the pool (hence the 0.00%).

      miniZ is a Equihash Cuda miner that you can use with your NVIDIA GPUs, and supports most Equihash algorithm variants:

      * 144,5 (Zhash)
      * 125,4 (ZelHash)
      * 150,5,3 (BeamHash II)
      * 144,5s (BeamHash III)
      * 150,5
      * 192,7 (Equihash Heavy)
      * 96,5
      * 210,9

      For example, Equihash 144,5 is appropriate to mine Bitcoin Gold (BTG), BitcoinZ (BTCZ), SnowGem (XSG), and a few other coins.

      Hope this helps.
      In any case, thank you for your preference. 🙂

  • jim says:

    0>GTX 970 100% [67鳦/58%] 6.27 I/s 12.3(12.3)Sol/s 168(170.2)W clk=1442MHz mclk=3004MHz Sol/W=0.07
    1>GTX 1050 Ti
    100% [72鳦/54%] 3.35 I/s 6.7( 6.8)Sol/s 75( 75.0)W clk=1620MHz mclk=3504MHz Sol/W=0.09
    [FATAL ] GPU[0]: Driver error 999 ‘unknown error’ in line 116
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from
    [INFO ] Exited GPU#1
    [FATAL ] Invalid command line switch -di!

    what’s that mean?
    GTX 970&1050TI
    and my computer reboot …howa can i fix that

    • miniZ says:

      Hi jim,
      We suspect that this is OC related. It looks like that the driver crashed.
      If you applying OC to your GPUs you can try to adjust them a little to see if it solves the issue.
      You may like to know that we are finalising a new version with improvements for equihash 150,5 algorithm. It should be out in about 24h. 🙂

      • Jakub says:

        Hi, I’m getting the same error for my MSI 2080 Ti. Miner was working well for couple of days. I unplugged one of gpus and when tried to start mining again with one less, one of graphic cards occurred such error. I have reset OC and runned “stock” no OC setup. This didn’t help. Also Upgraded hive OS. It is working fine under ETH Phoenix miner on another board. Changed riser, cables etc. Can someone support, please?

  • Saba says:

    I am running miniZ.exe on Windows 10.

    .\miniZ.exe –url=ssl://**** –par=beam3 –log –extra –latency
    ************ miniZ v1.6w ************
    Number of CUDA[10.0] devices found: 1
    Cannot read health status! (is installed?): No such file or directory
    Algo: EQ[beam3]
    Pool#0: user[*****]
    server[] port[3333] ssl[yes] pers[Beam-PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    miniZ[06:0:00:6743]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce RTX 2070
    [ 0d 0h 0m04s] S: 0/0 0>RTX 2070 100% [0°C/ 0%] 12.70 I/s 25.3(25.3)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1650MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf []- 372ms (100.0%) (0.0%)
    [ 0d 0h 0m10s] S: 1/0 0>RTX 2070
    100% [0°C/ 0%]*12.90 I/s 25.7(25.7)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1650MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf []- 373ms (100.0%) (0.0%)

    I am getting the warning “Cannot read health status! (is installed?): No such file or directory”. Still the application able to run, but it is not displaying the temperature.

    Below is the result for running nvidia-smi:

    Fri Sep 25 21:12:27 2020
    | NVIDIA-SMI 456.38 Driver Version: 456.38 CUDA Version: 11.1 |
    | GPU Name TCC/WDDM | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC |
    | Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. |
    | 0 GeForce RTX 2070 WDDM | 00000000:01:00.0 Off | N/A |
    | 59% 68C P2 170W / 175W | 4135MiB / 8192MiB | 100% Default |

    | Processes: |
    | GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory |
    | ID ID Usage |
    | 0 N/A N/A 7336 C C:\Beam\miniZ\miniZ.exe N/A |

    Any idea will be helpful.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Saba,
      It looks like you are missing the nvidia library nvml.dll.
      It could be misplaced, or during driver instalation the antivirus got rid of it.

      You’ll need to find/download the file and add it to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\, or to miniZ folder (should work too).

      You can try to reinstall the driver, possibly this would be enough to solve the issue.

      Let us know if this helped.

  • Achillian says:

    Hi guys, I am getting “Cannot load deviceZ code.” on my RTX 3090. Works fine with RTX 2070s on the same rig though.
    Tried v1.6w and v1.6w2

    Below is the complete log:

    ************ miniZ v1.6w ************
    Number of CUDA[10.0] devices found: 1
    Algo: EQ[144,5s]
    Pool#0: user[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.L1]
    server[] port[3333] ssl[yes] pers[Beam-PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    miniZ[06:0:00:23336]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce RTX 3090
    [FATAL ] Cannot load deviceZ code.
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from
    [INFO ] Stopping miner

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Achillian,

      For the Ampere architectures (RTX 30 series) you need to use Cuda 11.1 versions, and have installed:
      * NVIDIA 455.23 driver or later, for version compiled with cuda 11.1 (Linux).
      * NVIDIA 456.38 driver or later, for version compiled with cuda 11.1 (Windows).

      Just in case: it seems that in some cases miniZ is not loading the best kernel (for Beam mining) so hashrate is lower than expected. If this happens try using --mode=6. We will try to further optimise Beam for your GPU.

      Let us know this helped to solve the issue.
      Thank you for using miniZ!

  • Shannon Haslam says:

    Hi i keep getting a message cannot load device code on a 680gtx. just wondering if you may be able to help.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Shannon Haslam,

      miniZ is not compliled for _sm3X architectures (Kepler), so you will not be able to use it with your GTX680.

      To include architectures below _sm35 we would need to make major modifications to the program, so that it would be able to run on those GPUs.

      We believe that your GPU is sm30, could you please confirm this by running miniZ with -ci program?:

      miniZ.exe -ci

      Could you also tell us which algo where you trying to run?

      Thank you for your feedback!

      • Shannon Haslam says:

        I ran the script as you suggested and it is sm30.

        Simple answer its not supported anymore due to its age. Fair enough. It suck when you have old hardware around that has no use anymore.

  • Cristian says:

    My wattage isn’t showing on the command prompt.

    • cristian says:

      Its a GTX 980 and it was fine before but when i went to another miner and came back to this one it didn’t show up anymore.

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Cristian,

        We suspect that it may be related to the driver, and a reboot may solve it.

        Could you try this and let us know if it helped?

        Thank you for using miniZ.

  • Andy says:

    When working with the –cleanjobs parameter, after launching and several shares in the working pool, it switches to the fee.server server for more than 10 minutes (after that it is deleted). Without this parameter, the transition to fee.server within 1% and return to the working pool.

    thank you

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Andy,
      Sorry for taking longer than ususal to reply.

      --cleanjobs should be used with care, not all pools support it. In fact most pools do not support this option.
      After the first job there are no more clean jobs. This can cause high number of stale shares, and pool may disconnect after a while.

      We are not aware of any beam pool that support --cleanjobs, so it is better not use this option 🙂

  • Sean Morrison says:

    Nicehash will not install the plugin to allow me to use MiniZ. Been trying and trying to no avail. Any ideas?

    Windows 10 64 bit
    i7 9700K
    EVGA 3080 FTW3 Ultra

    Much thanks!

  • SenatorB says:

    I am running CUDA 10.2 and CUDA 11 and get the same error running miniz 1.6x with Awesome Miner for BEAM using Windows 10 64-bit on a system with 4 total TESLA V100 16gb cards. I have tried using all GPUs and also stopping all other miners and using a single GPU (ID: 0) and have the same result.

    CUDA Driver API error = 0701 from

    This takes about 90 – 120 seconds to show up. I have re-installed CUDA 10.2 and will try to install CUDA 10 next in place of 10.2 to see what happens.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi SenatorB,

      Thank you for the feedback.

      Could you try running mniniZ with other kernels? You can use --mode=n, n={6,11,12,13}.
      We’ll try to have a closer look at this issue. Also, maybe we’ll be able to optimise miniZ for these GPUs.


  • PETER CHAUKE says:

    I use gt1030. my problem is, miniz plugin does not install anymore after around December 2020

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Peter Chauke,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      We made a few modifications to our website security settings that may resolve the issue.
      Could you try again, and let us know if it is OK now?

    • Meek says:

      i am a Nicehash user.
      Everytime MiniZ had a new version, i downloaded it and pasted directly into the folder in Nicehash structure (overwriting the old version with new one…).
      It was an unofficial solution for faster using the new versions, ofc 🙂 this way is known and used widely ofc…
      When NH reported new version inside the program, i clicked it, and used the new version “officialy”

      But since release 1.7x i got an error after starting mining, that “there is no pool selected”.
      The only way is to create BAT and mine directly (with using NH address). But its not a “comfort solution”, because NH doesnt know about it and dont change the algos to more profitable ones…

      Please fix it… or please give us this new version (1.7x) through the “update” button inside NH 🙂

      thank you very much 🙂

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Meek,
        We are not sure we fully understand the issue. This seems an error given by Nicehash.

        Are you able to tell what is the command that Nicehash generates to launch miniZ?

        Maybe we’ll be able to understand this and help you set up the miner.


  • Lucas says:

    Hi, i have a problem since a few days.
    If i try to start miniZ i get following error:
    [ERROR ] GPU[0] miniZ requires at least 1903MB to run, but only has 1669MB.

    There is no other application started.
    Any Ideas?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Lucas,
      Thanks for the feedback.
      It looks that there is something using the GPU. Could it be that you updated the nvidia driver?
      Which algo are you trying to mine? And which operating system?
      Could you paste here the miniZ log output, the start of the log?

      • Lucas says:

        Hi miniZ,
        thanks for the fast response.
        There should nothing be using the GPU. I tried restarting my pc and immediately get the Error.
        I am trying to mine Beam3 on Windows 10.
        And here is hopefully the right log:
        ************ miniZ v1.6x ************
        Algo: EQ[beam3]
        Pool#0: user[censored]
        server[] port[3387] ssl[no] pers[Beam-PoW]
        Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
        Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
        Temp. limit: [90øC]
        [ERROR ] GPU[0] miniZ requires at least 1903MB to run, but only has 1669MB.
        [WARNING] miniZ[-1:0:00:1669]: Not selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GTX 960
        [ 0d 0h 0m06s]
        [ 0d 0h 0m10s]
        [ 0d 0h 0m20s]
        [ 0d 0h 0m30s]
        [ 0d 0h 0m40s]
        [FATAL ] No devices selected, exiting…
        [INFO ] Disconnecting from

        Best Regards

        • Lucas says:

          I hope its alright to post the link of the picture

          VRam is completely empty and I still get the error.

          • miniZ says:

            Hi Lucas,
            Thank you for the information.

            Unfortunately the 2GB GPUs cannot mine beam3 in Windows 10.
            We managed to shrink the kernel enough to run on Windows 7 and Linux. Windows 10 only allows using ~82% of the GPU memory.

            You should be able to run 144,5 210,9 and 96,5.
            (With Linux and Windows 7 you would be able to also mine 125,4 192,7 and 144,5s (beam3) 🙂


  • Hay says:

    I downloaded the miniZ program for use on my windows 10, but I got this error message: VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found!

    please help.
    Thank you

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Hay,
      Thank you for your message.
      miniZ doesn’t seem to be able to find the file. You can try to locate the file in your system and copy it into miniZ folder.

      You can find various suggestions on how to fix this. Example here.
      However, unless you need it for something else, maybe the best is to find the file and place it next to miniZ. You can download it here.

      Let us know if this helped.

      • Hay says:

        Thank you for your response.
        I managed to start it via the GUI but it does not work.
        I have the latest driver installed but I get this error message, please help. –par=144,5 –pers=BitcoinZ
        ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
        miniZ: Excluding GPU#0 GeForce 820M
        Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0
        No devices selected, exiting…

  • Jay says:

    I need help running this miner, using gtx 1650 to mine beam. I keep getting this error on start.

    miniZ[00:0:00.0:3326]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GTX 1650
    [FATAL ] GPU[0] has invalid mode 0.

    Please help.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jay,
      It looks like the miner is not starting with the right kernel.
      Could you try adding --mode 12 to your command line?
      Also, could you let us know if it works this way? And which operating system are you using?
      Thank you for the feedback!

      • Jay says:

        Hi miniZ,
        Tired adding mode 12, does not work. I am using windows 10 for my os.
        ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
        Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1
        Algo: EQ[144,5s] [smart-pers]
        Pool#0: user[]
        server[] port[3333] ssl[yes] pers[Beam-PoW]
        Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
        Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
        Optimisation: ocX[0]
        Temp. limit: [90°C]
        [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
        [WARNING] GPU[0] cannot run in mode 12
        miniZ[00:0:00.0:3326]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GTX 1650
        [FATAL ] GPU[0] has invalid mode 0.
        [INFO ] Disconnecting from
        What should I do?
        Appreciate your help. Thanks!

        • miniZ says:

          Hi jay,
          Thank you for the feedback. We’ll have a look at this.
          It seems that the 4GB kernel for sm7.5 may have some issue.
          We’ll investigate and, if necessary, a correction will be included in the next update.

          • Pechenka says:

            Same error with Equihash 125,4
            Waiting for a fix too…

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Pechenka,
              Sorry for a late reply.

              Could you give us a few more details?
              – Which GPU are you using?
              – Are you using Windows 10?

              Thank you!

  • Hay says:

    Hi, I have a lenovo flex with an Nvidia GeForce 820M. I want to mine btcz but it’s not working.
    I have the latest driver installed (391.35) but I get this error message when I try to use the miner, please help. –par=144,5 –pers=BitcoinZ
    ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
    miniZ: Excluding GPU#0 GeForce 820M
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0
    No devices selected, exiting…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Hay,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      Try adding to your command line: -cd n, where n is your GPU number. Kepler GPUs are excluded by default, you need to include them ‘by hand’.
      Let us know if this works for you.

      • Hay says:

        Thank you for your help.
        I’m not a programmer, so I will need your help in this. How do I find out what my GPU number is?
        I would be very grateful if you could write down exactly what you want me to add.
        Thank you

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Hay,
          No problem 🙂

          To know the GPU number order you can run in the terminal
          miniZ.exe -ci

          This will list the available GPUs.
          You can see the number right next to #. If you only have one GPU the number will be 0.

          Then you can run miniZ adding -cd n (n is the GPU number) to the command line.

          Something like this should work:
          miniZ.exe -cd n --log --extra

          Do not forget to add your wallet, worker, and GPU number.

          Check our FAQ page for more examples on How to mine BitcoinZ?

          Let us know if you managed to start the miner.

          • Hay says:

            Thanks a lot. I think we are making progress. I have added the GPU number with -cd 0
            And this is the error I got:

   –par=144,5 –pers=BitcoinZ -cd 0
            ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
            Algo: EQ[144,5] [smart-pers]
            Pool#0: user[t1ddYmxdLhbEko2H3W5yNUsiPre2xnS6CZf.Optional_ID]
            server[] port[3032] ssl[no] pers[BitcoinZ]
            Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
            Temp. limit: [90°C]
            [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
            miniZ[15:0:00.0:1679]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce 820M
            [FATAL ] Cannot load deviceZ code.
            [INFO ] Disconnecting from

            Any idea where to proceed from here, please? What is the deviceZ code?
            Thank you very much, I really appreciate your help.

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Hay,
              The architecture of your GPU is Fermi, which is not supported by miniZ.
              We first thought that it was Kepler, the next architecrure after Fermi… sorry about that.
              In any case that GPU would have a very very low hashrate.
              Thank you for your interest in miniZ!

    • Hay says:

      Thank you for your help.
      I’m not a programmer, so I will need your help in this. How do I find out what my GPU number is?
      I would be very grateful if you could write down exactly what you want me to add.
      Thank you

  • Abulig says:

    Hi, Can miniZ be used with an Intel HD graphics card?
    Thank you,

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Abulig,
      Thank you for your interest.
      For Intel cards you need an opencl miner.
      miniZ is Cuda miner 🙂

  • miniFriend says:

    Hi there.
    When I start mining with my GTX 1660 (Windows 10) below messages apear, and that’s it.(Ended without further messages)
    But I can see the log file “miniZ.log” that contains the missing messages flow after the broken “Temp. limit: [90?”
    I guess the reason why miniZ does not show further is that the ascii code for “degree” celsious is not properly shown.

    What do you think of that, and is there any soloution?

    ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1
    Algo: EQ[144,5s] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[xxx.xx]
    server[] port[3333] ssl[yes] pers[Beam-PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
    Optimisation: ocX[0]
    Temp. limit: [90?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi miniFriend,
      Thank you for the feedback!
      Could you try running miniZ with --nocolor, and let us know if this solves the issue?
      This can help understand if it is related to ‘degree’ character.

      • miniFriend says:

        Thanks for your wonderful support, mimiZ!

        I did try your recommendation and found it worked!
        But I do prefer to have multiple colors instead of singular one.

        SO I DID FIND a final solution!
        Above situation occurs only in Command Prompt, so I changed to the ConEmu in order to see the difference.(your snippet in the consol output section gives me a hint)

        And finally ComEmu works well with distinguishable colors, even though it still has a broken degree symbol.

        Anyhow many thanks for your great support and kindness. Have a great day. Cheers.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi miniFriend,
          Good that you managed to get it working. It looks like it was related to colors. Are you using Windows 10?
          We will investigate the issue anyawy.
          Thank you for your message!

          • miniFriend says:

            Yes exactly, I am using it on Windows 10 🙂

            FYI, I found one more point.

            I have two rigs with windows 10 and only one has this broken symbol.
            (Another one does not have broken degree symbol at all)

            Even if both of them are the same Windows 10, they are slightly different version, since they had been built at different time. So I guess the different font settings of regional locale make this problem.(Yes it’d set up exactly the same, but Windows has different settings inside) The reason why I do think in this way is that not only miniZ has a broken part, but other programs with un-unicode based code has a similar problem.

            Many thanks!.

  • abdhia says:

    salut Mr miniZ
    j ai commencé a exploiter minZ sur mon pc laptop et j ai obtenu ce message:

    miniZ v1.6w4 ************
    Number of CUDA[11.1] devices found: 1
    Algo: EQ[144,5]
    [WARNING] No mining pool specified!
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    miniZ[15:0:00:1664]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce MX230
    [ 0d 0h 0m06s] 0>GeForce MX230 ` 100% [41°C/ 0%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1518MHz mclk=3504MHz Sol/W=-nan(ind)

    • miniZ says:

      Hi abdhia,

      You need to specify your wallet address. The wallet of the coin you want to mine.
      Also, you need to choose a mining pool.

      For example, to mine Bitcoin Gold with WoolyPooly pool you need to run:

      miniZ.exe --log --extra

      (WorkerName is optional, is a name you give to your mining worker.)

      You can find more information in our FAQ page.

      Thank you for using miniZ!

  • saya says:

    hello guys i am using gtx 1060 3gb miniz miner from nicehash version v1.6x the problem is the miner suddenly restart after 10 minutes sometimes after 20 minutes?? is there any solution to it?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi saya,
      Could you let us know what algorithm are you mining?
      Have you tried the latest version, v1.7×3? If so, do you get the same behavior?

  • Team,

    Performance is amazing GTX 1660Ti.

    The DOS window does not show any shares. I thought it was not working but via localhost it shows shares.

    Does the column after Sol/s should be the # shares?  Always zero in the DOS window.



    • miniZ says:

      Hi CryptoMarketSpy,

      To show shares you can use --show-shares option that shows submitted shares/stale/rejected shares.
      Or --extra that gives also other information.
      You can see further details about miniZ command line options here

      We notice that you do not have power information (you’re getting zeros).
      This could be related to your driver, better to update to a more recent driver.

      Thank you for your feedback.

  • PaulHiduk says:

    C:\btcz\mining app>.\miniZ.exe –url=t1Sup9FxkFHvZFHSUqqtTyEkPB14FHV6cMp.Optional_ID@stratum+tcp:// –par=144,5 –pers=BitcoinZ
    ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
    miniZ: Excluding GPU#0 GeForce GT 740M
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0
    No devices selected, exiting…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Paul Hiduk,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      Try adding to your command line: -cd n, where n is your GPU number. Kepler GPUs are excluded by default, you need to include them ‘by hand’.
      Let us know if this works for you.

    • saya says:

      the algorith is equihash 144,5 zhash in nicehash sudden restart the shares not even going longer than 34 shares then suddenrestart

      • miniZ says:

        Hi saya,

        We were unable to reproduce your issue.

        The following works well, for example:
        miniZ.exe --extra

        How are you mining with NiceHash? Could you paste here the command line that you are using? Or that NiceHash is generating?
        Also, which GPU are you using?


        • saya says:

          the gpu im using is gtx 1060 3gb

          • saya says:

            is it natural that the shares in mining does not reach beyond 40 shares in miniz then it was sudden restarting

            • miniZ says:

              Hi saya,

              The behavior you describe is not normal. We are trying to reproduce it but so far we’ve been unable to understand what can be causing this.

              If you could tell us what error you get with the miner. Are you able to see this?

              Just another question, are you overclocking your GPUs? If this is the case, this could be causing some instability. Try to adjust the OC values.

              To exclude that the issue is related to the nvidia driver, it is good to update it to a recent version.

              We hope that some of this tips may help.
              We are preparing a new release, we’ll do our best to understand this issue.


  • Guillaume says:


    I started mining yesterday with miniZ and can’t mine!
    the mining works for a while, then I receive “WARNING: Bad Share: Invalid Solution” errors which prevents me from validating my mining (see photo, the green curve goes up and then goes down again for no reason). But this error also means that nothing is displayed in the software …
    Do you have an idea please?
    I mine FLux (Equihash 125.4) with an RTX 3080

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Guillaume,
      We were unable to reproduce your issue.
      We have a few bad shares but for the rest it works fine.
      In any case were having a look at 125,4 mining with the RTX 30XX series.
      Thank you for the feedback.

      • Guillaume says:


        Thank you anyway .. 🙁 If you ever want to see the errors and my mining curve, the photo did not fit in the previous message.
        Thank you for the answer

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Guillaume,

          Thank you for the screenshot.

