Hi everyone,

We just released a beta version miniZ v1.8y4rc1.


  • Improved stability for mining locked GPUs while mining ETH.
  • Fixed rejected shares on 3060s. (Let us know if you get any.)
  • If you get many invalid, and are overclocking, it may be usefull to use the option --dag-fix.
  • Added --nohttpheaders to remove http headers from getstat api.

You can download it here https://miniz.ch/download/

Let us know how it goes.

Happy mining!



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  1. 3060-oem-user says:

    on Windows 10.  PCI- 16x slot with HDMI Dummy plug.   470.05 driver

    Getting  around 35.50 MH/s  MAX.

    Tried -ocX option but hashrate started at 45 then went down to 25.

    Would changing my Windows Driver to 461.40 driver make a difference?

    This should be non-LHR card..  I should be getting at least 40 Mh/s  or even close to 49 right?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 3060-oem-user,
      Thank you for the feedback.

      Do not use –ocX with these GPUs. (Maybe in the future 🙂

      If your GPU works with that driver, you should be able to reach ~40MH/s. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with that driver. Try to install the oldest driver your GPU supports.

      Without the LHR you should be able to get around 49 MH/s. Depending on the power limit/OC setting you may be able to boost up to ~45 MH/s (maybe), but at the moment we don’t see how to go near 50 Mh/s.


      • Samer Frem says:

        any help setting up the 3060LHR on nicehash? do u have any plugin unlocked for it?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Samer Frem,

          Have you managed to get it working?

          The following line is working for us:
          miniZ.exe --url=BTC_WalletAddress@daggerhashimoto.LOCATION.nicehash.com:3353 --extra

          BTC_WalletAddress: change for your BTC wallet address.
          Location can be: usa-west, usa-east, eu-west, eu-north.

          Let us know how it goes.

      • Ajay says:

        I’m unable to install the driver 461.40 (win10 x64, trying to mine ETH, 2 x MSI RTX 3060, Gaming X version), not sure if the card is locked or LHR… any suggestions please, max hash I’m getting is 26 on each card… also, how can I know the oldest supported driver for my card…. I had problem installing the 470.05 driver as well.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Ajay,
          It is better to install the most recent driver to avoid any issue with that.

          Then, if you see that mining is not stable you can add --tune=5 to your command line.

          Let us know how it goes.

          • Ajay says:


            thanks miniZ… also I was playing around with hiveOS and the settings suggested here, I was a bit confused about the –tune settings, so for windows its 4/5 and for hiveos its 36/37?…. also, qq on I have a 1660S and a 3060 in the rig, how do I mention the –tune settings, for some reason the 1660S hashrate is showing in GH/s and constantly reducing… something like the below and 3060 hash not going beyong 29 (Nvidia driver 465.31, CC:-150, MC:-2700, PL:120W…. )
            [ 0d 0h18m40s] S: 8/0/0 17(355.5)GH/s 211(204.2)W [us1.ethermine.org] (97.09%) (2.91%)
            0>GTX 1660 SUPER 100% [55°C/33%] 15.49( 195.04)GH/s 54( 54.1)W clk=1965MHz mclk=6801MHz GH/W=3.61
            1>RTX 3060
            100% [63°C/44%] 0.03( 0.03)GH/s 157(150.1)W clk=1897MHz mclk=7300MHz GH/W=0.00
            [ 0d 0h18m50s] S: 8/0/0 16(350.7)GH/s 211(204.3)W [us1.ethermine.org] (97.09%) (2.91%)
            0>GTX 1660 SUPER 100% [55°C/33%] 15.29( 189.95)GH/s 54( 54.1)W clk=1965MHz mclk=6801MHz GH/W=3.51
            1>RTX 3060
            100% [62°C/44%] 0.03( 0.03)GH/s 157(150.2)W clk=1897MHz mclk=7300MHz GH/W=0.00

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Ajay,
              The issue with the 1660 should be related to --mode=80. There is no need to add it to the command line for the 3060 to work.
              When you add to the command line it also applies to the 1660 and it will not perform well.

              You can try to lower power a bit more, closer to 100W. It usually helps stability/performance and use --tune=5, is it is not stable try --tune=4.

              The value we set with tune depends only on which driver you have installed, not the OS. For your driver --tune=5 (or 4, if it is more stable) is fine.

              Let us know if this helps.

      • 7mhs_pn_3060_thanks_god says:

        Hello. Why on RaveOS using your miner I can achieve only 7mh/s on RTX 3060. In miner [TRACE] GPU(0) Searching lock…speed=22.2/36.5

        What I have to do?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi 7mhs_pn_3060_thanks_god,

          Which Nvidia driver are you using? If you’re using a recent driver you can add --tune=5 to your command line.

          You may also need to adjust your OCs. The following settings were working well for us:
          core clock: -150
          mem clock: +2700 (linux) or +1350 (windows)
          pl: ~100W (around 60% on Afterburner)

          You may need to adjust this a bit to yout system.

          Let us know if this helps.


          • Ashley Costello says:


            please can you tell me what your absolute memory refresh rate is when using those offsets? I’m using 8100mhz on samsung but +1350mhz would take me much higher. I have p0state enabled.


      • XTGGGIG JIXIANG says:


        Teacher, what’s going on

        dlopen “libcuda.so.1” failed!
        Segment error (core dumped)

        • miniZ says:


          Thank you for your message.

          It seems that there is some issue with the driver.

          If you run nvidia-smi in your command line do you get your GPUs listed? If not you may need to reinstall the driver.

          Let us know how it goes.

    • Glad says:

      Switch off your windows defender and ou’ll get your 49Mh/s

  2. Andrew says:

    With 1.8y3 I was getting the trace search lock error thing where the gpu drops and comes back after a few seconds, but that would happen every few minutes or so. With this release it happens instantly and repeatedly for 2 of my 3 gpus

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Andrew,
      Thank you for the feedback.

      Could you let us know which OS are you using? And which driver version?

      You can try adding --tune=5 to your command line, if you are using a recent driver.
      For older drivers, such as 460.39 Linux ou 461.40 (Windows), you can use --tune=37.

      You can try lower tune a little bit but this will also lower performance, so use it only if necessary.

      Let us know how it goes.

      • Andrew says:

        I am using the latest hiveos and the driver 460.39 with 3 RTX 3060. What does the tune command do? Do I need 460.39 for unlocking 3060 hashrate in this release?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Andrew,
          The tune options ajusts internal parameters of the antilock mechanism.
          The driver 460.39 should work better and give a better performance, but any driver should work.

          • Andrew says:

            Thanks, –tune=37 fixed the search lock error! What are the minimum and maxixum values for tune in 460.39 for linux?

            • Andrew says:

              Although, one of my fans keeps reporting as 0% (it spins at proper setting but is just reported like that). This is an issue i’ve had in previous versions of miniz as well

              • miniZ says:

                Hi Andrew,
                Probably the driver stopped reporting the fan speed for that fan, if the GPU temperature gets too high miniZ will stop minig on that GPU.
                A reboot should fix the issue.

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Andrew,
              You could decrease the value to 36, or 35 but your performance will drop. Also, increasing the value to 38 or 39 will turn the mining more unstable.
              If 37 is working well for you, we do not think you’ll get better than this.

              Let us know if you find something interesting 🙂

  3. Katy says:

    Hey guys,

    This is a follow-up to my post on the 1.8y3 release. The Reply form seems to be broken, you can enter your name and email but not a comment.

    Anyway I performed the requested tests on 1.8y3 and repeated them on 1.8y4rc1. To save space I’ve put the results in a zip file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/176efqWZlK-aFVYuRfArj84_vBKMf4om4/view?usp=sharing

    “default” is for ETH and does NOT include the “–mode=80” parameter

    “mode80” is for ETH and does include the “–mode=80” parameter

    “etc-mode80” is for ETC and does include the “–mode=80” parameter

    One of the 3070 Tis is plugged into a PCIe 3.0 x16 slot with an HDMI dummy plug; all of the other cards are in x1 risers. The 3060 is an original 3060 (the kind that can be unnerfed with 470.05).

    Overclocks are applied for the ETH runs but not the ETC runs. All tests were run with driver 462.65.

    The long and short of it is that none of the tests have any impact on the 3070 Tis and mode 80 actually makes them run much more slowly.

    Hope the logs are useful. Let me know if you need any further help 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Katy,
      Thanks a lof for your detailed tests.
      They are quite helpful.

      It seems that the beta version is not working for your GPUs.
      We’ll have a look, and also test with your driver.

      *edit* If you are using beta version, you can try adding --tune=5 to your command line. You can try lower tune a little bit but this will also lower performance, so maybe --tune=4 could also work.

      We hope to have something new in a few days, hopefully by sunday.

  4. Fabio Peres says:

    How to install the Beta Version on HiveOS ? When I choose the latest version just show the version 1.8y3…

    If I try to install custom I dont have a URL INSTALATION…

    Could u help me ???

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Fabio Peres,
      We’re working on a new version.
      If all goes smoothly, we’ll try to release it by sunday.

      To install the beta version you need to replace the executable file.
      You can backup the current version and add the beta version to the same location.

