miniZ v1.8y3 is out!
Hi everyone,
A new miniZ version v1.8y3 is out with added support for Ethash mining locked GPUs (RTX 3060). You’ll also find improvements for 150,5 algorithm on RTC 30XX (Up to 8%).
Additionally, this version includes --mt-auto
, --mt-dump
, and --mt
options to adjust memory timings on Linux! (read below)
And more…
Please find miniZ version v1.8y3 @ Download page.
- Added kernel for Ethash mining locked GPUs (RTX 3060 default mode 80).
Use 461.40 (Windows) or 460.39 (Linux) drivers for best performance, although any driver should work.
Let us know if there is interest on mining lock workarounds for other GPUs and algos (equihash should not be affected by this lock). - Added dag verification on ETH.
- Improvements 150/5 for RTX 30XX GPUs, up to 8%.
- Added
options to adjust memory timings on Linux. (read below) - Added HTTP headers to json api.
- Fixed low hashrate on Windows 7 while mining ETH, on some GPUs.
- Added mining rentals, and other pools, to magic list.
- Minor bug fixes.
About --mt
options (Linux only):
(Check FAQ or Usage pages)
* The --mt
options will only apply settings to Pascal devices (known to work well with GTX 1080, GTX 1080Ti), and will require super user permissions. Also, these are usually applied to ethash/progpow algos, however equihash algos may also benefit from them.
* If you are unsure about the timing values, use the --mt-dump
option first to get a hint. Lower values usually will give a better performance.
* Remember when using the --mt
option to always specify the timing pair, with the values separated by ‘.’ such as ‘16.5’.
* If you have multiple devices you can specify multiple values like this --mt 16.5,0,16.5
. The 0 means no timings should be applied.
* Warning: some values will be invalid for your GPU and may cause the driver/GPU to crash. In this case you will need to restart your rig/system/computer. Use with caution.
*** Thank you all for the feedback! ***
You can check Ethash performance here.
Remember to try --oc1/--oc2/--ocX
options for optimum performance.
For additional information check our Usage or FAQ pages.
*** Download miniZ version v1.8y3 here. ***
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Because your feedback is very important, miniZ kindly encourages you to use the comment box below for general questions and feedback.
Certainly we will strive to help you with any doubt and provide a solution to any problem you may encounter. In case you need to reach us, please check the Support page.
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We wish you a fast and friendly mining experience!
SO I understand. This will mine with the 3060ti locked versions which the hash rate was lowered to almost 1/2 by the manufacturer?
Also what hashrate does the 3060ti(Locked) get on Eth with miniz?
Hi Alex,
We only tested with 3060.
Hashrate we got, with driver 460.39 (Linux)/461.40 (Windows):
– Stock ~34-35MH/s
– PL = 120 W (70% AfterBurner); core clock = -150; mem clock = 2700 (Linux, if you use Windows mem clock should be 1350): ~40 MH/s
The 3060Ti should have higher hashrate. Do you have a 3060Ti? Could you share how does it perform?
If you test with this GPU, you may need to add
to the command line.Thanks.
Hi, I’m doing the tests with all the recommendations you make with the ZOTAC RTX3060 v1 in hiveos with the 460.39 driver and I don’t get more than 22.7MH
Hi Eduardo,
Thank you for the feedback.
Do you get a message similar to this:
[TRACE ] GPU[2]: Searching lock... speed=22.3/49.1[2,54.0,2.320,1.00]
?Values may be different. Could you paste it here?
Also, are you applying any OC’s? Could you share your settings if this is the case?
Hashrate we got, with driver 460.39 (Linux):
– Stock ~34-35MH/s
– PL = 120 W; core clock = -150; mem clock = 2700: ~40 MH/s
We will have a look at HiveOS too.
I don’t know what I’m doing
Hi Eduardo,
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
Could you perform a small test with miniZ? Could you mine ETC for a few minutes and let us know what happens?
What is the hashrate and if the [TRACE ] GPU[2]: Searching lock… message appears? Or a screenshot again?
We have hint about what may be causing this but are not sure yet.
Thanks again!
that’s OK?
Hi Eduardo,
Thank you so much for your fast response.
If we may ask another test while mining ETH (Ethereum): disconnect from the internet, right after DAG generation, and reconnect after about one minute. What happens?
You can also try lower power from 120W to 100W.
If you try this, let us know if the hashrate improves.
I tried everything they mentioned without success
[ 0d 0h 3m30s] 133(133.0)MH/s 603(655.3)W
0>RTX 3060
100% [57°C/44%] 22.52(22.52)MH/s 101(111.3)W clk=1612MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.20
100% [59°C/62%] 22.55(22.55)MH/s 100(100.0)W clk=1650MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.231>RTX 3060
2>RTX 3060
100% [56°C/64%] 22.53(22.53)MH/s 100(110.7)W clk=1680MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.20
100% [56°C/56%] 22.56(22.56)MH/s 101(111.3)W clk=1620MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.203>RTX 3060
4>RTX 3060
100% [55°C/71%] 22.55(22.55)MH/s 101(111.2)W clk=1635MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.20
100% [56°C/61%] 22.56(22.56)MH/s 101(110.9)W clk=1672MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.205>RTX 3060
Hi Eduardo,
Thank you so much for all your messages.
Your feedback helped us to understand the issue. Now we will work on a new version and see if we can boost the performance to higher levels.
We’ll try to make a release soon, with corrections.
How did you all manage to get that graphics driver to even install and detect the 3060 LHR GPU on windows 10? I am positive many are seeking the same answer since it will not detect the gpu and thus not install. 🙂
Hi Jonathan,
Thank you for your message.
Possibly it is because of the GPU model. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with that driver.
Try to install the oldest driver your GPU supports.
Which driver version are you using?
3060 LHR (Window 10)
This driver 461.40 (Windows) cannot be installed
With 466.47 core clock = -150 mem clock = 1350 70% AfterBurner Speed 35.50MH/s
Hi Bruce,
Thank you for letting us know!
i did get 40mh with 470.05 driver. but the problem is i also have a 3060ti and my 3060ti gettings only 50mh when it used to 60mh on other miner. why is that?
Thank you for your feedback.
We are not sure we understand well your issue.
Could you paste here a little of the miner log?
Also, what are the command line arguments you are using?
We will try to understand what may be happening.
So in my rig i have a 3060ti non lhr & a 3070 no lhr and a 3060 V1 nerf and all 3 of them are connected with risers.
Now i usually get 60mh from 3060ti and also 60mh from 3070. but as my 3060 is also on the riser, i get only 25mh. i cant connect to my pcie x16 slot cause its broken. so i tired miniz miner with 470.05 driver on windows and i get around 35-40mh on my 3060 which is better but the problem is then my 3060ti get only 50mh or less. I dont know why.
The 461.40 driver that u have recommended doesnt install in my windows.
I dont know what the miner log means but here is the command line from miniz gui launcher.
.\miniZ.exe – –par=ethash –pers=auto
Because your 3060 Ti is non lhr then the best is to run with a kernel that that ignores the anti-lock.
You can add
--modeN 48
to the command line. You need to replace N by the 3060 Ti order number.The command line will be:
.\miniZ.exe – –par=ethash –pers=auto --modeN 48
(You can run
.\miniZ.exe -ci
for pci order, in the console.)Let us know if this resolved your issue.
Hi, i have a rig full of 2060 16GB which absorb 170W per card, i’ve 1.200W PSU so, if i run miniZ with Zelhash the config reboot istant. I need to power lock the cards by using config file (same for cclock and memory clock). Is this possible for you implementing in next release?
Hi Marco,
Which OS are you using? Windows or Linux?
Could you share the reason why you do not use MSI Afterburner (Win) or nvidia-smi (Linux) to lock power?
We’ll have a look at this. Thanks for your message.
I follow every step of what you guys were doing but when I got to updating the driver to 460.39 my miner would not open again and the following message would appear “A start job is running for Hive”. could you help me on what I did wrong here? Im using the Evga XC Gaming RTX 3060 12 GB GDDR6.
Hi Tiago Cordeiro,
We are not sure what may have caused this.
Have you tried to reboot the system?
If this does not solve the issue, maybe you have V2 GPU and need to install a more recent driver.
Let us know of you managed to resolve this.
Hi guys i have the dame two cards with id 2504 .. this uso a new cards from july .. so i try this weekend driver 461.40 and 466.. if running i Will comunícate you..
Hi Evgueni,
Thanks a lot for using miniZ!
Let us know how it goes.
Hi! gives an error message
Cannot resolve
Socket [-1] No error:connect
Thank you for your message.
We’ve been using often without any issue.
This error is related to some issue with connection to the pool. If it does not happen often then there should be no worry.
Do you see any drop in the hashrate? Does this happen all the time? Do you get accepted shares?
Have you tried a different server (US servers for example)?
Let us know if you managed to make a more stable connection.
Why does OCX not remember the best setting and needs to do it everytime you restart the miner?
Also why does the submitted hashes while doing OCX not count towards personal mining but goes completely to the fee server?
Hi g,
When using –ocX option the miner doesn’t save the best kernel for future use, but you can take note of the kernel number, and add
--mode=[nº of best kernel]
to your command line.Regarding the submitted shares, with ocX the miner mines to both the fee and the user, as usual. You can add
to your command line to be able to read more information about this.Cheers,
Hi there dudes. First of all thanks for your job.
But here is two questions, are u going to add ethermine pool?
And the second is, 3060 in Linux (hive OS) on lol miner is pretty good working on absolute meaning of core such as 1400 and so on with 95-100W.And gives 36-38mh/s. What is the difference to change miner from lol miner to miniZ?
Hi CyberPsih,
Thank you for your message.
Do you mean add to list of pools here ? We just did. 😉
The miner alreay has ethermine in its “magic list” to facilitate use/configuration.
Could you also add miniZ to the list of miners, at the website?
The values that you get with lolminer are very good. We were able to get ~39-40MH/s with driver 460.39 (Linux).

We just tried PL = 100 W; core clock = -150; mem clock = 2700
The best is to try it out and see if you can also get the same values. We would appreciate the feedback. We want to improve the miner!
Hi Team,
I was really interested in trying this out with my RTX3060 V2 (LHR), but for some reason I got the following errors when trying to mine Eth to Ethermine:
Socket Write Error
Socket Connect Error
I even tried making the batch file as bare bones as possible to rule out any bad commands.
miniZ.exe – –log –extra
I also tried:
miniZ.exe –url=[ssl://] –log –extra
Best regards
Hi Kettil,
Thank you for your message.
We’ve been using often without any issue.
This error is related to some issue with connection to the pool. If it does not happen often then there should be no worry.
Do you see any drop in the hashrate? Does this happen all the time? Do you get accepted shares?
Have you tried a different server (US servers for example)?
Let us know if you managed to make a more stable connection.
Does it work on 3060 at driver 470.05 ? I tried it running in windows and it says that DAG could not be generated for card :/
Hi Dominik,
Thank you for the feedback.
It looks like you may not have enough ram/pagefile.
Could you try to increase pagefile and try again?
Let us know if this helps.
ps: You can see here how to check the pagefile size and how to manage it.
thanks for your help, it did work although to achieve 40mhs it needs a lot of OC so I will pass, with +1200 mem I get 36mhs (still really impressive as for 3060 on riser!) but to achieve 40mhs you need to go +1400 or so.
Thanks for help 😉
Hi Dominik,
Could you tell us which driver are you using? Did you stick to 470.05?
Are you using Windows 7 or 10?
Thanks a lot for your feedback. Good to know that it worked out!
Hello, I want to work with miniz in my whole farm. It rejects many packages. There is no such error in other programs. What is the solution to this? Thank you
Accepted Ratio:3000
Accepted Rejected Invalid:400
Hi Mesut,
Thanks a lot for your feedback.
We fixed the issue with rejected shares and will be corrected in the next version.
It should be out soon.
Great to know that the version worked out with all your GPUs! 🙂
Hi, doesn`t start.
Log************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 2
Algo: EQ[ethash] [smart-pers]
Pool#0: user[0xe0***.RTX3060/vy***] server[] port[9999] ssl[no] pers[ethash]
Pool#1: user[0xe0***.RTX3060/vy***] server[] port[9999] ssl[no] pers[ethash]
Telemetry: [http://localhost:5501]
Logging:: file[/var/log/app/miners/miniz-1.8y3-nvidia.log] period[10] delay[0]
Temp. limit: [90.C]
[INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75%
miniZ<ethash>[20:1:00.0:11926]: Selecting GPU#0[0] Graphics Device
miniZ<ethash>[20:1:00.0:11935]: Selecting GPU#1[1] Graphics Device
[ERROR ] Cannot resolve
[ERROR ] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect
[ERROR ] Cannot resolve
Hi shuharilo,
Could you paste here your command line?
It seems that something is not being correctly parsed by the miner. We have an idea of what the reason may be…
You could try a different way of writing user+worker+server (alternative to –url):
--url=0xe0*** --worker=RTX3060/vy***
Let us know how it goes.
I am very excited to test this miner on my RTX 3060 Ti with LHR.
As a baseline, I get a speed of 29.8mh/s with core clock 950mhz, 0.725v, +1000 memory in windows 10 using the latest T-rex (nvidia 462.65)
Using miniZ v1.8y3 and the same driver, also in windows 10, I am able to see speeds as high as 43mh/s, averaging to approximately 38-39 mh/s. This is with 1500mhz core, 0.75v, +1000 memory. I have not yet had this running long enough to see pool-side results.
I also wanted to share my tests mining RVN on KawPow, everyone says LHR does not impact KawPow but my results might suggest otherwise. This LHR 3060 Ti can hit the same hashrate (27.5 mh/s) as my regular 3060 Ti with no limiter, but requires 35-40W more power to do so. At the same power/frequency settings the LHR gets only 18mh/s while a non-LHR gets 27.5 mh/s.
Please let me know if there is anything I can test that might be helpful for you.
Hi CJ,
Thank you for sharing that information with us.
KawPow mining with 3060 Ti seems to be afected by the anti-mining mechanism of the GPU.
At the moment we are a bit more focused on ethash, but if there is interest from the miner community we can also have a look at KawPow in a near future.
We may accept your kind help and give you a beta version to test soon.
No problem, thank you for your work and development in finding improvements for LHR version cards.
I think a mitigation for LHR when mining RVN will eventually become very important to the mining community, particularly when ETH goes proof of stake. In the mean time, I totally understand you are focused on ETH right now.
I also have an RTX 3070 Ti, which naturally has LHR. When testing miniZ with it, there is no attempt by the software to mitigate the limiter. I tried -mode 80 in the command line with no success. Is there anything you can advise at this moment so I can perform some testing?
Hi CJ,
Thank you for your message.
Once we manage to get ETH stable, we’ll work on Raven 🙂
Regarding the RTX3070 Ti, we will try to release a beta version soon (hopefully 24-48h) that may solve the issue with that GPU.
*edit* It may work with ETC… on both 3060s and 3070s. If you give it a try let us know how it goes.
My normal 3060 LHR model aka V2 gets 28-32MH using NB miner. 76% to power, +35 core, +940 Vram, Temp limit 86 C. It never gets even close to that temp btw, 52-54 C up and down all day long. Give it a try. That miner, I wish MiniZ had the algo Kawpow and with the miner displacement coming soon perhaps they are working on that since many will go to ravencoin that do not toss the towel in. There seems from my research to be a power limit activation factor on the driver install the NBminer does to boost Vram speed, and it does not appear to even work until 80% or under in limit in MSI Afterburner, this was same card 3 separate rigs in 16X 3.0 slot running at X8, all the info dynamics I have on it, check her out, I was amazed, and it works on old pascal’s aka my 1080s and 1070s as well, same power limit dynamic as well. I bet that 3060 Ti would do 35MH stable No prob all day long. Not supporting NBminer, but MiniZ until they have kawpow yeah I am sticking with what pumps that coin.