          We see that you do not use any option to log more details. To track better the information and statistics of you can use --show-shares option that shows submitted shares/stale/rejected shares.
          Or --extra that gives also other information.

          Do use all the features we make avaiable (see here). These are valuable because they provide information about your rigs’ performance, but also because the information/data allow us to help when an issue occurs.

          For the moment it does not seem that you have too many rejected shares, but it is good to keep track of them and see if it improves with more statistics (with time).

          We continue to investigate this.


          • asdf says:
            What causes 100% bad shares with CUDA 11.3, latest graphics driver?

            Cuda: cuda_11.3.r11.3/compiler.29745058_0
            GPU Driver Version: 466.63 (

            miniZ<144,5>[16:0:00.0:7132]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
            [ 0d 0h 0m02s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3070  100% [61°C/84%] 60.03 I/s 119.76(119.76)Sol/s 47( 47.1)W clk=1935MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=2.54 []
            [WARNING] Bad share: unknown
            [ 0d 0h 0m10s] S: 0/0/1 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [72°C/81%]*58.79 I/s 117.29(117.29)Sol/s 251(251.4)W clk=1875MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.47 []
            [ 0d 0h 0m20s] S: 0/0/1 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [73°C/80%] 59.59 I/s 124.98(124.98)Sol/s 260(260.3)W clk=1875MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.48 []
            [ 0d 0h 0m30s] S: 0/0/1 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [74°C/82%] 59.65 I/s 119.87(119.87)Sol/s 262(261.5)W clk=1845MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.46 []
            [WARNING] Bad share: unknown
            [ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: 0/0/2 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [75°C/84%]*59.64 I/s 116.76(116.76)Sol/s 262(262.0)W clk=1860MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.45 []
            [ 0d 0h 0m50s] S: 0/0/2 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [75°C/85%] 59.61 I/s 119.01(119.01)Sol/s 262(262.0)W clk=1845MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.45 []
            [ 0d 0h 1m00s] S: 0/0/2 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [76°C/85%] 59.60 I/s 119.07(119.07)Sol/s 262(262.1)W clk=1845MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.45 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
            [WARNING] Bad share: unknown
            [ 0d 0h 1m10s] S: 0/0/3 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [76°C/86%]*59.59 I/s 118.74(118.74)Sol/s 262(262.2)W clk=1860MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.45 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
            [ 0d 0h 1m20s] S: 0/0/3 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [76°C/86%] 59.57 I/s 118.71(118.71)Sol/s 262(262.3)W clk=1845MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.45 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
            [ 0d 0h 1m30s] S: 0/0/3 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [76°C/87%] 59.57 I/s 119.50(119.50)Sol/s 263(262.5)W clk=1860MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.46 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
            [WARNING] Bad share: unknown
            [ 0d 0h 1m40s] S: 0/0/4 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [76°C/87%]*59.56 I/s 118.66(118.66)Sol/s 262(262.4)W clk=1860MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.45 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
            [ 0d 0h 1m50s] S: 0/0/4 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [76°C/87%] 59.55 I/s 119.09(119.09)Sol/s 263(262.5)W clk=1860MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.45 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
            [ 0d 0h 2m00s] S: 0/0/4 0>RTX 3070 `0.00% [76°C/87%] 59.55 I/s 119.48(119.48)Sol/s 263(262.5)W clk=1860MHz mclk=6800MHz Sol/W=0.46 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
            • miniZ says:

              Hi asdf,

              Thank you for contacting us.

              Could you let us know which OS are you using? And could you paste here your command line?


  • caniala says:

    Bonjour, dès que je lance miniz, j’ai cette erreur dans les logs :

    miniZ v1.7×3
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 2
    Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[t1an6R7FuD7zLbPjmK36eLJhVma3dYGk9pF.mdf1]
    server[] port[7011] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]


    Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
    Temp. limit: [90 C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<125,4>[04:0:00.0:5228]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
    miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:11282]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
    [FATAL ] CUDA Driver API error = 0701 from <125,4>, line 1308.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi caniala,
      Sorry, the default kernel for the RTX 3060 is not working.

      For the moment you need to tell miniZ to run kernel 6 in that GPU.
      To achieve this you need to add --mode0 6 to your command line.

      Thank you for the feedback.

  • Baron says:

    J’ai une RTX 3080 et lorsque je lance le minage j’ai cette erreur :
    [ERROR ] Socket[-1] No error:connect
    [WARNING] Cannot connect to pool, reconnect in ~60s!

    J’ai il me semble bien configuré mes fichiers, j’ai essayé de désactiver mon anti-virus, mettre une exception au dossier, redémarrer mon PC, mais toujours la même erreur…
    Pouvez-vous m’aider SVP 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Baron,

      Maybe you need to specify the Personalisation String? Or the algorithm.
      Zel coin changed to Flux and miniZ is not able to start the algorithm automatically when mining with some pools.
      This will be corrected in the next release.

      We did not test with RTX 3080, but it is working for us.
      If this is the issue you’ll need to add --par 125,4 or --pers ZelProof to the command line.

      Your command line should look similar to this:
      miniZ.exe --log --extra --pers ZelProof

      Let us know if this helped.

      • Baron says:


        Oui maintenant avec cette ligne de commande tout fonctionne bien.

        miniZ.exe – –log –extra –pers ZelProof –par 125,4 -p minpayout=80

        Merci beaucoup,


  • Johnjohn says:


    I started to mine ZCL with the last version of miniz and it looks like I don’t get a lot of green stars.

    Does that mean that the share without a green star are not valid ?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Johnjohn,

      A few yellow, or even red, stars is normal. But if you are getting too much (> 1% for example) then something is off.

      To show shares you can use --show-shares option that shows submitted shares/stale/rejected shares.
      Or --extra that gives also other information.

      After running the miner with --show-shares you can see the log (in console of file). If you want to let us know how many shares green/yellow/red we’ll help to understand the issue.
      Could you tell us also to which pool are you mining?

      Thanks for the feedback.

  • Daniel Jones says:

    I am getting this error only, please tell how to fix this:


    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<144,5s>[00:0:00.0:3323]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
    [FATAL ] GPU[0] has invalid mode 0.
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Daniel Jones,

      Sorry for this.
      Could you use version 1.6v3 (or v4)? And let us know if it works?

      It seems that the kernel for that GPU got broken.
      We’ll fix this for the next release.

      Thank you for the feedback!

      • Levi Elliott says:

        I am having the same issue with a GTX 1650 and can confirm that 1.6v3 does not seem to resolve the issue.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Levi Elliott,
          Thank you for reporting this.
          We corrected the kernel for these GPUs, with the next version it should work well.
          The new version will be out soon (hopefully within a week).

  • Meek says:

    hello team 🙂

    when i put your 4 files (ver 1.7×3 and 1.7×4) to the BIN directory (Nicehash structure) and start to mine, there is an error “no pool selected”
    with older 1.6x it starts normally…
    thank you for good work 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Meek,

      This issue will be resolved in the next version.
      For the moment you need to use version v1.6x.

      To use the lastest version, try to append the port number to the name of the pool.
      For example, for Zhash, instead of

      Thanks for the feedback.

  • P says:

    Hi all, I started mining BZE yesterday but I don’t see any transactions in my wallet yet. Is it possible that I am doing something wrong?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi P,
      Usually the pool defines a minimum treshold that you need to achieve before a transaction is made for your wallet. Could this be the issue? Try to check with the pool what is their minimum threshold for BZE.

      Are you mining with We see that they have this information at their website: “Starting with 15.08.2020 – BZE payments will be paid only ~once every 2-3 days.”

      If you confirmed that is not related to the threshold (or pool rules for payments), then could you paste here your command line? And paste here miniZ what miniZ is logging to the console?


  • auer says:

    intensify setting doesnt work

    • miniZ says:

      Hi auer,
      In general, the response of the intensity function depends on the algorithm. It really needs to be adjusted for each system. However, we’ll try to improve this function in next release.
      Could you let us know what algorithm are you trying to mine with intensity?

  • zzcrypto says:

    Bad share: Incorrect pool nonce

    • miniZ says:

      Hi zzcrypto,
      Thank you for your feedback!

      This can be a stale share. If it doesn’t happen often it is normal, and is not a problem.

      Could you let us know which algo are you mining? And which pool? We’ll have a look at it.

  • Yann says:


    I have a problem that I cant manage the memory clock of my gpu. I can increase it on msi  afterburner but when I start mining with miniz (125.4) my memory clock doesnt take the increase and stay at the same level. Maybe you could help me to understand why ?

    Thank you by advance

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Yann,
      Thanks for your message.

      We understand that the performance stays the same? With 125,4 we noticed that increasing the Core clock, and sometimes decreasing Memory clock, helps increase performace.

      This seems to work better when we are limiting power to a lower level. We have some of our settings here: However, we haven’t tried with your GPU. Maybe it will work for your settings.

      Let us know if you managed to boost a little your GPU performance.

  • Vlad says:

    Downloaded, Hash not even close to expected. Please look into this.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Vlad,
      Thank you for the feedback!
      Which algorithm are you mining? And which GPUs are you using?
      We’ll have a look at this.

  • william says:

    Hi, I downloaded the miniz_v1.7xx3_win-x64, but every time I hit start the application it says fails.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi william,

      Thank you for your message.

      Could you give us some more details?
      Could you paste here the error you are getting when the miner fails to start?

      In any case, is it this error: VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found! ?

      If so, miniZ doesn’t seem to be able to find the file. You can try to locate the file in your system and copy it into miniZ folder.

      You can find various suggestions on how to fix this. Example here.

      However, unless you need it for something else, maybe the best is to find the file and place it next to miniZ. You can download it here.

      Let us know if this helped.

      • William says:

        Hello this is the message I get each time I try to start the program.

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe – –par=beam3 –pers=BitcoinZ
        ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
        LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>timeout /t 5

        Waiting for 4294967286 press a key to continue …

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>goto loop

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe – –par=beam3 –pers=BitcoinZ
        ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
        LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>timeout /t 5

        Waiting for 3 seconds, press a key to continue …

      • william says:

        Hi, I already tried that and it still didn’t work. Below is the message I usually get each time it crashes.

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App Two\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe –
        –par=144,5 –pers=BitcoinZ
        ********** miniZ v1.7×3 **********
        LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App Two\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>timeout /t 5

        Waiting for 3 seconds, press a key to continue …

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App Two\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>goto loop

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App Two\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe –
        –par=144,5 –pers=BitcoinZ
        ********** miniZ v1.7×3 **********
        LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

        C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App Two\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>timeout /t 5

        Waiting for 2

        Do you know what this might mean? Or what might be causing this?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi William,

          Thank you for your feedback.

          We suggest you to reinstall the driver, or locate nvcuda.dll and copy the file into the miniZ.exe folder.
          You can also add the nvcuda.dll path to the Windows PATH.

          Let us know if this helped.

  • william says:

    Hi this is the message I usually get each time I try to start the program

    C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe – –par=beam3 –pers=BitcoinZ
    ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
    LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

    C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>timeout /t 5

    Waiting for 4294967286 press a key to continue …

    C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>goto loop

    C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe – –par=beam3 –pers=BitcoinZ
    ************ miniZ v1.7×3 ************
    LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!

    C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Mining App\miniZ_v1.7x3_win-x64>timeout /t 5

    Waiting for 3 seconds, press a key to continue …

  • Tuan Tran says:

    Hi, I got this error, please help!


    ************ miniZ v1.6w2 ************
    Number of CUDA[10.0] devices found: 1
    Algo: EQ[beam3]
    Pool#0: user[]
    server[] port[3333] ssl[yes] pers[Beam-PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
    Optimisation: ocX[0]
    Temp. limit: [90øC]
    miniZ<144,5s>[00:0:00:3327]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA Quadro T1000
    [FATAL ] GPU[0] has invalid mode 0.
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from

    Temp. limit: [90øC]
    miniZ<144,5s>[00:0:00:3327]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA Quadro T1000
    [FATAL ] GPU[0] has invalid mode 0.
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Tuan Tran,

      Sorry for this.
      Could you use version 1.6v3 (or v4)? And let us know if it works?

      It seems that the kernel for that GPU got broken.
      We’ll fix this for the next release.

      Thank you for the feedback!

  • Artra says:

    Hi, im getting the error message in zminer.exe after running the .bat, says: error loading zcode, any idea what i could do? I have latest driver, cuda 10 installed, worked with other miner, im on Windows 10. Thanks!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Artra,
      Do you mean in miniZ miner? (miniZ.exe?)
      That error means that there is no kernel function that suports your GPU architecture.
      Could you let us know which GPU are you using? And which algorithm are you mining?
      Thanks for using miniZ.

  • Ivan says:

    How do I start mining on ubuntu live usb (using persistent storage)_

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ivan,

      Sorry for the late reply.
      To start miniZ from a live usb, you’ll only need to install the driver. But the easiest is to find a distro that already inclued the Nvidia drivers.

      You may try HiveOS, it is a live distribution for mining. It is based on Linux so you can just open a terminal and run your commands there without using any of the cool functionality the OS provides.

      Atlernatively, you’ll need to install it. Maybe this will be of help


  • Xtremeaktes says:

    Hi miniz team,

    I am noob in mining but successfully used miniz to mine flux on win10 in the last few days. I’ve decided to try it on Ubuntu LTS. The usage of Ubuntu is new for me (I have however run successfully ethminer with tuto). the GPU is GTX1660 super 6GB.

    I had trouble to make miniz mine on fluxpool. I finally make it “work” with version 1.6w2 cuda 10. However my hashrate stay 0 I/s, 0 sol/s.

    Do you have any idea how to solve it? I have to admit that I am not 100% sure that I properly intalled miniz on ubuntu (dependencies?) and can’t find a tuto for noob like me.

    .\miniz –url=***** -p minpayout=10 –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof  –log –extra

    Thanks for your help.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Xtremeaktes,

      Thank you for your message.

      We are not sure we fully understand the issue. We understand that you managed to run miniZ with Windows, and the GTX 1660 super was working well. And with Linux the miner shows 0 I/s? Is this it?

      Could you paste here the log output of miniZ?

      Could you try the latest version and let us know if it resolves the issue?

      The following command line should work well. You can run this on the console:
      ./miniZ -p minpayout=10 --log --extra

      Let us know how it goes.


      • Nicolas says:

        Hi thanks for following up. Yes you are correct (win ok, linux not ok with miniz but ok with ethminer).
        I’ve tried first the 1.7×3 with other issues (socket connection) I will try the 1.8y2 (new version-Your team roxx!!)

        here is the log for 1.6w2:

        ************ miniZ v1.6w2 ************
        Number of CUDA[10.0] devices found: 1
        Algo: EQ[125,4]
        Pool#0: user[********]
        server[] port[7001] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]
        Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
        Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
        Temp. limit: [90°C]
        miniZ[11:0:00:5448]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GTX 1660
        [ 0d 0h 0m06s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [36°C/45%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 25( 25.1)W clk=1530MHz mclk=4800MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 0m10s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [36°C/45%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 25( 25.1)W clk=1530MHz mclk=4800MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 0m20s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [37°C/44%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 25( 24.8)W clk=1530MHz mclk=4800MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 0m30s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [35°C/44%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 17( 16.5)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [35°C/44%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 15( 14.8)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 0m50s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [35°C/44%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 14( 13.9)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 1m00s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [34°C/44%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 13( 13.6)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 1m10s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [34°C/44%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 12.8)W clk=300MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 1m20s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 11( 12.0)W clk=300MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 1m30s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 11( 12.1)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 1m40s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 12.1)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 1m50s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 12.0)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 2m00s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 12.0)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 2m10s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 12.0)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 2m20s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 11.9)W clk=300MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 2m30s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 11.9)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 2m40s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 11.9)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 2m50s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 12( 11.9)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 3m00s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660 100% [34°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 11( 11.7)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []
        [ 0d 0h 3m10s] S: 0/0 0>GTX 1660
        100% [33°C/37%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 9( 11.3)W clk=405MHz mclk=405MHz Sol/W=0.00 []

      • Xtremeaktes says:

        I’ve found the solution, my ISP is blocking mining pool. Using a VPN solve the issue and I am now successfully mining with miniz on fluxpool with ubuntu 20.04. Thanks a lot for your great job!!

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Xtremeaktes,
          Thank you for letting us know, we were having a hard time trying to reproduce the issue.
          Good that you managed to get it running.
          Happy mining!

  • Gustavo5004867 says:

    Hi, I have a notebook with NVIDIA 940m 2GB integrated video. When I use miniZ on linux it mines.
    When I try on windows10. Display this message and stand still. Does not mine and does not disconnect. What am I doing wrong ?

    .\miniZ.exe –url=ssl:// –par=beam3 –pers=Beam-PoW –show-solratio –latency –extra

    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1
    Algo: EQ[144,5s] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[3d730869cb6e4e273d766f3731a9e6ca5d609adbc8534fc4c494086287904eb2ee5.Gus01]
    server[] port[3333] ssl[yes] pers[Beam-PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    [ERROR ] GPU[0] miniZ requires at least 1903MB to run, but only has 1690MB.
    [WARNING] miniZ<144,5s>[-1:0:00.0:1690]: Not selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce 940M

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Gustavo5004867,

      Thank you for your message.

      You will not be able to mine Beam with 2GB GPU, on Windows 10.

      Have you tried to mine 210,9 – Aion? It is a lighter algorithm, and most likely a good option for your GPU on Windows 10. 144,5 algorithm should also work well.


  • Samer Frem says:


    am getting SOCKET CONNECT ERROR on windows 10

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Samer Frem,

      Have you managed to get it working?

      The following line is working for us:
      miniZ.exe --extra

      BTC_WalletAddress: change for your BTC wallet address.
      Location can be: usa-west, usa-east, eu-west, eu-north.

      Let us know how it goes.

  • Carl Jones says:

    I updated HiveOS today and had to update the drivers because some of the GPU’s would not hash without the latest driver update now my 3060’s are only hashing at 32MH! What do I need to do to get back to 40mh?

    downgrading the drivers didn’t work.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Carl Jones,
      If you cannot downgrade the driver, the best you can get will be ~35MH/s.
      If you are making 32MH/s, we think it is still possible to optimise a bit more.
      Try to adust a bit your PL (~100W for the 3060), and OCs.
      Let us know how it goes.

  • Meelis says:


    I am tring my zotac 3060 to work on HIVE OS, but miner does not start generating DAG file?

    Nvidia Driver 460.39

    Hive OS 0.6-207@210808

    Miner: miniz
    Version: 1.8y4

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Meelis,

      Sorry for a late answer. Did you manage to solve this?

      This is strange. Possibly the driver is not able to detect the GPU. In this case you may need to install a recent driver.
      Could you share a screenshot of miniZ console, with the output?


  • Nuno says:

    Hello, I am troubling to use miniZ as a miner.
    I am on HiveOS and I am trying to mine RVN with flypool but kawpow is not showing up as an algorithim as the picture attached shows.

    What can I do?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Nuno,
      Thanks for your message and letting us know that this is happening.

      Sorry, we are a bit delayed with our feedback.
      Did you managed to resolve this issue? Have you contacted HiveOS for help?

      If you’re still having problem with this, could you attach the picture again? We were not able to see it.


  • leeky says:

    After I click the start button, CMD prompts (error socket write error2) (write: no error) Can you help me, sir,

    I am a novice

    • miniZ says:

      Hi leeky,
      Thank you for your message.

      Could you paste here your command line? Maybe the pool url is not well specified, and this can cause a problem with the connection to the pool.


  • staffcuk says:

    Good morning! I have 7 rigs out of 3060 mostly gigabytes of gaiming, 5 rigs of 8 cards, one 9 and one 12 cards, those that do not sleep up to 9 cards, all the normal operating time is more than 10 days, but a rig of 12 cards (also has settings -dax fix and-tune=37, I tried core from 1000-1600 and mem from 1800-2400 ———- constantly arrives rejektnye balls what to do HELP!!! thank you) the best result was attached to the screen all other variations of the settings come in many more rejects

    • miniZ says:

      Hi staffcuk,
      Thank you for your message.

      We were not able to see your screenshots. Could you send/attach them again?
      Which pool are you using?

      Are all shares rejected? Or just a few of them? Could you paste here the command line you are using for that rig?

  • Hello, I am looking for some help with the following error.

    [WARNING] Telemetry socket 1140 error

    Any info would be great and thanks 🙂

    [ 0d 0h 2m20s] S: 18/0/0 111(110.8)Sol/s 426(425.1)W []- 87ms (100.0%) (0.0%)
    0>RTX 3090 [17] 100% [57 C/96%] 55.87 I/s 110.59(110.59)Sol/s 426(425.1)W clk=1887MHz mclk=9892MHz Sol/W=0.26
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Optimisation temperature not stable *T=56+-0.6C*
    [ 0d 0h 2m30s] S: 18/0/0 111(111.0)Sol/s 426(425.2)W []- 87ms (100.0%) (0.0%)
    0>RTX 3090 [17] 100% [57 C/96%] 55.96 I/s 111.16(111.16)Sol/s 426(425.2)W clk=1888MHz mclk=9892MHz Sol/W=0.26
    [ 0d 0h 2m40s] S: 18/0/0 111(111.0)Sol/s 426(425.3)W []- 87ms (100.0%) (0.0%)
    0>RTX 3090 [17] 100% [57 C/96%] 56.10 I/s 111.00(111.00)Sol/s 426(425.3)W clk=1888MHz mclk=9892MHz Sol/W=0.26
    [WARNING] Telemetry socket 1140 error
    [WARNING] Telemetry socket 1140 error
    [WARNING] Telemetry socket 1140 error
    [WARNING] Telemetry socket 1124 error
    [WARNING] Telemetry socket 1140 error
    [WARNING] Telemetry socket 1140 error
    [ 0d 0h 2m50s] S: 18/0/0 110(109.9)Sol/s 426(425.4)W []- 87ms (100.0%) (0.0%)
    0>RTX 3090 [17] 100% [57 C/96%] 56.20 I/s 109.65(109.65)Sol/s 426(425.4)W clk=1889MHz mclk=9892MHz Sol/W=0.26
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Optimisation temperature not stable *T=57+-0.5C*
    [ 0d 0h 3m00s] S: 18/0/0 110(110.1)Sol/s 426(425.5)W []- 87ms (100.0%) (0.0%)
    0>RTX 3090 [17] 100% [57 C/96%] 56.28 I/s 110.04(110.04)Sol/s 426(425.5)W clk=1887MHz mclk=9892MHz Sol/W=0.26
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Optimisation started mode[17]
    [TRACE ] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090[0]: switch mode 17[56.05 I/s] -> mode 18 — max:mode 17[56.049 I/s]
    [ 0d 0h 3m10s] S: 18/0/0 110(110.3)Sol/s 427(425.7)W []- 87ms (100.0%) (0.0%)
    0>RTX 3090 [18] 100% [57 C/96%] 56.24 I/s 110.36(110.36)Sol/s 427(425.7)W clk=1889MHz mclk=9892MHz Sol/W=0.26

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Michael Medaglia,
      Thank you for your message.