      Because the beta version it is just for testing, you can also just run it from the command line.
      Just be sure that HIVE OS is not mining, then just unpack the tar.gz file anywhere and execute miniZ from the command line. HIVE OS is a Linux after all.


      • Mesut says:

        hello, you can update it with the following command. (write your own site instead of abc.com)

        cd /tmp;wget -q https://www.abc.com/miniZ_v1.8y4rc1_linux-x64.tar.gz
        tar -xf /tmp/miniZ_v1.8y4rc1_linux-x64.tar.gz
        miner stop
        mv /hive/miners/miniz/1.8y3/miniZ /hive/miners/miniz/1.8y3/miniZ.bak
        cp /tmp/miniZ /hive/miners/miniz/1.8y3/miniZ
        miner start

        • Fábio PEres says:

          Thanks a Lot my Friend….

          • miniZ says:

            Hi Fábio Peres,
            We thanked Mesut his kind message. His message is useful if you want to upgrade future versions of miniZ before hiveOS includes it.

            HivesOS already added the beta version. You can make the update.

            Let us know if you managed to get it working.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Mesut,
          Thanks a lot for your message!
          It is much appreciated 🙂

  5. 3660-OEM says:

    I could not reply from above.  So creating a new thread.

    But after some research, I found out that 3060 needs newer MoBO which has PCI 16x version 3.0

    I was on 2.0.   So now on 3.0 with 470.05 code, I’m able to get 48.9

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 3660-OEM,
      That is awesome!

      It looks line your GPU is indeed unlocked. In this case you don’t need any anti-lock mechanism on the miner side.
      Could you try --mode 20? In your case, it should give a better performace.

      Let us know how it goes.

      • Roy says:

        why my 3060 lhr v1 only get 36-37 mh/s with d latest version v18y4rx1-beta miniz?

        My extra config argument: –mode=80

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Roy,
          Thank you for your message.

          For the 3060 you don’t need to add --mode=80.

          What OCs are you using? The following settings worked well for us:
          core: -150 core; mem: +2700 (Linux) or +1350 (Windows); PL: 100W.

          You can try --tune=38, but if it becomes unstable you need to go back to --tune=37.


  6. Jonathan says:

    OH YEAHHHHH BABY!!!  42.3 MH stable,  -150 core and +1350 Vram, 70% Power limiter in MSI afterburner,  but the best part is the pool side rate is 46.23 and has been for 5 hours so far that I am “aware” of for as far as I know it could have been doing that all day,  you guys freaking ROCK!!! I have a V2 “as in limited from factory” LHR EVGA 3060 12GB SC .    What did it for me was not driver change but the newest release of miniZ that addressed stale shares which I was not having and still am not but the addition the the setting in the .bat file of  –tune=5  hope this helps some people,  because NOTHING worked for me till around 8 hours ago I said screw it this thing is coming down and I will give it another 45mins to 1 hour of troubleshooting,  before I was getting just 20mh and less than that effective at pool,   thus the cause for my excitement here!!

    • Jonathan says:

      EDIT: She is still stable and holding 46.3 effective at pool side. Nvidia and their driver games, MiniZ donation coming your way to say thank you, but I am a poor miner, but credit is given where it is so due. Plus this I am pretty sure to any who have not got it working and guessed proven not only did nvidia play driver games again then did it good but still playing those old school games, driver /bios alters the speed of the vram and i/o junctions for power from the PSU plug/s. Speed is the illusion not power, bios edit to keep junction open, fix timings to match that of a V1 fully unlocked on all algos and we are done. In short half a afternoon for a coder if they already had the above data. then a wipe/backup and flash and she is done, am I right? Do I get a gold star lol

      • Hung says:

        Which Nvidia driver are you using? And what parameters are in your bat file? I have an EVGA RTX 3060 LHR v2 as well but haven’t been able to get it stable using -tune=5 and the same OC settings, had to go down to -tune=4 and getting 34-35 MH/s

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Hung,
          With drivers 461.40 (Windows) or 460.39 (linux) it may reach 40 MH/s.
          With recent drivers 35MH/s is OK.
          Using --tune=4 should be more stable but performance lowers a bit. If you are using one of the older drivers use --tune=37 (--tune=5 is for recent drivers).

        • Jonathan says:

          I am using driver 466.27 DCH. Win10. RTX 3060 LHR Variant 2. Overclock settings are 70% Power limit. -150 core +1375 Vram, fans synced and at 100%, temp limit maxed out “do not worry it NEVER gets over 53-56C.
          Batch file syntax is: miniZ.exe –algo ethash –url=your-eth-address.your-worker-name@your-pool –pass x –extra
          –tune 5

          And that is it, sorry for how long it has taken me to reply had some home issues

          • Jonathan says:

            Btw I typed dual – and after posting it only posted 1, keep that in mind when setting up batch or it will just crash right away due to it, me mining many different coins have learned alter that first if miner fails to load because with so many programs out there it is pure irony why some have dual – and other just a single one, have probably wasted a good 50 hours of my life in 7 years of mining and that was the only problem lol best of luck

      • man says:

        Please report your nvidia driver version and device ID of your graphics card(you can check it in GPU-Z).

        All my 3060 LHR v2 cards can’t go over 35MH/s, so I think you have v1 card.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi man,
          Will your GPUs work with driver 461.40? With this driver you may get a bit more from the GPU.

          You seem to have a more recent model… With a recent driver 35MH/s is possible the most you can get from it. At least for now. 🙂

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Jonathan,
        Thank you for the update. It is good to know that from the pool side the value is not lower than what we report 🙂

        Which Nvidia driver version are you using? Some miners have been asking this.

        Also, thank you for your generosity.

        You may have a point (if we understood correctly). We’re not sure it’s that trivial though…
        For us it looks like the lock mechanism is more on the driver side.

        We’ll give you a gold star! 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jonathan,
      This is really great!
      Thank you for sharing.
      We hope it stays stable for you 🙂

    • LHR Man says:

      MiniZ, any idea what the equivalent –tune=ixdy tune settings to –tune=5 would be so I can try this set up with the latest beta? My card isn’t stable at +1350 but I can try it at +1200. Currently getting average 33.41, peak 35.5 using the default i15d55 on +150 +1200 70% w/3060 LHRv2 12gb Win10 and 466.27 DCH drivers

      • miniZ says:

        Hi LHR Man,
        Thanks for the feedback.
        We would expect the peak to be ~37 MH/s. Try to lower PL a bit more, to ~100W.
        The defaults should be equivalent, but because the v1.8y4rc2 has some other changes, the behavior might not be completely the same.

  7. Daqoo says:


    Thanks for the hard work miniz.
    I’m using galax 3060 ti LHR gpu (core -502 , mem +1250 and power 65%)
    driver is 471.41 (using window 10)


    I’m getting around 28-29MH

    What am I missing ?



    • miniZ says:

      Hi Daqoo,

      Thanks for contacting us.

      Have you tried other OCs? We do not have a 3060Ti, so it may be slightly different, but try raise a bit your mem clock. Check if it helps.

      You can still try to add the option --tune=5, but in your case it doesn’t look like it will help.

      Let us know How it goes.

  8. LE DINH says:

    I’ve tried to use the version v1.8y3 to unlock my 2 EVGA 3060, but it doen’st work.
    I’m stuck at 22,91 for one and 32MHS for other one.

    My presents is:

    hive os 0.6-205@210715
    nvidia driver: 460.39
    miniZ v1.8y3
    CORE= -250 / MEM=2700 / PL = 120

    Can you help me please ?

    Thank you


    • miniZ says:

      Hi LE DINH

      Our OCs are a bit difference, but it may not be the issue. It seems that it works for one GPU but not the other.

      HivesOS already added the beta version we released. You can make the update and see if it works better.
      Note that soon we’ll make a new release, but this beta it working well for some miners.

      If you are using beta version, you can add --tune=37 to your command line. It works for some GPUs.

      Maybe you can lower pl to ~100W. For us it didn’t have much impact on performance.

      Let us know how it goes.

  9. Postmortem says:

    I’m on HiveOS with new Beta. Update doesnt seem to work properly with 3060’s (v1). All but one card went back from 40Mh/s to 14,5Mh/s

    OC used (that worked before upgrade to Beta): OC settings:CORE-150, MEM2700, PL120

    Can’t test –dag-fix on HiveOS with the new Beta

    • DuttyHands says:

      Same here, this version kills my zotacs back to 24mh/z and gets stuck in a searching lock loop on all 4 cards i have running, back to previous and all fine.


      • miniZ says:

        Hi DuttyHands,
        It seems that you managed to get it working by adding --tune=37 to your command line. 🙂

  10. Postmortem says:

    Additionally all 3060’s (v1) are now locking!
    [TRACE ] GPU[10]: Searching lock… speed=21.5/36.5[2,5023.27,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[7]: Searching lock… speed=21.5/36.5[2,4761.00,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[4]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4761.00,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[6]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4761.00,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[3]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4761.00,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[11]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4761.00,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[2]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4761.00,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[8]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4761.00,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4556.25,2.060,1.01]
    [TRACE ] GPU[9]: Searching lock… speed=21.4/36.5[2,4556.25,2.060,1.01]

  11. Postmortem says:


    RTX 3060 × 12

  12. Postmortem says:

    Unfortunately your Beta update doesn’t seem to work properly on HiveOS.
    Mining performance fell from 40Mh/s to 18-19Mhs.