I keep getting [ERROR] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress: connect
[WARNING] Cannot connect to poll, reconnect in ~60s!
and it seems to never connect
Using HiveOS
Hi Winzall,
Thank your contacting us.
The miner cannot connect to the pool. You refer that you want to mine on Ethermine pool but it looks like something went wrong with the configuration. The error mentions Miningpoolhub pool. Could you re-check the configuration settings?
On mininpoolhub you need to first define a username with the pool.
If this doesn’t help and you cannot find a way, can you paste here the command line HiveOS is using to start miniZ? Or at least the start of the log output that miniZ generates?
(We also replied to your other post with this answer, in case you only check one.)
I left miniZ on last night using my 3060 Ti LHR, and eventually it got stable at 43mh/s for hours! However, after 2.5 hours the card went down to 3mh/s and every 10 seconds I see [TRACE ] GPU[0] : Searching lock…
Hi CJ,
What you observe indicates that the miner did not realise the lock had started.
We’re working on this, and we think we may have found a way. After testing we’ll make a new release.
Tried it on a 3070 Ti (MSI Gaming X Trio), no effect on the baseline hashrate of 47 MH/sec on both GMiner and MiniZ.
Tried driver versions 471.11 and 462.65 (the oldest version supporting the 3070 Ti).
Tried in PCIe 3.0 x16 slot and riser, with and without HDMI dummy plug for both. Removed all other GPUs from the rig.
Used both –ocX (waiting for optimization to complete) and –mode=80 switches, no effect. With mode 80 the hashrate ramps up slowly but stops around 47.
On the same system an OG 3060 in a PCIe 3.0 x16 slot goes up from 26 MH/sec baseline to about 33 MH/sec with 1.8y3.
Software developer, happy to assist if desired.
Hi Katy,
Could you give us a screenshot, or paste here the output log when miniZ starts?
Possibly the miner did not realise that the mining lock started.
We have been working on a few modifications for a new release. It seems that the current release is not working with some GPUs.
Thank you for the feedback and for your kind offer of help.
*edit* We will try to release a beta version soon (hopefully 24-48h) that may solve this issues.
It may work with ETC… If you give it a try let us know how it goes.
Hi when I update to 460.39 version. My GPU will show missing unit.Then miner stop.How can I fix it?
Hi Ollie,
It seems that your GPU is not supported by driver version 460.39.
In this case you will need to install a more recent driver.
In Linux we also tested the more recent 470.63 and 470.74. These should work.
Let us know how it goes.
with driver 461.40 my rtx3060 are not recognized. some advice?
Hi italolex,
Thank you for the feedback.
Possibly it is because of the GPU model. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with that driver.
You may need to use a more recent driver. The performance will not be as good, but still better than 1080ti.
*edit* It may work with ETC… If you give it a try let us know how it goes.
We’re having a look at other drivers too and working on a new release soon.
Hello Miniz team. I'm running on Hive OS with two RTX 3060 12 GB Galaxy cards. My settings are: Core 1475 and 1430 MEM 2600 and 2450 PL 115 and 115. I'm doing 40.22 MHZ and 39.83 in another one.
Hi Roberto,
Great that is working for your GPU.
We managed to decrease PL to ~100W with almost no impact on hashrate. Maybe you could give it a try too.
Thank you for sharing that information with us, and miniZ community.
Anyone testet MiniZ with a 3080 LHR?
Hi mobiax,
Unfortunately we still do not own one. But maybe someone will share some information here.
We may be able to share more information soon.
Thank you for your message.
sorry, but your unlock absolutly not work for my ASUS TUF 3060 ver. 1 cards
Hi alex,
Thank you for the feedback.
We have been working on a few modifications for a new release. It seems that the current release is not working with some GPUs.
Could you share which driver are you using?
*edit* It may work with ETC… If you give it a try let us know how it goes.
tested with 470.42.01 and 470.57.02 on Linux (HiveOS)
sorry, post before is wrong. driver 460.39 of course.
Hi alex,
Thanks for getting back to us.
Could you try the following: add
if the GPU is running with older driver, or--tune=5
if using the more recent driver version.Let us know if this helps.
Can I lower –tune 37 for getting fewer rejected shares?
Hi Constant Brummer,
Thanks for your question.
will not affect rejected/accepted shares.If you adjust your OCs, does this help? Have you tried adding
to your command line?Let us know if any of this helps. If not, could you let us know which pool are you using, which GPUs, maybe also your command line?
Doesnt work in Windows for me. How did you get it to work on that 461.4 driver? When I install driver 461.4 my EVGA 3060 comes up as Microsoft Basic Display Adapter again. Tried newest driver too and 20MH with OC’s. 16MH Stock. Mining to ethermine pool.
miniZ.exe – –log –extra
Hi Jarett,
Thank you for the feedback.
Possibly it is because of the GPU model. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with that driver.
With the new driver, it seems that the miner did not realise that the miner lock started.
*edit* It may work with ETC… If you give it a try let us know how it goes.
We’re having a look at other drivers, and making a few modifications for a new version to release soon.
Same here, just bought EVGA 3060 from Newegg, just comes up as Microsoft Basic Display, the oldest drivers that I find that works is the 466.27
I have an Asus 1650 Super and the 461.40 drivers work fine for that.
Hi Al,
Thank you for your feedback.
Some 3060s are not supported by the older driver. You’ll need to install a more recent driver. This way it will work for all your GPUs. For example, the 471.41 should be OK, we’ve been working with this one. But you can use 466.27 too.
(Just avoid the latest one, for now.)
Also, use the version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version).
Are you applying any OCs? Try to lower power to ~100W.
These settings worked well for us:
core clock: -150,
memory clock: +1350
PL=100 W (~60% in Afterburner)
Let us know how it goes.
What am I doing wrong? MiniZ version 1.8.y3 Nvidia version 460.39 card settings -150 2700 110w and only 22.93?
Hi PitZ,
Thank you for your message.
You do not need mt option, this is only usefull for Pascal GPUs.
It seems that the current release is not working with your GPUs. It may work with ETC…
We will try to release a beta version soon that we expect to this issue.
I made the same settings yesterday, and it was running for 12 hours 40mh / s. After which the card failed, I restarted the machine no longer running at 40mh / s
Hi PitZ,
Thanks for the feedback.
It is not stable yet.
We’re working on improving and resolving this issue.
I'm looking forward. Peter
Hello Developers,
I have a RTX 3060 “V2” version. I tested with miniz miner. At first it went to 22mh/s and after sometime it said “Searching Lock” and went up to 35mh/s. It was stable. Then i had to restart my rig, then i cant get it above 22mh/s. Even the “Searching Lock” doesn’t appear.
Thank you for the feedback.
For some GPUs the miner could not ‘understand’ that the mining lock had started. It was not very stable.
You may want to try the beta version we’ve just released.
We think that this is more stable and will take care of the issues you had.
You can download it here:
Let us know how it goes.
I am using HIVE OS.
We’re working on a new version.
If all goes smoothly, we’ll try to release it by sunday.
To install the beta version you need to substitute the executable file.
You can backup the current version and add the beta version to the same location.
Because the beta version it is just for testing, you can also just run it from the command line.
Just be sure that HIVE OS is not mining, then just unpack the tar.gz file anywhere and execute miniZ from the command line. HIVE OS is a Linux after all.
Recieved the update in HIVE OS. I will test and tell the results
Its working partially but if i add tune=37 its starting at 31 mh/s but dropping instantly.
And without tune=37 cmd line i am able to achieve 31 mh/s stable for 6 hours but cant get past it. I have the newly revised “V2” LHR card.
GeForce RTX 3060 Laptop haw to set? -mode=??
Hi xmhlg,
Thank you for your message.
You can use –mode=80, if it doesn’t start by default.
You can also try the beta version we just released. It should work better.
You can download it here
Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for the great input btw, found this on YouTube just now. My 3060 is Nerfed one with KR ending in it. Just curious, how stable this setting would be if we are running it with Linux (HiveOS) and achieving 40 MH, what I know is that no one has ever talked the stability of the setting. Another question as well, can we get this up to 48-50 MH?
Hi Eric Jr. Wang,
Thank you for your message.
We think it should be stable around 40MH/s @ ~100W, with some OC. We’ve been testing with -150 Core/+1350 Mem (2700 Mem if on Linux).
Depending on the power limit/OC setting we may be able to boost up to ~45 MH/s (maybe), but at the moment we don’t see how to go near 50 Mh/s.
There are a few miners that share their performances, here and @ bitcointalk forum. You may be able to find some useful suggestions.
Let us know how it goes.
I have downloaded the driver you mention for windows but it does not work, as you can see it throws me the following error. I am trying to install it on windows 10
Hi Salvador,
Thank you for your message.
Possibly it is because of the GPU model. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with that driver.
Try to install the oldest driver your GPU supports.
Which driver version are you using?
RTX3060 // Windows10 with 470.05 driver (461.40 can’t recognize both RTX3060) and x8 riser
So, I’ve got 100W with 35 MH/s
Problem is sometimes shown ” Searching lock ” causing WATT drop then Hashrate drop for 2-3 second then WATT comeback
Thing is fine when WATT back.
Try to run it for one day.
Hi titleszzzz,
Thank you for the feedback.
That driver version doesn’t work for all GPUs. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with that driver. You can try to install the oldest driver your GPU supports.
It seems to be working well for you, with the latest driver. You could try the beta version we just released. We think it should be more stable (less ”Searching lock ” messages).
You can download it here
Let us know how it goes.
I have tried to install the 460.40 driver in windows 10 but I get the following error that says that it is not compatible for that windows. on the nvidia page it says that it is compatible. How can i fix this ?
Hi Salvador,
Thank you for the screenshot.
Possibly it is because of the GPU model. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with that driver.
Try to install the oldest driver your GPU supports.
Let us know if you managed to get it working.
Good morning, the oldest version that I accept as the driver is 466.27, when installing this driver and doing some tests. the miner does not exceed 25 mh / s
Hi salvador,
We’ll have a look at that driver.
If you are using beta version, you can try adding
to your command line, if you are using a recent driver.For older drivers, such as 460.39 Linux ou 461.40 (Windows), you can use
.You can try lower tune a little bit but this will also lower performance, so use it only if necessary.
Let us know how it goes.
hello ,
i start to test it with this overclock
2700 mem
-150 core
125 pl
and I took 40 mh/s
but one of my card show 0%fan
what we can do ?
Hi alex,
Thank you for your message.
It looks like your driver crashed. (You may need to reboot your system.)
Try to adjust your OC settings a little bit. Lowering the mem clock and/or decreasing the PL to 100W.
Let us know if you managed to get it working.
Good day
My fan on my GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060] 12053 MB · NVIDIA glitchs to 0 then the temperature climbs even if I override the fan to 90%
I’m using Nvidia driver 460.39, hiveos 0.6-205@210719 and miniz miner 1.8y3
is there away around this?
Hi Ray,
Thank you for your message.
It looks like your driver crashed. (You may need to reboot your system.)
Try to adjust your OC settings a little bit. Lowering the mem clock and/or decreasing the PL to 100W.
Let us know if you managed to get it working.
Tested on my asus rtx 3060 LHR v2 + driver 471.11 + windows 10, with an OC on afterbuner. 34 mh / s stable for 2 days.
Core Voltage: 0%
power limit: 68%
Core clock: 0%
Memory Clock: +1550
fan: 75% – temp: 56 °
Hi Georges ARMEDE,
It looks OK with that driver.
If you are using beta version, and have stability issues, you can add
to your command line. It works for some GPUs.Thanks for the feedback!
i got the GIGABYTE RTX 3060 TI LTR VISION OC Rev2, I have tried to install the 460.40 drivers in windows 10 but I get the error that says that it is not compatible. I had to install the last driver version 471.11 and using miniz v1.8y3 with –mt-auto –mt-dump options, run-time=8min the miner does not exceed 27MH/s with t-rex I can get 33MH/s with the same overlocking config.
any help how I can hit the max of the 3060ti?
Hi aflo,
Thank you for your message.
We see on Nvidia site that driver version 461.40 – Release Date: Tue Jan 26, 2021 – should work on Windows 10.
If not, just try to install the oldest driver your GPU supports.
We had a contact from another miner with the same issue, he reported that the oldest driver that his GPU supported was 466.27. It is likely that it will be the same for your GPU. Maybe it is worth a try.
It seems that you are not using beta version? With beta version, you can add
to your command line. It works for some GPUs.Beta version also solves your rejected shares.
Let us know how it goes.
Thanks for great job.
I’ve got 37 MH/s. with Asus RTX3060, Windows 10, 470.05 driver.
what I can do to get 40 MH/s ?
Hi Mathias,
If you are using beta version, and if your system is stable, you can try adding
to your command line.We are not sure it will work, if the miner doesn’t get rid of the lock do not use it.
Let us know how it goes.
hi can you explain how to install your beta on hiveos? newbie here
Hi Reugner,
HivesOS made an update already.
However, we want to share the kind answer Mesut left here It may be usefull in the future.
Did you managed to install it?
Hello, I downgraded to 460.39 and now the hiveos does not work for me, it remains on black screen
Hi jose delmoral,
Probably that driver does not support your GPUs.
If you have remote access to the rig, just install a more recent driver. The performance will not be as good, but still ok. This may help:
If you don’t have remote access to the rig you may need to plug your screen to an old graphics card, or to the motherboard connector.
Let us know if this helped.
I’ve been trying to run it on a 3060 v2 and partially works if starts mining over 20mh/s.
Trying to reproduce a startup but only occasionally happens, I’m on hiveos.
I’d like to thank you, your last version is looking good. it’s been running for hours and still going slowly up.
Its working partially but if i add tune=37 its starting at 31 mh/s but dropping instantly.
And without tune=37 cmd line i am able to achieve 31 mh/s stable for 6 hours but cant get past it. I have the newly revised “V2” LHR card.
Its been going slowly up for hours
yeah its going upto 35 mh/s if i increase core clock. now i am getting 35mh/s for 110watts.
Good that you manage to get it working OK.
Around 35 MH/s is the optimised value we expect for the 3060 with that driver.
Thank you for letting us know.
I am getting 35 mh/s at 110 watts. Its stable but the number of shares i am getting is very less. I got 230 shares in 2 days. Where as my single RX 580 has got 1500 shares in 2 days.
Did you confirm the hashrate, on the pool side?
Could you let us know what is the hashrate reported by the pool?
The number os submitted shares can vary, do not forget that difficulty (port/pool difficulty) has an impact on the number of submitted shares.
To build up the Core Clock I’m using progressive intervals if I lock or set a high Core I have TRACE
nvidia-smi -lgc 1537,1552 e.g.
Hi reugner
Thanks again for this information!
[ 0d 4h32m20s] 35(34.7)MH/s 107(107.2)W
0>RTX 3060 [80] ` 100% [55°C/63%] 34.85(34.71)MH/s 107(106.4)W clk=1440MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=
Hi reugner
It seems that you manage to install it and get it working OK 🙂
Thank you for letting us know, also thank you for the details you provided!
RTX 3060 version 1
I am mining at 38,6mh/s at 105w when I go to 100w drops to 37,6mh/s. OC settings Core -150 Mem 2200. Valid shares 97,7 ( better than previous version ). How to achieve 40mh/s at lower watts ? Any solution to increase the valid shares ?
Hi Fragiskos,
Thank you for your feedback.
Have you tried to increase mem to 2700?
Regarding the shares issue, could you try adding –dag-fix to your command line.
Let us know how it goes.
I add this command and now valid shares are at 98,4%
Also I cannot increase more than 2500 the memory because the gpus are crashing. Now I am at almost 38mh/s
Best efficiency at 375kH/W
Any idea if it works better with absolute core clock ?
