Hi everyone,

A new miniZ version v2.0a is out with new features.

We fixed most progpow/ethash issues.

Additional options were added such as --autoclocks option to apply predefined OC settings.

Please find miniZ version v2.0a Download page.

miniZ version v2.0a is out!



  • Fixed most progpow/ethash issues.
  • Improved invalid shares on CFX.
  • Improved stability.
  • Improved autofan.
  • Added --autoclocks option to apply auto OC settings. * 
  • Added --priority option to set priority to miniZ process. *
  • Added --stocksettings option to set stock settings. *

* Requires sudo (Linux)/administrator privileges (Windows)


*** Thank you all for the feedback! ***

Remember to try --oc1/--oc2/--ocX options for optimum performance. (NVIDIA only)

For additional information check our Usage or FAQ pages.

*** Download miniZ latest version here. ***

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Because your feedback is very important, miniZ kindly encourages you to use the comment box below for general questions and feedback.

Certainly we will strive to help you with any doubt and provide a solution to any problem you may encounter. In case you need to reach us, please check the Support page.

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We wish you a fast and friendly mining experience!



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  1. Alex says:

    New version produce to many invalid shares on Equihash144.5 algo on Nicehash.Switched back to version 1.9z5b and no invalids more.Linux, nvidia drv.520.56.06

  2. Satya Raju says:

    too many bad shares on miniz 2.0a. for flux..Moved back to old version and issue resolved

  3. User1 says:

    kawpow the same, lot of invalid share tested on Hiveos 520.56.06 driver.

  4. Ogeday says:

    how do i lock core and memory at windows can you help pls?

  5. Miner says:

    Awesome miner, thanks! MSI GT83vr 6re 2×1070 8gb-sli. Errors-( 77 illegal memory access line 358/cuda error 4 unspecified loading failure line 358) led to miner unusable W10 reboots (DPC watchdog violation)-reinstalled miniZ and runs from bat. Stuck with Cuda v3.2.156 Nvidia v398.36 Bois v86. Nvidia v471.__ might work but cant take the chance. Once a day get consecutive “Rejected target shares” on one or both cards. Is there a command that can reboot miner if more than one stale share in a row? [reboot miniZ if “Rejected target,stale,duplicate,other” if 2 or however many desired in a row?] Cheers! ⛏

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Miner,
      Thank you for your message.

      The error seems to be related to OC settings.
      Have you tried to adjust them a little? It may be useful, to minimize all these errors/reboots.

      Could you try to adjust the OCs and test again? let us know if it helps.

      Also, it may be useful to check if your power supply is working well, or delivers enough watts for your rig.

  6. Mike says:

    the kawpow algo now dont have high load averages anymore, but it just stops mining then restarts several times during the day. It’s not restarting the miner according to hive but several drops through out the day in hash rate. My hash rate says rig is running around 121mhs but pool only shows 106mhs 24 hour average for the last 3 days. So I’m thinking that’s from it stop mining then restarting.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mike,
      We’re having a look at this.
      Could you also check if the OCs may be causing GPU mining instability?
      Thanks for the feedback.

  7. Satya Raju says:

    Guys im having issue issues with while mining 125,5 on the latest miniz version.Getting too many bad shares.tried changing pools its still an issue made changes to oc still getting bad shares.Went back to previous version on miniz and not having these problems..please check

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