      It seems that 1140 port is unavailable. Try to use a different port number for Telemetry.

      Let us know how it goes.

  • Bob says:

    RTX 2070S x 5.

    Latest stable via awesomeminer.


    Any equihash algo, the miner starts reading devices, then crashes. If you restart the miner a few times, it will suddenly work.

    I’ve had this issue for a few releases now.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Bob,
      Thank you for your feedback. Sorry for the late response to your question.

      We’re unable to reproduce the issue. Have you tried to increase pagefile?
      Does this only happen with equihash algos?

      Could you try running miniZ directly in the console, and see if you get the same behavior?

      Do you remember which version may have introduced this issue?


  • Amit Jain says:

    Hi, I’m using miniz with nicehash. It shows miniZ v1.6x. It was running fine for 5 mintues but then it started restarting after every few minutes. I tried all OC and normal settings to default but it’s not stopping restarting.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Amit Jain,

      Have you managed to resolve this issue?

      If you are still facing this problem, it is better to contact Nicehash directly.

      Thank you for letting us know.


  • Robin says:

    Have 2 3060s running miniz v 1.8y4rc1. On HiveOS After running for a few minutes speed goes down to about 22 MH and error comes up “searching for lock” Then rig crashes.

    GPU 0 = 1450 absolute clock 2500 mem 40MH (53 degrees)

    GPU 1 = 1200 absolute clock 2400 mem 35MH (65 degrees)

    GPU1 gets hot if I raise clock. (Over 65 degrees) I will need to replace the pads.

    any thoughts ?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Robin,

      Are you still experiencing issues with your GPU1?

      Your PL may need to be lowered to ~100W.

      Let us know if this was of any help.


  • Ash says:

    I’m having an issue where minz starts the stops almost instantly without an error.

    ************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
    miniZ<125,4>[01:0:00.0:7217]: Selecting GPU#1[1] GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
    miniZ<125,4>[01:0:00.0:7217]: Selecting GPU#2[2] GeForce GTX 1070 Ti

    The rainbowminer dev seems to think it’s due to miniz terminating if CPU usage is too high. Please can you advise a fix for this?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ash,
      Thank you for your feedback. Sorry for the late response to your question.

      We’re unable to reproduce the issue. Have you tried to increase pagefile?
      Does this only happen with equihash algos?

      Could you try running miniZ directly in the console, and see if you get the same behavior?


  • Swaggy P says:

    Hey there,


    Everytime I try downloading the miniZ zip file, the download gives me a network issue. Is any other way of downloading this file?

  • leon says:

    Hello, I started miniZ miner and it works but I think it is not a mining getting 0.00%

    what might be the problem?

    C:\Users\Pro\Downloads\miniZ_v1.6w4_cuda11_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe –url=***** –log –extra –latency
    ************ miniZ v1.6w4 ************
    Number of CUDA[11.1] devices found: 1
    Algo: EQ[144,5]
    Pool#0: user[*****.Optional_ID]
    server[] port[4444] ssl[no] pers[BgoldPoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    miniZ<144,5>[13:0:00:11182]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
    [ 0d 0h 0m23s] S: -1/1 0>RTX 3060 0.00% [30°C/40%]*0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 31( 31.5)W clk=40MHz mclk=76MHz Sol/W=0.00 []- 159ms
    [ 0d 0h 0m30s] S: -1/1 0>RTX 3060
    0.00% [32°C/40%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 35( 35.2)W clk=1785MHz mclk=8692MHz Sol/W=0.00 []- 159ms
    [ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: -1/1 0>RTX 3060 `0.00% [33°C/40%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 39( 38.7)W clk=1784MHz mclk=8692MHz Sol/W=0.00 []- 159ms





    • miniZ says:

      Hi leon,

      Thank you for your message.

      To mine ETH and using the 3060 you will need to use the more recent version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version). You can download it here.


  • Mauricio says:

    [TRACE] GPU2 : Searching lock…. speed=23./47.9 [2,3202.77,2.060,07]
    Why its happing all the time ? ='(

  • dapovoa says:

    If applied –nonvml gives the following error

    Cannot read health status! (is installed?): No such file or directory

    miniZ v1.8y4rc1

    Windows 11

    Driver 472.12

    • miniZ says:

      Hi dapovoa,

      Thank you for the feedback.

      The option --nonvml is used to disable GPU monitoring. In this case, it shows that message, and disables the report of GPU data status (fan, temperature, power…).

      If you want to have this information it is better not to use --nonvml.


  • dapovoa says:

    @miniZ but .so library is for building or linux usage, windows use .dll

  • dapovoa says:

    Your web page theme is not working as normal! The reply button breaks the input for the text box, plus this area doesn’t have any container.

  • dapovoa says:

    Could you consider on your next release adding an new argument option that allow the miner to output a small information in terminal?  A good example (sorry to mention this here) is from trexminer (–quiet). This is very important for small screens!


    • miniZ says:

      Hi dapovoa,

      Thanks for the feedback.

      The message about .so library still shows on Windows. Just ignore it, we’ll have a look.

      It seems that the theme may not work properly with all browsers. We have plans to change the messaging system in the future.

      Regarding the ‘small screens’ log. How small is your screen (lines and columns)? Have you tried --coolui? Let us know if this works for you.
      In any case we’ll consider to add an option for minimal output.


  • joher says:


    i use –mode 80 on RTX3060 but don’t get over 18 MH’s.

    On one try we where able to get over 30 MHS

    Where is my mistake:

    ./miniZ – –mode=80 –mt-auto


    ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:11813]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce RTX 3060
    Driver: 470.63
    Algo: EQ[ethash] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[wallet.worker]
    server[] port[4444] ssl[no] pers[ethash]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75%
    [INFO ] Target set to 00000000FFFF0000 (4295.03M)
    [INFO ] GPU[0]: Generating DAG #445 [4583+71=4655MB]
    [INFO ] GPU[0]: Generated DAG in 28.321

    0d 0h 5m30s] 0>RTX 3060 ` 100% [61°C/63%] 17.04(17.04)MH/s 113(113.0)W clk=1950MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.15


    • miniZ says:

      Hi joher,

      You can download version v1.8y4rc2 here.

      With this version you can also use --tune option. Check FAQ page for more information (Optimisation section).

      If possible try lower PL a bit more. Usually it helps to maintain stability.


  • jose says:



    Using miniZ on HiveOS, minerpool, it`s mining, but the syslog on ROXTerm show this errors:

    Oct 5 13:41:42 taurus avg_khs[1834]: .”equihash
    Oct 5 13:41:42 taurus avg_khs[1834]: jq: 2 compile errors
    Oct 5 13:41:42 taurus avg_khs[1834]: JSON parsing error
    Oct 5 13:41:43 taurus hive-watchdog[1041]: OK miniz 0.01408 kHs >= 0.013000000000000001 kHs
    Oct 5 13:41:52 taurus avg_khs[1834]: jq: error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting QQSTRING_TEXT or QQSTRING_INTERP_STAR
    T or QQSTRING_END (Unix shell quoting issues?) at <top-level>, line 1:
    Oct 5 13:41:52 taurus avg_khs[1834]: .”equihash
    Oct 5 13:41:52 taurus avg_khs[1834]: jq: error: try .[“field”] instead of .field for unusually named fields at <top-level>, li
    ne 1:
    Oct 5 13:41:52 taurus avg_khs[1834]: .”equihash
    Oct 5 13:41:52 taurus avg_khs[1834]: jq: 2 compile errors
    Oct 5 13:41:52 taurus avg_khs[1834]: JSON parsing error
    Oct 5 13:41:52 taurus avg_khs[1834]: {“params”:{“avg_khs”: null}}
    Oct 5 13:41:53 taurus hive-watchdog[1041]: OK LA(5m): 0.30 < 24.0, LA(1m): 0.17 < 48.0
    Oct 5 13:42:02 taurus avg_khs[1834]: jq: error: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting QQSTRING_TEXT or QQSTRING_INTERP_STAR
    T or QQSTRING_END (Unix shell quoting issues?) at <top-level>, line 1:
    Oct 5 13:42:02 taurus avg_khs[1834]: .”equihash
    Oct 5 13:42:02 taurus avg_khs[1834]: jq: error: try .[“field”] instead of .field for unusually named fields at <top-level>, li
    ne 1:

    How can I solve it please?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi jose,

      Are you able see miniZ data on HiveOS?

      This doesn’t seem to be a miniZ error, it looks that there is something wrong with HiveOS script.
      Have you tried to contact them?


  • zz says:

    v1.8y4rc2 WIN10  does not start

  • Zhijie says:

    Hi,miniz,how to overclock in the new version?  3060 and 3080Ti

  • chris says:

    Hi, I try to mine Flux on minerstat and Miniz with a 3070LHR. But no share accepted . Any Solution ?Rehgards C:\minerstat-windows\cli\clients\miniz>miniZ –url –pass x –par 144,5 –pers auto –extra –telemetry 20000 –gpu-line –show-shares –show-server –nonvml –nohttpheaders************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************Cannot read health status! (is installed?): No such file or directoryNumber of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1miniZ<144,5>[16:0:00.0:7132]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070Algo: EQ[144,5] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[t1YJh9kJ1ghgxhV9DVspzfLMEiRVGS6NE6e.HARDFORK001] server[] port[7011] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Temp. limit: [90 C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%[ 0d 0h 0m02s] S: 0/0/0 84(84.1)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] 0>RTX 3070 100% [0 C/ 0%] 42.13 I/s 84.05(84.05)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf[ 0d 0h 0m10s] S: 0/0/0 84(84.3)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] 0>RTX 3070 100% [0 C/ 0%] 42.24 I/s 84.26(84.26)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[ 0d 0h 0m20s] S: 0/0/2 86(85.8)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [0 C/ 0%]*43.68 I/s 85.07(85.07)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[ 0d 0h 0m30s] S: 0/0/8 89(89.1)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [0 C/ 0%]*44.20 I/s 89.40(89.40)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf[ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: 0/0/8 89(88.7)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] (100.0%) (0.0%) 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [0 C/ 0%] 44.41 I/s 88.95(88.95)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[ 0d 0h 0m50s] S: 0/0/10 90(89.9)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] (100.0%) (0.0%) 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [0 C/ 0%]*44.59 I/s 90.01(90.01)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[WARNING] Bad share: Error: Incorrect size of solution (202), expected 106[ 0d 0h 1m00s] S: 0/0/15 91(90.7)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] (100.0%) (0.0%) 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [0 C/ 0%]*44.60 I/s 91.01( 91.01)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf[ 0d 0h 1m10s] S: 0/0/15 91(91.0)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W [] (100.0%) (0.0%) 0>RTX 3070 0.00% [0 C/ 0%] 44.61 I/s 91.09( 91.09)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1725MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf

    • miniZ says:

      Hi chris,
      We see that you had wrongly defined the algorithm. Flux is 125,4 and not 144,5. 🙂
      You would need to add --par=125,4.
      You can omit --par, miniZ will ‘guess’ the correct algorithm.

  • Descendre says:

    Hi !I use the version of miniZ 1.8y4rc2 and when i start to mining, i have this message:Excluding GPU#0 Nvidia GeForce GT710Number of CUDA [8.0] devices found :0No devices selected, exitingI am a newbie in this univers

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Descendre,

      The GT710 is Kepler architecture. You will need to explicitly instruct miniZ to mine with that GPU.

      It should work if you add -cd 0 to your command line. (If your GT710 is not #0 you need to add the correct order number (#n) of the GPU)

      Be aware that the GPU has at most 2GB available, so you will not be able to use it to mine all the algos.

      Let us know if this helps.

  • 摩根.豪瑟 says:

    ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************miniZ: Excluding GPU#0 GeForce GTX 680miniZ: Excluding GPU#1 GeForce GTX 680Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0No devices selected, exiting…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 摩根.豪瑟,

      The GTX680 is Kepler architecture. You will need to explicitly instruct miniZ to mine with this GPU.

      It should work if you add -cd 0 1 to your command line. (If your GTX680 are not #0 and #1 you need to add the correct order numbers (#n) of the GPUs)

      Be aware that the GTX680 has at most 2GB available, so you will not be able to use it to mine all the algos.

      Let us know if this helps.


  • Shreesha says:

    miniZ runs in my laptop but shares will 0% and my address will not list in workers section.When I started initially it worked, but now it shows 0% share. What to do? Kindly help me

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Shreesha,
      Could you let us know what algo and coin are you mining?
      Also could you paste here your command line?
      We will have a look.

  • Jonathan Grimes says:

    When starting the miniZ miner I get the message that miniz.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command. My antivirus has an exclusion on it, so I’m not sure what is happening.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jonathan Grimes,
      Check if you are running miniZ in the right folder, where the file is located.
      Also check if the antivirus have deleted, or put miniZ.exe file into quarantine.
      Let us know how it goes.

  • David says:

    I keep getting this error.[FATAL ] GPU[3]: Driver error 101 ‘invalid device ordinal’ in line 205

    • miniZ says:

      Hi David,
      Are you adding -cd to your command line? It seems that you added a GPU number that does not exist.
      Check it out, and let us know how it goes.

  • Raymond says:

    Team, The miner runs fine, but I am getting some errors accessing localhost http://localhost:20000/.Console errors:GET http://localhost:20000/ net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET 200 (OK)GET http://localhost:20000/gauge.css net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESETGET http://localhost:20000/gauge.js net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Raymond,
      Could you paste here your command line?
      It seems that miniZ is not running on port 20000, or did not manage to bind to that port.
      The port might be in use by another program, or maybe you defined a different port number?
      Also, it could be the firewall blocking the access.

  • Doggy says:

    Hello, i have a trouble running miniz on my 3060 lhr. When i start mining the lhr bypass works great, the hashrate is fine, but after 1-2 hours of mining the miner starts “searching locks” every 10 seconds, so the hashrate dies. I don’t use any advanced settings, i tried to type in different –tune values (from -4 to 5) but it doesn’t seem to make any difference and works just the same as without any –tune setting. What should i do to prevent this? Thanks in advance.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Doggy,
      It seems that after some time the miner is not able to get rid of the lock anymore.
      Which miniZ version are you using?
      Did you lower the power limit to ~100 W? Usually, this helps stability.
      Let us know how it goes.

  • Eli says:

    [FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 1326 I am using miniZ v1.8y3 on HiveOS v .0.6-211@211111. I keep getting this illegal memory error. I am using the following recommended settings for my GTX 1080. Eco +70 PL+120 +500I attempted to lower the memory. I’ve changed versions. I’ve updated my drivers. No matter what I try it continues to show this error.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Eli,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      This error should be related to OCs. To be able to see if it is OC related, you can run the miner in stock settings (no OCs) and see if you also get the same error.

      What algo are you trying to mine?

      We are not sure you are applying the settings correctly.
      It seems that you are using our suggestions for equihash algorithm, the ECO 70 (for ~70% of power).
      For example, in our 1080 70% will be 135 W. We calculate for 70% of the power that the GPU uses in stock settings, this can vary slightly with different models.

      If you are mining ETH the OCs will be different from equihash. These will need to be adjusted.

      Let us know if this was of any help.

  • Redroid says:

    Hi team, I keep getting [WARNING] Telemetry socket xxxx error and I can’t find a solution for it, any advise please?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Redroid,
      It seems that the port is in use by another program. Could you try to define a different port number? You can use --telemetry option in the command line.
      If this doesn’t help could you paste here your command line?

  • Gaven says:

    Good day, whenever I try to connect, I receive a Socket connection error, how do I fix this?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Gaven,
      Could you paste here your command line? Maybe, also which OS are you using and the complete error message.
      Thank you for the feedback.

  • Thony18 says:

    Hello miniZ, do you know how to fix this ? I tried with differents drivers and and old version miner but i am still having the same issue. CUDA DRIVER API error = 0999 or =0702************ miniZ v1.8y4rc2 ************Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1miniZ<125,4>[06:0:00.0:7137]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce RTX 2080 SUPERDriver: 472.12Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[t1bST7rQdAsFcx1eM5Cwq2ejLZyhyY4FMf2.thonys] server[] port[2033] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]Temp. limit: [90 C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%[ 0d 0h 0m02s] 0>RTX 2080 SUPER 100% [38 C/57%] 31.37 I/s 62.58(62.58)Sol/s 58( 58.5)W clk=2055MHz mclk=7700MHz Sol/W=1.07[ 0d 0h 0m10s] 0>RTX 2080 SUPER 100% [40 C/57%] 31.30 I/s 62.44(62.44)Sol/s 94( 93.9)W clk=2040MHz mclk=7700MHz Sol/W=0.66[FATAL ] CUDA Driver API error = 0999 from <125,4>, line 1279.

  • Thony18 says:

    Hello miniZ, do you know how to fix this ?
    I tried with differents drivers and and old version miner but i am still having the same issue : [FATAL ] CUDA DRIVER API error = 0999 or =0702 using miniZ v1.8y4rc2
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1 miniZ<125,4> [06:0:00.0:7137]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER Driver: 472.12 Algo: EQ[125,4]

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Thony18,
      It looks like this is related to OCs. Have you tried to adjust the settings?
      The OC suggestions we make for ETH are not applicable to Equihash algorithms.
      For Flux we share some of our OCs here. Possible, for your 2080 Super the settings will be similar to the settings we used for the 2080 Ti.
      Let us know if this helps.

  • XCaLiBvR says:

    is there a memory tweak command for GPU 1080 1080Ti

    • miniZ says:

      Hi XCaLiBvR,
      If you are mining ETH, you can add --mt-auto to your command line.
      This will work only in Linux and you’ll need to use sudo.

  • TP says:

    Hi, I am using Python code to tune my GPU overclocking settings while reading the current hashrate using the API (http://localhost:20000/getstat) with ‘requests’ Python module. Problem with miniz is that there seems to be only the 3hours average hashrate available via the API. Could you add also the 1min average available in the API stats. Or, is it already available somehow?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi TP,
      Thank you for your message.
      We realized that we didn’t documented a couple of options that are available for some time.

      We already added here:
      --avg0=[period] Short term average period (in seconds). Default is 180 seconds.
      --avg1=[period] Long term average period (in seconds). Default is 10800 seconds.

      If you use --avg1=60 it should do what you want.


  • eltrollo says:

    hi, link from file is possible?

  • Zdenko says:

    Hi. I use Nvidia 3960, driver 460.39 on Hiveos with Miniz 1.8y4rc1 and with 5 pcs of GPU I get 204 Mh what is ok. But problem is in invalid shares which are to mach compare with other miners (egzample  Lolminer). My question is how to get rid this invalid  shares.

  • Zdenko says:

    Hi. I am using miniz 1.8y4rc1 with GPU Nvidia 3060, driver 460.39. But I have to much invalid shares when I compare with otther miners.

    The queastion is how to get rid of that invalid shares.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Zdenko,
      Sorry to hear about invalid shares.
      Have you tried the more recent version v1.8y4rc2?
      This version has a few modifications that may help with this issue.
      Let us know if it helps.

  • MrJake says:

    When rig has multiple GPUs (I have Nvidia 2060) the temperature and power draw are 0 in both console output and telemetry page. Singular GPU rig doesn’t have this problem. Also reading temps with nvidia-smk works. Please help.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi MrJake,
      Are you using --nonvml in the command line? This disables GPU monitoring.
      If not, try adding --forcenvml to force GPU monitoring.
      Let us know if this helps.

  • xris says:

    Keep getting this error when running miniZ. Been resetting my overclocks and still occurs. Please assist.

    • Xris says:

      Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 4miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:7125]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 TiminiZ<125,4>[06:0:00.0:7041]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080miniZ<125,4>[06:0:00.0:10038]: Selecting GPU#2[2] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti[FATAL ] CUDA: failed to alloc 3837 MB for main data

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Xris,
        The error is not OC related.

        This looks that you may not have enough ram/pagefile.
        Could you try to increase pagefile and try again?

        You can see here how to check the pagefile size and how to manage it.

        Let us know if this helps. Thank you for using miniZ.

  • Erik says:

    Just added a card to my rig (GTX 1060 6GB) it’s starts to mine and about 10-15min if I run hive shell I see this message “GPU0 driver error 999 ‘unknown error’ in line 123” And shuts down and the whole rig isn’t mining. Slot 0, GPU0 wored just fine before the new card was insert. Have tested to update drivers and lower OC, nothing works. What is the problem?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Erik,
      Thank you for your message.
      To exclude OC related issues, the best is to run in stock settings all GPUs.
      However, this could also be related to the power supply. Since you added a new GPU, maybe your power supply is working on the limit (?).
      It can happen that adjusting your OCs and PL may lower the load on your power supply.
      Let us know if this helps.