    Any help is welcome!

    HiveOS: 5.0.21-200905-hiveos
    Update: 0.6-206@210722

    NVIDIA drivers: 460.39
    GPU: RTX 3060 × 12
    OC:CORE-150, MEM2700, PL120
    Miner: miniZ v1.8y4rc1

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Postmortem,
      Thank you for all your messages with detailed feedback.

      Could you try adding --tune=37 to your command line?
      (Or if it doesn’t work --tune=36.)

      Let us know if this helps.

      • Postmortem says:

        Hi Guys,

        Thanks for all your hard work and advice, that –tune=37 trick seemed to be the missing link. AMAZING!
        I went from 447 Mh/s to 490.5 Mh/s and so far its stable. I’ll leave it running overnight and send you some fresh feedback tomorrow.

        @everyone who’s mining with RTX 3060 v1 (nerfed v1), set-up below seems stable and LIT AF!

        HiveOS: 5.0.21-200905-hiveos
        Update: 0.6-206@210722
        NVIDIA drivers: 460.39
        GPU: RTX 3060 × 12
        OC:CORE-150, MEM2700, PL120
        Miner: miniZ v1.8y4rc1
        miniZ configuration / Extra config arguments:

        Good luck and let me know if you had success as well!

  13. John says:

    I have rtx 3060 x5 2 go to 40mh and another 3 in 15mh Why is it I have 460.39 drivers the verion 1.8y3 I was going to all at 40mh

    • miniZ says:

      Hi John,

      We made a few modifications that in general improved the anti-lock mechanism for most GPUs…but not all. 🙂

      Could you add --tune=37 to your command line?
      (Or if it doesn’t work --tune=36.)

      Let us know if this helps.

  14. STEM says:

    Gigabyte RTX3060 v2
    –url (WALLET:ETH).(WORKER)@(POOL:POOLETH-BINANCE) –pass x –par ethash –pers auto –ocX –tune=4

    –tune=5 с ошибкой (требуется 16 ГБ видеопамяти)

    • miniZ says:

      Hi STEM,
      Thank you for the feedback.

      Do not use -–ocX with these GPUs. (Maybe in the future 🙂)

      Then, try to use --tune=5 again, it should work.

      Let us know how it goes.

  15. Pablot says:

    Hello team, thanks for all your hard work and I wonder if you can help me to troubleshoot my problem:
    I have a rig with 2 EVGA 3060 v1(nerfed) running HiveOs version 0.6-206@210722 and miniz v1.8y4rc1 and these are my OC and PL settings:
    hive os 0.6-206@210722
    nvidia driver: 460.39
    miniZ v1.8y4rc1
    CORE= -150 / MEM=2200-2300 and 2700 / PL = 100-115 and 120
    I’m getting between 28 and 34mhs but “Searching lock” message appears every moment..
    Also I’ve forgot mention that I’ve added the following parameters in Miner setup Extra config arguments:
    –pers ethash
    I will appreciate any help you can provide me.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Pablot,

      Maybe try mem=2700 with pl=100?

      Could you try something for us and give some feedback? Add –tune=37,3025 (or –tune=38,3025) to your command line.


  16. Trazom says:

    Installed the Nvidia driver 461.40. Windows does not recognize the EVGA RTX 3060 (Microsoft Basic Display Adapter). As well as the driver 470.05. Without fixing this problem, there is no solution for me. Maybe it only works under Linux.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Trazom,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      Possibly it is because of the GPU model. Nvidia changed the PCI device ID so that the recent GPUs do not work with some older drivers.

      You’ll need to install a more recent driver. The performance will not be as good as with 461.40, but it should still be quite OK 🙂

      Let us know how it goes.


  17. reugner says:

    Hi, I’ve got a new warning not able to run tune 5 or 4, is there a new mode for v2’s?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi reugner,

      Sorry, but we do not fully understand your message.

      Could you paste here your warning message?

      Are you running beta version? miniZ v1.8y4rc1?
      --tune will only work with beta version.
      Also, use --tune=5 (or --tune=4) if you have a recent Nvidia driver.

      Kernel mode is not related to tune option.


  18. chel says:

    My rig has 14 EVGA RTX360 ver1 cards running hive OS. Under miniz ver. 1.8y3 i get ~40.4mhz with 5% rejected shares. Using nvidia driver: 460.39
    miniZ v1.8y3 CORE= -400 / MEM=2700 / PL = 115
    Unfortunately under v1.8y4rc1 12 of my cards get under 20mhz. 2 of them get 41mhz. I have no idea why those two work. I’ve tried a variety of overclock settings with no success.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi chel,

      Could you add --tune=37 to your command line?

      Let us know if this works for you.

      • chel says:

        The –tune=37 setting did the trick. I also have –mode 80
        Now I’m getting between 40 and 41mhz on all 14 cards with no rejected shares. Fantastic.

  19. Arty says:

    Hy MINIZ. Just wanted to say BIG THANK YOU for your job.i had 24mhs on eth before .now i have 35-36 mhs stable.YES ,i know it can go up to 49,but i gave LHR v2 version of 3060. -tune=5 really works.maybe you know how i can  get a little bit more mhs?

    MSI afterburner CORE CLOCK: 0

    MEMORY CLOCK : 1500

    power limit : 70%

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Arty,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      Maybe we’ll be able to make a small improvement for the next version.

  20. MiningTaken says:


    Where can I find complete documentation of all command-line arguments?

    I’d tried “miniZ.exe –help”, and searched on “miniz.ch”, but still can’t find any explanation about arguments like “–tune” or “–dag-fix” (or any other new arguments I don’t know about).

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MiningTaken,
      These arguments were included in this beta version. They may not be included in the oficial release, or may be changed a little.
      At the moment they are only used for debugging purposes.
      We’ll document them if we include in the release.

  21. STEM says:

    –url (WALLET:ETH).(WORKER)@(POOL:POOLETH-BINANCE) –pass x –par ethash –pers auto –tune=5
    WOw its work. But after 32 m/hs i get [TRACE] searching lock

    And speed decrease to 24 again
    Gigabyte RTX 3060 v2

    • miniZ says:

      Hi STEM,
      If you increase mem clock, does it help?

      We tried the following:
      core clock: -150,
      memory clock: +2700 (linux)/+1350 (windows)
      PL=100 W

      If the searching lock persists appearing, you can try again --tune=4.
      But this is not ideal because it also affects performance.

      Let us know if this helps.

  22. STEM says:

    Ok guys, I’m ready to explain on the cards of the 2nd revision.
    1. You must use — tune = 4
    2. You can do this only on driver 462.65
    In this mode, you can get 35 mh/s

    • miniZ says:

      Hi STEM,
      Good that you managed to get it working.
      Thanks a lot for the feedback.
      We’ll try to make improvements for the next version.

    • Ajay K says:

      Hi STEM, i have 466.77 driver and the hash fluctuating between 27 and 33… Haven’t used –tune yet, what do u suggest I use? Running on win10 with OC cc -150, mc-1350, pl 70… Thanks in advance

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Ajay K,
        From what you describe it seems that the miner is not able to get rid of the lock. You can try --tune=5 to see it it becomes more stable. If not, try --tune=4.

        Also, possibly you can still lower a bit your PL, to 60%-65%.

        Let us know if this helps.


  23. mav says:

    I love you guys.

    Gigabyte 3060 LHR Rev 2 here, from 26,57MH/s to 33MH/s, Win10 471.11.

    Current Afterburner settings -> core -350, Mem +1208, PL 65% (110W), Fan Speed 80% with temps about 60°C. It’s been a warm day.

    Keep up the great work!

  24. Watit.C says:

    Gigabyte RTX 3060 LHR Rev 2.0
    windows 10

    driver 470.76

    35-36Mh/s 115w still stable

    core -350


    PL 74%

    lock pstate0

    the trick is lock core voltage at 850mv





  25. Tom-i says:

    Tried the beta with my 3060s v1. 40.x mh/s stable. But the reported Hashrate was only around 50% of real hashrate on hiveon pool.
    Even after 24/h ist did not come closer ot real.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Tom-i,
      Thank you for letting us know.

      Do you have invalid shares?

      If you try in another pool that has lower difficulty, do you also get this results?
      If the difficulty is too high then it is needed more time to have good statistics. Sometimes we test it on ethermine pool, maybe you can give it a try.


  26. Redspark says:

    HiveOS: 0.6-206@210723

    Nvidia Driver: N 460.39

    Miner: miniz v.1.8y4rc1

    Extra config arguments:

    Bad share: Provided PoW solution is invalid!

    How to fixed?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Redspark,

      Do you have many invalid shares? Or it is just one?

      Could you paste here your command line?


      • Mody says:

        Same here,
        similar Hiveos version, GPU driver and miner.