Hi Fragiskos,
It seems to have improved a little bit your invalid shares. We’ll try to improve still.
We are not sure we understood your question about ‘absolute core’. Could you clarify?
Thanks for the feedback.
He meant HiveOS settings. Few months ago we had update of this miningOS that You can set absolute core clock.
Hi Paul,
Thank you.
We’ll have a look.
1450 abs core clock 2550 mem
Hi. One of my 3060 show me only 22mH in my rig. Rest are ~40mH. What i do wrong?
Hi Oleg,
Thank you for your message.
If you increase mem clock for those GPUs, does it help?
We tried the following:
core clock: -150,
memory clock: +2700 (linux)/+1350 (windows)
PL=100 W
If it doesn’t help, you may try adding
to your command line.Let us know if this helps.
Hi, I got a question about I cannot install 460.39 with 3060 lhr v2, is it possible work in another driver version?
Hi guys, I got a question about I cannot install 460.39 with 3060 lhr v2, is it possible work in another driver version?
Hi Roy,
Yes, you can use the most recent driver. It should work well. Performance is not as high as that older driver but it is still quite OK.
The 460.39 driver does not support all 3060, possible that is why you cannot make it work.
Weird I got this error on my GTX3060 GPU#0
GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060] 12053 MB
Samsung GDDR6 · · PL 100 W, 170 W, 200 W
[ERROR ] GPU[0] miniZ requires at least 0MB to run, but only has -96MB.
[WARNING] miniZ<ethash>[-1:2:00.0:-96]: Not selecting GPU#0[4] GeForce RTX 3060
miniZ<ethash>[80:2:00.0:11633]: Selecting GPU#0[3] GeForce RTX 3060
[ERROR ] GPU[0] miniZ requires at least 4471MB to run, but only has -96MB.
[WARNING] miniZ<ethash>[-1:2:00.0:-96]: Not selecting GPU#0[5] GeForce RTX 3060
Hi Uno,
Thank you for your message.
Are you using Windows OS? Our first guess is that you may not have enough ram/pagefile.
Could you try to increase pagefile and try again?
Let us know if this helps.
ps: You can see here how to check the pagefile size and how to manage it.
Hello devs, I’m trying v1.8y4 on my Palit RTX3060 and getting only endless “Searching lock” messages. When it starts mining? Settings are PL=70, core -150, mem +1000
It doesn’t work on this GPU (it will only generate around 12mh)
GPU 0 GA106 [GeForce RTX 3060] 12053 MB – Brand Colorful
Hi Uno,
It should work with all 3060.
Could you let us know which driver version are you using?
Also could confirm that you are using Windows OS?
I use 3060ti can get 43-44mhs, but after 1 hour trying appear “searching lock” and suddenly my hashrate getting lower to 35mhs
Hi Joel endy,
Thank you for the feedback.
After the ‘searching lock’ message, do you observe the hashrate going up again?
We’ve been making improvements. It should be better in the next release.
Good job guys! i’ve been able to push some 4MHs+ each 3060 I had 🙂 currently mining with 7x 3060 inno3d (noLHR) and eachone is giving 37.5\38.9MHs ATM. previous lol miner was outputting max 34.9MHs each card max… i just switched to miniZ so ill keep u posted with the share rate acceptance (Y) any tips to push it to 40? current settings :
HIVEOS: core: -300 :Mem 2000 fan:60% PL:100. temp: hottest at 60° and coolest at 54° . Room temp no liquid cooling nor AC.
Keep it up! im sure we will reach the 50MHs mark sooner or later 🙂
old saying here says: the mouse said to the nut: gimme time and i’ll crack you up.
Hi Prism,
Thank you for your kind words, and for using miniZ.
With 460.39 driver and the following settings it was working well for us ~40MH/s: core -150, mem +2700, PL 100W.
Some 3060 do not work with that driver. You need to try the oldest possible for the GPUs. But 38/39MH/s is pretty great already 🙂
We’ll do our best to improve performance of these GPUs.
Hi MiniZ! thankyou for the reply. first valuable info is that the share acceptance is regular, so they are truly hashing 38-39MHs in a 24h period. BIG UP! only one rejected in 24H mining with 7X 3060 ^^
I tried to push it to 40 but it seems i can’t pass the 39 mark. IS OK =) i have some info which might help.
i have noted that if you change the PL the mining SW has more difficulty to properly locate the driver lock resulting in a hash lowering. i think this is the reason why i cant pass the 39 mark =) i’m stuck to PL 100W, which is not a problem anyway, but i think it might hold the true power. check it out =) KEEP IT UP GUYS i feel we are reaching the sweetspot!
Hi Prism,
Thanks a lot for the feedback, you have very interesting comments!
Indeed it seems that lower power makes the lock detection easier.
39MH/s and stable, is quite good 🙂
I try to use my new 3060Ti LHR.
Impossible to install the driver windows 461.40
nVidia say that thos driver will work with 3060ti.
My hashrate is 25-30mh…
I don’t find how to use the “mode 80”. What is it ?
Thanks for your job !
Hi Yann,
If miniZ cannot get rid of the lock try to add
to your command line.After, if you keep seeing the lock still, then try changing to
.You can add
, this will force a certain kernel mode to start with the GPUs running. You can use--show-mode
to see which mode is running for each GPU.Let us know how it goes.
Hi guys,
Have you ever tested 3070 LHR (not 3070 TI) on Miniz miner?
What is the normal hashrate MHz of 3070 LHR in HiveOS or Windows with the best Miniz configuration?
May you please shed a light on it? I am currently mining on 3060 but I would like to try 3070 LHR in the future.
Thank you
Hi 3070,
We haven’t tried that GPU yet.
We are currently working on the 3070 Ti, hopefully the 3070 is not too different.
Thank you for your message.
Hi, I have 3060ti LHR, and I have the message “searching lock”
I can’t install old driver nvidia, it say “couldn’t find compatible hardware”
I dont know what is the “mode-80”, could you explain that ?
Thanks for your job
Hi Yann,
The 3060Ti probably requires a more recent driver, just install the latest one.
If you observe the lock returning all the time try to add
to your command line.If you keep seeing the lock still, then try changing to
.You can add
, this will force a certain kernel mode to start with the GPUs running. You can use--show-mode
to see which mode is running for each GPU.Let us know how it goes.
i cant seem to get it to work on mine i just bought it new in store the other days and thought i would try this …. can someone help?
Your driver is a bit more recent. Instead of
, use--tune=5
.Let us know if it is better this way.
I got up to aroubd 27mh but then it frezzes and i have to power down it happens with overclock and without and when I use.–ocX
Also its always arounf 10 mins then its freezeing and i have to hols mypower down till off restart duse not even work …
Ok bee running 20 mins not crash and im still climbing at 34mh/s. Turns out it with my CPU overclock that with crashing me I clock it down to default and I’ve been stable just turned on overclocking settings in MSI afterburner to your specifications for Windows and command line –tune 5 –dag-fix
should i try tune 4?
Try to limit your power is way too high
well its locked to 100 in msi afterburner not sure what else i can do lol so i think your wrong … if my msi afterburner is at 100 power limit if i lower i get ne shares at all so not going less then 100
Hi Reugner,
Thanks for the suggestion.
Thank you for your contact.
Reugner made a good suggestion, but when we look at your log, it seems that the settings you enter in afterburner are not taking effect. Both power and clocks seem a bit high for the settings you say you are applying.
Could you confirm one thing? After you choose the values with the slider button, or enter the numbers, you need to apply those settings by clicking the button you see in the figure (in the orange square). Otherwise Afterburner doesn’t apply them to the GPU.
For example, if you choose PL=100W then in the miniZ log you should see around 100W, not 160W.
Also, pay attention that afterburner shows PL in %. So 100W corresponds to ~60%.
You can use
and check if it becomes stable. Use--tune=4
just in case it is unstable, because this will also decrease performance.Let us know if this helps.
i have just set to 60% power and yes i am clicking the apply settings lol memclk is +1450 and fans set to 90% for the most part will runn with that and see what i get iw as geting stable 35mh/s but if i can get more i would love it …
Thank you for the information 🙂
Possibly you cannot get much more that that.
We’re working on a new version, we think there will be some improvements.
well its locked to 100 in msi afterburner not sure what else i can do lol so i think your wrong … if my msi afterburner is at 100 power limit if i lower i get ne shares at all so not going less then 100
20 hash 462.65 Gigabyty 3060 12gb REV2.0
Что то можно сделать? использую windows
Hi Anononymous,
If you are using beta version v1.8y4rc1, try adding
to your command line.Let us know if this helps.
Hey guys,
would like to unlock 3080ti, maybe i can help you with details, just tried out your new version 1.8y3 with –ocX he finished tune at mode 28 now with 54MH/s at 310W.
Hi Seg22,
Thank you for your message.
The best chances of having the beta version working with the 3080Ti are if you decrease the PL, add
--mode 80
(and not use--ocX
in the command line) and add--tune 0
tried on my 3060 v1 rig.
Hashrate remains half, no log says ‘detected mining lock… blahblah’
Does the unlock support 3060 lhr V1?
[ 0d 0h 4m20s] 108(107.4)MH/s 655(655.3)W
0>RTX 3060
100% [80°C/62%] 21.92(21.93)MH/s 129(128.3)W clk=1875MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.17
100% [80°C/84%] 21.91(21.91)MH/s 129(129.7)W clk=1867MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.171>RTX 3060
2>RTX 3060
100% [62°C/67%] 21.78(21.78)MH/s 118(119.6)W clk=1905MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.18
100% [77°C/57%] 21.94(21.94)MH/s 134(133.9)W clk=1890MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.163>RTX 3060
4>RTX 3060
100% [78°C/58%] 21.94(21.94)MH/s 144(143.8)W clk=1890MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.15
100% [80°C/62%] 21.93(21.93)MH/s 129(128.3)W clk=1875MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.17[TRACE ] GeForce RTX 3060[4]: switch mode 20[21979309.84 I/s] -> mode 28 -- max:mode 80[21980237.687 I/s]
[TRACE ] GeForce RTX 3060[1]: switch mode 28[21980410.37 I/s] -> mode 48 -- max:mode 20[21982087.577 I/s]
[TRACE ] GeForce RTX 3060[2]: switch mode 28[21850212.33 I/s] -> mode 48 -- max:mode 20[21851590.467 I/s]
[ 0d 0h 4m30s] 108(107.5)MH/s 649(654.4)W
0>RTX 3060
1>RTX 3060
100% [80°C/85%] 21.92(21.92)MH/s 129(129.7)W clk=1867MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.17
100% [62°C/67%] 21.79(21.79)MH/s 118(119.5)W clk=1905MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.182>RTX 3060
3>RTX 3060
100% [76°C/57%] 21.94(21.94)MH/s 134(133.9)W clk=1890MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.16
100% [78°C/58%] 21.90(21.90)MH/s 139(143.0)W clk=1890MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.154>RTX 3060
Hi lyt,
Thank you for the log.
Do not use
with these GPUs. At the moment it is not working well with these GPUs (3060, 3070…).There are a few things that you can also try. You can limit your power to something closer to 100W. If you are on Windows and using Afterburner this will be setting power to ~60-65%.
Then, lowering core clock and increasing mem clock often helps with stability.
The following OCs were working well for us. You may need to adapt to your system a bit:
core clock: -150
mem clock: +2700 (linux) or +1350 (windows)
pl: ~100W (around 60% on Afterburner)
If these do not help. You can try adding
if you are not using the older driver.Let us know if these tips help.
Thanks for your work.
i want to know does it work on 3080ti. did you make a test on it?
i’m using 3080ti with driver version 466.63.
baseline hash rate 64Mh with core-350 memory+1000 and 60% power limit.
i can help you test the algorithm to unlock the hashrate of 3080ti if you want. you can find me by email
Hi Krystal,
Thank you for your messages.
At the moment we are working on the 3070 Ti.
Only after this one we’ll have a look at the 3080.
Are you using beta version v1.8y4rc1? You may need to add
because this should be the best kernel for that GPU. It is necessary to make it start that kernel in the 3080Ti.Also, try adding
, we thing this may work best witht the 3080Ti.If you can lower pl a bit more. Usually lowering closer to the minimum is quite important to help the miner dealing with the lock.
Let us know how it goes.
parameters: –mode=80 –tune=0
core-350 memory+1000
i usually use gminer, hashrate stabilize at 64 with 60%pl.
i tried the miniz beta version.with 60%pl, 50%pl and 39%pl. you can view the results from the pictures.
i can provide you a 3080ti with ssh access to work on the hashrate unlock if you need.
Hi Krystal,
Thank you so much for your feedback and your kind help.
Could you direct us to the figures? We are not sure where to look.
can you view the pictures in the links above?
Hi Krystal,
Thank you for the screenshots.
Unfortunately with the current release you will not get more hashrate.
The good news are that we were able to get access to a 3080 Ti and are currently (also) working on that GPU.
At the moment we manage to get something ~73MH/s at 245W.
We hope to make some improvements still, but we do not want to delay the release too much.
In any case in the next release the 3080Ti will perform much better.
first thank to miniz for this mining software.
i mine use hiveos, thx for your hard work.
maybe i can help a little about the setting for rtx 3060 V1 (galax)
this is my setting
CC = 1500
MC = 2800
i get stable at 41,03 – 41,06MH (eth)
Hi hansen,
Thanks a lot for the feedback and for sharing your settings.
Windows 10 21H1
The LHR unlock does not work here.
miniZ.exe – –par=ethash –extra –tune=0
************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 3
miniZ<ethash>[48:1:00.0:7125]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti
miniZ<ethash>[48:1:00.0:11102]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti
miniZ<ethash>[48:1:00.0:7181]: Selecting GPU#2[2] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
Driver: 471.41
Algo: EQ[ethash] [smart-pers]
Pool#0: user[yinchu.2600k]
server[] port[1800] ssl[no] pers[ethash]
Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
Temp. limit: [90 C]
[INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75%
[INFO ] GPU[1]: Generating DAG #431 [4471+69=4541MB]
[INFO ] GPU[2]: Generating DAG #431 [4471+69=4541MB]
[INFO ] GPU[0]: Generating DAG #431 [4471+69=4541MB]
[INFO ] GPU[1]: Generated DAG in 3.295
[INFO ] GPU[0]: Generated DAG in 4.225
[INFO ] GPU[2]: Generated DAG in 6.779
[ 0d 0h 0m16s] S: 0/0/0 0( 0.1)MH/s 374(374.0)W []
0>RTX 3070 Ti
100% [54 C/80%] 0.02( 0.02)MH/s 118(117.5)W clk= 550MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.00
100% [58 C/84%] 60.05(60.05)MH/s 167(166.9)W clk= 590MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.361>RTX 3080 Ti
2>RTX 2070
100% [56 C/100%] 0.01( 0.01)MH/s 90( 89.6)W clk=1304MHz mclk=7693MHz MH/W=0.00
100% [54 C/80%] 44.15(44.15)MH/s 118(117.5)W clk= 550MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.38[ 0d 0h 0m20s] S: 0/0/0 75(75.3)MH/s 374(374.0)W []
0>RTX 3070 Ti
1>RTX 3080 Ti
100% [58 C/84%] 60.05(60.05)MH/s 167(166.9)W clk= 590MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.36
100% [56 C/100%] 40.58(40.58)MH/s 90( 89.6)W clk=1304MHz mclk=7693MHz MH/W=0.452>RTX 2070
[ 0d 0h 0m30s] S: 1/0/0 109(108.8)MH/s 426(420.6)W [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
0>RTX 3070 Ti
100% [54 C/80%] 43.39(43.39)MH/s 131(129.6)W clk=1391MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.33
100% [59 C/85%]* 63.92(63.92)MH/s 188(185.9)W clk= 597MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.341>RTX 3080 Ti
2>RTX 2070
100% [56 C/100%] 40.83(40.83)MH/s 107(105.1)W clk= 954MHz mclk=7693MHz MH/W=0.39
100% [55 C/80%] 43.32(43.32)MH/s 138(135.2)W clk=1388MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.32[ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: 1/0/0 123(123.5)MH/s 453(441.9)W [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
0>RTX 3070 Ti
1>RTX 3080 Ti
100% [60 C/85%] 64.08(64.08)MH/s 199(194.7)W clk= 589MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.33
100% [57 C/100%] 40.84(40.84)MH/s 116(112.0)W clk= 949MHz mclk=7693MHz MH/W=0.362>RTX 2070
[ 0d 0h 0m50s] S: 1/0/0 131(131.1)MH/s 466(453.6)W [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
0>RTX 3070 Ti
100% [55 C/80%] 43.29(43.29)MH/s 141(138.1)W clk=1387MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.31
100% [61 C/85%] 64.08(64.08)MH/s 205(199.4)W clk= 587MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.321>RTX 3080 Ti
2>RTX 2070
100% [57 C/100%] 40.60(40.60)MH/s 120(116.1)W clk= 944MHz mclk=7693MHz MH/W=0.35
100% [55 C/80%] 43.28(43.28)MH/s 143(139.9)W clk=1384MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.31[ 0d 0h 1m00s] S: 1/0/0 138(138.3)MH/s 473(460.5)W [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
0>RTX 3070 Ti
1>RTX 3080 Ti
100% [61 C/85%] 63.99(63.99)MH/s 207(202.2)W clk= 581MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.32
100% [58 C/100%] 40.54(40.54)MH/s 123(118.4)W clk= 944MHz mclk=7693MHz MH/W=0.342>RTX 2070
[ 0d 0h 1m10s] S: 2/0/0 140(140.1)MH/s 476(465.0)W [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
0>RTX 3070 Ti
100% [55 C/80%]* 43.26(43.26)MH/s 144(141.1)W clk=1381MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.31
100% [62 C/85%] 63.73(63.73)MH/s 209(204.0)W clk= 581MHz mclk=10491MHz MH/W=0.311>RTX 3080 Ti
2>RTX 2070 ` 100% [58 C/100%] 40.46(40.46)MH/s 124(119.9)W clk= 937MHz mclk=7693MHz MH/W=0.34
Hi Edison,
Thanks for the feedback.