  • fariborz says:

    [FATAL] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 1326

  • Fariborz says:

    To whom it may concern,I receive below error when running the miniZ on 1660ti GPU: [FATAL] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 1326

    • miniZ says:

      Hi fariborz,
      This message is usually related to OCs.
      The best way to exclude OC related issue is to run the miner with stock settings.
      Try to adjust your OCs a little and check again if this resolves the issue.
      Thank you for your message.

  • Mastermind says:

    I am trying to download miniZ to a new linux machine, and I wget the file from my Google Drive and then tar xvf. I chmod the file to execute, but when I run it, it thinks its and HTML file. How can I easily wget the latest miniZ and then run it?Sorry, linux isn’t my strong area 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mastermind,

      You can download from our website (or from github if it will be easier for you).

      The following should work:
      cd /tmp; wget; tar -xf /tmp/miniZ_v1.8y4rc2_linux-x64.tar.gz miner stop; mv /hive/miners/miniz/1.8y4/miniZ /hive/miners/miniz/1.8y4/miniZ.bak; cp /tmp/miniZ /hive/miners/miniz/1.8y4/miniZ; miner start


  • Jason says:

    Does MiniZ support Nvidia T4 cards? I am trying to run this on AWS to test it, but I get ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0
    No devices selected, exiting…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jason,
      Could you paste here the output of nvidia-smi command?
      Maybe the issue is with the driver.

      Thank you for your messages.

  • Michael McCarthy says:

    I want to use an earlier version due to what i think is a corrupt beta version on my HiveOS. I selected the version v1.8y3. I ended up with the same error. How do I know the selected version is being used? Can I delete the beta verion? Thanks,

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Michael McCarthy,
      Why do you say the version on HiveOS is corrupt?
      Could you paste here the miner log?
      To know which version is running, you can have a look at the miner log.
      It prints out the version that it is running.

  • virhack says:

    hello!check the operation of the ProgPoW algorithm. after about 10 minutes, it stops finding shares and the ping grows. it shows itself well in SERO mining, but there is such a problem

    • miniZ says:

      Hi virhack,
      Sorry about this.
      We’ll have a look at it and solve the issue as soon as possible.
      Thank you for letting us know!

  • pop says:

    Dear miniZ team,I’ve been testing miniZ on Flux successfully, and would like to use it from now on instead of my current T-Rex miner for ETH.However, I do use a powershell script (not written by myself) that I use to shut down mining when doing other things with my GPU, and would like to find an equivalent command for miniZ.For T-Rex, the command is http://localhost:4067/control?command=shutdownFor Awesome Miner, the command is http://localhost:17790/api/miners/1?action=stopWould you have a similar command that I could use to shut down miniZ?Also, could you please confirm the process name of miniZ so I can also edit that part of the powershell script please?Thank you very much for your assistance.pop

    • miniZ says:

      Hi pop,

      You cannot stop miniZ from miner Telemetry.
      However, on Awesome miner the same command should work.

      On Windows the process name is miniZ.exe.


  • Dadz says:


    I have 2 graphics cards.

    I want to use exclusively the -cd 0

    .\miniZ.exe – –par=125,4 -cd 0
    So far everything works fine.

    As soon as I add the line minpayout=100

    .\miniZ.exe – –par=125,4 -cd 0 minpayout=100

    I have a clone of my card ‘0’ which is displayed


    Thank you for your feedback


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Dadz,

      miniZ doesn’t support an option --minpayout. What exactly were you aiming for with this?

      Could it be that you wanted to write --pass minpayout=100 ? This will work for some pools.

      Let us know if this helps.


  • 3060 high rejects says:

    I have high rejects rate (accepted 85%) on 3060s

    I use latest version of Hiveos and MiniZ.

    Settings: -150 2700 120

    What can be a problem?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi 3060 high rejects,

      Thank you for your message.
      Which version are you using? Also, with which pool are you mining?

      Just one more thing, are you using --dag-fix?
      When getting many invalid, and are overclocking, it may be usefull to use the option --dag-fix. It helps check for DAG consistency. Try adding this to your command line and let us know if it helps.

      In any case we’ll have a look.


  • Viktor says:

    Hi, I am trying to mine FLUX with miniZ v1.8y4rc2 under HiveOS. My OC settings is NOT for FLUX I know that, but I am not able to produce any valid shares.
    ************ miniZ v1.8y4rc2 ************
    Driver: 470.86
    Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[t1Q6jASfrRatB9UEVz4NY5qz5xqhzwuyuHf.s1-l2-478]
    server[] port[1200] ssl[no] pers[Zelproof]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:11793]: Selecting GPU#5[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [ 0d 0h 0m02s] S: 0/0/1 5>RTX 3080 Ti 0.00% [46°C/64%]*50.86 I/s 101.47(101.47)Sol/s 101(100.9)W clk=2190MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=1.01 []
    [ 0d 0h 0m10s] S: 0/0/1 5>RTX 3080 Ti
    0.00% [52°C/64%] 50.63 I/s 101.01(101.01)Sol/s 271(270.8)W clk=1665MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=0.37 []
    [ 0d 0h 0m20s] S: 0/0/1 5>RTX 3080 Ti 0.00% [54°C/75%] 50.53 I/s 103.68(103.68)Sol/s 278(277.6)W clk=1680MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=0.37 []
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [ 0d 0h 0m30s] S: 0/0/3 5>RTX 3080 Ti
    0.00% [53°C/92%]*50.37 I/s 103.15(103.15)Sol/s 279(278.6)W clk=1665MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=0.37 []
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: 0/0/5 5>RTX 3080 Ti 0.00% [52°C/94%]*50.26 I/s 102.41(102.41)Sol/s 279(279.0)W clk=1665MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=0.37 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [ 0d 0h 0m50s] S: 0/0/7 5>RTX 3080 Ti
    0.00% [52°C/91%]*50.23 I/s 102.28(102.28)Sol/s 279(279.1)W clk=1680MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=0.37 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
    [ 0d 0h 1m00s] S: 0/0/7 5>RTX 3080 Ti 0.00% [52°C/88%] 50.23 I/s 101.71(101.71)Sol/s 279(279.2)W clk=1665MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=0.36 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share
    [ 0d 0h 1m10s] S: 0/0/9 5>RTX 3080 Ti
    0.00% [52°C/86%]*50.26 I/s 101.63(101.63)Sol/s 279(279.2)W clk=1665MHz mclk=9501MHz Sol/W=0.36 [] (100.0%) (0.0%)

    Any advice? Thanks!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Viktor,
      Personalisation string is ZelProof and not Zelproof.
      You can omit --pers for Flux. miniZ will be able to set it for you, for most pools.
      Let us know if you happen to find any pool that is not supported by miniZ.

  • Tonton says:

    my miniz stuck just after selecting gpu do you know what? [ INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00 % miniz < 125,4 > [ 17 : 0 : 00.0 : 7811 ] : miniz < 125,4 > [ 17 : 0 : 00.0 : 7819 ] : miniz < 125,4 > [ 17 : 0 : 00.0 : 7819 ] : miniz < 125,4 > [ 17 : 0 : 00.0 : 9793 ] : miniz < 125,4 > [ 17 : 0 : 00.0 : 7819 ] : miniz < 125,4 > [ 17 : 0 : 00.0 : 7819 ] : Selecting GPU # 0 [ 0 ] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Selecting GPU # 1 [ 1 ] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Selecting GPU # 2 [ 2 ] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Selecting GPU # 3 [ 3 ] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Selecting GPU # 4 [ 4 ] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Selecting GPU # 5 [ 5 ] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070

  • mongo says:

    Hello there,I am trying zel on ubuntu 20.04.03, kernel 5.8.0-63-lowlatency. Any help is appreciated.Driver versions are:root@rig0:~# nvidia-smi Wed Jan 5 15:19:45 2022 +—————————————————————————–+| NVIDIA-SMI 495.44 Driver Version: 495.44 CUDA Version: 11.5 |I am getting either segmentation crash or CUDA error. root@rig0:~# ./miniZ – –pass=123@123 –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –extra –mode0 6************ miniZ v1.8y4rc2 ************Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 4miniZ<125,4>[06:0:00.0:19003]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA A30miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:19003]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA A30miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:19003]: Selecting GPU#2[2] NVIDIA A30miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:19003]: Selecting GPU#3[3] NVIDIA A30Driver: 495.44Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[t1VTQZRgoqvF88Fj5jwDdtKCxd7ja93rQbo.rig0] server[] port[2033] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Temp. limit: [90°C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%[FATAL ] CUDA Driver API error = 0701 from <125,4>, line 1281.[INFO ] Disconnecting from flux-eu.minerpool.orgroot@rig0:~#

    • miniZ says:

      Hi mongo,
      Thanks for your message.
      Instead of using --mode0 6, it is best to use --mode 6 or --mode 17.
      You can check which performs better.
      This will apply kernel mode 6 (or 17) to all GPUs.
      Let us know if this helps.

  • w493 says:

    What is the use of the “–Intensity=<number>” command line argument ?GPU always runs at full speed, changing –intensity value does not have any impact.miniZ v1.8y3 RTX 2080 SUPER Ubuntu 21.04

  • Brandon Doerntlein says:

    I am having an issue running my RTX 3060 LHR card it is running between 30 and 40 mh/s but it is mostly failing and providing bad shares.

    I have it setup in 4444

    I have it on the ethash Algo and auto with the same outcome. Please help.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Brandon Doerntlein,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      Does it help if you use --dag-fix?
      The 1.8y4rc2 version might be unstable in some conditions, we are working on a new version which is much more stable.

  • Liviu says:

    Hello guys,
    i’m having this error all the time when i’m mining do you have any info about it?

    [ 0d 0h 0m02s] 0>RTX 3070 Ti 100% [49 C/61%] 33.10 I/s 66.03(66.03)Sol/s 90( 89.6)W clk=1829MHz mclk=10137MHz Sol/W=0.74
    [ 0d 0h 0m10s] 0>RTX 3070 Ti
    100% [64 C/69%]*32.72 I/s 65.27(65.27)Sol/s 292(291.6)W clk=2040MHz mclk=9942MHz Sol/W=0.22
    [ERROR ] Socket write error2.
    write: No error
    [ 0d 0h 0m20s] 0>RTX 3070 Ti ` 100% [67 C/75%] 31.07 I/s 61.50(61.50)Sol/s 300(300.0)W clk=2039MHz mclk=9942MHz Sol/W=0.20

  • EDUARD says:

    miniZ miner how many gpu supports? i have 12×3090 and i get some error message** miniZ v1.8y4rc2 **Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 12/root/ line 189: 12221 Segmentation fault {minerSudo} /root/miner/${MINER_PKG_NAME}/${MINER_FILE} ${MINER_OPTIONS_GO}Miner ended or crashed. Restarting miner in 30 seconds…this is the message i get

    • miniZ says:

      Hi EDUARD,
      Thank you for your message.
      Could you paste here your command line?
      It should work with 12 GPUs…

  • Harry says:

    I keep getting “Socket [-1] no error:connect”

    I’ve been mining for 24 hours and keep getting this error every so often every hour or 30 minutes. And reconnects after a few seconds.


  • Having problems with the password to extract MiniZ. Keeps kicking back expand failed

  • JayStan says:

    I’m trying to mine flux on 2×1070, 1060 and 1660. I keep getting the following code:

    Trying to release TIME_WAIT sockets:
    tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT

    ************ miniZ v1.8y4rc2 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 4
    miniZ<125,4>[04:0:00.0:8009] : Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GTX 1070
    miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:5865] : Selecting GPU#1[1] GeForce GTX 1660
    miniZ<125,4>[04:0:00.0:6003] : Selecting GPU#2[2] GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
    /hive/miners/miniz/ line 20: 24702 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./miniZ $(< {MINER_NAME}.conf) –logfile $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log –telemetry${MINER_API_PORT} –gpu-line

    miniz exited (exitcode=139), waiting to cooldown a bit

    Skipping miner log rotation due to execution time < 30sec

    I’ve noticed one of my 1070’s aren’t showing up but it says all 4 devices are found, could this be part of the problem?
    I’ve tried mining on different pools and setting the overclocks to their default values.
    I am mining on HiveOS.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi JayStan,
      Could you paste here your command line?
      And the output of running ./miniZ -ci in the command line?
      Thank you.

  • FranDD says:

    Hello! I attempted to mine flux on HIVEOS using the MiniZ Miner. However, my gpu woulds not mine. I looked into the Minerlog and it says it cannot connect to (the mining pool) followed by Socket Error. Anyhelp will he greatly appreciated!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi FranDD,
      Could you check the server adress (of the pool)?
      It looks that it may not be correct.

      The following worked well for us:
      ./miniZ --log

      WalletAddress: write here your Flux wallet address.


  • DM says:

    Hello, I downloaded the latest stable version of miniZ miner (v1.8y3) for Linux and cannot seem to get it started. I am running Ubuntu 20.04 as my OS.I understand the general concepts of mining within HIVEOS and Windows but I don’t seem to understand the process within a real Linux OS.I keep getting ‘[WARNING] No mining pool specified!’ in my command terminal. I am trying to mine to but I feel like I might be modifying the wrong file.Can I get some help with this? Has anyone experienced this before? Thank you for the support!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi DM,
      Thank you for your message.

      The following command line worked well for us:

      ./miniZ --log

      WalletAddress: write here your Flux wallet address.
      WorkerName (optional): your rig/worker name.

      Check if you’re correctly writing the pool address.

      Check our FAQ page for more information on how to start mining.

      Let us know if this helps.

  • Cyxe says:

    Currently I have 2 RIGS. One 3760 which is working great (mining at 65Sols/S). However, my second is running a Nvidia Tesla v100 seems like it sees my card however, it will not start transactions as it errors out. Can you please help? Ive spent a lot of time trying different configs, ext.[INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%[FATAL ] CUDA Driver API error = 0701 from <125,4>, line 1281.[INFO ] Disconnecting from

    • Cyxe says:

      Here is my NVSMI +—————————————————————————–+| NVIDIA-SMI 511.23 Driver Version: 511.23 CUDA Version: 11.6 ||——————————-+———————-+———————-+| GPU Name TCC/WDDM | Bus-Id Disp.A | Volatile Uncorr. ECC || Fan Temp Perf Pwr:Usage/Cap| Memory-Usage | GPU-Util Compute M. || | | MIG M. ||===============================+======================+======================|| 0 Tesla V100-PCIE… TCC | 00000001:00:00.0 Off | 0 || N/A 56C P0 222W / 250W | 3064MiB / 16384MiB | 100% Default || | | N/A |+——————————-+———————-+———————-++—————————————————————————–+| Processes: || GPU GI CI PID Type Process name GPU Memory || ID ID Usage ||=============================================================================|| 0 N/A N/A 1728 C …_75_windows64_2\miner.exe 3063MiB |+—————————————————————————–+ c:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI>

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Cyxe,
        Thank you for your message, and all the information.

        Try adding --mode 6 to your command line. That GPU may need to run a different kernel.

        If you have other GPUs in the same machine, you need to set the kernel for that specific GPU. If this is the case, use --modeN 6, N is the GPU number.

        Could you paste here the output of running miniZ.exe -ci ?

        Let us know if this solved this issue.

  • kirian says:

    Sometimes my hashrate drops a lot and if I restart the miner it goes back to normal, the problem is that when it happens at night, I can be sleeping and the miner is working with -95% of the average hashrate, as I do for the miner automatically restart when hashrate drops to certain value? I searched through all the documentation and didn’t find anything like this or something related to the watchdog

    • miniZ says:

      Hi kirian,
      Thank you for your message.
      Could you let us know what are you trying to mine?
      Also which GPUs are you using?

  • Mysini says:

    I’m using MiniZ through NiceHash, there are a couple of problems that I am experiencing, GPU: 1060 3GB1/ the miner keeps restarting every 5 mins or so, no apparent reason for it (temps are below 65)2/ the hash is only third of the benchmark & the first line always has 3x the hash of the rest of the lines, 30 Sol/s then it’s stuck at 10 Sol/s, while it’s stuck the temperature is 28-30 & the memory clock is less than 1/4 the maximum

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mysini,
      This seems to be OC related.
      Are you applying OCs? If this is the case could you adjust the values a little and check if this helps.
      Let us know how it goes.

  • Ethan says:

    Dear miniZ,
    I am using my laptop which has Intel built-in Graphics card + Nvidia GEForce MX230. I am using miniZ-1.8y via service.

    Q1: Configuring the MX230 GPU and understanding the telemetry.

    I fiddle along and manage to connect miniZ+Nvidia GEForce MX230 to the service.
    As I look at the Command Line prompt, I see some of these:

    I see [WARNING] Bad share: Equihash solution is using incorrect parameters < what does this mean? What should I do?
    Temp. limit: [90 C] < How can I reduce it to lower temperature?

    Q3: Only see MX230 but Built-in Intel UHD Graphics not shown
    How to make the intel UHD Graphics card appear and make use of it?

    Hope you can help.  Thanks!


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ethan,
      Thank you for your message.

      Q1: The “Bad share” message should be related to algo settings. What are you trying to mine? It seems that the miner is trying to mine the wrong algo.

      Regarding the temperature limit, you can set a value using --templimit=[Temperature value].

      Q3: At the moment miniZ does not support intel graphics, but even if it did the performance would be very low.

      Let us know how it goes.


  • glvnne says:

    ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************miniZ: Excluding GPU#2 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPERNumber of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 5miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:5163]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 TiminiZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:7132]: Selecting GPU#3[2] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070miniZ<125,4>[06:0:00.0:7184]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPERminiZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:7132]: Selecting GPU#4[3] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:7132]: Selecting GPU#5[4] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070Driver: 472.12Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[t1YHgbdzDENFynekuGoDKamAM3ZMPGHPSnT.freshgaz] server[] port[2033] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]Temp. limit: [90 C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%[ 0d 0h 0m02s] S: 0/0/0 243(243.0)Sol/s 420(420.2)W [][ 0d17h21m30s] S:4329/16/0 231(233.1)Sol/s 568(569.2)W [] (98.1%) (1.9%) 0>GTX 1660 Ti 100% [57 C/90%] 15.05 I/s 29.75(29.90)Sol/s 90( 90.3)W clk=1626MHz mclk=6744MHz Sol/W=0.33 1>RTX 2060 SUPER 100% [60 C/99%] 22.25 I/s 43.93(44.37)Sol/s 122(122.7)W clk=1473MHz mclk=7693MHz Sol/W=0.36 2>RTX 3070 100% [58 C/85%] 26.74 I/s 53.27(53.41)Sol/s 119(118.6)W clk=1446MHz mclk=7993MHz Sol/W=0.45 3>RTX 3070 100% [58 C/85%] 26.48 I/s 52.69(52.93)Sol/s 119(118.7)W clk=1430MHz mclk=7992MHz Sol/W=0.45 4>RTX 3070 100% [57 C/85%] 26.04 I/s 52.55(52.47)Sol/s 119(118.6)W clk=1401MHz mclk=7992MHz Sol/W=0.44[FATAL ] GPU[3]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 1326Hi guys. Been mining with same version of miniZ, same algo,and same hardware for the last couple of months. Had a power supply issue, and decided it is a good time to do fresh OS install, bios flash and some cleanup. After fresh OS and verything seemingly ready, had the first unexpected error, which i found related to Microsoft Visual C++ version, a DLL file missing when trying to run miniZ. Installed a newer version and miniZ started. But after a few hours shut down unexpectedly. This happened another couple of times and was the reason for me to activate logging. You can see the console output above. When the issue occurs, PC keeps running normally, no GPUs have crashed or lost settings in Afterburner, just miniZ is closed and not restarted.Can you please point me a direction for solving this issue? Please. :)Cheers,glvnne

    • miniZ says:

      Hi glvnne,
      Thank you for your message and the log information.
      This seems an OC issue. Could you try to adjust your OCs (clocks and/or PL)?
      It can happen that after the updates, (also the driver?) the same OCs you were using before are pushing the GPUs to the limit.
      Let us know if this resolved the issue.

  • tom pauli says:

    hello, i have the following probem or issueCannot read health status! (is installed?): No such file or directoryNumber of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1where can i check to see if its installed?thankstom

    • miniZ says:

      Hi tom pauli,
      Have you tried to update the driver?
      You can try to update the driver, possibly this would be enough to solve the issue.

      If this doesn’t work maybe you are missing the nvidia library nvml.dll.
      It could be misplaced, or during driver instalation the antivirus got rid of it.

      You’ll need to find/download the file and add it to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\, or to miniZ folder (should work too).

      You can also have a look at another message (with a bit more information) we posted here

      Let us know if this helped.

      ps: If you added --nonvml to your command line then do not use it.
      The option --nonvml is used to disable GPU monitoring. In this case, it shows that message, and disables the report of GPU data status (fan, temperature, power…).

  • Miner123 says:

    ************ miniZ v1.8y4rc2 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1
    Driver: 511.65
    Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[t1gDhjMNFMKaZPrEPCR7vZE32HeZvW4yqKc.Laptop1660ti]
    server[] port[2001] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90 C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    [FATAL ] GPU[0]: Driver error 2 ‘out of memory’ in line 234
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from

    Had miniZ running for about a week with Oc on. Now it just never wants to even start. Tried every single version of MiniZ to no luck.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Miner123,
      Thank you for your message.

      It looks that the miner tried to launch the kernel but couldn’t allocate memory.
      This might be related to pagefile. Could you increase pagefile, and check again?

      You can see here how to check the pagefile size and how to manage it.

      Let us know if this helps.

  • dex says:

    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 8 /root/ line 195: 12140 Segmentation fault {minerSudo} /root/miner/${MINER_PKG_NAME}/${MINER_FILE} ${MINER_OPTIONS_GO}


    Gminer for flux is ok
    trex for eth is ok

    • miniZ says:

      Hi dex,
      It seems that the command line that SimpleminingOS is creating is not correct.
      Could you paste here this command line?