        HiveOS: 0.6-206@210723
        Nvidia Driver: N 460.39
        Miner: miniz v.1.8y4rc1

        Similar Extra config arguments:


        8 x MSI RTX 3060 gaming x (V1)
        4 x EVGA RTX 3060 (V1)

        Tried different overclock sitting including the suggested MiniZ overclock sitting.

        Problems/ issues:
        -Invalid and stales are up to 10%.
        -Very Low reported hashrate even beyond 24 hrs.

        I have to say, overall gain around 60 MHz on the 12 GPUs compare to LoLminer 1.31. (41.xx MH solid vs 36.xx MH) 5 MH extra per GPU. Thank you and keep the hard work on going .

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Mody,
          Thanks a lot for the information.

          Some miners reported that after restarting it becomes more stable, and only after a while the invalid shares start. Is this what you observe?
          We’re having a look at this.

          • Mody says:

            Thanks for your reply,
            I cant tell the difference between pre restart and post restart because i had couple of restart right after sitting the flight sheet for the first tome.
            I can report now the overall rejects (stales / invalids) reduced from 10% to 5% or 6 %.
            To provide more details: stales 2% and invalids 3% ( 40/60 % ration between stales and invalids ).

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Mody,
              Thank you for the details.

              Have you tried using a different pool? It can be that with some other pool you’ll get less rejects.
              Do let us know, we may need to give it a look.

              We’ll investigate this.

              • Mody says:

                Hi MiniZ,
                Further update:
                For the past 24 hours I have 0 invalids now but the miner restarts almost every 7 hours.

                in my case the reason for invalids was the overclocking. I have one GPU that does not like the same overclock sitting of the remaining GPUs, so i reduced the overclock sitting on that specific GPU and i have no invalids anymore.lost 1 Mh with overclock reduction, 40.2 MH instead of 41.2 MH. The remaing GPUs are all on 41.2 MH.
                I suggest that miners who are having an issue with invalids to try reducing the overclock sitting.

                Note: I dont know the reason, but i use to see in HiveOS which GPU registering invalids, i cant see it now, maybe it has to do with the latest HiveOS update or the combination with MiniZ beta version. i reduced the over clock sitting of that particular GPU because I know from memory it use to cause trouble and register invalids.

                • miniZ says:

                  Hi Mody,
                  Thank you for the update.
                  Good that you manage to undestand what was cause some instability.

                  What cause the miner to reboot? Is it you that send the command or is miniZ crashing?

                  What you refer about the possibility of seeing/registering the invalids, we are not sure what caused it. You can follow the invalids per GPU with miniZ telemetry, and also on the miniZ log if you add --show-shares to the command line.


                  • Mody says:

                    Thanks, the MiniZ Log helped me a lot. The miner was reseting not from my action, it use to reset by itself but not anymore, it’s running on both Rigs without reset for the last 24 hrs , i havent changed anything except the OC sitting nothing else and everything is fine now.i will give it more time and report back. I have a question, im using mode 80, i have red somewhere its not necessary for the RTX 3060, can you confirm please.

                    • miniZ says:

                      Hi Mody,
                      Good to know that you managed to get it running stable.
                      We can confirm that for the 3060 is not necessary to add --mode=80. The default mode for that GPU is mode 80, when mining ethash.
                      You can see which mode is running for each GPU, by adding --show-mode to your command line.
                      Thanks for the feedback.

  27. Burato says:

    Hi devs, I’m trying v1.8y4 on my Palit 3060 v2, and getting only endless “Searching lock” messages. OS = win7, 471.41 drivers, PL 70%, core -150, mem +1000

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Burato,
      Thanks for the feedback.

      Could you try adding --tune=5 to your command line?

      Maybe you can also increase mem clock a bit.
      These settings have been working well for us: core=-150, mem=+1350, PL=100W.

      Let us know how it goes.

  28. Lee says:
    Does this need to be plugged into x16? Or is it possible to use an adapter board?
    • miniZ says:

      Hi Lee,

      Thank you for your message.

      You can use an adapter, or riser. The PCI express x1 will work.


  29. Lee says:

    Thank you for your reply, if I have a successful test, I will report the result

  30. young says:

    hi miniZ,

    any idea for 3070 ti and  3080ti ?  i tried -mode 80  and tune 4 or 5,  still lock the ethash

    • miniZ says:

      Hi young,
      We’ve been working on the 3070 Ti.
      We think it can make 0.32 MH/W, ~60MH/s at 190W. But we are still adjusting.
      The 3080Ti…we still do not have a clear idea. We’ll do our best. 🙂
      Thank you for asking.

  31. adil says:

    i need bat file configuration using ethermine.org

    software is simplemining

    anybody help

    • miniZ says:

      Hi adil,

      You can mine ETH with ethermine pool by running the following command line:

      ./miniZ YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS@eu1.ethermine.org:4444 --pass x --extra

      1. Username: YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS
      2. stratum url: eu1.ethermine.org:4444
      3. Password: x
      3. Optional parameter: --extra

      Is this helpful?


  32. Reys says:

    Thanks a lot for your fantastic work,
    I'm running it on HiveOs 0.6-206@210723 N460.84 fan 0 PL 120. 3060V2
    In the previous version, I could reach 37 but with loads of invalids shares,
    Have you got an ETA for the next release?
    Are you planning to develop Autolykos2 as well?
    • miniZ says:

      Hi Reys,

      Do you mean that with v1.8y3 you had invalids, and witht the beta version v1.8y4rc1 this got better?
      If you haven’t tried the beta version yet, maybe it will solve the issue. It was working better for various GPUs.

      We’ve been working to improve performance and stability for these GPUs.
      At the moment we still cannot set a date, but we’ll do our best to release a new version as soon as possible. Please check back in a couple of days maybe we’ll be able to give a more concrete answer.

      Regarding Autolykos2, we’ll have a look and think about it.

      Thank you for the feedback, and for your suggestions.

      • Reys says:

        [ 0d12h13m10s|10:43:59 29/07/2021] S:1210/0/0 35(35.4)MH/s 107(106.6)W [eu-eth.hiveon.net] (99.33%) (0.67%)
        0>RTX 3060 ` 100% [54°C/59%] 35.39(35.35)MH/s 107(106.4)W clk=1447MHz mclk=8575MHz MH/W=0.33

        v1.8y4rc1 As good as it gets: a bit more consumption and a bit less hash but rock solid.

        These clk=1447MHz & mclk=8575MHz 0 120 seem to be the magic numbers. I didn’t even hit the lock during the first 2 hours that I was checking it.

        Thanks for your effort and for considering Autolykos2, I hit 120 @ 98 Watts without upsetting the lock.

  33. Burato says:

    This is a reply to the comment above (replies not working). I tried the proposed settings on my Palit 3060 (PL 100, mem +1350, core -150)  and added –tune=5 to bat file, and it kinda worked for ~5 min with up to 30mh hashrate and then crashed with CUDA error 77. I tried to relaunch and it crashed again with CUDA error 6. There is a log and screens in archive https://disk.yandex.ru/d/LcCnq5NPvjbnaw


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Burato,

      Thank you for the information.

      The error you get seems to be related to the OCs. Maybe those settings do not work well with that GPU.
      Could you try to adjust a bit the mem and/or core clocks, and see if becomes more stable?

      Let us know how it goes.

      • Burato says:

        The best stable result (~33.5mh) I got is with PL 80, core 0, and mem +1250. Anyway, it’s better than stock 25mh, and thank you guys for that. Is it a chance for further improvement?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Burato,

          Thank you for the information.

          Do you mean PL 80%? We could lower it a bit more to around ~100-115W.

          We’re working our best to make improvements on performace and stability. We think it is possible.

          We hope it stays stable for you.

  34. Roberto says:

    My OS is HiveOS Version: 0.6-206@210723 in driver N=460.39 with CORE= 1430 MEM=2450 PL=115, I have two GPUS RTX 3060 from Galaxy and I’m doing 39.84 in each one with a total of 79.34MH stable using the latest version of miniz on ethermine.

  35. Reys says:

    ” alt=”3060 V2 HiveOS 0.6-206@210723 N 460.84 ” />

  36. OKE says:

    Hey! And you have plans to set up unlocking for ERGO. For some unknown reason, the hash on this coin also drops.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi OKE,
      We’ll have a look as soon as we manage to get the ETH a bit more stable.
      Thank you for letting us know.

  37. J says:

    Seems like it has no affect on 3080ti.. still caps around 65 MH/S on ETH

    • miniZ says:

      Hi J,

      Thank you for the feedback.

      We’ve been working on the 3070 Ti (and still on the 3060), maybe this will be usefull also for the 3080 Ti.

      We’ll have to check that one too. 🙂


  38. Glad says:

    AAAAAAND your miner gives me  Fantastic 27 Mh/s

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Glad,

      Thank you for your message.

      Which GPU? Could you share a bit more information?
      It does not seem that much fantastic 🙂


  39. Victor says:


    my video card does not recognize in version 460.39 only in 460.84 onwards it is a rtx3060v2 gigabyte bios 9406250080 what do I do?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Victor,

      There are some GPUs the do not work with that older driver. This is fine, you can just install the latest version.

      Then, you can also try adding --tune=5 to the command line, and check if it becomes more stable.