We’ve been working with the 3070 Ti and we should make a new release in a few days.
Next we’ll work with the 3080 Ti.
In any case try a few things:
– Lower a bit the power of your 3070Ti and 3080Ti, closer to the lower allowed values, maybe it will help.
– Add
to your command line.– Add
for the 3070 Ti and the 3080 Ti. When you add--mode=80
it applies to all GPUs, so you need to ‘correct’ the 2070 mode.At the end of the command line you need to add
--mode# 48
, substitute # by the 2070 GPU number (in this case no = sign).Let us know how it goes.
How much computing power does 3060ti have in miniz?
Hi tomorrow,
Many miners have been sharing their values in this comment section.
For example WilburZ here:
Should be something like ~39 MH/s.
I am using miniZ_v1.8y4rc1 with 3060 (v2, GA106–302) on Windows10 Nvidia 471.11
Current settings in afterburner:
Core -150
RAM +1350
PL 65%
Params: –show-mode –mode1=80 –tune=5
And I am getting no more than 20 MH/s and it is not stable (between 11 and 20 MH/s)
Any ideas how to keep at least 30 MH/s stable?
Hi Arturo,
Thank you for your message.
Try to lower the power. It usually helps stability.
If it persists unstable, try adding
to your command line (instead of--tune=5
).Let us know if this helps.
Hi ;
I bought Gigabyte VGA GeForce RTX3060 Gaming OC V2 12GB LHR (Version 2)
Have you tested this card? what is the performance? Could you share with me which version driver i should install for windows10 x64? And overclocking.
Hi Selcuk,
We haven’t tested this card. But we think that some other miners shared some values about this one here in this comment section.
We think that is ~35MH/s, core:-150; mem:+1350 (Windows); PL=100W (~60%)
i have this card and get stable 35 mh/s with –dag-fix –tune 4 memclk +1417 core clock at -155 Power at 77% on windows 10 driver 471.41 hope that helps
Hi RealStonerGamer,
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
I read about your miner online and – since the mining lock is stupid – had to try it out
The result is quite bad, I hope you can somehow help me
I tried: resulting hashrate of my 3060:
Linux 460.39 12 MH/s, crash after 4 minutes
Linux 460.39 run with sudo -||-
Linux 460.56 5 – 8 MH/s
My program call is the following: ./miniZ –shares-detail –url=ssl://”$address/$(hostname)/$MID” -p x
I also tried –mode=80 and tried without the –shares-detail once, nothing changes
With the phoenixminer the hashrate is stable 25 and with lolminer 37
Do you have any idea what’s going on/ wrong?
My “searching lock” line has the numbers speed=23.0/25.5 [1,5200.58,2.070,0.87]
the speed is never reached by the actual miner btw
Hi Klaus,
Thank you for your message.
If your GPU is recognized by 460.39, you can continue using that one. You do not need sudo command.
to your command line. This will help stability.You can also limit GPU power. We limit to ~100W. This usually also helps stability.
Let us know if this helps.
Are you applying any OCs? The following work well for us: core=-150;mem clock=+2700 (Linux) or +1350 (Windows) @ 100W.
Gigabyte RTX 3060’s Revision 2.0 LHR
Driver 462365
Extra: –show-mode –tune=5 –mode1=80
Afterburner- Power 63 (107W) Core Clock -200 Mem Clock +1350
Stable around 34.5 MH/s. Going to start pushing it up a little over the next few days to see what I can get. Any ideas to get more?
Hi Gmyth,
Those are very similar to our settings. For the 3060 you do not need
.If you do not use
will the mining become unstable? If it runs stable without tune option, do not use it.With that driver maybe you could reach 35-36MH/s but not more. With the version we are working on now maybe there will be a small improvement.
Did you manage a better configuration?
Help me please, I have solved many times with this problem.
I’ve tried but can’t fix the problem.
Help me, I’ve tried troubleshooting many times but it failed.
I’ve tried but can’t fix the problem.
–mode=80 –dag-fix
Try clk=1447MHz mclk=8575MHz Pl=120
Hi Reugner,
Thanks for your suggestion.
Hi Tee,
Have you tried adjusting a bit your OCs, as Reugner suggested?
We suspect that it will not be sufficient to make it more stable.
If it persists running unstable try adding
to your command line.Let us know if this helps.
With the version we are working on now maybe there will be a small improvement in stability and performance for that GPU.
how to get full hash rate on RTX 306 v1 on hive os miniz 1.8y.3
Hi chandeno,
HivesOS already added the beta version. You can make the update.
Also, if your GPU works well with the older driver 460.39 just use it, else use the most recent driver.
The oldest driver allows better preformance but it does not work with all GPUs.
If the miner doesn’t run stable, and if you are using the older driver add
to your command line (use--tune=5
for recent drivers).Cheers
How much MiniZ ETH 2.0? GTX 980ti.
Hi 980Ti,
We haven’t tested with that GPU.
You need to run the miner. You can use –ocX with that GPU to look for the best kernel.
Let us know how it goes.
HI Guys ,
Any update on the searching for lock issue .
I am running 3060 on 470.05 driver on Windows. Getting max 37 Mhz. Cant get anything above that.
Mines for about 1 to 2 hours without any issues , after that comes with searching lock error and hashrate drops 3 and 4 mhz .
Hi John J,
Thank you for the feedback.
37MH/s is quite good. Does the miner recovers from the drop in hashrate?
With the version we are working on now maybe there will be a small improvement in stability and performance for that GPU.
Is is taking a bit longer than we wanted, but we expect to release the new version in 5-7 days.
once the hashrate drop then i have to restart the miner .
upon restart the hashrate are back up 35 to 37 MHZ , but then does drop back after an hour or two .
then need to restart miner again. Hoping the new version will help here
Hi John J,
We expect the new version to work better.
We had to deal with unexpected events, which delayed the new release. It will be out soon.
Thank you for using miniZ.
I applied the settings you suggested and I’m getting 40Mhs in my cards. I need to know if the same setting works for the new 3060 LHR cards as well.
Hi Kani,
40MH/s is very good.
Sorry, we cannot say if it make 40MHs. If they work with the same driver they should perform the same.
If they will only work with a more recent driver, they should be able to make ~35MH/s.
You’ll need to test it.
Let us know how it goes.
So does this miner need a HDMI dummy plug to achieve 40mh/s ?
Hi polar,
Are you referring to the 3060?
It is not necessary to use the dummy plug.
To make ~40MH/s you need to use the oldest driver 460.39 but this driver does not work with all GPUs.
hey miniZ, ilike to recommend your good work cracking the LHR blockers for us. cant find another coder doing great work for miners in www.
may i ask you the date of releasing graphic card 3070 Ti cracked sucessfully? in comments readable your done with 3070 Ti and it would took a few days to release.
regards till your answer,
Hi adam,
Thank you for your message. Sorry for the late response.
We think it will be by the end of the week. Likely saturday.
Last week, our main developer broke a leg and will undergo a surgery. If all goes well we need just a few more days to finish adjustments.
Thank you for your patience.
461.40 на Win не устанавливается? еррор
Hi Павел,
Could you give us a bit more information? What is the error you’re getting?
Are you using a 3060 GPU that does not work with that driver? If this is the case maybe you need to install a recent driver.
Unfortunately, not all 3060s work with the older driver.
Hi team,
i couldnt figure out the miner option on simplemining/SMOS.
we mine eth on ethermine from eu server and would like you to provide us a template for miner option that we could use on simplemining
Hi tselmeg,
Did you manage to get it working?
If not we’ll have a look and see what we can do.
reaches 39 and then drops after 30min-1hours to 2 and then writes lock. I use windows –tune4B 5B tried it does not help PL 60%
Hi Anononymous,
Which driver are you using? If you are using the older driver 461.40 (Windows) or 460.39 (Linux) you need to use
.Which GPU are you using? If it is one of the 3060s your PL should be OK, closer to 100W. And, make sure you are using miniZ v1.8y4rc1 (beta) version.
Let us know if this helps.
Hi. There are 3 identical 3060 cards in the rig. All cards have the same OC settings. The start is very promising and they all begin from 35MH/s but after a while they end up with:
0>RTX 3060
100% [60°C/45%] 40.09(39.96)MH/s 120(118.9)W clk=1327MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.34
100% [54°C/45%] 39.48(37.89)MH/s 120(113.9)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.331>RTX 3060
2>RTX 3060 ` 100% [43°C/45%] 14.16(15.81)MH/s 67( 72.1)W clk=1785MHz mclk=8650MHz MH/W=0.22
Sometimes the 2nd card reaches 40MH/s, sometimes stays around 25MHs.The 3rd card always stays around 16MH/s.
Hi tbolek,
Make sure you are using miniZ v1.8y4rc1 (beta) version. And try to lower power a bit more, closer to 100W if possible.
Sometimes the miner is not able to get rid of mining lock.
If lowering power doesn’t help, you may need to use
option. Which driver are you using? If you are using the older driver 461.40 (Windows) or 460.39 (Linux) you need to use--tune=37
. If you use a recent driver try adding--tune=5
(or 4 if still unstable with 5) to your command line.Let us know if this helps.
<a href=””><img src=”” alt=”image” border=”0″></a>
Go to 37 and go to 2-3mh after 30min.
3060 REV2.0
tune 4 5. Help pls
how to get stability?
Hi Anononymous,
Make sure you are using miniZ v1.8y4rc1 (beta) version.
Also, try to lower power a bit more, closer to 100W if possible. This should be ~60-65%.
Try lowering power first, without –tune option. If lowering power doesn’t help, then use
option. First,--tune=5
(if it is not stale use--tune=4
).Let us know if this helps.
Got big problem with 144.5 algo.
Got 4x GTX 1060 3gb gaming X, about 35sol/s
and 2x GTX 1060 6gb shied, about 40sol/s
Windows 10 21H1 and all drivers tested, w/wo. afterburner
Hashrate is better than others thats why im testing it, only one BIG problem is on 6gb hashrate is going down after 45min, and on 3gb droping max after 15min
Please help
Hi abcarek,
Thank you for your message.
We found no issue while mining 144,5, with our 1060 3GB.
Could you share a screenshot of, or paste here, the miniZ log?
Also, could you paste here the command line you are using?
We’ll look further into this.
Hi, miniZ
Palit 3060Ti 8GB Dual OC LHR
Windows 10 x64 1809
driver 462.65/471.68 (461.40 and 470.05 cant install)
i was trying use that on ethash:
–log –extra –latency –show-mode –tune=5 —> 3MH
–log –extra –latency –show-mode –tune=4 —> 28MH (mem+1350)
–log –extra –latency –show-mode –mode=80—> 10MH (i was get message ‘searching lock’)
Stock clock and core-150, mem +1350
miniZ_v1.8y3_win-x64 – 27MH
What can I still try?
How can I help you? Where can I read how protection works?
What are the three numeric values go in the SEARCHING LOCK message?
Thanks for the good work!
Hi Arsenity,
Thank you for your message and all the information you shared.
What is your power limit?
Try lower the power to something closer to 100-110W.
We’ll release a new version very soon, then you can also try it out. We expect improvements. Small improvements in performance but also with stability.
Let us know how it goes.
Hi, I have a Paltin RTX 3080 LHR. I tried to bypass this LHR with miniz, unfortunately I can't do it. Can someone help me here? I am using Windows 10 and have the correct driver 461.40 installed. I also set up the miner. Unfortunately I can only manage 50mhs. Does anyone know? Kind regards
Hi alexander,
Thank you for your message.
Are you using the version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version)?
We have been working on the 3080Ti, and the 3080 will also benefit from these improvements. The new version will come out very soon.
I’ve been mining with my 2 X RTX 3060 ( REV 1.0) on an old pentium 4 motherboard. I could get 40-41 Mh for each card. Now i moved my cards to newer mining motherboard ( Esonic h81 BTC ) Now one of my cards gets 41 Mh , but other one is stuck at 12-13 Mh . Why do you think it happens ? Here is the output i have :
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=21.1/38.4[2,5004.74,2.060,1.25]
[ 0d 0h 7m50s] S: 5/0/0 56(55.5)MH/s 192(191.0)W []- 59ms (93.90%) (6.10%)
0>RTX 3060
100% [50°C/60%] 41.84(41.80)MH/s 120(119.7)W clk=1462MHz mclk=8900MHz MH/W=0.35
1>RTX 3060 100% [41°C/75%] 13.72(13.34)MH/s 73( 71.3)W clk=1807MHz mclk=8500MHz MH/W=0.19
[ 0d 0h 8m00s] S: 5/0/0 56(55.4)MH/s 199(191.3)W []- 59ms (93.90%) (6.10%)
0>RTX 3060
100% [50°C/60%] 41.78(41.78)MH/s 120(119.7)W clk=1462MHz mclk=8900MHz MH/W=0.35
1>RTX 3060 100% [47°C/75%] 13.69(13.34)MH/s 79( 71.6)W clk=1605MHz mclk=8500MHz MH/W=0.19
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=21.1/38.4[2,5004.74,2.060,1.26]
[ 0d 0h 8m10s] S: 5/0/0 55(55.3)MH/s 195(191.6)W []- 59ms (94.15%) (5.85%)
0>RTX 3060
100% [50°C/60%] 41.83(41.80)MH/s 120(119.7)W clk=1462MHz mclk=8900MHz MH/W=0.35
1>RTX 3060 100% [41°C/75%] 13.69(13.34)MH/s 76( 71.9)W clk=1807MHz mclk=8500MHz MH/W=0.19
Hi GecelerinYargici,
Thank you for your message.