  • bobcat says:

    hi i keep gettin this error i have no idea what is wrong, it work for first fewdays, but now it wont even startC:\Users\Testing\Desktop\mining\mini>.\miniZ.exe –url=ssl://myadress.kraken@
    ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 1
    miniZ<210,9>[00:0:00.0:1591]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce GTX 950M
    Driver: 388.57
    Algo: EQ[210,9] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[0xa03881cce7ebc3347c2e65800eb2a03ef7718c42429e5dd9ffdbe7c0da67d950.kraken]
    server[https] port[0] ssl[yes] pers[AION0PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90 C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    [ERROR ] Cannot resolve https
    [ERROR ] Socket[-1] No error:connect
    ^CTerminate batch job (Y/N)?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi bobcat,
      We’ve answered in your previous post here.

      There are two issues, one is with the pool address that you write with the --url option. (You cannot write the https://)

      The second, is that you need to pay attention to the information that each pool gives for ssl mining.
      Many times there is a specific address and/or specific port number for ssl mining.

      We had a look at woolypooly pool and european address (with .eu.) does not support ssl.

      If you want to use the european server address (not ssl), your command line should be as follows:

      To mine to the ssl port, your command line should be:
      .\miniZ.exe --url=ssl://

      Let us know if this helps. Do let us know if something is still not clear.

  • Diallo says:

    Dear Sir,i just install the mining software on my windows laptop but the password is recure can you please help .Thank you

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Diallo,
      We are not sure we fully understand your issue.

      Make sure that you write the password correctly.

      The password is miniZ.

      The password is not miniz or MiniZ.

      Let us know if this helps.

  • TSchkape says:

    okay so ive had alot of trouble recently with flux mining. my rig wouldent detect all 3 gpus. or it would but wouldent mine flux with all 3.

    eventually i got all 3 cards working and mining on flux for about 3 days straight until one of the cards suddenly dropped to 0°- 0-sol/s 0-wat

    i closed the miner and got a bluescreen saying tdr value

    restart and got them all mining again for about 3 hours and the same thing happens. all stats drop to 0 but only on 1 card


  • TSchkape says:

    so after 1 of my cards stopped mining and 2 kept mining at the same speeds and all was normal for them. i decided to reinstall windows incase of viruses or anything. now only 2 cards are mining and 1 is at normal stats and 1 card is like 5sol/s 190wat/s
    i just dont understand how mining can be so dam frustrating. i updated bios flashed bios. clears cmos. changed pci slots. cleaned pci slots. changed speeds driver uninstaller and reinstalled fresh drivers and still doesnt mine propperly

    any help is appreciated

    • miniZ says:

      Hi TSchkape,
      Sorry to hear that you are having such a frustrating experience.

      Which GPUs are you using?
      Also, could you share your OCs, the core and memory clock values?
      (Have you tried to mine with stock settings?)

      Maybe you could also check if the power supply is running well, and delivering enough power for all your GPUs. If the issue is related to power, you can lower PL a bit and see if it helps.

      Let’s see if we can help.

  • Hotrod says:

    ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 3
    Driver: 471.68
    Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0:  user[t1Kwv6mJmFoqX6pKZCMRAgqsd7Mn7JBGRRg.Hotrod]
    server[] port[2032] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90 C]
    [INFO   ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:5163]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
    miniZ<125,4>[11:0:00.0:5167]: Selecting GPU#2[2] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER
    miniZ<125,4>[05:0:00.0:3376]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

    [ 0d 0h10m40s] 61(61.4)Sol/s 221(220.2)W
    0>GTX 1050 Ti   100% [54 C/76%]  6.17 I/s 12.17(12.28)Sol/s  60( 60.0)W clk=1478MHz mclk=4104MHz Sol/W=0.20
    1>GTX 1660 Ti  
     100% [64 C/75%] 12.76 I/s 25.41(25.82)Sol/s  83( 82.9)W clk=1603MHz mclk=6844MHz Sol/W=0.31
    2>GTX 1660 SUPER  100% [66 C/75%] 11.69 I/s 23.48(23.34)Sol/s  77( 77.3)W clk=1362MHz mclk=7893MHz Sol/W=0.30
    [ 0d 0h10m50s] 61(61.3)Sol/s 222(220.3)W
    0>GTX 1050 Ti  
     100% [55 C/76%]* 6.17 I/s 12.11(12.26)Sol/s  60( 60.0)W clk=1484MHz mclk=4104MHz Sol/W=0.20
    1>GTX 1660 Ti   100% [64 C/75%]*12.74 I/s 25.58(25.85)Sol/s  84( 82.9)W clk=1603MHz mclk=6844MHz Sol/W=0.31
    2>GTX 1660 SUPER 
     100% [67 C/75%] 11.69 I/s 23.29(23.29)Sol/s  78( 77.4)W clk=1359MHz mclk=7893MHz Sol/W=0.30
    [ 0d 0h11m00s] 61(61.4)Sol/s 221(220.3)W
    0>GTX 1050 Ti   100% [54 C/76%]* 6.17 I/s 12.38(12.33)Sol/s  60( 60.0)W clk=1494MHz mclk=4104MHz Sol/W=0.21
    1>GTX 1660 Ti  
     100% [64 C/75%]*12.73 I/s 25.67(25.87)Sol/s  84( 82.9)W clk=1603MHz mclk=6844MHz Sol/W=0.31
    2>GTX 1660 SUPER  100% [66 C/75%] 11.69 I/s 23.32(23.30)Sol/s  78( 77.4)W clk=1361MHz mclk=7893MHz Sol/W=0.30
    [ 0d 0h11m10s] 61(61.4)Sol/s 220(220.2)W
    0>GTX 1050 Ti  
     100% [55 C/76%]  6.17 I/s 12.43(12.35)Sol/s  60( 60.0)W clk=1495MHz mclk=4104MHz Sol/W=0.21
    1>GTX 1660 Ti   100% [65 C/75%] 12.73 I/s 25.42(25.80)Sol/s  83( 82.9)W clk=1604MHz mclk=6844MHz Sol/W=0.31
    2>GTX 1660 SUPER 
     100% [67 C/75%] 11.69 I/s 23.21(23.27)Sol/s  77( 77.3)W clk=1360MHz mclk=7893MHz Sol/W=0.30
    [ 0d 0h11m20s] 61(61.5)Sol/s 221(220.3)W

    MSI Afterburner settings
    Power limit: 80%
    Core Clock: +50
    Memory clock: +100

    Power Limit: 70%
    Core Clock: 0
    Memory clock: +1100
    1660 Super
    Power Limit: 60%
    Core clock: +100
    Memory clock: +1100
    My concern is the 1660Super I’ve underclocked, overclocked, no clocked even shut Afterburner off,
    and the only setting that changes Sols/s is changing the power limit. If I raise it any higher the card
    quickly goes above 70 C. It from what I’ve read should get around 31-32 Sols/s. My 1660ti is a bit low
    but it’s connected to my monitor. I’m running 32GB RAM with a page file setting of 26624 MB of
    virtual memory. What do you think might be the cause of this one card being so low? I get 32-33 MH/s
    with it on the NB and Excavator miner running the Daggerhashimoto Algo. Think maybe it’s a defective card?
    I’ve only had it a couple of months or less. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • João Bruno says:

    Hi,Recently while im minning with my 2gpus on miniZ on windows i start to get a lot of blue screen with the erro video tdr failure, after read a lot about the subject i try every troubleshooting and in the end i just change the miner software and it seems to be stable while im using computer or when im off of it.Do you have any idea why miniZ start to crash like that ? i cant even shutdown the miner, right away put it to blue screen when i try to shutdown the miner. Any ideas ?

  • João Bruno says:

    Hi,Im having some issues on MiniZ miner software, is there any place where i can have some support to try to understand what can be causing the probelms that im having ?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi João Bruno,
      Thanks a lot for contacting us.

      Have you tried to adjust the OCs a little? It seems that this could be the issue.
      The OCs may not work across different miners, since the algorithm implementation may differ a little.

      We do not know which GPUs are you using, you could have a look at some of the OCs we share and see if it helps.
      (Ex for Flux

      Let us know how it goes.

  • miko says:

    Hello MiniZI try to use your miner, but I’m experiencing some troubles.I have a rig with multiple GPU’s but want to mine with only one of them.OS : Windows 10 & miner : miniZ_v1.8y3_win-x64I put some args in the command line to start the miner but none of them seems to be effectivehere is my last try :.\miniZ.exe –url=[WALLET] -p [PWD] –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –cde 0 1 –cd 2 –tempunits=C –templimit=70C ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 3Driver: 497.09Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[WALLET.rig01]server[] port[2033] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Temp. limit: [90 C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:9106]: Selecting GPU#2[2] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:9105]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:23336]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090[ 0d 0h 0m05s] 76(75.6)Sol/s 560(560.1)W0>RTX 3080 100% [46 C/67%] 0.00 I/s 0.00( 0.00)Sol/s 232(232.3)W clk=1169MHz mclk=10591MHz Sol/W=0.001>RTX 3090 100% [53 C/93%] 0.00 I/s 0.00( 0.00)Sol/s 296(296.0)W clk=1202MHz mclk=10891MHz Sol/W=0.002>RTX 3080 ` 100% [52 C/48%] 37.88 I/s 75.58(75.58)Sol/s 32( 31.8)W clk= 26MHz mclk=49MHz Sol/W=2.38Can you help me to set the correct parameters? If I let these configuration, my rig often crash after one or two mn of runingthanks

  • miko says:

    Hello MiniZ
    I try to use your miner, but I’m experiencing some troubles.
    I have a rig with multiple GPU’s but want to mine with only one of them.
    OS : Windows 10 & miner : miniZ_v1.8y3_win-x64
    I put some args in the command line to start the miner but none of them seems to be effective
    here is my last try :
    .\miniZ.exe –url=[WALLET] -p [PWD] –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –cde 0 1 –cd 2 –tempunits=C –templimit=70C

    ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 3
    Driver: 497.09
    Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[WALLET.rig01]
    server[] port[2033] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Temp. limit: [90 C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:9106]: Selecting GPU#2[2] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
    miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:9105]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080
    miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:23336]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
    [ 0d 0h 0m05s] 76(75.6)Sol/s 560(560.1)W
    0>RTX 3080 100% [46 C/67%] 0.00 I/s 0.00( 0.00)Sol/s 232(232.3)W clk=1169MHz mclk=10591MHz Sol/W=0.00
    1>RTX 3090
    100% [53 C/93%] 0.00 I/s 0.00( 0.00)Sol/s 296(296.0)W clk=1202MHz mclk=10891MHz Sol/W=0.00
    2>RTX 3080 ` 100% [52 C/48%] 37.88 I/s 75.58(75.58)Sol/s 32( 31.8)W clk= 26MHz mclk=49MHz Sol/W=2.38

    Can you help me to set the correct parameters?
    If I let these configuration, my rig often crash after one or two mn of runing

    • miniZ says:

      Hello miko,
      Thank you for your message.

      Sorry, but we are not sure we understand your issue.

      Maybe it is best to increase a bit the temperature limit, try to increase to 75º (a little more is also OK). You just need to write the number. Also, Celsius are the default unit so no need to add -–tempunits=C.

      If you only want to mine with GPU 2, you can write -cd 2.

      To mine with all 3 GPUs:

      .\miniZ.exe -–url=[WALLET] -p [PWD] –-par=125,4 –-pers=ZelProof –-templimit=75

      Let us know if this helps. If not, could you try to explain again what is happening, if any error message in miner output.
      Could you also share your OC setting values?


  • viewer says:

    Hello !I have experienced a lot of different errors but all of them were an easy fix, until now.So I changed 1 GPU in my rig and started getting this error – ( CUDA error 4 ‘unspecified launch failure’ in line 1326 ) on a diffeerent GPu which already been there before.Can’t seem to find the root issue, tryed a lot of different solutions, non of them have worked so far.Running 6x RTX 2080 TiMining FLUX on

    • viewer says:

      ou, and forgot to mention, after this error shows up on one of the GPUsafter miner restart I get and infinite loop of this –

       ************   miniZ   v1.8y4rc2 ************  Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 0  No devices selected, exiting... 
  • viewer says:

    Hello!After 4 minutes of mining I keep getting this error, Can’t seem to find root issue for it. Could anyone help me out ?Runing 6x 2080 TiMining FLUX.

     [FATAL  ]   GPU[1]: CUDA error 4 'unspecified launch failure' in line 1326  [INFO   ]   Disconnecting from 
    • miniZ says:

      Hi viewer,
      Thank you for your message.

      This issue really seems to be OC related. The GPU (or more than one) is crashing causing also the driver loses access to the card.

      You need to adjust the OCs for the GPUs. Maybe it is just one that is causing this.

      You could also check if your power supply is running well, and delivering enough power to your system.

      Let us know how it goes.

  • Андрей says:

    Добрый день! Не могу настроить bat. файл для майнига Eth на сайте

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Андрей,
      We had no problem mining ETH, or ETH+ZIL, with pool.
      The following worked well for us:

      To mine ETH+ZIL: miniZ.exe --url=ssl:// --extra
      To mine ETH: miniZ.exe --url=ssl:// --extra

      Let us know if this helps.

  • Patrik says:

    When sending the API monitoring request very shortly after launching the Miniz miner process – Miniz is crashing about 50% of the time. {“id”:”0″, “method”:”getstat”} If you wait a few seconds before sending this request for the first time, it always works fine. It looks like Miniz miner is sensitive to processing this request at some point during initialization (the first 1 or 2 seconds).

  • Alex says:

    Hi, I’m trying to start mining to via SSH onto a GPU cluster using NGINX, for which we require a specific identifier and password to connect to it.So when I run ./miniz – I get the following error[ERROR] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect[ERROR] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect[ERROR] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect[Warning] Cannot connect to pool, reconnect in ~60s!I I’m pretty sure it has to do with the credentials and address I’m using to connect to my server, but I have no clue on how to do so.

  • Alex says:

    Hello, I’m trying to run miniz on a linux server with nginx, is there any parameters that I need to add to the command line ?

    I keep getting the following error :

    [ERROR] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect

    I guess it has to do with the fact that I need to connect via ssh to this machine, and when running ./miniz – it cannot reach outside of it’s own network.

    when I ssh in I do “ssh -p *****

    Thank you for your help


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Alex,
      Thank you for your message.

      We are not sure we fully understand. The command line you are using is OK, it works well for us.

      Could you let us know if the machines where you want to run miniZ have internet access?
      If your mining computers do not have internet access, you may need to run a proxy somewhere in a node with access to both networks.


  • Steve Lapointe says:

    Hi,Telemetry is not always on (Firefox or Chrome). Sometimes i have to restart miniZ 2 or 3 times before telemetry kick-on. Also if telemetry is off is that mean i also lost the pool for that same amount of time ?It is worst when i launch the task from windows task scheduler. when i use the user SYSTEM its rarely working, when i use other user it’s 50% success like when i start the task manually. Everything is launch as admin rights. and miniZ.exe is set as admin in property. The firewall have port 20000 open and miniZ.exe was added to the white list of the firewall and the same for the anti-virus. My bat file have a taskkill /f /im “miniZ.exe” /T, then a timeout 5 then it start the miniz line.for the telemetry usage i used -a 20000 or –telemetry 20000 or –telemetry= all those 3 methods are equivalently intermittent working.My best workaround for now is using a repeating command in my bat file
    taskkill miniz, timeout 5, start miniz, timeout 5, taskkill miniz,
    timeout 5 and finally start miniz….my chances that telemetry kick-on are better.😀

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steve Lapointe,
      Thank you for letting us know.
      We’ll think about it, and see if we can improve this.

  • caubexinhtrai says:

    Hello! I ran miniz with 1 nvidia card and 1 amd card and see that miniz does not support opencl. Is that true or it is just I do not know how to turn it on

    • miniZ says:

      Hi caubexinhtrai,
      At the moment miniZ does not support AMD GPUs.
      However, an AMD version will be introduced in the next version.
      We will release first the support for 125,4 algorithm.

  • G says:

    Every time I try to start my bat file it automatically closes. This is a new mining rig setup, I’m running windows 10 pro 64 bit, all the updates installed. I downloaded the newest stable version of miniz.I have the latest NVDIA driver for my Geforce GTX 1080ti 11gb – driver version 512.15

    • miniZ says:

      Hi G,

      Thank you for your message.

      We understand that you do not see any error message?

      We are not sure what can be causing this behavior. However, we suspect that it may be related to a missing a dll file – VCRUNTIME140.dll.

      If so, this happens because miniZ is not able to find the file. You can try to locate the file in your system and copy it into miniZ folder.

      You can find various suggestions on how to fix this. Example here.

      However, unless you need it for something else, maybe the best is to find the file and place it next to miniZ. You can download it here.

      Let us know if this helped.

  • mk says:

    Heyo I’m
    trying to use miniZ but have the following socket connect error:

    [ERROR ] Socket connect error.

    [ 0d 0h
    0m06s] 0>GTX 1650 SUPER ` 100% [41°C/23%] 0.00 I/s 0.0(0.0)Sol/s 23( 23.5)W clk=1530MHz mclk=5750MHz

    The version
    I downloaded was the 1.6w

    • miniZ says:

      Hi mk,

      It looks that you are having an issue with the pool, or the port number.
      Could you check if the port number is ssl?

      If you are still having this issue could you paste here your command line?
      Thank you.

  • gorez says:

    how do i enable tls in miner? other miner works fine when tls is enable but cant find the command for miniz

    • miniZ says:

      Hi gorez,

      You need to add ssl:// to the --url argument, as follows:

      miniZ.exe --url=ssl://YourWalletAddress.worker@PoolAddress:PortNumber


  • CryptoChoy says:

    Hi there Mini Z, I’m running a single Nvidia RTX 2080 super on my personal PC, and I found out that Mini-Z will run perfectly fine and stable as long as the temps are below 70 degrees. When it goes above 70 degrees, Mini-Z will crash after a few mins, even though the temp limit was set to 80 degrees in afterburner ( I assume it’s 90 degrees in Mini-Z since that’s what was displayed on launch ). Is this normal?CUDA Driver API error = 0702 from <125,4>, line 1279

    • miniZ says:

      Hi CryptoChoy,

      It seems that the GPU heats up a little, try to adjust a bit your OC settings. Maybe you can start by lowering PL a little.
      This should help.

      You can also adjust the temperature limit by adding the --templimit=[Temperature value] option to your command line. It will define the temperature limit at which mining will suspend for one minute. The temperature control will suspend mining as a safety measure, however as a regular operation control it is best to adjust the OCs.

      Let us know if this helps.

      • CryptoChoy says:

        Hi again, I have changed the OC settings and I managed to run miniZ for 5 days without issues. I took the card out for some dust cleaning and now when I put the card back and try to run miniZ again it crashes after few iterations with the same error. This is definitely not due to thermals or OC settings as I’ve successfully ran the same configuration for 5 days straight previously. May I know what might be the cause for this and what are the recommended solutions? Seems a bit odd to me. CUDA Driver API error = 0702 from <125,4>, line 1279

        • miniZ says:

          Hi CryptoChoy,
          Thank you for your message.
          This message often relates to OCs. You may need to adjust the settings a little.
          But, the best way to discard other issues is to run the card in stock settings to see if the error persists.
          Also, you may also need to check your power supply. It may be causing system instability if becoming faulty.
          Let us know how it goes.

  • Sebastian says:

    Hey Guys,I’m just trying MiniZ for the first time ever.How do I display the share found difficulty? or is that not an option?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Sebastian,
      If you run miniZ with --coolui option you can see this information.
      For the moment this is the only way to see this.

  • chsmurphy says:

    Downloaded miniZ and Bat. there is no bat for flux. where do I edit and run this miner? I have been running 2miners but want the parallel assets. I cant run any of the bats. I edited zel hoping it would work with my wallet, password and region but I could not even start that to even receive a “fail”.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi chsmurphy,
      We’ll have a look at this for the next release.

      You can also create your own .bat file. For this you need to create a new text file, and when giving it a name do not forget to set the .bat extension. Then you can paste there a command line with other miner options (ex. add --show-pers to show personalisation string). Or add extra functionalities (ex. auto restart the miner).
      Here you can find how to create a batch file, there is an example for BTG mining.

      For the moment, if you mine with woolypooly (for example) you can run the miner by creating a bat file (will make the miner restart) as follows.
      Do not forget to customize your wallet address, worker name, server and port number:

      miniZ.exe --log --extra
      timeout /t 5
      goto loop

      Let us know if this helps.

  • Zampini says:

    Hello,I’m mining with HiveOS / MiniZ on Flux.But MiniZ doesn’t work with a 1650S.I’ve this message :

     [FATAL  ]   Cannot load deviceZ code   Can you help me to fix it ? Thanks !  
    • miniZ says:

      Hi Zampini,
      Is miniZ starting with kernel mode 6? It should work…

      You can try adding –mode 11 to your command line. (This will apply mode 11 to all your GPUs.
      To apply to only this GPU use –modeN 11 (N is the GPU number).

      In the case you have a screen attached to your GPU, it may not have much memory availble for mining.
      If you see that mode 11 is also not good for the GPU, try adding –mode 18 instead.

      Let us know if this helps. We’re trying to understand the issue.

  • Broke says:

    ./miniZ -u t1VzouJJHsJ167EPUz2QPP8CDtvvpmTDsX8.W -l –port=2001 -p x –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –ocX –coolui –log
    The only output is: ************ miniZ v1.8z ************
    The only line in the log is: ************ miniZ v1.8z ************
    There is no output when I run ./miniZ -ci
    I am using a 3070 on linux. I have mined for a few months with no problems until today.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Broke,
      Have you managed to solve the issue? We cannot reproduce this behavior.
      We only get an error message “Worker not authorized” which is related to your wallet.
      Please check your wallet address.
      Let us know how it goes.