      • Matt says:

        Yes I am in this same situation with driver version 460.84 loaded i can run miniz with the option –mode=80 , but then I only get 25 Mh/s, I’ve also tried adding –tune=5 but this didn’t change the hashrate.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Matt,

          We answered to you other message.
          Maybe the miner is not able to get rid of the lock. You can try --tune=4 to see it it becomes more stable.
          We do not know that OCs are you applying, but in general we recommend lowering the power to ~100 W, and increasing memory clock to ~2700 (Linux) or 1350 (Windows). Also, lowering core clock to -150. You may need to adjust a bit to your system.
          Let us know if this helps.


  40. MH says:


    for 3060 v2 on hiveOS – is it better to be on 460.84 or 465.31?

    Currently I am on 460.84, getting 35MH with 1447 core/2550 mem/ 120 PL

    I am also not using any tune function in miner settings. All of them only seemed to increase the searching lock.

    Also the recommended -150/2700 settings seemed to crash and drop wattage every few minutes

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MH,
      Thank you for the feedback.

      If you’re getting 35Mh/s and it is running stable it is very good.

      With your driver version you can only use --tune=5 (or decrease to --tune=4, but only if is not stable). But if increases the ‘searching lock’ do not use it. Possibly it is not working for you.

      We tested with driver 460.84, so that driver should be fine.

      We are working on a new version, possibly it will be better for you.


  41. Harry says:

    My 3060 LHR V2 cards seems can only reach maximum 35.X MH/s… in HiveOS
    Anyone can reach further hash rate??? or any setting can push up more?

    It doesn’t work on v1.8y3 at all, with any –tune parameter, only OK on v1.8y4rc1 with –tune=4

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Harry,

      If you’re getting 35Mh/s and it is running stable it is very good.

      Could you confirm that with --tune=5 it is not stable for you? If it is stable you may benefit a little in performance.

      We’ll try to improve this in the next version.


  42. alex says:

    Hi Miniz, can you please implement in your future versions a function where user can lock core clock, like in GMiner and Trex.
    This function is very useful for energy saving.


  43. George says:

    Hi There,


    First of all thank you for the workaround.

    I’m having a Gigabyte 3060 Aorus LHR ver 2, and have tried on windows but would not stabilize at all then i attached to my hiveOS where i get 33mh/s with mode 80 and tune 5 Core -400  memory 2700  power 100w

    Without this i was getting 25-26 mh/s so it is an improvement for sure, is still sad to see that my 1080 does more then this new card.

    Is this the max for this cards.

    <blockquote class=”imgur-embed-pub” lang=”en” data-id=”a/GrcUnuZ” ><a href=”//imgur.com/a/GrcUnuZ”></a></blockquote><script async src=”//s.imgur.com/min/embed.js” charset=”utf-8″></script>





    • miniZ says:

      Hi George,

      Maybe it is worth trying to increase PL just a little…say to 105-110W. Does this improve your performance without making it unstable? We are not sure this would help but you can try it out.

      Are you using beta version, v1.8y4rc1? Also you you get many ‘searching lock…” messages?

      We’re just curious, are you also mining ETH with your 3060 Ti?

      Let us know how it goes.

  44. D says:

    Any 3080 LHR support anytime soon?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi D,
      Thank you for your question.

      Currently we are working on the 3070 Ti.

      After we’ll look at 3080 Ti, hopefully the 3080 will not be too different and will benefit from it too.


  45. abarth says:
    Hello miniz, I have rtx3060 and gtx1660 on my rig.
    I'm using:
    Hiveos 0.6-206@210723
    driver 460.39
    In the command line I put:
    -mode 80
    -tune 37
    as gtx stops miner.
    Thanks for all the help I can give you.
    • miniZ says:

      Hi abarth,
      You do not need to add --mode 80. miniZ will automatically start mode 80 with the RTX3060.
      When you add this to your command line it will make all GPUs start with that kernel and this is not good for the GTX1660.

      miniZ informs which kernel mode is starting in each GPU. To continue showing this information you can use --show-mode.


  46. Sultan Khan says:

    I have downloaded miniz v.1.8y4rc1 on hiveos.

    Have nvidia driver version 460.39.

    I have added –tune=38. I am getting 40+ hasrate, however I am getting lots of rejected shares.

    Tried adding –dag-fix. Seems that does let miner to start.

    Please someone tell me how to fix this

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Sultan Khan,
      Thank you for the feedback.

      If you adjust the OC a little does it help with the invalid shares?

      Could you clarify what happens when you add --dag-fix? What do you observe exactly? Do you get an error?
      If you cannot use --dag-fix, try to reduce a bit your mem clock.


      • Mody says:

        I believe the reason is wrong Command line added / missing (-), ensure its –dag-fix with 2 x – not 1 x -. I believe the command line added in your case is -dag-fix, this for sure will not allow the miner to work. Try to copy the command line from here and paste it in hiveos.

        • Mody says:

          Ok my previous post was showing 1 x dash for whatever reason.i suggest you Copy the command line from MiniZ post and paste it in Hiveos.

          • miniZ says:

            Hi Mody,
            Thank you.
            Our template ‘formats’ the two – automatically…you need to add it as code, or else it does not work.

  47. STEM says:

    I try test MiniZ on HiveOs. 

    Nvidia driver 465.31 OS 0.6-206 Pool: CrazyPool. Memory 2700 Pl:120 Core: -150

    All shares are invalid. Wtf



    • STEM says:

      I can’t figure out mode and tune.
      Do I need to write mode along with tune.
      Tune = 5 for which nvidia versions.
      Tune = 4 from which version.

      • miniZ says:

        Hi STEM,
        No worries.
        mode refers to the kernel mode, that the miner runs on the GPU.

        Something different is tune, it refers to an option we’re still optimising for the miner to try deal with the lock.

        --tune=5 can be uses with more recent drivers, or basically all but the oldest 🙂
        --tune=4 is a small adjustment to tune=5, it is also for the recent drivers. Tries to make the miner more stable than tune=5, but has a cost on performnace. Sometimes a difficult balance.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi STEM,

      Are you mining ETH?

      Could you confirm that you really have only invalid shares? We have no issue with mining to crazypool.
      If this is the case could you please paste here your command line?

      If you have many, but not all, try adding --dag-fix to your command line?
      If this doesn’t help, you may need to adjust a bit your OC settings.


      • STEM says:

        Its ok an another pools. I use only –tune=4.
        –dag-fix not help me.
        Thanks miniZ, its really good miner

        • miniZ says:

          Hi STEM,
          Thank you for your message.

          We have no issue with mining to crazypool. Could you paste here your command line?

          The following was working well for us:
          ./miniZ --url=Wallet_Address@eu.crazypool.org:3333 --extra


  48. Jerry says:

    I try test MiniZ  v.1.8y4rc1 in hiveOS  0.6-206@210723
    nvidia rtx3060 V2  Leadtek, driver 460.84 or 465.31,    core -150,   memory 2700, pl 120, only 27 mh

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Jerry,
      Thank you for your contact.
      Try to lower down a bit your power, closer to 100W.
      Also, add --tune=5 to your command line.
      Let us know if this helps.

  49. Matt says:

    Having some difficulties with an evga 3060 card and the latest release – crashes when it starts.

    HiveOS - 0.6-206@210723
    Nvidia Driver version - 460.39
    Miniz v - 1.8.4rc1
    EVGA V2 3060

    Command line options are:

    Crashes in a loop with error message

    ************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
    [FATAL ] GPU[1]: Driver error 101 'invalid device ordinal' in line 207
    Driver: 460.39

    When I downgraded my driver in Hive OS I noticed that now that HIVE OS reports the card as a GA106, Not sure that it did that before. Before downgrading the driver. I’ve tried rebooting the rig

    After a reboot and trying again, I get the same information.

    • Leandro says:

      Driver 460.39 linux does not work on rtx 3060 with LHR v2.
      Drive 470.05 windows does not work on rtx 3060 with LHR V2.

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Leando,
        The V2 does not work with these drivers. It is better to install the latest driver to avoid these issues.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Matt,
      It is better to use the latest driver, in order to avoid these issues.
      It seems that your GPU doesn’t work with the older driver.
      After, if you see that the miner is not stable. Try adding --tune=5 to your command line.
      Let us know how it goes.

  50. ASUS 3060 says:

    It doesnt seem to work for my card

    Asus 3060 tuf v2 2504 driver 462.65 core -250 mem +1250 PL @ 70 , have tried –tune=4 & 5 –mode=80

    get max 20MH/s

    • PEPE says:

      Its work for all cards.
      Try recommend Overclock and tune 4

    • miniZ says:

      Hi ASUS 3060,

      Possibly you can still lower a bit your PL, to 60%-65%.

      The following settings were working well for us:
      core clock: -150
      mem clock: +2700 (linux) or +1350 (windows)
      pl: ~100W (around 60% on Afterburner)

      You may need to adjust this a bit to yout system.

      Let us know if this helps.