We are not sure what could have cause this. Different CPU, memory…we do not know.
You are using the older driver, right? Try adding
to your command line. Maybe try to add it only to the locked GPU--tune1 37
. But you’ll also need to use version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version).Cheers
i tried with the 460.39 driver on my zotac 3060 with -mode=80 but I just got 35 mhs like for 1 minute then It went down to 15 mhs, also I tried -tune37 , similar result
and -mode=80
it crashed , can you help me ? I’m running latest version of hiveos 0.6-205@210715
Hi Luis S,
Thank you for your message.
If not, use the version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version).
Are you applying any OCs? Try to lower power to ~100W.
These settings worked well for us:
core clock: -150,
memory clock: +2700 (linux)
PL=100 W
You may need to adjust a bit for your system.
Let us know if this helps.
I am running 3060 on 460.91.03 driver on HiveOS. Getting max 32 Mhz. Can’t get anything above that
Hi Marlon Lopez,
Thank you for contacting us, and sorry for the late response.
Are you applying any OCs? What is your PL? Try to lower power to something closer to 100-110W.
The following settings worked well for us:
core: -150 core; mem: +2700 ; PL: 100W.
If the miner is not running stable you can add
to your command line (do not use--tune
if the miner is already stable).Let us know how it goes.
us the 3070 TI update available?
Hi marwan,
The 3070s is giving us a bit of headache, but we managed to improve stability and performance.
Our release had to be delayed but it should be out soon.
Thank you for your message and for your patience.
EVGA 3060 (device id 2504) is not recognized by 461.40 drivers. I’ve tested with the latest available and I’m getting no more than 19Mh/s
What am I doing wrong? Is this gpu supported? I mean the 2504 one…. never receiving the “searching lock” message…
Hi Frankachela,
Keed the recent driver, your GPU is not supported by the older one.
It seems that the miner is unable to get rid of the anti-mining lock mechanism. Be sure to use the version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version).
Are you applying any OCs? You need to limit power to ~100-110W.
The following settings worked well for us:
core: -150 core; mem: +1350 (Windows); PL: 100W.
Also, have you tried adding
to the command line?Cheers
miniZ v1.8y3 crashes when mining ProgPoW. Coin is HiveCoin (HVN), GPU is GTX1060. It seems repeatable, miniZ crashes in 1 hour.
ERROR is: [FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 11 ‘invalid argument’ in line 495
Hi User,
Sorry for the late response.
Is this still happening for you?
Could you let us know what is the message “[INFO ] GPU[00]: Launching period …” that appears just before this CUDA error?
We are having a look at this. Thank you for your message.
Nicehash using 1.6v. How I can use 1.8?
Hi Jarboloide,
Have you managed to resolve this issue?
If you are still facing this problem, it is better to contact Nicehash directly.
Thank you for your message.
hello I have a problem with minibus digging does not work I did everything in accordance with the instructions for card 3060
Hi David,
Could you give us a bit more information about the issue you are experiencing?
For example, could you paste here the error message that you have? Or the miner log?
I can’t install the driver v461.40 on Windows 10/64
“The graphics card driver could not find compatible graphics hardware”
I have three 3060 cards
Gain 12GB D6 RTX 3060 Ghost OC
Zota12GB D6 RTX 3060 Twin Edge OC
I have test to install the driver with only one card: No Chance
What’s wrong with my setup?
Can I use a other driver?
Hi Gordon,
Sorry for taking longer to reply.
Some 3060s are not supported by the older driver. You’ll need to install a more recent driver. For example, the 471.41 should be OK, we’ve been working with this one. Just avoid the latest one, for now.
Let us know how it goes. The new release will be out soon.
please add DAG function from cache and auto restart function if there is an error while mining is running
Hi bedjo,
Thank you for your message and suggestions.
We’ll have a look, but loading the DAG from the hard drive should not be much faster than calculating it on the fly.
Regarding the restart function, you can define/program this with bat file, or script.
Hi, guys. Any idea why my cards are so undervolted? My LHR 3060 with PL ranging from 100 to 130 draw only 38-42 W and give ridiculous 10Mh/s:
Hi SlyFox,
Thank you for your message, sorry for the late response.
Are you still experiencing this issue? Try to lower PL a bit more. To 100-110W.
You may need to adjust core clock a bit, if it becomes too unstable.
The following OCs worked well with our 3060:
core -150; mem 2700; PL 100W
If still doesn’t improve try adding
to your command line.The new release should be out soon with improvements in stability and performance.
Hi everyone!
I did an overview of program setup for beginners. There are tons of videos of LHR unlocking. Welcome!
I am waiting for answers about the quality of the settings in the article.
Hi Matthew Wood,
Thank you so much for your message. And particularly for your overview. Great job!
This is very usefull for the community, specially for beginners as you pointed out.
A few comments 🙂
1. @ “What is miniZ?”:
Fee is only 2% for the equihash algorithms.
The developer fee for mining with miniZ depends on the algorithm:
– Equihash: 2%;
– ProgPoW: 1%;
– Ethash: 0.75%.
2. @ “Step 1 – Download the miner”:
You need to correct the github link to
3. You use
in the bat file example. Although we tend to prefer--par
will also work. But you need to add “--
” and not “-
“. (-algo
will not work, we believe that this can cause your telemetry not to work)4. @ the sentence right before the “Conclusion”:
You mention T-rex and not miniZ. 😛
We also saw your video, and we’re happy that it worked well for you!
We corrected the dash issue, in fact mode option needs two dashes
. Also, there is a slight difference when one wants to apply to all GPUs on the rig or just one GPU. We explain it better now on the “Command line” table, and in the--help
option. Let us know if it is better now. In any case we also have a FAQ with detailed information about this. Check the “How to use--mode
?” in FAQ page.In more recent versions the 30XX will not need
. Actually the 3060 shouldn’t need. You can always confirm which mode is running for each GPU, by adding--show-mode
to your command line.Again, thanks for your work spreading the news and helping others setting up miniZ.
The new version will be out soon. Few improvements are expected for the 3060s.
Please, publish RC version as released to HiveOS’s team will bundle a bundle. I’m using HiveOS and have two 3060 Ti LHR and want to test the behavior.
Hi Angel,
If we correctly understood your issue, this is already resolved.
HiveOS already added miniZ v1.8y4rc1 in july. You may need to perform updates to your HiveOs.
Let us know if you are experiencing any issues.
hello, that you need to specify the Core Clock, MHz Memory Clock, MHz for Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti LHR 8 GB in raveos, for 40mh
Hi orserg,
Thank you for your message.
We have tested the miner with our 3060 but not with the 3060Ti. However, in you’ll be able to find many users sharing their settings for the 3060Ti.
Be sure to use the version v1.8y4rc1 (beta).
It should work better with the 3060 Ti.
For example:
We’ll release a new version soon. The 3060Ti will have some improvements (stability and performance).
I just tried your miniz, seems I’m unable to get it mining properly.
FYI it is on Windows 10 with >Nvidia driver 470.05 (I still need to test it with driver 460.40) as a another card RTX3060 in a pcie 16x slot is mining fine using T-rex at 49.8Mhz.
the card I assigned to the Miniz is in a riser with these OC settings via afterburner= 70% power, core -500, mem, 1200
this is the cardtype: RTX3060 Asus Dual
this is my LOG file:
************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
Driver: 470.05
Algo: EQ[ethash] [smart-pers]
Pool#0: user[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.RTX3060_3]
server[] port[4444] ssl[no] pers[ethash]
Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
Temp. limit: [90 C]
[INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75%
miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:11282]: Selecting GPU#1[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
[INFO ] Target set to 00000000FFFF0000 (4295.03M)
[INFO ] GPU[1]: Generating DAG #439 [4535+70=4606MB]
[INFO ] GPU[1]: Generated DAG in 11.955
[ 0d 0h 0m24s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [51 C/70%] 25.55(25.55)MH/s 103(103.3)W clk=1220MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 []
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=21.1/27.4[1,3774.57,2.070,0.80]
[ 0d 0h 0m30s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/70%] 25.70(25.70)MH/s 108(108.5)W clk=1219MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.24 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [45 C/70%] 25.70(25.70)MH/s 76( 78.4)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.33 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 0m50s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [51 C/69%] 16.07(16.07)MH/s 81( 80.1)W clk=1308MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.20 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 1m00s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/70%] 19.94(19.94)MH/s 100( 92.3)W clk=1223MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.22 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 1m10s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/70%]* 23.65(23.65)MH/s 109( 99.5)W clk=1223MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.24 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 1m20s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/70%] 24.96(24.96)MH/s 114(104.1)W clk=1222MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.24 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 1m30s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/70%] 26.77(26.77)MH/s 116(107.3)W clk=1109MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 1m40s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/70%] 28.37(28.37)MH/s 117(109.5)W clk=1090MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 1m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/70%]* 30.46(30.46)MH/s 118(111.1)W clk=1203MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 2m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%] 31.16(31.16)MH/s 118(112.4)W clk=1211MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 2m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%] 31.61(31.61)MH/s 119(113.4)W clk=1206MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 2m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%] 32.08(32.08)MH/s 119(114.1)W clk=1193MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=21.1/47.9[1,2907.83,2.070,0.81]
[ 0d 0h 2m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/71%] 32.38(32.38)MH/s 97(109.7)W clk=1419MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.30 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 2m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [51 C/70%] 32.38(32.38)MH/s 71(101.7)W clk=1432MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.32 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 2m50s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/70%]* 29.43(29.43)MH/s 95(103.7)W clk=1218MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=22.9/47.9[1,3657.11,2.070,0.82]
[ 0d 0h 3m00s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [51 C/71%] 29.25(29.25)MH/s 85(101.2)W clk=1433MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.29 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 3m10s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [49 C/70%] 27.26(27.26)MH/s 64( 95.2)W clk=1433MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.29 [] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=23.5/47.9[1,5665.28,2.070,0.83]
[ 0d 0h 3m20s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/69%] 27.26(27.26)MH/s 80( 96.4)W clk=1229MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [fee.server] (100.00%) (0.00%)
[ 0d 0h 3m30s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [48 C/70%] 25.53(25.65)MH/s 62( 91.3)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [fee.server] (94.47%) (5.53%)
[ 0d 0h 3m40s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/69%] 24.37(24.60)MH/s 74( 90.3)W clk=1328MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [fee.server] (94.47%) (5.53%)
[ 0d 0h 3m50s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/70%] 24.63(24.81)MH/s 96( 92.8)W clk=1221MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (87.67%) (12.33%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=23.9/47.9[1,3384.90,2.070,0.84]
[ 0d 0h 4m00s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [50 C/71%] 24.63(24.81)MH/s 86( 91.8)W clk=1433MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (87.67%) (12.33%)
[ 0d 0h 4m10s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [47 C/70%] 23.18(23.67)MH/s 65( 87.9)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (88.70%) (11.30%)
[ 0d 0h 4m20s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/69%] 23.53(23.91)MH/s 91( 90.3)W clk=1227MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (88.70%) (11.30%)
[ 0d 0h 4m30s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/70%] 23.82(24.09)MH/s 105( 92.4)W clk=1219MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (89.58%) (10.42%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=23.8/47.9[1,3168.30,2.070,0.85]
[ 0d 0h 4m40s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/70%] 24.07(24.25)MH/s 112( 94.3)W clk=1244MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (89.58%) (10.42%)
[ 0d 0h 4m50s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [50 C/70%] 24.07(24.25)MH/s 78( 90.8)W clk=1433MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (90.32%) (9.68%)
[ 0d 0h 5m00s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/69%] 22.47(23.19)MH/s 83( 90.2)W clk=1204MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (90.32%) (9.68%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=22.7/47.9[1,4609.94,2.070,0.86]
[ 0d 0h 5m10s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [49 C/71%] 22.47(23.19)MH/s 79( 89.6)W clk=1429MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (90.97%) (9.03%)
[ 0d 0h 5m20s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [47 C/70%] 21.25(22.42)MH/s 61( 86.7)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (90.97%) (9.03%)
[ 0d 0h 5m30s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/70%] 21.77(22.66)MH/s 90( 88.6)W clk=1252MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (91.54%) (8.46%)
[ 0d 0h 5m40s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/70%] 22.25(22.90)MH/s 104( 90.4)W clk=1221MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (91.54%) (8.46%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=22.8/47.9[1,3197.54,2.070,0.87]
[ 0d 0h 5m50s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/71%] 22.70(23.12)MH/s 90( 89.9)W clk=1392MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (92.04%) (7.96%)
[ 0d 0h 6m00s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [49 C/70%] 22.70(23.12)MH/s 67( 87.3)W clk=1431MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (92.04%) (7.96%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=20.6/47.9[1,7435.75,2.070,0.88]
[ 0d 0h 6m10s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [49 C/70%] 21.04(22.22)MH/s 60( 85.4)W clk=1343MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (92.48%) (7.52%)
[ 0d 0h 6m20s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [47 C/70%] 21.04(22.22)MH/s 52( 83.1)W clk=1409MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (92.48%) (7.52%)
[ 0d 0h 6m30s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/69%] 19.68(21.49)MH/s 70( 83.0)W clk=1212MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (92.88%) (7.12%)
[ 0d 0h 6m40s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/70%] 20.34(21.74)MH/s 94( 84.8)W clk=1225MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (92.88%) (7.12%)
[ 0d 0h 6m50s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/70%] 21.43(22.15)MH/s 106( 86.5)W clk=1219MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (93.23%) (6.77%)
[ 0d 0h 7m00s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/70%] 22.00(22.39)MH/s 112( 88.0)W clk=1106MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (93.23%) (6.77%)
[ 0d 0h 7m10s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/70%] 22.97(22.81)MH/s 116( 89.5)W clk=1159MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (93.56%) (6.44%)
[ 0d 0h 7m20s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/70%] 23.95(23.25)MH/s 117( 90.8)W clk=1204MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (93.56%) (6.44%)
[ 0d 0h 7m30s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/70%] 25.73(24.08)MH/s 118( 91.4)W clk=1084MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (93.85%) (6.15%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=21.5/47.9[1,2944.25,2.070,0.89]
[ 0d 0h 7m40s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%] 26.45(24.45)MH/s 118( 92.6)W clk=1079MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (93.85%) (6.15%)
[ 0d 0h 7m50s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/70%] 26.45(24.45)MH/s 81( 90.5)W clk=1431MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (94.12%) (5.88%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=22.6/47.9[1,32421.18,2.070,0.90]
[ 0d 0h 8m00s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [50 C/70%] 24.36(23.67)MH/s 63( 88.6)W clk=1431MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (94.12%) (5.88%)
[ 0d 0h 8m10s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [49 C/70%] 24.36(23.67)MH/s 53( 86.7)W clk=1411MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (94.36%) (5.64%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=22.4/47.9[1,9424.84,2.070,0.91]
[ 0d 0h 8m20s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/69%] 22.44(22.95)MH/s 70( 86.5)W clk=1235MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (94.36%) (5.64%)
[ 0d 0h 8m30s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [47 C/70%] 22.44(22.95)MH/s 57( 84.8)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (94.59%) (5.41%)
[ 0d 0h 8m40s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/69%] 20.90(22.37)MH/s 72( 84.6)W clk=1298MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (94.59%) (5.41%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=23.8/47.9[1,3657.11,2.070,0.92]
[ 0d 0h 8m50s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/70%] 21.45(22.52)MH/s 95( 85.9)W clk=1275MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (94.80%) (5.20%)
[ 0d 0h 9m00s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [47 C/70%] 21.45(22.52)MH/s 69( 84.4)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (94.80%) (5.20%)
[ 0d 0h 9m10s] S: 4/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/69%]* 20.16(22.04)MH/s 78( 84.2)W clk=1202MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (94.99%) (5.01%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=22.1/47.9[1,4120.58,2.070,0.93]
[ 0d 0h 9m20s] S: 4/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [48 C/71%] 20.72(22.18)MH/s 77( 84.1)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (94.99%) (5.01%)
[ 0d 0h 9m30s] S: 4/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [46 C/70%] 20.72(22.18)MH/s 60( 82.7)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (95.17%) (4.83%)
[ 0d 0h 9m40s] S: 4/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/69%] 19.12(21.60)MH/s 83( 83.4)W clk=1211MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.17%) (4.83%)
[ 0d 0h 9m50s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/70%]* 20.40(21.90)MH/s 101( 84.6)W clk=1223MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.34%) (4.66%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=23.9/47.9[1,3219.82,2.070,0.94]
[ 0d 0h10m00s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/71%] 20.97(22.04)MH/s 98( 85.1)W clk=1306MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.34%) (4.66%)
[ 0d 0h10m10s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [48 C/70%] 20.97(22.04)MH/s 71( 83.7)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.49%) (4.51%)
[ 0d 0h10m20s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/69%] 19.33(21.50)MH/s 79( 83.6)W clk=1200MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.49%) (4.51%)
[ 0d 0h10m30s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/70%] 20.02(21.66)MH/s 99( 84.8)W clk=1223MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.64%) (4.36%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=22.4/47.9[1,3362.66,2.070,0.95]
[ 0d 0h10m40s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [50 C/71%] 20.64(21.80)MH/s 87( 84.6)W clk=1431MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.64%) (4.36%)