  • roberto says:
    [ 0d 0h40m50s] S: 25/0 0>GTX 1060 3GB  100% [67°C/93%]*9.50 I/s 16.4(16.8)Sol/s 93( 89.8)W clk=1619MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.4%) (3.6%)
    [ 0d 0h41m00s] S: 25/0 0>GTX 1060 3GB  100% [67°C/93%] 9.53 I/s 16.6(16.8)Sol/s 91( 89.8)W clk=1601MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.4%) (3.6%)
    [ 0d 0h41m10s] S: 25/0 0>GTX 1060 3GB  100% [67°C/93%] 9.59 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 91( 89.8)W clk=1593MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.4%) (3.6%)
    [ 0d 0h41m20s] S: 25/0 0>GTX 1060 3GB  100% [67°C/93%] 9.67 I/s 16.7(16.8)Sol/s 91( 89.8)W clk=1608MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.4%) (3.6%)
    [ 0d 0h41m30s] S: 25/0 0>GTX 1060 3GB  100% [67°C/93%] 9.71 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 89( 89.8)W clk=1610MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.4%) (3.6%)
    [ 0d 0h41m40s] S: 25/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.2% [67°C/93%]*9.75 I/s 17.0(16.8)Sol/s 87( 89.7)W clk=1595MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.5%) (3.5%)
    [ 0d 0h41m50s] S: 25/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.2% [67°C/93%] 9.78 I/s 16.9(16.8)Sol/s 90( 89.7)W clk=1643MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.5%) (3.5%)
    [ 0d 0h42m00s] S: 25/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.2% [67°C/93%] 9.73 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 90( 89.8)W clk=1610MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.5%) (3.5%)
    [ 0d 0h42m10s] S: 25/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.2% [67°C/93%] 9.69 I/s 16.7(16.8)Sol/s 87( 89.7)W clk=1625MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.5%) (3.5%)
    [ 0d 0h42m20s] S: 25/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.2% [67°C/93%] 9.70 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 88( 89.7)W clk=1640MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.5%) (3.5%)
    [ 0d 0h42m30s] S: 25/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.2% [67°C/93%] 9.68 I/s 16.7(16.8)Sol/s 88( 89.7)W clk=1604MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.5%) (3.5%)
    [ 0d 0h42m40s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%]*9.66 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 88( 89.7)W clk=1630MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h42m50s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.64 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 87( 89.7)W clk=1611MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h43m00s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.63 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 89( 89.7)W clk=1611MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h43m10s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.62 I/s 16.7(16.8)Sol/s 86( 89.6)W clk=1598MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h43m20s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.63 I/s 16.8(16.8)Sol/s 86( 89.6)W clk=1595MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h43m30s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.58 I/s 16.5(16.8)Sol/s 87( 89.6)W clk=1607MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h43m40s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.55 I/s 16.4(16.8)Sol/s 93( 89.6)W clk=1606MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h43m50s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.55 I/s 16.1(16.7)Sol/s 89( 89.6)W clk=1606MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h44m00s] S: 26/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.3% [67°C/93%] 9.53 I/s 16.2(16.7)Sol/s 86( 89.5)W clk=1609MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.6%) (3.4%)
    [ 0d 0h44m10s] S: 28/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.6% [67°C/93%]*9.54 I/s 16.4(16.8)Sol/s 90( 89.6)W clk=1588MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.7%) (3.3%)
    [ 0d 0h44m20s] S: 28/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.6% [67°C/93%] 9.58 I/s 16.3(16.7)Sol/s 93( 89.6)W clk=1599MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.7%) (3.3%)
    [ 0d 0h44m30s] S: 28/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.6% [67°C/93%] 9.57 I/s 16.2(16.7)Sol/s 94( 89.7)W clk=1614MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.7%) (3.3%)
    [ 0d 0h44m40s] S: 28/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.6% [67°C/93%] 9.60 I/s 16.1(16.7)Sol/s 93( 89.7)W clk=1597MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.7%) (3.3%)
    [ 0d 0h44m50s] S: 29/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.7% [67°C/93%]*9.69 I/s 16.2(16.7)Sol/s 93( 89.7)W clk=1577MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.8%) (3.2%)
    [ 0d 0h45m11s] S: 29/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.7% [67°C/93%] 9.77 I/s 16.4(16.7)Sol/s 88( 89.6)W clk=1585MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.8%) (3.2%)
    [ 0d 0h45m20s] S: 29/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.7% [67°C/93%] 9.81 I/s 16.4(16.7)Sol/s 84( 89.6)W clk=1596MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.8%) (3.2%)
    [ 0d 0h45m30s] S: 29/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.7% [67°C/93%] 9.83 I/s 16.4(16.7)Sol/s 85( 89.5)W clk=1638MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.8%) (3.2%)
    [ 0d 0h45m40s] S: 29/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.7% [67°C/93%] 9.75 I/s 16.6(16.7)Sol/s 87( 89.5)W clk=1616MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.8%) (3.2%)
    [ 0d 0h45m50s] S: 29/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.7% [67°C/93%] 9.73 I/s 16.5(16.7)Sol/s 88( 89.5)W clk=1620MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.8%) (3.2%)
    [ 0d 0h46m00s] S: 29/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.7% [67°C/93%] 9.66 I/s 16.4(16.7)Sol/s 85( 89.5)W clk=1674MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.8%) (3.2%)
    [ 0d 0h46m10s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%]*9.52 I/s 16.2(16.7)Sol/s 83( 89.4)W clk=1694MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h46m20s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 9.26 I/s 15.7(16.7)Sol/s 82( 89.3)W clk=1671MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h46m30s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 9.16 I/s 15.4(16.6)Sol/s 83( 89.3)W clk=1673MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h46m40s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 9.07 I/s 15.4(16.6)Sol/s 86( 89.3)W clk=1712MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h46m50s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 8.99 I/s 15.3(16.6)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1714MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h47m00s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 8.86 I/s 15.2(16.6)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1635MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h47m10s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 8.78 I/s 15.0(16.6)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1654MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h47m20s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 8.73 I/s 15.0(16.6)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1684MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h47m30s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 8.67 I/s 14.8(16.6)Sol/s 87( 89.3)W clk=1633MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h47m40s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 8.72 I/s 14.6(16.5)Sol/s 91( 89.3)W clk=1615MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h47m50s] S: 31/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 96.9% [67°C/93%] 8.84 I/s 15.1(16.5)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1628MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (96.9%) (3.1%)
    [ 0d 0h48m00s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%]*8.78 I/s 15.1(16.5)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1664MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.19 [] (97.0%) (3.0%)
    [ 0d 0h48m10s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.72 I/s 15.0(16.5)Sol/s 94( 89.4)W clk=1690MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.0%) (3.0%)
    [ 0d 0h48m20s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.67 I/s 14.8(16.5)Sol/s 94( 89.4)W clk=1670MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.0%) (3.0%)
    [ 0d 0h48m30s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.58 I/s 14.7(16.5)Sol/s 91( 89.4)W clk=1689MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.0%) (3.0%)
    [ 0d 0h48m40s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.54 I/s 14.8(16.5)Sol/s 91( 89.4)W clk=1678MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.0%) (3.0%)
    [ 0d 0h48m50s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.50 I/s 14.7(16.4)Sol/s 92( 89.4)W clk=1671MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.0%) (3.0%)
    [ 0d 0h49m00s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.47 I/s 14.5(16.4)Sol/s 90( 89.4)W clk=1668MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.0%) (3.0%)
    [ 0d 0h49m10s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.41 I/s 14.1(16.4)Sol/s 89( 89.4)W clk=1687MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h49m20s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.38 I/s 14.0(16.4)Sol/s 90( 89.4)W clk=1667MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h49m30s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.36 I/s 14.1(16.4)Sol/s 89( 89.4)W clk=1678MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h49m40s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.30 I/s 14.0(16.3)Sol/s 87( 89.4)W clk=1673MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h49m50s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.2(16.3)Sol/s 92( 89.4)W clk=1703MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h50m00s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.16 I/s 13.8(16.3)Sol/s 87( 89.4)W clk=1702MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h50m10s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.12 I/s 13.9(16.3)Sol/s 86( 89.4)W clk=1693MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h50m20s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.09 I/s 13.8(16.3)Sol/s 88( 89.4)W clk=1703MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h50m30s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 8.06 I/s 13.5(16.2)Sol/s 87( 89.3)W clk=1697MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h50m40s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 7.95 I/s 13.4(16.2)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1692MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h50m50s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [66°C/93%] 7.91 I/s 13.4(16.2)Sol/s 86( 89.3)W clk=1701MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h51m00s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 7.90 I/s 13.5(16.2)Sol/s 85( 89.3)W clk=1719MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h51m10s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 7.88 I/s 13.3(16.1)Sol/s 91( 89.3)W clk=1673MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h51m20s] S: 32/1 0>GTX 1060 3GB 97.0% [67°C/93%] 7.85 I/s 13.3(16.1)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1705MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.1%) (2.9%)
    [ 0d 0h51m30s] S: 32/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.1% [67°C/93%]*7.84 I/s 13.3(16.1)Sol/s 86( 89.2)W clk=1708MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.2%) (2.8%)
    [ 0d 0h51m40s] S: 32/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.1% [67°C/93%] 7.83 I/s 13.2(16.1)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1604MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.2%) (2.8%)
    [ 0d 0h51m50s] S: 32/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.1% [67°C/93%] 7.82 I/s 13.2(16.1)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1673MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.2%) (2.8%)
    [ 0d 0h52m00s] S: 32/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.1% [67°C/93%] 7.82 I/s 13.4(16.1)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1681MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h52m10s] S: 32/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.1% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.5(16.0)Sol/s 93( 89.3)W clk=1691MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h52m20s] S: 32/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.1% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.5(16.0)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1717MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h52m30s] S: 32/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.1% [67°C/93%] 7.79 I/s 13.6(16.0)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1733MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h52m40s] S: 33/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.3% [67°C/93%]*7.78 I/s 13.6(16.0)Sol/s 90( 89.3)W clk=1638MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h52m50s] S: 33/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.3% [67°C/93%] 7.77 I/s 13.7(16.0)Sol/s 90( 89.3)W clk=1697MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h53m00s] S: 33/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.3% [67°C/93%] 7.78 I/s 13.7(16.0)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1707MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h53m10s] S: 33/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.3% [67°C/93%] 7.78 I/s 13.6(16.0)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1702MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h53m20s] S: 33/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.3% [67°C/93%] 7.79 I/s 13.6(16.0)Sol/s 93( 89.3)W clk=1688MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h53m30s] S: 34/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.4% [67°C/93%]*7.80 I/s 13.5(15.9)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1699MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h53m40s] S: 34/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.4% [67°C/92%] 7.80 I/s 13.3(15.9)Sol/s 86( 89.2)W clk=1651MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h53m50s] S: 34/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.4% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.3(15.9)Sol/s 86( 89.2)W clk=1685MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.3%) (2.7%)
    [ 0d 0h54m00s] S: 35/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.6% [67°C/93%]*7.80 I/s 13.1(15.9)Sol/s 90( 89.2)W clk=1679MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h54m10s] S: 35/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.6% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.1(15.8)Sol/s 90( 89.2)W clk=1691MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h54m20s] S: 35/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.6% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.3(15.8)Sol/s 91( 89.3)W clk=1702MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h54m30s] S: 35/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.6% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.3(15.8)Sol/s 94( 89.3)W clk=1697MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h54m40s] S: 35/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.6% [67°C/93%] 7.81 I/s 13.3(15.8)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1682MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h54m50s] S: 35/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.6% [67°C/93%] 7.81 I/s 13.4(15.8)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1682MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h55m00s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%]*7.81 I/s 13.4(15.8)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1685MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h55m10s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.2(15.8)Sol/s 90( 89.3)W clk=1688MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h55m20s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.1(15.7)Sol/s 93( 89.3)W clk=1682MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h55m30s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.1(15.7)Sol/s 90( 89.3)W clk=1687MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h55m40s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.80 I/s 13.1(15.7)Sol/s 93( 89.3)W clk=1692MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h55m50s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.79 I/s 13.0(15.7)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1704MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h56m00s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.75 I/s 12.9(15.7)Sol/s 91( 89.3)W clk=1710MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h56m10s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.72 I/s 12.9(15.7)Sol/s 91( 89.3)W clk=1707MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.4%) (2.6%)
    [ 0d 0h56m20s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.73 I/s 12.9(15.6)Sol/s 93( 89.3)W clk=1684MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.18 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h56m30s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/94%] 7.81 I/s 12.9(15.6)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1649MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h56m40s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.84 I/s 12.9(15.6)Sol/s 90( 89.3)W clk=1710MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h56m50s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.83 I/s 12.9(15.6)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1682MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h57m00s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.85 I/s 12.8(15.6)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1672MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h57m10s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.87 I/s 12.9(15.6)Sol/s 87( 89.3)W clk=1679MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h57m22s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.90 I/s 12.9(15.5)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1681MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h57m30s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.91 I/s 13.0(15.5)Sol/s 92( 89.3)W clk=1683MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h57m40s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.93 I/s 13.2(15.5)Sol/s 93( 89.4)W clk=1704MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h57m50s] S: 36/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.7% [67°C/93%] 7.95 I/s 13.4(15.5)Sol/s 94( 89.4)W clk=1689MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.5%) (2.5%)
    [ 0d 0h58m00s] S: 37/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 94.9% [67°C/93%]*7.98 I/s 13.3(15.5)Sol/s 86( 89.3)W clk=1683MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h58m10s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/93%]*7.99 I/s 13.2(15.5)Sol/s 89( 89.3)W clk=1686MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h58m20s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/92%] 7.99 I/s 13.3(15.5)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1666MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h58m30s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/93%] 8.00 I/s 13.2(15.5)Sol/s 90( 89.3)W clk=1659MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h58m40s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/93%] 8.06 I/s 13.2(15.5)Sol/s 85( 89.3)W clk=1686MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h58m50s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/93%] 8.08 I/s 13.3(15.4)Sol/s 88( 89.3)W clk=1661MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h59m00s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/93%] 8.10 I/s 13.3(15.4)Sol/s 87( 89.3)W clk=1681MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h59m10s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/93%] 8.12 I/s 13.2(15.4)Sol/s 85( 89.2)W clk=1664MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h59m20s] S: 38/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.0% [67°C/93%] 8.14 I/s 13.4(15.4)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1661MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h59m30s] S: 39/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.1% [67°C/93%]*8.17 I/s 13.5(15.4)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1659MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h59m40s] S: 39/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.1% [67°C/93%] 8.18 I/s 13.4(15.4)Sol/s 87( 89.2)W clk=1649MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 0h59m50s] S: 39/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.1% [66°C/93%] 8.20 I/s 13.4(15.4)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1661MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 1h 0m00s] S: 40/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.2% [67°C/93%]*8.21 I/s 13.5(15.4)Sol/s 85( 89.2)W clk=1676MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 1h 0m10s] S: 40/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.2% [67°C/93%] 8.24 I/s 13.8(15.4)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1678MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 1h 0m20s] S: 40/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.2% [67°C/93%] 8.24 I/s 13.9(15.4)Sol/s 87( 89.2)W clk=1682MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 1h 0m30s] S: 40/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.2% [67°C/93%] 8.25 I/s 13.9(15.4)Sol/s 87( 89.2)W clk=1667MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 1h 0m40s] S: 40/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.2% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.0(15.4)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1676MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 1h 0m50s] S: 40/2 0>GTX 1060 3GB 95.2% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.0(15.4)Sol/s 88( 89.2)W clk=1666MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.6%) (2.4%)
    [ 0d 1h 1m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%]*8.27 I/s 14.0(15.4)Sol/s 84( 89.1)W clk=1691MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 1m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.0(15.3)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1664MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 1m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.1(15.3)Sol/s 87( 89.1)W clk=1674MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 1m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.28 I/s 13.9(15.3)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1653MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 1m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.28 I/s 14.0(15.3)Sol/s 92( 89.2)W clk=1673MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 1m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 13.8(15.3)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1693MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 2m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.25 I/s 14.0(15.3)Sol/s 88( 89.1)W clk=1678MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 2m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.1(15.3)Sol/s 90( 89.1)W clk=1668MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 2m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.2(15.3)Sol/s 93( 89.2)W clk=1673MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 2m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.2(15.3)Sol/s 89( 89.2)W clk=1664MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 2m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 85( 89.1)W clk=1661MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 2m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.3(15.3)Sol/s 85( 89.1)W clk=1676MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 3m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.28 I/s 14.5(15.3)Sol/s 83( 89.1)W clk=1678MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 3m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 87( 89.1)W clk=1657MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 3m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.3(15.3)Sol/s 90( 89.1)W clk=1670MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 3m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.25 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 91( 89.1)W clk=1671MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 3m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 92( 89.1)W clk=1680MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 3m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 90( 89.1)W clk=1690MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 4m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.25 I/s 14.5(15.3)Sol/s 88( 89.1)W clk=1668MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 4m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.22 I/s 14.5(15.3)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1669MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 4m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.19 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 85( 89.1)W clk=1680MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 4m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.13 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 83( 89.0)W clk=1692MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 4m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.13 I/s 14.4(15.3)Sol/s 87( 89.0)W clk=1674MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 4m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.11 I/s 14.3(15.2)Sol/s 87( 89.0)W clk=1685MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 5m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.07 I/s 14.5(15.3)Sol/s 85( 89.0)W clk=1715MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 5m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.06 I/s 14.2(15.2)Sol/s 89( 89.0)W clk=1664MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 5m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/92%] 8.01 I/s 14.1(15.2)Sol/s 89( 89.0)W clk=1683MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 5m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.04 I/s 14.1(15.2)Sol/s 90( 89.0)W clk=1660MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 5m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.07 I/s 14.1(15.2)Sol/s 92( 89.0)W clk=1665MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 5m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.09 I/s 14.0(15.2)Sol/s 93( 89.1)W clk=1678MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 6m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.14 I/s 13.9(15.2)Sol/s 92( 89.1)W clk=1669MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 6m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.16 I/s 14.1(15.2)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1680MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 6m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.18 I/s 14.1(15.2)Sol/s 93( 89.1)W clk=1673MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 6m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.19 I/s 14.2(15.2)Sol/s 88( 89.1)W clk=1669MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 6m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.21 I/s 14.2(15.2)Sol/s 91( 89.1)W clk=1683MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 6m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.22 I/s 14.3(15.2)Sol/s 91( 89.1)W clk=1656MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 7m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.23 I/s 14.2(15.2)Sol/s 90( 89.1)W clk=1663MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 7m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.24 I/s 14.1(15.2)Sol/s 87( 89.1)W clk=1676MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 7m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.25 I/s 14.2(15.2)Sol/s 87( 89.1)W clk=1690MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.7%) (2.3%)
    [ 0d 1h 7m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.26 I/s 14.4(15.2)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1674MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 7m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.2(15.2)Sol/s 86( 89.1)W clk=1666MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 7m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.28 I/s 14.2(15.2)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1671MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 8m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.27 I/s 14.3(15.2)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1683MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 8m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.28 I/s 14.2(15.1)Sol/s 88( 89.1)W clk=1663MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 8m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.29 I/s 14.2(15.1)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1669MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 8m30s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.30 I/s 14.1(15.1)Sol/s 88( 89.1)W clk=1688MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 8m40s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.30 I/s 14.2(15.1)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1685MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 8m50s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.30 I/s 14.4(15.1)Sol/s 91( 89.1)W clk=1678MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 9m00s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.30 I/s 14.4(15.1)Sol/s 89( 89.1)W clk=1671MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 9m10s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB 93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.31 I/s 14.4(15.1)Sol/s 92( 89.1)W clk=1679MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    [ 0d 1h 9m20s] S: 40/3 0>GTX 1060 3GB `93.0% [67°C/93%] 8.30 I/s 14.5(15.1)Sol/s 92( 89.1)W clk=1658MHz mclk=3999MHz Sol/W=0.17 [] (97.8%) (2.2%)
    I'm new to mining, but I had a doubt about it, the percentage went from 100% to 92% what does that mean?
    • miniZ says:

      Hi roberto,
      Are you using Windows 10?
      That GPU has only 3GB. Windows 10 leaves much less memory available so we had to create a special kernel for flux mining on 3GB GPUs.
      If you leave it for longer time that percentage may improve a bit, however flux mining with 3GB+Win10 will always have a bit more rejects or stale shares.
      If you use Windows 7, or Linux OS, it should work much better.

  • Alex says:

    HelloI was using version 1.8y3 with no trouble for months, i just tried 1.8z2 and it stop working for no reason with no messages, i have to restard the soft every hour so i switched back to 1.8y

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Alex,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      What algo are you trying to mine?
      We’ve corrected a few minor bugs that may be related to your issue. We’re about to make a relase with these fixes.
      We suggest to try it out and let us know if it resolves the issue.

  • Zane says:

    Hi miniZ I’ve been having some trouble getting my 11 card rig to run stable on flux, GTX1070, RTX2070,RTX2080TI windows 10,driver 472.12, latest miniZ version All stock settings on all cards results in crash then bluescreen after an hour or two, sometimes all my 2070 will go down to 0sols 0watts before it crashes(I suspect they are the problem,power is not the problem I have enough Things I’ve tried:, older GPU drivers, cuda 10 miniZ(1.6?) version, lower PL on all cards,excluding cards from mining,Tr

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Zane,
      This looks like an hardware issue.
      We’ve experienced something similar in one of our rigs. Changing the gpu order helped.
      The best is removing GPU one by one to find out which is causing problems.
      In any case, is this specific to one algorithm? Or is more generic?

    • Zane says:

      I tried changing the GPU order, still crashed.It’s working on other Algorithms so I believe it’s just the zelhash algoThanks for your reply,still trying to figure it out

  • Aurum says:

    Each day some of my miniZ miners stop and close themselves for no apparent reason. When will a watchdog be added to reduce down time? TIA

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Aurum,
      You can run miniZ from a bat script with a loop.

      For example on Windows you can create a bat file with content as follows:
      miniZ.exe --log --extra
      timeout /t 5
      goto loop

      Let us know if this helps.