  51. ZZLGG says:

    Zotac 3060 Twin Edge V2 card on latest Nvidia drivers on Windows 10 on v1.8y3

    Getting 32-33MH/s @ 96-97W

    1200 core clock, 8800Mhz mem clock, max core voltage 725mV,

    Fan speed 75%, GPU 48C (wow!!)

    I use NiceHash OCTune, I’ve tried EVGA Precision and MSI Afterburner but the results speak for themselves.

    I will make followup comment with latest built.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi ZZLGG,

      Thank you for the information.

      Locking the fan may help with stability.

      Good to know that it is working well for you.

  52. ikszipszilon says:

    How can I set a fix number of watts in this miner beacuse the hashrate drops beacuse of the miner lowers the value that I set in afterburner?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi ikszipszilon,

      Sorry, but we are not sure we understand the issue.

      Could you give a bit more information? Which GPU are you using?

      Possibly the miner is not running stable in your system. miniZ does not change the value you set in Afterburner, but if it is not stable (because of locking mechanism) it can mine slower.

      If you are using a recent driver try adding --tune=5 to your command line.


  53. John says:

    hello boss

    what mean fee.server

  54. vijay says:

    thanks MiniZ. iam getting almost 40 mh/s. using 460.39 driver.

    CC -150, MC 2200 PL 115W fan 90%


  55. Zino says:

    Couldn’t reply to post above 🙁

    My ASUS TUF RTX 3060 lhr v2 with drivers 471.41 Core -150, Mem + 1350, PL 65% hits up to 35MH with 110W.

    I run the miner with –tune=4 and –mode=80 params.


    — To authors —

    Really good job. Can’t wait for another informations about new version of miner. Good luck!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Zino,
      Thanks a lot for the for your nice words, and for the feedback!
      We’ve been preparing a new version and we’re trying to release it by the weekend.

  56. Alex says:

    Hi, sry for my google-language)
    I have palit 3060ti v1 (LHR) and can take stabel 42-43 mh/s.
    my comand line:

    “–par=ethash –pers=auto –extra –dag-fix –show-mode –mode=80 –tune=5,3025”

    I have no idea if it right or not, but it’s work!!

    I also noticed, use PL in Afterburner – increases the chance for “Searching lock speed” message (every 5 – 40 minutes). But if i use Curve Editor, and make a straight line,  i have 725 mV@1400 core, and + 1400 mem  – then Searching lock almost never happens (2 messages in 7 hours)
    my Curve https://ibb.co/mzsdGVJ




    • miniZ says:

      Hi Alex,
      Thank you for your feedback.
      It is great knowing that it working well with the 3060 Ti!
      We’ll have a look to what you’re suggesting. 🙂

    • 3060 TI LHR says:

      Hi Alex, I have 3060Ti only getting 31 Mh/s
      How are you getting 40+ MH/s?
      can you please share more details?
      Which Driver version are you using? 470.05?
      Are you using HDMI dummy plug on direct PCIE 16x slot?

      Any additional info would be appreicated.

  57. qiexiaojin says:

    Hello boss

    3060 V2 LHR is there any hope of 48MH/s? How much hope

  58. Lee says:


    Here asus 3060 v2
    35 hashrate is fixed
    hiveos 210723
    N 460.67
    But other cards, such as 1660s, the hash rate will be attenuated, how can I solve it?
    • miniZ says:

      Hi Lee,
      Could you paste here your command line? Which miniZ version are you using?

      For the 3060s you do not need to add --mode=80 to your command line.
      Possibly this is what is causing the issue, because it is applying that kernel mode to all GPUs, including the 1660.


  59. Leandro says:

    RTX 3060 LHR V2

    OS Version 0.6-205@210715

    Nvidia Driver 460.91.03


    Core -200 Men 1400 PL@120

    average of ~33 MH/s, running 8 hours stabilized

    how can i improve? thank you very much

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Leandro,
      You can try to lower power to ~100W. Then try --tune=5 (or even --tune=6). Possibly this combination can be stable.
      35Mh/s may be achievable.

  60. qiexiaojin says:

    Hello boss

    how set 3060ti 3070 3070ti.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi qiexiaojin,
      To use the 3060 Ti, the command line is as usual, works like the 3060.
      Currently, we’ve been working on the 3070Ti, so this GPU will be better in the next version.

  61. says:

    我在Windows下能测出稳定35MH/S的算力  但是在hIverson下我该怎么运行miniz这个程序

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 胡,
      Thank you for your feedback.

      Sorry, we are not sure we understand your issue.
      If your question relates to work with HiveOS, their webpage contains usefull information.
      For example here you can find some helpful videos https://www.youtube.com/HiveOS

      If this is not the problem, could you try to rephrase the question?


  62. Vijay says:

    Dear MiniZ team,

    I am happy to report that i have 6 3060 nerfed cards which used to mine @ 36 MH/S using lolminer. now with miniZ they are getiing 39.5++ MH/S. This is awesome. Keep up the goodwork and pls improve upon this further.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Vijay,
      Thank you for your message, for the feedback.
      We’ll do our best to improve the miner 🙂

  63. Lazarus says:

    I use a Gigabyte RTX 3060 Gaming OC in the V2
    I’ve tried all Windows 10 drivers that are available, but always get the same result whether in the Afterburner 59 or 100 power limit. The MiniZ starts at 130khs and runs at around 8Mhs in 10 minutes and it doesn’t work anymore, at least with the Phoenix miner I have 22Mhs.

    • Rsg says:

      I have same card and im geting 35 stable with miniz pl 70% mem clock +1408 and core clock at -150 in mis afterburner. In mini z guy under the extra tab type this –tune 4 –dag-fix –mode=80 and you should have stable 34/35mh/s with that card

      • Rsg says:

        The — should not be solid it sould look lile this
        – – dag-fix. Not sure why its puting them together in the comments

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Lazarus,
      Thank you for you message.

      In you case it seems that it is better to install the latest driver to avoid issues related to this.

      Which miniZ version are you using? Have you tried beta version v1.8y4rc1?
      Could you paste here your command line?

      You can add --tune=5 to your command line and tweak a bit the OC settings.
      The following OC setting worked well for us:
      core: -150 core; mem: +2700; PL: 100.

      Let us know how it goes.

  64. Ajay says:

    3 MSI RTX 3060 Gaming X version (sure these are LHR unsure of the version though) (Samsung GDDR6, BIOS:, PSTATE P2), running with below specs, Any possibility of increasing the hashrate… thanks in advance
    HiveOS: 0.6-206@210723
    Nvidia Driver: 465.31
    PL: 120W
    CC: -150
    MC: -2700
    Fan: 85%
    –tune=4, –mode=80
    Hashrate: 33-34Mh/S

    • Ajay says:

      also, please advise how do I update mode=80 argument in hiveOS when I have different cards in the rig…. example GPU#0&3 are 1660Super, GPU#1,2,4 are 3060s

      • miniZ says:

        Hi Ajay,
        In this case it is easy. --mode=80 is not necessary for the 3060. Just do not add it to the command line. 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ajay,
      You can try to lower power a bit more, closer to 100W. It usually helps stability/performance and use --tune=5, and only if it is not stable try --tune=4.

      Let us know if this helps.

      • Ajay K says:

        Hey… Reducing PL reduced the hashrate significantly, could get 34/35 only at 120W…. Tune 5 is stable…. Any possibility of increasing the hashrate?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Ajay K,
          Which GPU are you using? If it is a 3060 possibly no. But you may be able to reduce the power a bit more and that will increase eficiency.

          If it runs stable without --tune=5, do not use it.

          Let us know how it goes.

  65. RealStonerGamer says:

    anyone able to get more then 35mh/s with gigabyte 3060s   i have tried everything and can only get stable 35  but low shares like 1.5 a min …. at 32 i was getting like 5 a min

    • miniZ says:

      Hi RealStonerGamer,
      Try adding --tune=5 to your command line if you are using a recent Nvidia driver.
      If you use an older driver try --tune=37.

      Let us know if this helps.

      • RealStonerGamer says:

        nope im useing newest driver and tune 5 just make searching lock pop up every 2 to 10 mins tune 4 is more stable and after the 3 second or thirds searching look pop up but i also tryed tune 4.8 and is more stable but not sure if the 4.8 works or if it will just tune to 4 not 4.8 i guess my card will only do 35 ….. sadface

      • RealStonerGamer says:

        so was fooling around in msi and i think i got 36mh/s but is this stable/safe you think https://imgur.com/a/mJBBNuS

        • miniZ says:

          Hi RealStonerGamer,

          36MH/s is good!
          If --tune=4 is more stable, just use that value. (--tune=4.8 will not be different from --tune=4 🙂 )

          Thank you for letting us know!

  66. John says:

    Hello boss

    What mean –tune=5,3025

    • miniZ says:

      Hi John,
      Thank you for your message.

      --tune=5 is a option that sets a parameter that will improve stability with the miner.

      The 3025 is just another parameter, it may improve stability but also decreases performance.


  67. Roy says:


    why my 3060 lhr v1 only get 36-37 mh/s with d latest version v18y4rx1-beta miniz?

    My extra config argument: –mode=80

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Roy,

      You can try adding --tune=38 and see if it runs stable. If not is better to go back to --tune=37. (38 should perform better but could become more unstable)
      --mode=80 is not necessary to the 3060.
      Let us know how it goes.