[ 0d 0h10m50s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [47 C/70%] 19.27(21.37)MH/s 65( 83.4)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (95.77%) (4.23%)
[ 0d 0h11m00s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/70%] 19.68(21.44)MH/s 92( 84.5)W clk=1224MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (95.77%) (4.23%)
[ 0d 0h11m10s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/70%] 20.32(21.58)MH/s 105( 85.5)W clk=1226MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (95.90%) (4.10%)
[ 0d 0h11m20s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/70%] 20.90(21.71)MH/s 112( 86.5)W clk=1219MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (95.90%) (4.10%)
[ 0d 0h11m30s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/70%] 21.46(21.85)MH/s 115( 87.4)W clk=1229MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (96.02%) (3.98%)
[ 0d 0h11m40s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/70%] 23.44(22.39)MH/s 116( 87.9)W clk=1093MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.25 [] (96.02%) (3.98%)
[ 0d 0h11m50s] S: 5/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/70%] 24.31(22.65)MH/s 117( 88.8)W clk=1203MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.14%) (3.86%)
[ 0d 0h12m00s] S: 7/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%]* 25.07(22.89)MH/s 118( 89.6)W clk=1224MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.14%) (3.86%)
[ 0d 0h12m10s] S: 7/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%] 25.78(23.13)MH/s 118( 90.4)W clk=1197MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.24%) (3.76%)
[ 0d 0h12m20s] S: 7/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 27.00(23.57)MH/s 119( 91.2)W clk=1198MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.24%) (3.76%)
[ 0d 0h12m30s] S: 7/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%] 27.43(23.75)MH/s 119( 91.9)W clk=1197MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.35%) (3.65%)
[ 0d 0h12m40s] S: 7/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [60 C/70%] 27.74(23.91)MH/s 119( 92.7)W clk=1129MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.35%) (3.65%)
[ 0d 0h12m50s] S: 7/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 28.25(24.12)MH/s 119( 93.3)W clk=1075MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.44%) (3.56%)
[ 0d 0h13m00s] S: 7/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 29.18(24.53)MH/s 119( 94.0)W clk=1184MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.44%) (3.56%)
[ 0d 0h13m10s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%]* 29.56(24.71)MH/s 119( 94.6)W clk=1202MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.53%) (3.47%)
[ 0d 0h13m20s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 29.98(24.91)MH/s 119( 95.2)W clk=1209MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.53%) (3.47%)
[ 0d 0h13m30s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 30.31(25.09)MH/s 119( 95.8)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.62%) (3.38%)
[ 0d 0h13m40s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 30.70(25.39)MH/s 119( 96.4)W clk=1204MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.62%) (3.38%)
[ 0d 0h13m50s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 30.82(25.52)MH/s 119( 97.0)W clk=1108MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.70%) (3.30%)
[ 0d 0h14m00s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [61 C/70%] 31.00(25.67)MH/s 119( 97.5)W clk=1074MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.70%) (3.30%)
[ 0d 0h14m10s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 31.31(25.84)MH/s 119( 98.0)W clk=1143MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.26 [] (96.78%) (3.22%)
[ 0d 0h14m20s] S: 8/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 31.84(26.17)MH/s 119( 98.5)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (96.78%) (3.22%)
[ 0d 0h14m30s] S: 9/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 32.08(26.32)MH/s 119( 99.0)W clk=1188MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (96.86%) (3.14%)
[ 0d 0h14m40s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 32.31(26.48)MH/s 119( 99.4)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (96.86%) (3.14%)
[ 0d 0h14m50s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 32.49(26.63)MH/s 119( 99.9)W clk=1172MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (96.93%) (3.07%)
[ 0d 0h15m00s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 32.58(26.85)MH/s 119(100.3)W clk=1067MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (96.93%) (3.07%)
[ 0d 0h15m10s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 32.56(26.95)MH/s 119(100.5)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.00%) (3.00%)
[ 0d 0h15m20s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 32.58(27.06)MH/s 119(100.9)W clk=1190MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.00%) (3.00%)
[ 0d 0h15m30s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 32.76(27.19)MH/s 119(101.3)W clk=1121MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.06%) (2.94%)
[ 0d 0h15m40s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.06(27.44)MH/s 119(101.7)W clk=1065MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.06%) (2.94%)
[ 0d 0h15m50s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.20(27.57)MH/s 119(102.1)W clk=1106MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.12%) (2.88%)
[ 0d 0h16m00s] S: 10/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.32(27.69)MH/s 119(102.4)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.12%) (2.88%)
[ 0d 0h16m10s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 33.43(27.80)MH/s 119(102.8)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.18%) (2.82%)
[ 0d 0h16m20s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.43(27.90)MH/s 119(103.1)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.18%) (2.82%)
[ 0d 0h16m30s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.28(28.05)MH/s 119(103.4)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.24%) (2.76%)
[ 0d 0h16m40s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.26(28.13)MH/s 119(103.7)W clk=1155MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.24%) (2.76%)
[ 0d 0h16m50s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.37(28.23)MH/s 119(104.0)W clk=1071MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.30%) (2.70%)
[ 0d 0h17m00s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.48(28.33)MH/s 119(104.3)W clk=1069MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.30%) (2.70%)
[ 0d 0h17m10s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.67(28.53)MH/s 119(104.6)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.35%) (2.65%)
[ 0d 0h17m20s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.75(28.62)MH/s 119(104.9)W clk=1184MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.35%) (2.65%)
[ 0d 0h17m30s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.83(28.72)MH/s 119(105.2)W clk=1186MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.40%) (2.60%)
[ 0d 0h17m40s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.79(28.79)MH/s 119(105.4)W clk=1186MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.40%) (2.60%)
[ 0d 0h17m50s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.57(28.90)MH/s 119(105.7)W clk=1064MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.45%) (2.55%)
[ 0d 0h18m00s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.53(28.96)MH/s 119(105.9)W clk=1067MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.45%) (2.55%)
[ 0d 0h18m10s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.63(29.05)MH/s 119(106.1)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.50%) (2.50%)
[ 0d 0h18m20s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.71(29.13)MH/s 119(106.3)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.50%) (2.50%)
[ 0d 0h18m30s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.86(29.29)MH/s 119(106.5)W clk=1067MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.27 [] (97.54%) (2.46%)
[ 0d 0h18m40s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.92(29.36)MH/s 119(106.8)W clk=1062MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.54%) (2.46%)
[ 0d 0h18m50s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.97(29.44)MH/s 119(107.0)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.59%) (2.41%)
[ 0d 0h19m00s] S: 11/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.92(29.49)MH/s 119(107.2)W clk=1186MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.59%) (2.41%)
[ 0d 0h19m10s] S: 12/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%]* 33.66(29.57)MH/s 119(107.4)W clk=1186MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.63%) (2.37%)
[ 0d 0h19m20s] S: 12/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.64(29.63)MH/s 119(107.6)W clk=1188MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.63%) (2.37%)
[ 0d 0h19m30s] S: 12/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.72(29.70)MH/s 119(107.8)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.67%) (2.33%)
[ 0d 0h19m40s] S: 12/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.79(29.76)MH/s 119(108.0)W clk=1066MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.67%) (2.33%)
[ 0d 0h19m50s] S: 12/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.92(29.89)MH/s 119(108.2)W clk=1070MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.71%) (2.29%)
[ 0d 0h20m00s] S: 12/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.99(29.96)MH/s 119(108.3)W clk=1170MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.71%) (2.29%)
[ 0d 0h20m10s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%]* 34.04(30.02)MH/s 119(108.5)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.75%) (2.25%)
[ 0d 0h20m20s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.95(30.06)MH/s 119(108.7)W clk=1190MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.75%) (2.25%)
[ 0d 0h20m30s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.71(30.12)MH/s 119(108.9)W clk=1186MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.79%) (2.21%)
[ 0d 0h20m40s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.70(30.17)MH/s 119(109.0)W clk=1129MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.79%) (2.21%)
[ 0d 0h20m50s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.76(30.22)MH/s 119(109.2)W clk=1064MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.82%) (2.18%)
[ 0d 0h21m00s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.83(30.28)MH/s 119(109.3)W clk=1091MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.82%) (2.18%)
[ 0d 0h21m10s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.96(30.39)MH/s 119(109.5)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.86%) (2.14%)
[ 0d 0h21m20s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.02(30.44)MH/s 119(109.6)W clk=1088MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.86%) (2.14%)
[ 0d 0h21m30s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.07(30.49)MH/s 119(109.7)W clk=1066MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.89%) (2.11%)
[ 0d 0h21m40s] S: 13/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.94(30.52)MH/s 119(109.9)W clk=1141MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.89%) (2.11%)
[ 0d 0h21m50s] S: 14/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 33.69(30.57)MH/s 119(110.0)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.92%) (2.08%)
[ 0d 0h22m00s] S: 15/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%]* 33.73(30.61)MH/s 119(110.1)W clk=1184MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.92%) (2.08%)
[ 0d 0h22m10s] S: 15/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.81(30.66)MH/s 119(110.3)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.95%) (2.05%)
[ 0d 0h22m20s] S: 17/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 33.88(30.71)MH/s 119(110.4)W clk=1160MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.95%) (2.05%)
[ 0d 0h22m30s] S: 17/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.94(30.75)MH/s 119(110.5)W clk=1122MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.98%) (2.02%)
[ 0d 0h22m40s] S: 17/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.05(30.85)MH/s 119(110.7)W clk=1064MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (97.98%) (2.02%)
[ 0d 0h22m50s] S: 17/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.07(30.89)MH/s 119(110.8)W clk=1106MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.01%) (1.99%)
[ 0d 0h23m00s] S: 17/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.94(30.90)MH/s 119(110.9)W clk=1209MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.01%) (1.99%)
[ 0d 0h23m10s] S: 17/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.75(30.91)MH/s 119(111.0)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.04%) (1.96%)
[ 0d 0h23m20s] S: 17/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.72(30.97)MH/s 119(111.1)W clk=1188MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.04%) (1.96%)
[ 0d 0h23m30s] S: 18/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 33.80(31.02)MH/s 119(111.2)W clk=1190MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.07%) (1.93%)
[ 0d 0h23m40s] S: 18/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.87(31.06)MH/s 119(111.3)W clk=1069MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.07%) (1.93%)
[ 0d 0h23m50s] S: 18/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.93(31.10)MH/s 119(111.4)W clk=1065MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.10%) (1.90%)
[ 0d 0h24m00s] S: 18/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.04(31.18)MH/s 119(111.6)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.10%) (1.90%)
[ 0d 0h24m10s] S: 18/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.05(31.21)MH/s 119(111.7)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.12%) (1.88%)
[ 0d 0h24m20s] S: 18/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.90(31.22)MH/s 119(111.7)W clk=1070MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.12%) (1.88%)
[ 0d 0h24m30s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 33.78(31.23)MH/s 119(111.8)W clk=1077MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.15%) (1.85%)
[ 0d 0h24m40s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.76(31.29)MH/s 119(111.9)W clk=1184MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.15%) (1.85%)
[ 0d 0h24m50s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.83(31.32)MH/s 119(112.0)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.17%) (1.83%)
[ 0d 0h25m00s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.89(31.36)MH/s 119(112.1)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.17%) (1.83%)
[ 0d 0h25m10s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.96(31.39)MH/s 119(112.2)W clk=1188MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.20%) (1.80%)
[ 0d 0h25m20s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.07(31.46)MH/s 119(112.3)W clk=1071MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.20%) (1.80%)
[ 0d 0h25m30s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.04(31.48)MH/s 119(112.4)W clk=1068MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.22%) (1.78%)
[ 0d 0h25m40s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.90(31.49)MH/s 119(112.4)W clk=1162MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.22%) (1.78%)
[ 0d 0h25m50s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.77(31.50)MH/s 119(112.5)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.25%) (1.75%)
[ 0d 0h26m00s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.78(31.55)MH/s 119(112.6)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.25%) (1.75%)
[ 0d 0h26m10s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.85(31.58)MH/s 119(112.7)W clk=1189MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.27%) (1.73%)
[ 0d 0h26m20s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.91(31.61)MH/s 119(112.8)W clk=1190MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.27%) (1.73%)
[ 0d 0h26m30s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.97(31.64)MH/s 119(112.8)W clk=1100MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.29%) (1.71%)
[ 0d 0h26m40s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.08(31.70)MH/s 119(112.9)W clk=1068MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.29%) (1.71%)
[ 0d 0h26m50s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.04(31.72)MH/s 119(113.0)W clk=1132MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.31%) (1.69%)
[ 0d 0h27m00s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.90(31.73)MH/s 119(113.1)W clk=1187MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.31%) (1.69%)
[ 0d 0h27m10s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.76(31.73)MH/s 119(113.1)W clk=1191MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.33%) (1.67%)
[ 0d 0h27m20s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.77(31.77)MH/s 119(113.2)W clk=1066MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.33%) (1.67%)
[ 0d 0h27m30s] S: 19/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.85(31.80)MH/s 119(113.2)W clk=1166MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.35%) (1.65%)
[ 0d 0h27m40s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 33.92(31.83)MH/s 119(113.3)W clk=1185MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.35%) (1.65%)
[ 0d 0h27m50s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.98(31.86)MH/s 119(113.4)W clk=1186MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.37%) (1.63%)
[ 0d 0h28m00s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.04(31.88)MH/s 119(113.4)W clk=1188MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.37%) (1.63%)
[ 0d 0h28m10s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.04(31.93)MH/s 119(113.5)W clk=1135MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.39%) (1.61%)
[ 0d 0h28m20s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.90(31.93)MH/s 119(113.6)W clk=1059MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.39%) (1.61%)
[ 0d 0h28m30s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.79(31.94)MH/s 119(113.6)W clk=1084MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.41%) (1.59%)
[ 0d 0h28m40s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.74(31.95)MH/s 119(113.7)W clk=1183MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.41%) (1.59%)
[ 0d 0h28m50s] S: 20/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.89(32.00)MH/s 119(113.8)W clk=1183MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.43%) (1.57%)
[ 0d 0h29m00s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%]* 33.95(32.02)MH/s 119(113.8)W clk=1181MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.43%) (1.57%)
[ 0d 0h29m10s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.01(32.05)MH/s 119(113.9)W clk=1184MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.45%) (1.55%)
[ 0d 0h29m20s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.07(32.07)MH/s 119(113.9)W clk=1163MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.45%) (1.55%)
[ 0d 0h29m30s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 34.04(32.11)MH/s 119(114.0)W clk=1062MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.47%) (1.53%)
[ 0d 0h29m40s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [62 C/70%] 33.91(32.11)MH/s 119(114.0)W clk=1063MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.47%) (1.53%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=24.4/50.3[1,2817.75,2.070,0.96]
[ 0d 0h29m50s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.79(32.11)MH/s 119(114.1)W clk=1232MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.48%) (1.52%)
[ 0d 0h30m00s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/70%] 33.79(32.11)MH/s 82(113.3)W clk=1432MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.48%) (1.52%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=23.4/50.3[1,32421.18,2.070,0.97]
[ 0d 0h30m10s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/70%] 31.59(31.90)MH/s 63(112.5)W clk=1431MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.50%) (1.50%)
[ 0d 0h30m20s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [50 C/70%] 31.59(31.90)MH/s 53(111.8)W clk=1431MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.29 [] (98.50%) (1.50%)
[ 0d 0h30m30s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/69%] 29.07(31.63)MH/s 67(111.4)W clk=1219MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.52%) (1.48%)
[ 0d 0h30m40s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/70%] 28.91(31.60)MH/s 82(111.4)W clk=1214MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.52%) (1.48%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=24.8/50.3[1,3231.95,2.070,0.98]
[ 0d 0h30m50s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/70%] 28.66(31.52)MH/s 100(111.5)W clk=1215MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.53%) (1.47%)
[ 0d 0h31m00s] S: 22/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/71%] 28.66(31.52)MH/s 83(111.0)W clk=1426MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.53%) (1.47%)
[WARNING] Bad share: Provided PoW solution is invalid!