  • Rachit says:

    I am trying to mine flux on Linux.
    I have 1 rtx 3090ti, 1 rtx 3090 & 1 rtx 3060 ti.
    I am not able to start miniz and getting segmentation fault even when checking a normal command like this:
    ~/Documents/miniz$ ./miniZ –list-modes
    ************ miniZ v1.8z3 ************
    Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[0.00] devices found: 3
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)

    My command:

    ./miniZ -u <my wallet address> -l –port=2001 -p minpayout=100 –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof

    I am able to go further extra steps with miniZ_v1.6w4_cuda11_linux-x64.tar.gz version before I get segmentation fault again.

    I am using Nvidia 510 driver.

    /miniZ –cuda-info
    Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.60] devices found: 3
    #0 EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 Ti | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 84 | cores: 10752 | Memory: 22.856GB | BusID: 0000:01:00.0
    #1 EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra v2 | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 82 | cores: 10496 | Memory: 23.442GB | BusID: 0000:06:00.0
    #2 EVGA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 38 | cores: 4864 | Memory: 7.659GB | BusID: 0000:08:00.0

    Kindly help

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Rachit,
      Could you try to mine with only one GPU?
      Maybe try to mine with each GPU at a time, to see if this could be an error cause by one specific board. You can use -cd option to select the board.
      Let us know what happened.

  • Joel POYOT says:

    Bonjour,j’utilise la version 1.8z3 et workeur n’arrive pas a se connecter, workeur non autorisé pourtant j’u tilise Zelcore

  • Steve says:

    Hi,The telemetry access is not always working. Sometimes i need to restart miniz 4-5 times before i can see it on firefox or chrome or edge on my pc or also if i access them from my phone inside or outside the network. I tried disabling the firewall and add an exception to the port 20000 but same results. I tried the following -a 20000, –telemetry 20000 or --telemetry same bug. I even tried to combine both -a 20000 and --telemetry at the same time in my bat files with no luck. Telemetry is intermittent. i don't know if there is a king of port usage reset that i can add to my bat file as a workaround. Also if the telemetry is not reachable is that mean that the miner performance itself is affected ?Thanks

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steve,
      Thank you for your message.
      miner performance is not affected with this.
      Possibly that port is being used by another program.
      Have you tried using another port number?
      Let us know if this helps.
      ps. -a and --telemetry are equivalent options.

  • Tony says:

    hello I am having this new issue ( used to work like a charm ) : sudo ./miniZ –url=my –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –extra -pl 200 –templimit=67C –memclock=7500 –ocX************ miniZ v1.8z3 ************Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[0.00] devices found: 1Segmentation faul

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Tony,
      Is this happening only with the latest version?
      Could you paste here the output of ./miniZ -ci?

  • Jose says:

    Hello, The telemetry access is working except for temp and watt. The console however, after selecting the GPUs just sits there with no other output than the cursor blinking. Mining continues normally. Any ideas on what could be happening. Thank you.Mining BTG on Mining Pool Hub with GTX 1060 using v1.8z3.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jose,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      Do you get any error message, or warning, on the console?
      Could you paste here the output ofminiZ.exe -ci?

      • Jose says:

        Hi there, sorry I took so long to reply.My PSU fried my motherboard or it was the other way around so I had to replace both.I went back a to an older version and now have console and telemetry output, however still no temp and watt.Any help will be appreciated. Thanks for a great miner.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Jose,
          Sorry to hear about your PSU/motherboard.
          It is likely that you had to reinstall the driver…
          If not you could try to update the driver, and maybe this would be enough to solve the issue.

          If this doesn’t work, and you’re using Windows:
          Maybe you are missing the nvidia library nvml.dll.
          It could be misplaced, or during driver instalation the antivirus got rid of it.

          You’ll need to find/download the file and add it to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\, or to miniZ folder (should work too).

          You can also have a look at another message (with a bit more information) we posted here

          If you’re using Linux:
          Can you find the file?
          To know if you have you can search by running the command ‘locate’

          Maybe is not properly installed (could help reinstall the nvidia driver). Or, you may need to add it to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

          Let us know if this helped you get the temp and watt back.

          ps: If you added --nonvml to your command line then do not use it.
          The option --nonvml is used to disable GPU monitoring. In this case, it disables the report of GPU data status (fan, temperature, power…).

          • Jose says:

            Hi there. I started to have some other problems like BSOD so i tried different things. I finally installed a very old driver,2018, from Nvidia and every thing is back to normal. Thanks so much for your suggestions, it shows you care about the users. I use miniz to mine everything I can with my old GTX 1060 GPUs.

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Jose,
              Thanks for the feedback, and for your kind words.
              It’s great to know that you managed to find a way to resolve the issue.
              We’re also using an older driver (470.86, Linux) on one of our rigs, that is working well with even older GPUs. On Windows, maybe 473.xx driver could also work?
              On the other hand, if its working OK, maybe you can let it be as it is, for now. 🙂

  • Osborn says:

    Hello ,Excuse me, I have this problem, please help me out. Thanks!************ miniZ v1.8z3 ************Failed to find required function “cuFuncSetAttribute” in nvcuda.dllNumber of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[0.00] devices found: 0Number of OpenCL[] devices found: 0[FATAL ] No devices selected, exiting…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Osborn,
      Could you give us some more information?
      Which driver version are you using? Are you mining with nvidia or amd (or both) cards?
      What coin or token are you trying to mine?

  • derek says:

    setting memclock fails on nvidia cards.. 512 driver. for 30 series it fails but defaults to lowest BIOS default for card (5001Mhz in windows). for 20 series cards it fails outright. no change.

  • Nattaphol says:

    I’m using HiveOS to mine FLUX, entered my wallet, chose for pool and miniZ for mining.I keep getting worker not authorized in the terminal. any fixes?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Nattaphol,
      We find no issue with the pool, on HiveOS.
      Could you check the wallet address? Check if it was copied correctly, and if it is a FLUX wallet.
      Also, could you check if the algo (125,4) is correct?

  • Adam says:

    Hello, I am trying to get miniz going on a solo flux pool but when I run the bat file I keep getting these errors. How can I fix this?umber of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[0.00] devices found: 3Number of OpenCL[] devices found: 0Driver: 516.94Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[solo:t1cMouewXmPV7JkxF4j5cXRB2kWanLWS8bz.Worker] server[] port[1200] ssl[no] pers[Zelproof]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]Temp. limit: [90 C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:23330]: Selecting GPU#0[0] Dell GeForce RTX 3090miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:23330]: Selecting GPU#2[2] EVGA GeForce RTX 3090 FTW3 Ultra v2miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:23330]: Selecting GPU#1[1] Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3090[ 0d 0h 0m04s] S: 0/0/0 292(291.8)Sol/s 349(349.3)W [] 0>RTX 3090 100% [44 C/30%] 46.98 I/s 93.73( 93.73)Sol/s 66( 65.8)W clk=1723MHz mclk=9008MHz Sol/W=1.425 1>RTX 3090 100% [43 C/ 0%] 49.34 I/s 98.44( 98.44)Sol/s 145(145.4)W clk=1994MHz mclk=9742MHz Sol/W=0.677 2>RTX 3090 100% [54 C/ 0%] 49.96 I/s 99.66( 99.66)Sol/s 138(138.1)W clk=1935MHz mclk=9621MHz Sol/W=0.722[WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share[WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share[WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share[WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share[WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share[WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share[WARNING] Bad share: Invalid share

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Adam,
      You need to correct the personalization string: it should be ZelProof (not Zelproof).
      This should fix it.

  • sad says:

    miniZ_v1.9z_win-x64>.\miniZ.exe –url=t1QK2cT8hc9xKMZTA5DSVFzeuVA1AVpeFW3.1660ti@ -p X –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof

    D:\360安全浏览器下载\miniZ_v1.9z_win-x64>timeout /t 5

    • miniZ says:

      Hi sad,
      We found no issue with this pool, when mining flux.
      We notice you have a ‘space’ right after the @. Maybe it is also good to write 125,4 without ‘spaces’.
      The following should work well:
      .\miniZ.exe -p X --par=125,4 --pers=ZelProof
      Could this be your problem?
      Let us know if this helps.

  • jta says:

    Hi. I em mining for some time. But now for first time miniz on windows does nothing… program start , and after 2-3 sec closes , with no explanation what’s wrong, noithing. Anti virus are disabled.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi jta,
      Could you give us some more information?
      1. Which miniZ version are you using?
      2. Could you paste here your command line?
      3. And, could you also paste here the output of running .\miniZ.exe -ci?

      Maybe, you could also verify the SHA256 of the file, to check if everything is fine with it.

      We’ll try to understand the issue.

  • sylentz says:

    miniZ 1.9z does not start on Win10.19044.1889; Nvidia Driver 512.77 (last t-rex supported LHR bypass) RTX 3060/3070/3080. Hashes were verified with Get-Filehash and the reference sha256 on the site, but zip and exe. miniZ.exe –help is run in a non-admin and an admin powershell console, a “loading” spinning wheel shows on the mouse location for 1 second and the console returns with no output. Event Viewer logs an “Error” in Administrative Events:
    Faulting application name: miniZ.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x6313ec16
    Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 10.0.19041.1806, time stamp: 0x1000a5b9
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000000000008d596
    Faulting process id: 0x16cc
    Faulting application start time: 0x01d8c38ca72f0444
    Faulting application path: %userprofile%\{anti-virus exempted folder}\miniZ_v1.9z_win-x64\miniZ.exe
    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Report Id: 4e06fb8d-484d-4edb-a51c-54484d2851b1
    Faulting package full name:
    Faulting package-relative application ID:

    • miniZ says:

      Hi sylentz,
      Thanks a lot for your detailed message.
      There is an issue with the Windows version v1.9z. But it seems not to afect all Windows systems…
      We’re working to fix this asap.

  • Andy X says:

    Hello, I installed the new version of miniZ (1.9) but when I run the bat file the window automatically closes. It’s happened on both of my workers. I also tried to launch using the GUI, the window opens but the miner doesn’t launch/start, it stays on a loop trying to connect.

    My workers are a gtx 1050ti on windows 10 and a gtx 1070 on windows 11 both running on miniZ version 1.8z3.

    Also, I’ve been getting an error code on my 1070, it says [ERROR] Socket write error2 and the next line prints: write : No error . After that I get a couple of invalid shares and continues working.

    Any fixes or recommendations?
    Thank you!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Andy X,
      Could you try the new version v1.9z2?
      We fixed the issue with Windows v1.9z.

      Regarding the issue with the 1070, could you let us know the algo you’re mining? And which pool are you using?
      We’ll have a look.

      Thanks for the feedback.

  • Marian says:

    Zano mining error in version 1.9z:

    • Marian says:
       [INFO   ]   Mining fee set to 1.00%  miniZ<progpowz>[00:0:00.0: 2947]  : Selecting GPU#2[2]   Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB  miniZ<progpowz>[00:0:00.0: 2947]  : Selecting GPU#3[3]   Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB  miniZ<progpowz>[00:0:00.0: 2947]  : Selecting GPU#4[4]   Zotac GeForce GTX 1060 3GB  miniZ<progpowz>[00:0:00.0: 2947]  : Selecting GPU#1[1]   Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB  miniZ<progpowz>[00:0:00.0: 2931]  : Selecting GPU#0[0]   Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 3GB  [INFO   ]   GPU[02]: Generating DAG #58 [1487+23=1511MB]  [INFO   ]   GPU[01]: Generating DAG #58 [1487+23=1511MB]  [INFO   ]   GPU[04]: Generating DAG #58 [1487+23=1511MB]  [INFO   ]   GPU[00]: Generating DAG #58 [1487+23=1511MB]  [INFO   ]   GPU[03]: Generating DAG #58 [1487+23=1511MB]  [FATAL  ]   GPU[02] CUDA API error 0006 from <progpow>, line 219.  [INFO   ]   QUITminiZ  [INFO   ]   Monitor exited.  [INFO   ]   Disconnecting from                                                                                                                                                         miniz   exited (exitcode=1), waiting to cooldown a bit                                                                                                                                                         Skipping miner log rotation due to execution time < 30sec                                                                                                                                                         Trying to release TIME_WAIT sockets:  tcp        0      0         TIME_WAIT  
  • Scott S says:

    Mine just does a 5 second countdown and loops back around. No error msg, no nothing by 5 sec countdown and loop. C:\Users\scott\OneDrive\Desktop\miniZ>.\miniZ.exe – -p x –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof -cd 3 –log –extra –latencyC:\Users\scott\OneDrive\Desktop\miniZ>timeout /t 5Waiting for 0 seconds, press a key to continue …C:\Users\scott\OneDrive\Desktop\miniZ>goto loopC:\Users\scott\OneDrive\Desktop\miniZ>.\miniZ.exe – -p x –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof -cd 3 –log –extra –latencyC:\Users\scott\OneDrive\Desktop\miniZ>timeout /t 5Waiting for 3 seconds, press a key to continue …

  • Jerry Quinet says:

    Hi there, i’m new to flux mining.
    I randomly get this error : [FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 296
    Sometimes, CUDA error 73, 76. Looping around, only with miniZ on this algo. I tried a lot of different OCs for GPU[0], no changes.

    Can you tell me what is wrong ? Thx by advance.

    ************ miniZ v1.9z2 ************
    Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.60] devices found: 2
    Driver: 510.60
    Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[t1HxhvRKJoSTC59Kf4D2WV6HKTPodt4k6jb.ShinRig_GPU_Nvidias]
    server[] port[7011] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Logging:: file[/var/log/miner/miniz/miniz.log] period[10] delay[0]
    Optimisation: ocX[0 0]
    Temp. limit: [90°C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0:11937]: Selecting GPU#1[1] MSI GeForce RTX 3060 v2
    miniZ<125,4>[17:0:00.0: 7813]: Selecting GPU#0[0] Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
    [FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 296
    [INFO ] QUIT miniZ
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jerry Quinet,
      Are you overclocking the GPUs?
      Usually this error means that OC need some adjustment.
      Have you tried to mine in stock settings (be sure that your power supply supports the power demand in stock).
      Let us know if this helps.
      Thanks for using miniZ.

  • Justin R says:

    This keeps happening every time i start miniZ

    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<125,4>[00:0:00.0: 3315]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU
    [FATAL ] GPU[00] has invalid mode 0.
    [INFO ] QUIT miniZ
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from

  • Youssef says:

    I’m trying to setup miniZ to mine but I keep getting this error code. I’m sure I have correctly input the pool address.I’m using the latest version of miniZ (miniZ_v1.9z2_win-x64)[FATAL ] Unknown command line option :2033

  • mimikun says:

    Hi there, I’m new to flux mining. I get this error :bat>miniZ.exe --templimit=75 --nvidia -u t1gwCcY1KRASJjPexzmxhcRzy5D4gXjTFSy.worker --server --port 1200 --pers="Zelproof"************ miniZ v1.9z2 ************Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.70] devices found: 1[FATAL ] GPU[0]: Driver error 2 'out of memory' in line 261[INFO ] QUIT miniZmy batfile is here: you tell me what is wrong?Thanks

    • miniZ says:

      Hi mimikun,
      Thanks for using miniZ.
      Which GPU are you using?
      Could you also paste here the output of running
      miniZ.exe -ci

      • mimikun says:

        I’m using NVIDIA RTX 2080 SUPER.miniZ.exe -ci ressult:➜ miniZ.exe --templimit=75 --nvidia -u t1gwCcY1KRASJjPexzmxhcRzy5D4gXjTFSy.worker --server --port 1200 --pers="Zelproof" -ciNumber of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.70] devices found: 1[FATAL ] GPU[0]: Driver error 2 'out of memory' in line 261[INFO ] QUIT miniZThanks.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi mimikun,
          Thanks for the feedback.

          Sorry we didn’t specify well the command.
          We asked to run miniZ.exe -ci (just the -ci option), with no other mining options 🙂
          But it’s OK, it looks that the miner is trying to launch the kernel but cannot allocate memory.
          This might be related to pagefile. Could you increase pagefile, and check again?

          You can see here how to check the pagefile size and how to manage it.

          Let us know if this helps.

  • Travis says:

    VCRUNTIME140.dll was not found, keep getting this error on startup. I have updated the driver for the RTX 3070, and tried multiple versions of miniz. No luck today.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Travis,
      Thank you for your message.

      It seems that miniZ is not able to find the dll file.
      You can try to locate the file in your system and copy it into miniZ folder.

      You can find various suggestions on how to fix this. Example here.
      However, unless you need it for something else, maybe the best is to find the file and place it next to miniZ. You can download it here.

      Let us know if this helped.

  • Tony says:

    Miniz does not show any power/eff stats? I tried using 1.8z3 and 1.9z2, both have the same issues but mining works. Other mining software all works well on the same cards. Please help.

    [ 0d13h18m40s] S:2031/0/1 284(286.7)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W []- 29ms (98.1%) (1.9%)
    0>RTX 3060 Ti 100% [40 C/85%] 25.55 I/s 50.94(50.95)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1860MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf
    1>RTX 3060 Ti
    100% [49 C/85%] 25.84 I/s 50.39(51.65)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1800MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf
    2>RTX 3070 100% [47 C/85%] 31.15 I/s 61.72(62.18)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1845MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf
    3>RTX 3070
    99.8% [49 C/85%] 30.53 I/s 60.41(61.02)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1845MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf
    4>RTX 3070 ` 100% [47 C/85%] 30.26 I/s 60.23(60.48)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=1845MHz mclk=7001MHz Sol/W=inf

  • pika28 says:

    Hi. The console sends me an error concerning the setting of the fans. The driver version is not compatible. Perhaps it would be wise in the error message to indicate which version is compatible… 😉

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Pika28,
      We’ve just answered to your other message.
      Regarding fan control, we may be able to make it work for older drivers, on Windows.
      For the moment it will work with more recent drivers like the 516(Windows).
      Thanks for your message.

  • MrAlgo says:

    Hi,I have 10 1080ti GPU. My Rig work fine with T-Rex for mining RVN.When i try to mine FLUX with MiniZ my Rig reboot after check all GPU or some times the Rig reboot just some seconds after check GPU.This is my commande line : sudo ./miniZ –url=ssl://####### –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –power=180 –nvidia –logfile=log09 –extra Thank you for your help

  • MrAlgo says:

    Hi,When i launch Miniz (1.9z2 on Ubuntu 20.04) on my rig (10 x 1080ti), the rig reboot after GPU list. No OC, just 100% fan speed set.However my 10 1080ti work perfectly with other Miner.This is my commande line : sudo ./miniz –url=ssl://WALLET.RIGNAME@POOL:xxxx –part=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –power=180 –nvidia –log –extraI try without POWER option but the result is the same.If anyone have some tips or solution… Thank you.

    • MrAlgo says:

      It try to set power option to 210 and i have the following error :GPU[4]: Driver error 999 ‘unknow error’ in line 178I have Nvidia 515.65 and Cuda 11.70Thank you

      • miniZ says:

        Hi MrAlgo,
        We answered on bitcoinalk forum too.
        Could you test the new version v1.9z3 and see if the issue persists?
        Could you check if your power supply is enough for the system power demands?
        If you try running miniZ with just a couple of GPUs does it work?

        Also, have you tried mining RVN with miniZ? How does it perorm?
        It is good to check the OCs, equihash might need different settings.

        Let us know how it goes!

  • João Ferreira says:

    Hi,I’m using MiniZ 19z2 and one of my rigs keeps having this error:/hive/miners/miniz/ line 20: 6299 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./miniZ $(< {MINER_NAME}.conf) –logfile $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log –telemetry${MINER_API_PORT} –gpu-lineminiz exited (exitcode=139), waiting to cooldown a bitThe miner reboots several times a day, can someone tel me why?Thanks

  • João Ferreira says:

    HI,My MiniZ 1.9z2 keeps restarting with this error miniz “exited (exitcode=139), waiting to cooldown a bit”Any clues?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi João Ferreira,
      Thank you for the feedback. We had a look at this and this should be Ok with the new version v1.9z3.
      Could you try the new version and check if the issue disapears?
      Let us know how it goes.

  • Leigh C Chao says:

    Hi. Just wondering if miniZ works for Exchangecoin (EXCC) on I just use the default format, but I get an error. LOLminer works fine using that command listed on the pool.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Leigh C Chao,
      Thank you for your message.
      miniZ doesn’t work with Exchangecoin (EXCC).
      We may support it in the future.

  • someguy says:

    in my setups miniz has problems with rigs with 11 cards or more on zelhash and zhash. ethash is fine. i havent tested where the ‘changeover’ point is. 8 card rigs are running SMOS. what happens is the miner crashes with ‘ Driver error 999 ‘unknown error’ one to two times per hour all day. again, ethash is fine.

  • Alex says:

    [WARNING] Bad share: incorrect size of extraNonce2

    [WARNING] Bad share: incorrect size of extraNonce2

    [WARNING] Bad share: incorrect size of extraNonce2


  • Nguyen Minh says:
     please support FLUX+ZIL dual mining, thanks 
  • MF says:

    guys, Error 999 with no OC at all. please correct it

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MF,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      Which algo is this?
      This is an unspecific error. Does this happen often?

  • Daniel says:

    I’m getting vcruntime140.dll error when trying to run the bat file. Am I missing software or a extension?

  • Divinity666 says:

    v1.9z4 won’t switch back from mining dev fee. after 24hr+ uptime.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Divinity666, everyone,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      We’ve been carefully looking into this, and finaly found the culprit.
      When the user pool falls during the fee time (or right before start mining to the fee), mining can get stuck with the fee.
      This seems to happen only in this situation, this is why we were not able to find it before.

      We are deeply sorry about this, as you can imagine this is also very unconfortable for us.

      For now, you can disconnect from the internet for about 3 minutes and reconnect again. This should bring the miner back to the user.

      Once more, we would like to thank you for the feedback, which is precious for us. This way we can know about uncommon issues like this one, and improve the miner.