  68. Proteo says:

    What about 3070ti? MiniZ working with this card?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Proteo,
      Thanks for the feedback.

      We’ve been working with the 3070 Ti and we should make a new release in a few days.

      In any case try a few things:
      – Lower a bit the power of your 3070Ti and 3080Ti, closer to the lower allowed values, maybe it will help.
      – Add --tune=0 to your command line.
      – Add --mode=80 for the 3070 Ti and the 3080 Ti. When you add --mode=80 it applies to all GPUs, so you need to ‘correct’ the 2070 mode.
      At the end of the command line you need to add --mode# 48, substitute # by the 2070 GPU number (in this case no = sign).

      Let us know how it goes.

  69. Johnny says:

    Hi, can u help me ? I have 8 x 3060 EVGA? 41 mh, but all time rejects. For example  A-1430 R-409/ HiveOS 460.39 drivers.–dag-fix –mode=80 –tune=37

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Johnny,
      Could you let us know to which pool are you mining?
      Do you have this issue if you mine to a different pool?
      Thank you.

  70. songho says:


    Brother, why does my 3060v2 graphics card have memory access restrictions?

    How should I solve it?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi songho,
      Sorry, we do not undesrtand your issue.
      Could you paste here miniZ error?

      If you’re having memory issues, and you are on Windows, maybe you need to increase the pagefile.
      You can see here how to check the pagefile size and how to manage it.

  71. Prabh says:

    Hi, seem to be getting 35MH on my 3060ti zotac LHR’s, hopefully can be improved using -mode=80 and tune=5,3025

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Prabh,

      Thank you for the feedback.
      The 3025 is just another parameter, it may improve stability but it also decreases performance. Better not to use it. Only if the miner doesn’t run stable.


  72. chandeno says:

    how to get 45mh to 50mh from RTX 3060 v1 ?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi chandeno,
      For now, those values will be hard to get.
      Yet, in the next version there will be a few improvements.

  73. Raul Sáenz says:

    Thank you very much for this. Im getting around 34mh/s with my strix 3060. I do get the searching lock thing every once in a while, which drops the hashrate very fast. And it takes like 4 or 5 minutes to get back up. But with this beta it’s happening a lot less than with the stable version. I’ll be looking forward to more updates, hope you can get the 3060’s hashrate higher. Thank you again.

  74. WilburZ says:


    It’s exciting to use this sofeware on my EVGA 3060 V2 LHR and GIGABYTE 3060ti LHR. And I found that it works stable on 34M 39M.

    3060 mem +1250    core -350  PL 65%  110W

    3060ti men +1350  core -250  PL 60%  120W

    I just want to say thank you to you.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi WilburZ,
      Thanks a lot for the feedback!
      We are trying to improve performance and stability for the next version.

    • 3060 TI LHR says:

      For 3060ti LHR card, are you using PCI-Express or PCI 16? Wondering if there is any requirement like 3060; where you have to use HDMI dummy plug and such.
      I have tried this on my EVGA 3060Ti LHR card and only able to get 30-31M. Nothing close to 34-39M. 🙁
      Also which Nvidia driver are you using?
      Any details would be appreciated.

  75. Johnny says:

    hello, I have 12 3060 evga, they are all 40-41 mh, but a large % deviation. Hives Configuration: 0.6-206@210723
    Nvidia Driver: 460.39
    Power: 120W
    CC: -150
    MC: -2700
    Fan: 85%
    – setting=37, – mode=80, — dag-fix

  76. Enni says:

    hello, I have 12 3060 evga, they are all 40-41 mh, but a large % reject. Hives Configuration: 0.6-206@210723
    Nvidia Driver: 460.39
    Power: 120W
    CC: -150
    MC: -2700
    Fan: 85%
    – setting=37, – mode=80, — dag-fix

    What should I do ?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Enni,
      Thank you for your message.

      Could you let us know to which pool are you mining?
      Do you have this issue if you mine to a different pool?

      Thank you.

  77. Ali says:

    what parameters do you recommend for 3060ti? cpu memo power limit?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ali,
      We haven’t tested this card. But we think that some other miners shared some values about this one here in this comment section.
      For ~39MH/s, core:-150; mem:+1350 (Windows); PL=100W (~60%)

  78. djjony says:
    hello is stable at 39/40 mh https://im.ge/i/U90fG my set  https://im.ge/i/U9j9a
  79. something went wrong says:

    No mining pool specified!


    I create a flysheet

    hiveos need to fill Wallet and worker template:


    Pool server:port:


    It doesnt work.


  80. LaiZZZ says:

    hello,my 3060ti LHR just 26MH/S,–mode=80 –tune=37 –dag-fix  60%power, i dont know someone else have 40mh/s,Need to debug anything else?471.11

    • RealStonerGamer says:

      use –tune 5 for that driver not 37 tune 5 is still unstable then use –tune 4

    • miniZ says:

      Hi LaiZZZ
      Did you try what RealStonerGamer suggested?
      Because 471.11 --tune=37 is not a good setting. First, try without --tune option. If it is not running stable then you can try --tune=5 (or 4).

      With the version we are working on now maybe there will be a small improvement.

      Let us know how it goes.


  81. Monkey D Luffy says:

    Hello boss

    can u help me ?

    system:5.4.0-hiveos #132

    Driver version:460.84

    Graphics card model:RTX 3060 VISION LHR

    My extra config argument:



    But it displays this when running


    Is there something wrong with my settings?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Monkey D Luffy,

      The issue it that the options need two dashes: "--" and not "-".
      --mode=80 --tune=37 --dag-fix

      For the 3060 you do not need to add --mode=80.

      Let us know how it goes.

  82. 3070ti says:

    Thanks to miniz.

    I can’t wait next version for 3070ti 🙂

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 3070ti,

      Thank you for your preference.

      We are working on the 3070Ti and 3080Ti.

      Is is taking a bit longer than we wanted, but we expect to release the new version in 5-7 days.


  83. Narkos says:
    Hi, Thanks for your work !!!
    3060 LHR v2 under hiveos driver 460.84 I get a solid 35mh
    core -200 mem +2500 pl 115w
    Possible to go further?
    thanks again
    • miniZ says:

      Hi Narkos,

      Thanks for the feedback.

      With the version we are working on now maybe there will be a small improvement in stability and performance for that GPU.

      Is is taking a bit longer than we wanted, but we expect to release the new version in 5-7 days.


  84. cm q says:

    what’s    “Bad share: Low difficulty”  mean?

    0>RTX 3060 Ti S: 0/2 [60 C/65%] 43.35(43.35)MH/s 132(131.5)W clk=1415MHz mclk=8042MHz MH/W=0.33
    1>RTX 3060
    S: 0/0 [67 C/40%] 33.20(33.20)MH/s 110(110.2)W clk=1184MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.30
    [WARNING] Bad share: Low difficulty
    [ 0d 0h 2m40s] 76(76.3)MH/s 242(241.7)W
    0>RTX 3060 Ti S: 0/3 [60 C/65%]* 43.45(43.45)MH/s 132(131.5)W clk=1162MHz mclk=8042MHz MH/W=0.33
    1>RTX 3060
    S: 0/0 [67 C/40%] 33.27(33.27)MH/s 110(110.2)W clk= 981MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.30
    [TRACE ] GPU[2]: Searching lock… speed=16.5/45.7[3,58,3.050,0.73]
    [ 0d 0h 2m50s] 74(73.6)MH/s 215(235.5)W
    0>RTX 3060 Ti S: 0/3 [60 C/66%] 43.51(43.51)MH/s 132(131.5)W clk=1161MHz mclk=8042MHz MH/W=0.33
    1>RTX 3060
    S: 0/0 [63 C/40%] 33.27(33.27)MH/s 83(103.9)W clk=1544MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.32

    • miniZ says:

      Hi cm q,

      Thank you for the feedback.

      That error message refers to an invalid share, but you got 2 invalids in 2 submitted.
      We suspect that maybe there is something that is not correct in your command line. Could you paste here your command line?


      • Michael says:

        Hello. I have the same problem. Sometimes is working good, but sometimes accepted shares rate is going under 60%. The log Shows ” Bad share: Low difficulty “. I’am using HiveOs. miniz version: v.1.8y4rc1 (gpu: 3060 lhr v1)=== /hive/miners/miniz/1.8y4/miniz.conf =================================================–par=ethash –url=my_nick.my_rig@ethash.poolbinance.com:1800 -cd 1–mode1 80

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Michael,
          Thank you for the feedback.
          It could be related to your OCs. If you adjust the values a little, does it help?
          Does this also happen with version v1.8y4rc2?

  85. Alex says:

    Hi Miniz,

    I really love your miners.

    My Hiveos rig is mixed with 1660s, 1660ti and 3060s graphics cards. To get 3660s running in a higher hashrate, I have to add –tune parameter in the miniz command.

    Now I run 3660s in miniz miner and 1660s/1660ti in T-rex miner as I think the –tune parameter for 3060s will affect 1660s/1660ti.

    Can you please let me know how to add 1660s/1660ti and 3660s in one MiniZ miner without affecting each other’s best performance?