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=24.5/50.3[1,14031.48,2.070,0.99]
[ 0d 0h31m10s] S: 22/0/1 0>RTX 3060 95.7% [49 C/70%]* 26.34(31.26)MH/s 63(110.3)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.55%) (1.45%)
[ 0d 0h31m20s] S: 22/0/1 0>RTX 3060 95.7% [48 C/70%] 26.34(31.26)MH/s 53(109.6)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.29 [] (98.55%) (1.45%)
[ 0d 0h31m30s] S: 22/0/1 0>RTX 3060 95.7% [47 C/70%] 24.40(31.03)MH/s 48(108.8)W clk=1410MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.29 [] (98.56%) (1.44%)
[ 0d 0h31m40s] S: 22/0/1 0>RTX 3060 95.7% [55 C/70%] 24.64(30.99)MH/s 83(108.9)W clk=1223MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.56%) (1.44%)
[ 0d 0h31m50s] S: 22/0/1 0>RTX 3060 95.7% [56 C/70%] 24.88(30.96)MH/s 101(109.1)W clk=1221MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (98.58%) (1.42%)
[TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=23.7/50.3[1,3258.49,2.070,1.00]
[ 0d 0h32m00s] S: 22/0/1 0>RTX 3060 95.7% [50 C/71%] 24.88(30.96)MH/s 73(108.4)W clk=1426MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.29 [] (98.58%) (1.42%)
I have tried the latest version except it crashes in Windows 10 after 6 minutes:
[ 0d 0h 6m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 35.14(35.21)MH/s 118(118.7)W clk=1079MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.30 [] (93.23%) (6.77%)
[FATAL ] GPU[1]: CUDA error 30 ‘unknown error’ in line 878
[ 0d 0h 7m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [64 C/70%] 35.19(35.23)MH/s 118(118.7)W clk=1186MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.30 [] (93.23%) (6.77%)
I’ve updated to the latest 2019 Visual C++, ran the miner again:
************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
Driver: 470.05
Algo: EQ[ethash] [smart-pers]
Pool#0: user[xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.RTX3060_3a]
server[] port[4444] ssl[no] pers[ethash]
Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
Logging:: file[miniZ.log] period[10] delay[0]
Temp. limit: [90 C]
[INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75%
miniZ[80:1:00.0:11282]: Selecting GPU#1[0] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
[INFO ] Target set to 00000000FFFF0000 (4295.03M)
[INFO ] GPU[1]: Generating DAG #439 [4535+70=4606MB]
[INFO ] GPU[1]: Generated DAG in 11.143
[ 0d 0h13m30s] S: 3/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [63 C/70%] 33.38(30.55)MH/s 119(108.5)W clk=1067MHz mclk=8492MHz MH/W=0.28 [] (96.70%) (3.30%)
[FATAL ] GPU[1]: CUDA error 30 ‘unknown error’ in line 878
After 13 minutes now it crashes
Hi Testing Rig,
Thank you so much for your feedback. Sorry for the delayed response.
In your first message the miner is not managing to get rid of the anti-mining lock. You need to lower PL a bit more. To 60% if possible, or lower if you can (to reach ~100W).
The cuda error you’re getting suggests that you may need to tweak your OCs a bit.
The following OCs worked well with our 3060:
core -150; mem 2700; PL 100W.
If you still see the “Searching lock…” message too often try adding
to your command line.The new release should be out soon with improvements in stability and performance.
Let us know how it goes.
Hi @MiniZ wanted to be part of this.
My Zotac 3060 (which I think its a V2 because older drivier did not recognized it and the 470.05 gave me a blackscreen) is doing 34.x as of right now. As long as I dont use the computer it stays around that.
PL 73%
Core 0
Mem +1300
The searching lock message appears constantly. Also I lowered the mem clock from 1350 to 1300 as the miner crashed with the message Cuda Error Unknown Error… I supposed it was because of the OC. Im still testing to see if it crashes again. I was able to get 35MH/s with +100 Core, but Im trying to keep the Power Usage as low as possible
Hi Stukov,
Thanks a lot for the feedback!
It seems that you could lower power a bit more, to something closer to 100W (~60%). This can have an impact on stability.
If you still see the “Searching lock…” message too often try adding
to your command line.The new release should be out soon with improvements in stability and performance.
Nice work around. Been mining with Zotac RTX 3060 LHR v2 on NBminer with the latest driver version 471.68 and just decided to try the miniZ 1.8y3 and I’m getting around 33 to a bit under 35 MH/s. Well, there’s no difference with NBminer in terms of MH/s, but I do like that there is progress in bypassing the LHR. Nice work and hope to see more updates from this miner.
Hi Xpliffit,
Thank you for the feedback!
The new release should be out soon with improvements in stability and performance.
Hello, Miniz is working fine with my 3060 v1 Zotac, about 39-40Mhz on 460.39 driver and tune =36. But when I connect another 3060 (same model) it won’t work. One card work fine but the another start with the error “searching lock”. How only one card managed to work and the another had problems?
Hi Gustavo,
Thanks for the feedback.
Could it be that it is a more recent version of the same card?
Check if the GPUs are running on the same PL. Usually lowering PL to ~100W helps stability a lot.
This should not have a big impact, but you can try it out: adding a different
for the second card.You can achieve this by adding
--tune[GPU number] 37
, add the GPU number of the second card.Let us know if this was of any help.
3060 v2 on hive os driver is 460.63.01 using miniz 1.8y3 only getting 24m/hs. Do i need to add extra config is so what do i add?
Hi bill,
Thank you for your message.
You can use version v1.8y4rc1 (beta). It should run better with your GPU.
Also, do not forget to lower power to something closer to 100W.
If it keeps making such low hashrate, try adding
to your command line.Let us know how it goes.
Hi guys,
i have trouble with telemetry.
After hours of mining telemetry is lost.
HiveOS will restart miner if watchdog is enabled. If not miner will run further without reporting hashrate… In Windows I just lose telemetry data. This happens with all available versions. Mining with mixed rig (rtx 3070, 3060ti, 1660ti)
any solutions?
Hi Gtx1070rig,
Thank you for your message.
Does this always happen?
We will need to investigate this issue.
If it happens after many hours it won’t be easy… 🙂
Hi everyone!
Any idea about this error? and miner restart always
[FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 878
Hi Marcos,
Are you applying any OCs? This message suggests that you may need to tweak the OC settings.
Let us know if this helps.
Core 1450
Memory 2150
Fan 80
PL 110
GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB · ZOTAC
Samsung GDDR6 ·
Hey guys,
Any idea about this error only with miniZ other works good.
hiveOS – 0.6-210@210913
nvidia driver – N460.91.03 RTX 3060 × 4
miniZ – 1.8y4
Temp. limit: [90°C]
[INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75%
[ERROR ] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect
[ERROR ] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect
[ERROR ] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect
[WARNING] Cannot connect to pool, reconnect in ~60s!
Hi Guidi,
It looks that you may have mispelled the server address, or port number.
It seems that you want to connect to with port number 4444 (or 14444)?
Be aware that the port 24443 is an ssl port.
We’ve tried all the following addresses:
All of them worked OK for us.
Are you still experiencing this issue?
Let us know how it goes.
Hi Guidi,
It looks that you may have mispelled the server address, or port number.
It seems that you want to connect to with port number 4444 (or 14444)?
Be aware that the port 24443 is an ssl port.
We’ve tried all the following addresses:
All of them worked OK for us.
Are you still experiencing this issue?
Let us know how it goes.
Good day.
I have 10 rtx 3060 GPUs.
2 cards have 40MH+.
Other ~20.
core 1500 memory 2300 pl 120 = 40+ mh
Hi jiewuko,
Thank you for your message.
Try lower PL to ~100W.
Also, use the latest version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version). You can download it here. With this version, if it still doesn’t recover, try adding
to your command line.Let us know how it goes.
I have 2 RTX 3060 LHR. I am using Hive OS With a 460.39 (Downgraded from 460.91) driver but it is not recognizing the cards.
Hi Aditya,
It seems that your GPUs do not work with that driver. In this case you need to install a recent driver.
Unfortunately, not all 3060s work with the older driver.
This method worked for me in the ethermine pool but when i tried to do it with nicehash mining(due to etherium transfer fees being too high like 7$). The miniz miner just seems stuck at the start and does not perform any activity. but im getting like 38mhs with lol miner instead can you help me out here?
the miner does not start for me in nicehash mining method it show me as:
Miner: miniz
Version: 1.8y3
Trying to release TIME_WAIT sockets:
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
Driver: 460.39
Algo: EQ[ethash] [smart-pers]
Pool#0: user[33PyTup18NvBeoMMHPJfskv4kM5UQG2MRa]
server[] port[3353] ssl[yes] pers[auto]
Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
Logging:: file[/var/log/miner/miniz/miniz.log] period[10] delay[0]
Temp. limit: [90°C]
[INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75%
miniZ<ethash>[80:2:00.0:11835]: Selecting GPU#2[0] GeForce RTX 3060
miniZ<ethash>[80:2:00.0:11835]: Selecting GPU#3[1] GeForce RTX 3060
and just like that it is just stuck over there forever.
Hi shubham,
It looks that you are defining the port as ssl in your command line, and 3353 is not an ssl port.
The following works:
Let us know if this helps.
it worked but i was getting like 22 mhs on nicehash
Hi shubham,
With those values it means that the miner couldn’t get rid of lock system.
It is better to run with version v1.8y4rc2. Also, do not forget to lower PL to ~100W.
Let us know if you are still having these values.
I’m unable to initialize HiveOS with my 3060 if driver 460.39 is installed. In order to rollback to a working version, it’s needed to remove 3060 from PC. Yes, remove the board! Otherwise, the system does not initialize.
In other hand, the following message could be seen when running MiniZ 1.8y3 with driver 470.74 on HiveOS 0.6-205@210715
Hi CiptoPowerXTX,
Thank you for the feedback.
Unfortunately not all 3060s work with the older driver. In this case just install the latest driver 470.74.
Also, it is better to use the latest miniZ version. You can download version v1.8y4rc2 here.
With this version you can also use
option. Check FAQ page for more information (Optimisation section).Let us know how it goes.
Dear support,
I use latest version hiveos with 4 cards 3060 lhr v1. I do use your miner miniz v. 1.8y3. Thank you for the release. I have 40-42 mh with your recommendations. However I have some rejected shares. My efficiency is 90-95 percent. I want to fix it if its possible. I tried different servers, pools and miners. I have 460.39 driver. I ended up that the problem with miner. I tried different versions of miniz miner but the version 1.8y3 is the best regarding the hash rate. I asked hiveos support and they recommended you. Would you help me to solve a problem with rejected shares on 3060 cards please?!
Hi Vladimir Efimochkin,
Thank you for contacting us and for using miniZ.
Could you let us know what pool are you using?
Do you also get rejected shares with v1.8y4rc1? This version should have less rejects and deliver similar performance.
Currently, we’re working on improvements regarding rejected shares and stability.
Is it possible to develop the ability to combine telemetry from multiple rigs into a single interface? By determining a master that retrieves the others?
Hi Dunlop-R,
At the moment this will not be possible, but we’ll think about this.
For now you could use an OS like HiveOS that offer this kind of report.
Hi,Can you make MiniZ prevent the computer from going to sleep? I will bet this catches a few people out on the first day. Other miners do this.Can you add a lock-cclock and lock-memclock feature? This works so well in T-rex and It’d b great if MiniZ had it too.Efficiency in Zelcash seems low. Huge GPU usage and high temps. Nowhere near as optimised as ETH. Yet 2% commission for you. I think this needs a lot of work, so we can reduce GPU temp for Zelcash/Flux.
Hi The Gbanger,
Regarding the sleep option, this should be possible, we’ll see what we can do.
In relation to the clocks it should be possible too. Why do you need mem lock?
Finally, you see higher temperature in 125,4 because it is optimized. Well optimized 🙂
What GPU are you using? And what miniZ version?
Have a look at the tables here.
Can you revisit your miner on the 30×0 series GPU’s. I agree that miniZ is highly optimized for the 20×0 series. However the 30×0 series definitely struggles and under performs the 20×0 series gpu’s. For instance the best i can get out of a 2080Ti is 105 Sol at Sol/W=0.35thanks!
ugh I meant the 3080ti, I should have proof read that before submitting.
Hi iotapi322,
Thank you for your message.
We’ll have a look. What algo are you mining?
Does someone have i idea, why my Cards (MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 3060) with MiniZ under Windows and Awesome Miner start Mining with arround 20 MH´s and than after several Minutes drop down to arround 20 MH´s ?
Hi Gerd,
It looks that, after some time, the miner is not able to get rid of the lock anymore.
Are you applying any OCs? Have you changed PL? Lowering power to ~100W usually helps stability.
We’re working on improving miner stability.
Please, add support for clock, memory, fan and voltage control for nvidia turing and newer gpus (windows)
Hi dapovoa,
Thank you for your suggestions.
For now, miniZ will not support fan and voltage control.
However, we’re working to add support for GPU and memory clock control.
Running latest version on 2070, miner crashes in a few mins, any help? Maybe a discord would be great
Hi 2070,
Have a look at your OCs.
Try to adjust them a bit and see if it helps.
If not, could you paste here the error log?
Nice work team , could you please enhance the web GUI (monitor API) It will be great to have something like t Rex API or nb miner API Thanks
Hi hany ghoneim,
We’ll have a look. What specific enhancements would you like to see?
Thank you for the feedback.
Hello,I am using GTX1070 (GPU driver 470.74) to mine Flux with miniZ version V1.8y4rc2 in Hiveos, but my rig randomly crashed in around 1 to 2 hours.miner log : GPU[0]: [FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 1326miniz exited (exitcode=1), waiting to cooldown a bit
Hi Bora,
This really seems to be OC related.
Try to adjust your OC settings a bit and see if it helps.
We do not know if you are also mining ETH, but pay attention that the OCs for each algorithm will be different.
You can check here some OCs we have tested for 125,4
Hi MiniZ team, yes, i found the error caused by OC setting on Asus Strix Gtx1070, i have applied the same OC setting on Gigabyte and Gainward 1070, all are working fine with good Sol/s, except that asus strix. I am not sure what happened to that card. Right now i am not applying any OC on it.