      We’re working to fix this asap!!

      ps: we’re also answering to your message on the website.

  • MC says:

    I’m getting this error when Im attempting to run the latest MiniZ on HiveOS************ miniZ v1.9z5 ************Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.20] devices found: 0terminate called after throwing an instance of ‘std::ios_base::failure[abi:cxx11]’ what(): basic_ios::clear: iostream error/hive/miners/miniz/ line 20: 12748 Aborted (core dumped) ./miniZ $(< {MINER_NAME}.conf) –logfile $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log –telemetry${MINER_API_PORT} –gpu-lineminiz exited (exitcode=134), waiting to cooldown a bit

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MC,
      Thanks for your feedback.

      Try adding --nvml to your command line, this will disable gpu monitoring by miniZ, but will help us to track the issue. Which GPUs do you have?

      Please update to version v1.9z5b. Version v1.95b should run more stable, includes a few fixes. Also corrects a nasty bug.

      Let us know how it goes.


  • flacdo says:

    Hello since z5 or the newest z5b Miniz not start code OpenCL KERNEL1 : CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Z4 is OK

    • miniZ says:

      Hi flacdo,
      If you have an RX570 try to force kernel 20 to that GPU. This is done by using the option --mode 20 (to apply kernel 20 to all GPUs) or --modeX 20 (where X is the number of the GPU in question).
      Cheers, miniZ

      • flacdo says:

        Thank you ! Fast support ! 🙂 I tried it but now GPU0 CANNOT START IN KERNEL 20 and in all mode 20 some cards cannot use it

        • miniZ says:

          Hi flacdo,
          Thanks for the feedback.
          You can only apply the kernel 20 to polaris GPUS.
          Look at this example for the output of the commad .\miniZ.exe -ci :
          PS C:\> .\miniZ.exe -ci
          Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.60] devices found: 3
          #0 Zotac GeForce RTX 3060 | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 28 | cores: 3584 | Memory: 9.988GB | BusID: 0000:04:00.0
          #1 Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3070 Ti | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 48 | cores: 6144 | Memory: 6.529GB | BusID: 0000:09:00.0
          #2 Gigabyte RTX3080 Ti EAGLE 12G | SM version: 8.6 | SM count: 80 | cores: 10240 | Memory: 9.818GB | BusID: 0000:0b:00.0
          #3 AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT | gfx1031 | SM count: 20 | cores: 0 | Memory: 11.984GB | BusID: 0000:03:00.0
          #4 AMD Radeon RX 5700 XT | gfx1010:xnack- | SM count: 20 | cores: 0 | Memory: 7.984GB | BusID: 0000:07:00.0
          #5 Radeon RX 570 Series | Ellesmere | SM count: 36 | cores: 0 | Memory: 4.000GB | BusID: 0000:0a:00.0
          #6 Radeon RX 580 Series | Ellesmere | SM count: 36 | cores: 0 | Memory: 4.000GB | BusID: 0000:0a:00.0

          In this case if the RX 570 needs kernel 20, it is needed to add --mode5 20
          This way the other cards would load their default kernels.


  • HashHashHash says:

    Good Day,Does MiniZ have an API to pause and resume the miner, if so please could you share an example?Apologies if this has already been asked and answered?Thanks

  • Divinity666 says:

    There is still an issue with miner loosing pool, only now it’s not showing it got stuck in dev fee – its shows as if it’s mining regularly. Got it on two rigs already. – screenshoot

  • UselessGuru says:

    miniZ.exe –nvidia –pers=firo –url=ssl:// –pass=###############,c=BTC,pl=0 –jobtimeout=900 –retries=99 –retrydelay=1 –stat-int=10 –latency –all-shares –extra –tempunits=C –fee-time=60 –telemetry 4006 -cd 00 ************ miniZ v2.0a ************ Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[11.80] devices found: 3 miniZ: Excluding GPU#1 ASUS GeForce GT 1030 miniZ: Excluding GPU#2 Gainward GeForce GTX 750 Ti Driver: 522.25 Algo: EQ[firo] [smart-pers] Pool#0: user[1GPSq8txFnyrYdXL8t6S94mYdF8cGqVQJF] server[] port[13001] ssl[yes] pers[firo] Telemetry: [http://localhost:4006] Temp. limit: [90 C] [INFO ] Mining fee set to 1.00% miniZ<firo>[00:0:00.0: 5162]: Selecting GPU#0[0] MSI GeForce GTX 1660 Super Gaming X 6G [ERROR ] GPU[00] Cannot alloc 5135MB to create dag . DAG for Firo is only 4.51562201976776 GB. Other miners, e.g. TeamRedMiner or WildRig run Firo just fine with 6GB.

  • Raphael Rabadan says:

    After the miniz 2.0a release the equihash 192,7 and 144,5 are taking a lot of rejects turning impossible to use this version. I’m using the 1.9z5 until a fix is released.

  • Victor says:

    Hello. I use miniz for mining BTG, VRN on hiveos. The latest version (miniz 2.0) does not work – it pours out some cuts. Only the miniz v1.9z5b version is stable. I am waiting for the correction of the new version. There is a question – will you ever have such a function as displaying information about the ball in the miner’s window, namely which gpu issued the ball with what COMPLEXITY. For example, like Gminer – GPU9: Share #1 verified on CPU, difficulty: 2.32K, or like T-Rex – [ OK ] 521/521 – 931.97 MH/s, 34ms … GPU #7 | 9.95 T. I mine in solo and this information is very important to me. And I would like to see information about “Diff Share” in your miner. I will be very glad if you implement such a function.Здравствуйте. Использую miniz для майнинга BTG, VRN на hiveos. Последняя версия (miniz 2.0) не работает – сыпит одни режекты. Стабильна только версия miniz v1.9z5b. Жду исправления новой версии. Есть вопрос – будет ли у Вас когда нибудь реализована такая функция, как отображение в окне майнера информации о шаре, а именно какой gpu выдал шару с какой СЛОЖНОСТЬЮ. Например как у Gminer – GPU9: Share #1 verified on CPU, difficulty: 2.32K, или как у T-Rex – [ OK ] 521/521 – 931.97 MH/s, 34ms … GPU #7 | 9.95 T. Я майню в solo и для меня эта информация очень важна. И хотелось бы видеть информацию о “Diff Share” в вашем майнере. Буду очень рад, если вы такую функцию реализуете.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Victor,
      Thank you for your suggestion.
      We’re looking at this. It should be implemented in the next version.
      Do you really need the information per GPU?

  • UselessGuru says:

    I know that the DAG size is increasing, same as with ethash or autolykos2.

    The issue is that MininZ tries to allocate more memory than is actually needed -> Mining Firo is not possible with 6 GB cards. 🙁
    Other miners dynamically increase memory consumption on each epoch change.

    Any plans to implement this?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi UselessGuru,
      The only way to mine Firo on Windows will be implementing a zombie mode, but performance will be very low.
      So low that the mining cost will largely surpass its profit.
      Could you share the hashrate you get with other miners?

  • Matt says:

    hi there, I’m using Miniz miner v2.06b for mining flux and I’ve got 3 GPUs -Rtx3090, Rtx3090Ti and AMD-6600

    originally the 6600 was not producing any flux before v2.06b, but with the newer version of the miner the Rtx3090 is not producing any flux. The other two are producing now. So what is the problem with miniz miner? Will it only work with 2 GPUs?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Matt,
      Thank you for your message.
      miniZ works with more than two GPUs.
      What OS are you using? Is this Windows? Have you tried to increase pagefile? Could be related.
      If this doesn’t help, are you overclocking the GPUs? If this is the case, could you try to adjust the OC values a bit and test again.
      Let us know if this helps.

  • kevin says:

    ************ miniZ v2.0b ************
    Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[12.00] devices found: 2
    Driver: 526.98
    Algo: EQ[144,5] [smart-pers]
    Pool#0: user[]
    server[] port[5252] ssl[yes] pers[Beam-PoW]
    Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
    Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
    Temp. limit: [90 C]
    [INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
    miniZ<144,5>[06:0:00.0:10121]: Selecting GPU#1[1] PNY GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
    miniZ<144,5>[06:0:00.0: 7126]: Selecting GPU#0[0] Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080
    Got CTRL+C, cleaning up…

    • miniZ says:

      Hi kevin,
      Could you paste here the command line?
      We see that miniZ is not starting the correct algo. It is starting Equihash 144,5.
      (Also, so not forget the wallet address).

  • Ted says:

    what cmd line option to set in order to auto-close after a set amount of time e.g. 7hrs

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ted,
      You could add the following to your command line (for 7h, time in seconds):
      --delay=25200 --quitsubmit
      Let us know if it helps.

  • igotek says:

    Do you have discord for users ?

  • CyberModz says:

    Getting an issue after running the miner for 30+ minutes. It gives me the “[INFO ] GPU[00]: Launching period 605774[ERROR ] GPU[00]: Cannot launch program 27,256[FATAL ] GPU[00] CUDA API error 400 from <progpow>, line 827 – check your OC settings.[INFO ] QUIT miniZ”Anyway to fix this i run the 3060 and have no OC enabled on the card. Running windows 11 and latest miniz miner.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi CyberModz,
      Thank you for your message. We’ll have a look.
      Do you have other GPUs? Other than the 3060?
      We’ll try to reproduce this issue.

  • Mark Kreider says:

    I have an issue with a high number of rejected shares mining Flux with miniZ 2.0b on HiveOS latest version, using FluxPools. This is occurring on my open-air, all AMD 6600XT rig. On this first rig accepted shares are running from 91% to 94%. I have a second rig, running all the same versions of software, which is an Ultra8+ case running AMD 6800 GPUs. The second rig is not having any issues, with accepted shares always above 99%.HiveOS Flux Flight Sheet SettingsminiZ URL %URL% Algo 125, 4 Pass x Template %WAL.%WORKER_NAME% User Config –pers autofluxpools Server URLS

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mark Kreider,
      Thank you for your message.
      This looks like OCs (or something wrong with the GPU).
      Have you tried to adjust the OCs of your AMD 6600XT?
      In any case we’ll have a look at AMD 6600XT kernel.

  • AlexanderX says:

    Hello. I just discovered miniZ. I mine RVN on Hiveos, miniZ version selected as latest. Using RX570 4GB GPUs. Some are Samsung some are SK Hynix. The mining starts really slow, like 5 minutes or more. It seems the Hynix ones start even slower. Mostly annoying when I need to change overclock. The gpus keep reporting at 0H/s until the “Launching period: xxx” lines. Even then, the hashrates start going up slow compared to other miners I used. I haven’t changed any setting or added paramaters. Is this normal, is there a way to improve this? Also while we are here, would be nice if you can tell if there is some generally recommended things to do for mining RVN using 4GB GPUs on miniZ (since I’m new). I tried –ocX but it said progPow doesn’t need it. Thanks!

  • Steve says:


    Is there a way to have different o/c settings for dual mining FLUX and ZIL.  –gpuoffset=, –gpuoffset2=, -pl, -pl2 etc…and probably the ZIL algo url will become –url2…. to map with the proper o/c settings

    • Steve says:

      Or a possibility that when ZIL start it trigger a external bat file launching msi afterburner -profile2

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Steve,
        options to set Ocs for 2nd algo, for dual mining, is not yet possible with current release.
        But, we’re implementing these options for next release 🙂
        Regarding triggering an external bat file, we’re not sure this will be done. We may think about it.
        Thanks for your support!

  • Steve says:

    Hi,Good news. I have a temporary .bat file triggered by HWINFO64.exe to start msi afterburner profile1-5. Depending on the GPU RAM used during the ZIL algo mining i can adjust the launch parameter and run my bat file for 60 seconds then return to my initial o/c.Look like ZIL o/c is similar to the ethash algo.Your next revision will probably save me a lot of work LOL

  • Steve says:

    About ZIL dual mining …it should be great to have a –mode_algo1, –mode_algo2 same as o/c settings. ZIL have similar favorite kernel as ethash but not the same as 192,7 algo. ex 192,7 use –mode 20 and ZIL use –64 on my RTX3090ti.

  • Steve says:

    Thanks for the v2.0c4 revision. My last O/C settings  –memoffset2=1800 is ignore and crash it should boost my memory during the 1 minute ZIL mining . Here is my bat file:

    start /min C:\Users\slapp\Desktop\GPUMining\miniZ\miniZ.exe –smart-pers – –no-sleep –oc2 –gpuoffset=195 –memoffset=-502 –power=470 –fantemp=67 -a 20003 –log –extra –latency –show-mode –list-modes –gpu-line –show-shares –show-server – -p x –memoffset2=1800

  • Steve says:


    Is it only me having problem with the Overclock using with the latest revision v2.0c4 under windows ? Is there a new command line parameter to enter in my bat file ? i reversed to the previous version for now. Also i have a request about the overclock settings for dual mining ZIL . Can the overclock be trigger 10 second before starting ZIL mining ?

    Thanks 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steve, thanks a lot for all your feedback!
      Sorry for late reply.
      There is an issue with OCs options. They are not working. Not applying the OCs.
      Sorry about this. We’re having a look and working to fix it asap.
      We’ll see what we can do about your suggestions. Not sure about next version but we’ll think about it.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steve,
      Thanks for the feedback.
      We just released a new version with a fix for OC/power options.
      Could you try again and let us know if it is working for you?

  • AwesomeO says:

    ZANO+ZIL Not working is this possible? Also On an old GTX 970 4GB I get [FATAL ] GPU[00]: CUDA error 6 ‘the launch timed out and was terminated’ in line 467 Just ZANO mining. Please add ZANO+ZIL also how can I FIX my GTX970 to mine ZAN. Thank-you

    • Steve says:

      ProgpowZ work for me on Zergpool with RTX3090ti. the overclock is ignore on the last revision but i start msi afterburner 30 seconds after the miner. when ZIL kick on the overclock is also reset. I dont know why. Here is my command:miniZ.exe –nvidia –smart-pers –zil-init – -p c=FLUX,ID=RTX3090ti –no-sleep –oc2 -a 20003 –log –extra –latency –show-mode –list-modes –gpu-line –show-shares –show-server – –stat-int=5 –dag-fix –forcenvml –gpuoffset=185 –memoffset=1800 –power=475 –fantemp=67Maybe you dont have enough RAM on your GPU for what your asking.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi AwesomeO,
      Thanks for the feedback.
      As Steve mentioned with version v2.0c4 zano+zil was already possible.
      Do check if your GPU is busy with another app. We were able to mine zano+zil with our GTX1050 Ti.
      It may be also OC related…does this also happen if you try mining with stock settings?

      Btw, we just released a new version with a fix for OC/power options.
      Could you try the latest version and see if it helps?


      ps: Thanks Steve for your reply, it always helps sharing ideas.

  • Steve says:

    Hi, I can confirm O/C working on V2.0c5 GTX980, GTX1080ti, RTX2080S, RTX3090ti. And i like the way it is displayed in the GUI so i can confirm the o/c is ON.1. Can you implement –mode2= for dual mining because my kernel is different for ZIL (it’s like ethash) –mode2=64. i dont like –oc2 because he is choosing the wrong kernel to my flavor.2. cna you tell me if the auto overclock was suppose to work on Windows environement or its only a linux toy because to me it does nothing when i apply it.3. Can we have a countdown display in the GUI for the next ZIL period comming…its only fun to see when you are troobleshooting.It’s only suggestions guys…you did a really good job !Thanks

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steve,
      Thanks a lot for the feedback.
      The autoclock should also work on windows.

      Regarding mode2, and the countdown feature, we’ll think about it.
      We’ll have a look at your suggestions.

  • LaSoupe says:

    Hi. Is there any option to reset the oc settings?

    I have gpuclock=1410 but now is always stuck with 1410mhz after closing miniZ.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi LaSoupe,
      The --gpuclock option will set the value until you change it.
      You can use –gpuclock=1 to set it in auto mode.
      Will this work for you?
      Let us know if this helps.

  • Chris says:

    Hey. Im running miniZ in HiveOS and mining flux. First i wanted to set my settings in hiveos until i find a good clock. Now when i have done that i wanted to to the cloks/commands in the miner.You know in case it crash or something and i also find it much more stabil and smooth to do the commands in the miner software itself. So i have a 1660S,2080TI and a 3080. Here is the commands i do want in the miniZ:–gpuoffset 75,170,200 –memoffset -502,800,1300 –fanspeed 60,100,80 -pl 70,200,260 . As you probably can see it is 1660S,2080TI and 3080 in that order. BUT for some reason the miniZ does not wanna start up with these commands.So my first thought was to use ”space” between the clocks instead of ”,”. Becuse some uses space and some uses ”,”. But that didnt work. So now im coming to you,do you see any obvious wrong i have done here? In that case can you correct me please?Thanks for the help!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Chris,
      Thank you for your message.
      The issue should be the ‘=’ sign that is missing. Could you try the following?
      --gpuoffset=75,170,200 --memoffset=-502,800,1300 --fanspeed=60,100,80 -pl=70,200,260
      Let us know if this helps.

  • banderlog says:

    Hello guys! Due to the fact that the zilliqa network has moved to epoch #1, a mining software update is required for the correct working of zilliqa mining. Do you plan to implement support current epoch #1 of zilliqa mining in miniZ miner? Upcoming Upgrade of Zilliqa Mainnet to v9.2: Thank you, guys, for your hard work! I like miniZ.

  • Alex says:

    Hi MiniZ, i cant setup Miniz miner for dual (exmp.: ZHash+ZIL) mining in AwesomeMiner because your miner use for pool initialization a order where in command string which pools was written at first place.In my case first pool is initialized as ZIL pool, second is ZHash pool. I cant change this. The command string will be generated from AwesomeMIner software from data, which i put in Profit Profiles databank. Why you not simple add another type of –url parameter? Better if we can use –url1 and –url2 Like you done for overclocking parameters for different algos. Hope you implement this in the next releases. Now i must use another software.Regards.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Alex,
      Thanks for the message.
      Have you tried the new release? We made a few modifications but it is not yet working well.
      You can add url for ZIL in first place, but you’ll also need to add --par=144,5 --pers auto to your command line.
      Let us know if this works.
      This will be fixed in the next release, it should not take long.

  • banderlog says:

    Hello guys! How to turn on watchdog feature in MiniZ ? MiniZ crash several times a day, мanual start is required after that. It’s very annoying.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi banderlog,
      Which GPUs are you using?
      miniZ shouldn’t crash that often, if this is happening we need to understand what is going on.
      Thank you for your message, we appreciate the information.

  • JP says:

    Hello,When mining Veil using solo mode against Veil Proxy as follows:miniZ –url=mininguser@ –pass=mypassword –par=progpow –pers veil The miner consistently produces bad/stale blocks/shares and reports the following error:[WARNING] Bad share: Block does not solve the boundaryThis does not happen when mining against the fee server which correctly find shares.Does miniZ correctly mine using solo mode or should it be used against a pool? Many thanks.M

    • miniZ says:

      Hi JP,
      Thank you for your message.
      In fact we usually test the miner with the pool.
      We’ll see if we can understand this issue.

  • Steve says:

    Latest revision of miniZ stopped working. give me error : unable to start deviceZ code 209 try to dual mine FLUX + ZIL card GTX980 with latest nvidia drivers. I tried to update my bat file to put –url2 instead of –url but no changes.go back to version 2.2c for now.

    • Steve says:

      forgot to tell if i only mine FLUX it is working fine. Look like i am missing a new ZIL command or my drivers version is incompatible with miniZ 2.3C

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Steve,
        Could you try the new version and let us know how it goes?
        It should be working well now.
        For zil mining you can use --zil= instead of --url=.

  • Steve says:

    –zil work. Thanks.Can you add –zilgpuoffset –zilmemoffset –zilpower to change the overclock while zil mining. Ethash vs Equihash having totally different O/C. I would like to see also a timer for zil o/c to kick on let say 1-5 seconds before zil mining.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steve,
      To adjust OCs for Zil (or any second algo) you can use --power2, --memclock2, --gpuclock2, --memoffset2 and --gpuoffset2 options.
      Regarding the timer, we will think about it but is not a priority for the moment.
      Thank you for your suggestion.

  • Meek says:

    Hello team, I have a problem with the new version 2.4d2. When I start it, in only blinks for a half second and closes itself. Previous version is normally OK. Its not about system (tried it on two rigs with Win10 and Win11) and not about GPUs (one rig with RTX 3070, another with RTX 3080), not even about RAM – previous version is OK. Can you help me please? Thanx a lot 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Meek,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      We’ll have a look.
      Have you checked to discard antivirus interference?

      • Meek says:




        • Meek says:

          Hello, sure I have AV exception. Also i tried AV off. But as i wrote –
          previous version (I have used 2.2c) runs good. But not the new one 🙁
          2.4d2 even the fresh 2.4e … when I replace the files with 2.2c, it runs normally.

          • miniZ says:

            Hi Meek,
            Sorry about this.
            We haven’t been able to replicate this issue, but we will try to understand what is going on.
            Could you paste here your cmd line?

            • Meek says:

              Not minig via cmd line – using Nicehash. But in standalone running the new version only blinks, old version starts and shows version and gpu.

              • miniZ says:

                Hi Meek,
                Thank you for the feedback. We’ll have a look with Nicehash.

                  • Meek says:

                    Hello again, just for info – tried another rigs with totally other
                    cards (2080 Super, 3070, 3080). FRESH installed systems Win10 and Win11,
                    also tried drivers 522.25 / 531.79 / 551.23 / 560.94. Antivirus is OFF
                    or has got exceptions. Visual C++ latest… I am able to mine normally
                    with other excavators, so its NOT about drivers, or AV. Running without
                    parameters – 2.2c is OK, 2.3 and 2.4 only blinks.

  • sebi says:

    Hello, I think it’s not possible to use a bridge (ie Nexellia Bridge) to mine directly on node.I get this error : [WARNING] GPU[05] Invalid nonce[0000046572040516], not submiting job while it’s works with SRB

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