Running under windows rtx 3060 lhr v2. Driver 496.13.
Afterburner. Core – 155 power 63% mhz 1384 fan60 getting 37.20 MHz.
Still fine tuning.
Hope this might help some
Hi Frans,
It seems to be working quite well for you.
Thank you for sharing your settings.
Hi All, MiniZ has been stable for some time (7+ days of continuous mining) until I added a 2080 ti to my rig. I then started seeing illegal memory access errors every every 1 or 2 days. Here are some screenshots. you advise what I can do stop these errors? If you can suggest a good tutorial for MSI Afterburner I would also appreciate that! thanks!
Hi Uli,
Have you tried to adjust the OCs of GPU 0 (your RTX 2080)?
If the issue persists, maybe your power supply is working on its limit. Better check if this is the case.
It can happen that adjusting your OCs and PL may lower the load on your power supply.
Let us know if this helps.
miniz exited (exitcode=139), waiting to cooldown a bit
Hi John,
Are you using Hive OS?
This message appears when the rig crashes.
If this is happening often, try to adjust the OCs ans check if it helps.
Hi there !I’m trying to use miniZ on two of my rigs on SMOS with this version, one rig is ok but the other gives me trouble and i get this error message : ************ miniZ v1.8y3 ************
Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 8
/root/ line 189: 10368 Segmentation fault {minerSudo} /root/miner/${MINER_PKG_NAME}/${MINER_FILE} ${MINER_OPTIONS_GO}
Miner ended or crashed. Restarting miner in 30 seconds…
OC Core and Memory will apply in 50 seconds…
OC Core and Memory will apply in 40 seconds…
Rebooting… (GPU problem detected). Check crash logs.
Possible cause: Too much undervolt, overclock or broken riser.
Hi the miner,
That error does not appear to be related with OC settings, there might be something wrong with the command linne.
Could you try to find and let us know the command line being used by SMOS to start miniZ?
GPU[0]: [FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 1326 i know it seems that its OC issue, but i tried with 0 delta to memclock and coreclock, still encountering same issue please assists. GPU is RTX 2080 TI, mining 125,4 zelhash
Hi isaiah,
You’re right, it looks like OCs… but could you paste here the miner log?
The start, and the part when it crashes.
Thank you.
hi i have rtx 3060 fhr i managed to get 49 mh/s on win trex and i want to switch to hiveos can i still get the same hashrate?
Hi TSM-Hussein 18,
It should be possible.
It seems that your GPU is not affected by lock, in this case you may need to run with
to exclude the anti mining lock.Cheers
Hi Guys,Does any one know the command line to restart miniz.exe bat if one GPU goes down?
You can restart the miner by creating a bat file like this (do not forget to customize your wallet address, worker name, server and port number):
miniZ.exe --url=YourWallet.worker@server:port --log --extra
timeout /t 5
goto loop
Let us know if this helps.
The documentation doesn’t state anything about shares without the character * Documentation: See the image:×720.png What does it mean when there is no GREEN, YELLOW, or RED * character next to the [TEMP/FAN SPEED]? Thank you in advance.
Hi niftyberry,
When there is no * it means that the miner didn’t find solutions with the necessary difficulty, within a certain period of time.
I am using miniZ v1.8y3 windows 10, Nvidia driver 471.11. I kept getting error “Cannot read health status! (is installed?): No such file or directory” Gpu is gtx 1050ti 4GB. MSIAfterburner OC settings seemed does not work as the miniZ showed the gpu stock settings. Please kindly help me on this.
Hi Calvin Ong,
It looks like you are missing the nvidia library nvml.dll.
It could be misplaced, or during driver instalation the antivirus got rid of it.
You’ll need to find/download the file and add it to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMI\, or to miniZ folder (should work too).
You can try to reinstall the driver, possibly this would be enough to solve the issue.
Let us know if this helped.
ps: If you added
to your command line then do not use it.The option
is used to disable GPU monitoring. In this case, it shows that message, and disables the report of GPU data status (fan, temperature, power…).Hello friend,I took it from and placed to miniZ folderand to C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVSMIIt diworked
hi iam having these issues last few days, and cant figure out what is wrong..\miniZ.exe –url=ssl://myadress.workername@ server[https] port[0] ssl[yes] pers[AION0PoW]
Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]
Temp. limit: [90 C]
[INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%
[ERROR ] Cannot resolve https
[ERROR ] Socket[-1] No error:connect.\miniZ.exe –url=ssl://0xa03881cce7ebc3347c2e65800eb2a03ef7718c42429e5dd9ffdbe7c0da67d950.kraken@
Hi hoiten john,
Thank you for your message.
The issue is with the pool address in
. (It cannot have https://)Also you need to pay attention to the correct ssl address and port number.
We had a look at woolypooly pool and european address is not ssl.
In this case, your command line should be as follows:
To mine to the ssl port, your command line should be:
.\miniZ.exe --url=ssl://
Do not forget to write your wallet address in ‘myaddress’.
hi im using miniZ_v1.8y4rc2_win-x64. i have 2 gpus 3070 fe connected directly on mobo and 3060 evga thought riser x1–>x16.
nvidia driver= 511.79
bat file =
.\miniZ.exe – –par=ethash –pers=auto –tune=5
timeout /t 5
goto loop
the hashrate is too low on both gpus.. rtx 3070 could do 62/63 mhs and rtx 3060 49 mhs..
my oc settings are for 3070 55% -200 +1300 and 3060 70% -150 +1350
how i can fix my miner?
Hi patapem,
Thank you for your message.
The version v1.8y4rc2 is not optimized for more recent drivers.
We’ve been working on a new version that will work well with that driver.
For now, the best solution would be to install an older driver.
We expect to make a release within a week.
Hope the next version will add connection proxy options (such as sock5 or http)
In the next version there will be an option for SOCKS proxy specification.
Thank you for your interest.
I obtain better results using miniz instead of gminer but since there is no watchdog and onboard overclock option my system crash every hour or msi afterburner doesnt keep my overclock setting until i restart. RTX-2080S, GTX-1080TI and finally the most stable GTX-980. Is there a way i can make a bat file to include a watchdog ?
I returned to gminer for this reason but i lost 10% hashrate.
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your message.
If the system crashes every hour, it is best to adjust your Ocs a little.
Which version are you using? Are you mining Flux?
Any plans to add AMD support?
Hi Andylee,
Thank you for your message.
In the next version AMD support will be introduced for 125,4 and for RX 570/580 GPUs.
I have a GeForce RTX 3060 i was mining on T-rex getting 24-26 Mh/s and I thought id try out another mining knowing as my gpu is locked being a V1. I saw other people getting well over 40 mh while I am only getting 19 on miniZ. my OC settings are PL= 70C C= -150Mem clock= +1400
Hi chase,
It seems that the miner is not able to get rid of the lock.
Are you using the beta version 1.8yrc2?
In any case, the settings that worked well for us are:
3060: core: -150, mem:+2700 (Linux)*, PL=100-110 W; ~36.5 MH/s
We’re about to make a new release and it should also improve stability. (less than 24h!)
Will you be adding memory temp support for linux in next release? Thanks!
Hi xiownthisp,
Sorry, we could not fully understand your request.
Could you explain in other words what you means by “memory temp”?
Hi,Is there a way to run offline mining benchmark? I can’t find command line parameter such as –benchmark.Cheers 🙂
Hi Marco,
At the moment we do not have a benchmark parameter.
Why do not look at the miner log results in the console?
Or could you explain a bit more what exactly you want to benchmark?
I really need a way to lock the fan speed. It changes on me after about an hour. Its so frustrating coming back to a cooking gpu… PLEASE ADD A FAN CONTROL!
Hi Echogoldshell,
We’ll have a look and see what we can do.
Thank you for the suggestion.
Hi, is there anyway to get statistics as JSON. I was searching around and saw a reference to some JSON API but dont see any documentation, guides etc. I am trying to grab statistics for my gpus, temp, hashrate, power etc to display in a home automation dashboard.
Hi $@@D,
We have some kind of standard json api.
You can open the json api in
In linux you can do
curl --silent rig2:20000 -X '{"id":"0", "method":"getstat"}'
Or just
curl --silent http://localhost:20000/getstat
Is this useful?
awesome… thank you
Plotting MiniZ data for visual. Check it out.
Hi $@@D,
This looks great! Are you using miniZ API?
Thanks for sharing. Have you considered sharing the tool? 🙂
yup. using the miniz api and using rest platform inside my home automation software to create this dashboard. I was able to integrate pool specific stuff into as well and do plan on releasing integration on github in the near future. After some tweaking, im finally happy with this final look and happy to see it all consolidated into one place so i dont have to check pool and miniz separately. post the github url here once i get the code uploaded and you are welcome to ref link it from your site for anyone to use. Publishing under GNU GPL V3.
Hi $@@D,
That’s nice! We’ll be happy to share the link on the website and twitter.
Looking forward.
Hi,heres the github:
Is there any Configuration command I can add to the .Bat file to reduce the usage (for Underclocking or overclocking the GPU) My system continues rebooting due to high power usage by the Miner. I am using GTX 1070s series…
Hi XusX,
You can use
option to limit power.--power=[power(W)] or -pl [power(W)]
, to apply list of power limits. You need administrator privileges.(sudo required if Linux)You can also use MSIAfterburner software.
Hi, I downloaded the Win version and the SHA256 is different:certutil -hashfile miniZ.exe SHA256SHA256 hash de miniZ.exe:6988787262e66beb7206d8eeaa2bc310f7343449a56920e3d67951cfbfed23a6
Hi Juanito,
We’ve checked. The SHA256 is correct.
You may have mixed the new file with older files. The SHA256 you mentioned is from version v1.8y2.
used to get 39MH/s with 3060LHR, today i upgraded to the latest version, previously was using the version out about 6 months ago and now hashrate dropped to 35MH/s. seems strange, what changed? i thought stability was improved
i should add that that before the upgrade, the cards were mining at a impressively stable 39.1 – 39.2 and it never deviated from this. power usage was 103w – 109w and this also was very stable. after the upgrade im getting between 34-37MH/s and it jumps around frequently. also power usage is very strange and seemingly unstable. the cards keep jumping from 30W to 105W down to 25W and up again. not sure what is going on
Hi Jockom,
We’ll have a look at this.
Could you let us know what version you were using before? Was it the v1.8z or the v1.8z2? Or and older one?
Are you using Linux or Windows?
Thanks a lot for the feedback.
Hello! I’m trying to connect mini-z to one of the mining rental services that’s local to my country and that requires extraNonce that’s generated to have “00” at the end. But Mini-Z unfortunately uses all lowest bits and produces values like “8200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a43fa65” is it possible to change the behavior and shift extra nonce generation by extra byte like “82000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001a43fa65 00”?
Hi Miniz miner,
We’ll have a look.
What algo are you trying to mine? And which mining rental service are you using?
Thanks for responding! I’m mining flux (equihash 125,4) and rental service is a local Russian one. I’m not sure if it’s accessible from outside of the country, but it’s address is “арендариг.рф”.
Hi Miniz miner,
Thanks for the feedback.
Do you know some pool that have the same nonce requirements?
We’ve tested the pools presented here. All went well with these ones.
Do you know any other pool not showing on this list?
We’re not sure we’ll be able to fix this at the moment. In any case we’ll have a look at this in the future.
I’m receiving an error when attempting to set power limits when mining 125,4 :[ERROR ] GPU[00] cannot adjust power!I am running on Windows as an Admin, so I’m not sure what else to do, and I’ve been unable to find anything via Google.Thanks!
Hi Derrick,
Could you paste here your command line?
Which GPU are you using?
I am running three cards (1) 3090 and (2) 3080s. My command line options are as follows:C:\Windows\system32>”C:\Users\redacted\Documents\Miners\MiniZ\miniZ.exe” – -p redacted –par=125,4 –pers=ZelProof –ocX 2 –power=310,210,210 –gpuclock 1875 1725 1725************ miniZ v1.8z3 ************Number of miniZ CUDA>=[8.0] using driver CUDA[0.00] devices found: 3Number of OpenCL[] devices found: 0[ERROR ] GPU[00] cannot adjust power![ERROR ] GPU[01] cannot adjust power![ERROR ] GPU[02] cannot adjust power!
Hi Derrick.
Are you running this with Administrator privileges?
Correct, I am running this command with admin rights.
Hi Derrick,
Possibly with the latest version v1.9z, you’ll have the same issue. Have you tested it already?
Could you share the driver version you’re using?
I was running 512.15 but I upgraded to 516.94. I also updated to 1.9z and now the application won’t even start, it just exits immediately with no error code. I tried my old command line, also made a new one using the GUI and both have the same results.
Hi Derrick,
We’ve just managed to reproduce this behavior with the v1.9z.
We’ll work to fix this asap.
Great, thanks for the response back. Out of curiosity I tried to run ethash and the same behavior (failure to launch) was observed.
Hi Derrick,
Could you try the new version v1.9z2? It should be OK now.
The behavior with ethash should be related. But if it happens again do let us know.
Thanks for the feedback.
It’s working great now, glad you were able to figure it out so quickly!
Hi Derrick,
Good to know.
Thanks a lot for the feedback! That helped 😉
i keep getting (LoadLibrary “nvcuda.dll” failed!) error. im using rx6600 and rx6750xt and have updated drivers. can you please give me advice to fix this? thanks!
Hi jr,
Try adding
to your command line.Let us know if this helps.
We’ll have a look at this. Thank you for the feedback.
I’m having issue with the latest miniZ update. The miner can’t seem to be working on any of my rigs since I updated to the latest HiveOS as well as the latest miniZ version 1.9z5. I’m attaching error as well. It keeps on popping “cannot find Kernel in device code”.Downgraded to 1.9z4 on HiveOS and it’s working but that doesn’t solve the issue. Why isn’t the same rigs not working on 1.9z5? I can’t trust 1.9z4 version since it has the bug with unlimited fee getting charged 24×7. Please help.Since I can’t attach images on this website, please have a look at my tweet so have a look at the screenshot of the error:
Hi David,
Sorry about this.
Please update to version v1.9z5b. This version should be working well.
Thank you for your feedback and for using miniZ.
Hello, great miniz version 1.9z5. Under RaveOS I do find that some data is missing from my terminal, namely temp, fan%, power W, clk and mclk.An example: 0>RTX 3070 [17] ` 100% [0°C/ 0%] 53.42 I/s 106.23(106.23)Sol/s 0( 0.0)W clk=0MHz mclk=0MHz Sol/W=infAny solutions? I do like the -coolui but get rid of the graphic at top left and rearrange the data to be more meaningful please!Keep up the great work.Bob
Cancel this! Just discovered in your documents –forcenvml which corrects the issue.Bob
Hi Bob,
Thank you for letting us know that
How can I track payouts if I am using the windows format?
Hi Gary,
The miner does not control payouts.
You need to follow payouts on the pool webpage/interface.
I’m used to using Hive O/S…can you point me in the direction where the pool webpage is? I tried logging on to and got an error message in a different language Sorry, wir arbeiten gerade an der Seite Danke für deine Geduld. Wir arbeiten gerade an der Website und sind in Kürze wieder zurück.
I am using Fluxpools to mine and I can see the Hive O/S entries but for some reason I can’t figure out if I am receiving the ones from windows…as I am writing this I realize you probably have nothing to do with that. So on to Fluxpools for help…Thanks for opening my eyes!!!
Hi Gary,
With fluxpools you need to go to
On the Dashboard, you’ll find a field “Find your mining address” – this is where you can paste your flux address.
Then you’ll find all the information – stats, hashrate, balance, payments, etc.
Hope this helps.
ps: is currently down. miniZ is now @
(there is no user login though 🙂 )
Thanks…appreciate your patience with a kind of newbie!!!
Hi Gary,
No problem. 🙂
Let us know how it goes.