    Thank you

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Alex,

      Thank you for your message.

      The option --tune should not affect the 1660s performance.

      However, --mode=80 in the command line will affect all GPUs. If you are adding --mode=80 just remove it. For the 3060s it is not necessary.


  86. MATT says:

    Hi guys,

    thanks for the stuff.

    – OS Windows 10
    – Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3060 Ti Vision OC LHR- 8GB (rev. 2.0)
    – NVIDIA Version 466.47
    – miniz v1.8y4rc1 beta

    result= 25 MH/S

    Any setup ideas for this card?


    Have a great Weekend.


  87. skiiruu says:

    Hi everyone

    After reading all these posts and searching for hours i finally was able to get stable hashrate lol. No need for much tweaks apparently.

    Temps are around 50°

    HIVEOS 06-205@210715

    Driver: 460.84

    MSI 3060 V1 (Nerfed) PL 120 Core 1400(absolute core clock feature) Mem 2400 =34~35 mh/s

    Gainward 3060 TI LHR PL 130 core 1200(it gets unstable if more->searching lock) Mem 2400 =39~40 mh/s

    just using – – dag-fix – – mode=80 – – tune=5

    Hopefully we can get at least 45 mh/s for the 3060 TI soon

    Thanks miniZ


    • miniZ says:

      Hi skiiruu,
      Thank a lot for the information.
      For the 3060s you do not need to add --mode=80.
      There will be small improvements for the 3060, and the 3060Ti will benefit from these.

  88. cocoanut says:

    I have two 3070ti LHR V2

    I can’t wait next version for 3070ti😀


    • miniZ says:

      Hi cocoanut,

      Thank you for your message.

      We are working on the 3070Ti and 3080Ti.

      Is is taking a bit longer than we wanted, but we expect to release the new version in 5-7 days.


  89. Tim Klembt says:

    Work for RTX 3080?


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Tim Klembt,

      We are working on the 3070Ti and 3080Ti. Hopefully, the 3080 will benefit from the work on the 3080Ti.

      We expect to release the new version in 5-7 days.


  90. Reys says:

    Hi MiniZ, could you share the expected date of release of your new update, please?

    Can’t wait for it.


    • RealStonerGamer says:

      he had said in a few days the other days so i would assume soon

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Reys,
      Sorry for the late response.
      We think it will be by the end of the week. Likely saturday.
      Last week, our main developer broke a leg and will undergo a surgery. If all goes well we need just a few more days to finish adjustments.
      Thank you for your patience.

  91. ASUS 3060 says:

    Hey MiniZ

    Could not replay to my previous post?

    I have changed my OC setting in after burner to core -150 mem +1350 power limit 65%

    Now running driver 471.41 on windows 10

    My BAT file is the following

    miniZ.exe –url=**my wallet**@eu1.ethermine.org:4444 –tune=5 –mode=80

    Have tried tune=4, have removed mode=80 & I have removed all extra parameters all together and all it results in is 20MH/s

    Would like to get to 35MH/s like other 3060 LHRv2 but just don’t work

    GPU Asus TUF 3060 OC

    • Reugner says:

      Try GFXCore 1447 MHz, MEMCore 8575 MHz, Pl 120 Watts I get 35+ with the V2

    • RealStonerGamer says:

      make sure there is nothing running in background that only happends to me when useing web or downloading at the same time …..

    • miniZ says:

      Hi ASUS 3060,
      Be sure you are using beta version v1.8y4rc1.
      Also, try to lower a bit more the power limit. Closer to 100W.
      Let us know how it goes.

  92. hiveInterested says:

    Hello miniz team,
    Recently I bought a rtx 3070 LHR (non Ti) and wondering if miniz will work on this card too. If it works, please let me know which OC setting should be used for?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    • miniZ says:

      Hi hiveInterested,
      It will work with the version we are working on.
      We expect to release this weekend.

  93. ASUS 3060 says:

    Cant reply to my own post dunno why.

    anyway have stopped loads of running back ground processes via task manager and unistalled apps via control panel.

    Not using the computer at all no websites/downloads running

    Have tried changing mining pools

    Have re-downloaded miner and setup fresh .BAT file

    Have removed HDMI plug and left the computer running for 20 mins

    Nothing gets me over 20MH/s

    .BAT file is miniZ.exe –url=wallet address@eu1.ethermine.org:4444 –tune=4 –mode=80

    Does it take time for the 35MH/s to kick in? im waiting around 10/15 mins

    Also for me –tune+4/5 & –mode=80 have no affect at all if i delete them the miner still runs at 20MH/s have i inputted them correctly on the .BAT file?

    • RealStonerGamer says:

      try using – -dag-fix to your command line this is what i use for 35mh/s
      miniZ.exe –url=realstonergamer.realstonergamer@prohashing.com:3339 -p password –par=ethash –tune 4.7 –show-mode –show-shares –mode=80 –extra –nohttpheaders –dag-fix

    • miniZ says:

      Hi ASUS 3060,
      Be sure you are using beta version v1.8y4rc1.
      Also, try to lower a bit more the power limit. Closer to 100W.
      It doesn’t take that long to reach ~35MH/s. It starts rising almost imediately.
      Let us know how it goes.

  94. John says:

    Hello heartbreakers I recently just added an rtx 3060 to my rig And apparently it is lhr v2 only the nvidia 460.81 driver recognizes me Driver less than that does not start higher driver if it works already and tried in several drivers but it does not exceed 22MH Any help please

    • miniZ says:

      Hi John,

      Possibly you need to lower a bit your PL, to ~60%.

      The following settings were working well for us:
      core clock: -150
      mem clock: +2700 (linux)
      pl: ~100W

      You may need to adjust this a bit to yout system.

      If this doesn’t work try adding --tune=5 to your command line.

      Let us know if this helps.


  95. xin says:

    I am on 3060Ti, using GPU-150 memory +1350, mode=80 tuen=36, there will be 40+MH in the first 2 seconds, and then only about 29MH, what else do I need to adjust?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi xin,
      With your GPU you need to use --tune=5 or --tune=4.
      Do not use --tune=36.
      Let us know how it goes.

  96. thewakko says:

    hello good, first thanks for the efforts of the developers, and secondly I have a query I face a problem when trying to add a gpu 3060 msi ventux v1 it causes me to crash with error cuda 77 and then it restarts and comes out cuda 66 and illegal memory it Which setting pl100, mc2300, cc -150 only lasted 40 minutes and went back to crash gpu I took it out and put it in trex miner along with my other gpu and stable miner and the gpu without problems any advice to be able to pass it back to miniz? attached images

    hiveos   https://ibb.co/tDRt4Wc

    miner  https://ibb.co/LgHRZ6R


    • miniZ says:

      Hi thewakko,
      Thank you for your message.
      From what you describe you may need to adjust your OCs a little bit.
      Let us know if this helps.

  97. 3060 TI LHR says:

    Using options: –log –pci-order –show-mode –shares-detail –mode=80 -pers=auto –extra –dag-fix

    And seeing this:   GH/s  not MH/s  also 1070ti and 306i Ti (LHR) not getting any hasrate.

    [ 0d 0h 0m50s] 94(93.5)GH/s 328(321.0)W
    0>GTX 1660 Ti [80] S: 0/0 [46 C/45%] 37.41(37.41)GH/s 24( 24.1)W clk=1409MHz mclk=6694MHz GH/W=1.55
    1>GTX 1660 SUPER[80]
    S: 0/0 [51 C/32%] 32.93(32.93)GH/s 29( 28.8)W clk=1343MHz mclk=7433MHz GH/W=1.14
    2>GTX 1660 Ti [80] S: 0/0 [47 C/33%] 33.31(33.31)GH/s 35( 35.1)W clk=1244MHz mclk=6794MHz GH/W=0.95
    3>GTX 1070 Ti [20]
    S: 0/0 [61 C/34%] 0.02( 0.02)GH/s 99( 95.6)W clk=1613MHz mclk=4404MHz GH/W=0.00
    4>RTX 3060 Ti [80] `S: 0/0 [58 C/58%] 0.02( 0.02)GH/s 141(137.4)W clk=1646MHz mclk=7993MHz GH/W=0.00



    ************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 5
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:5163]: Selecting GPU#0[0] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:5167]: Selecting GPU#1[1] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:5163]: Selecting GPU#2[2] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
    [WARNING] GPU[3] cannot run in mode 80
    miniZ<ethash>[20:1:00.0:7217]: Selecting GPU#3[3] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:7161]: Selecting GPU#4[4] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 3060 TI LHR,

      Sorry for taking this long to reply. Due to a fall, our main developer got injured, had to go through a surgery, and this disrupted our work a great deal.

      The issue with the hashrate in the other GPUs is related to --mode=80. There is no need to add it to the command line for the 3060s to work. 🙂
      When you add --mode=80 to the command line it also applies kernel 80 to the other GPUs and they will not perform well.

      Let us know if this helped.

  98. Nico says:

    im crashing the card to get the glitch, then i change the miner to get 49/50 MHS

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Nico,
      Yes, that is a way to do it. 🙂
      But keep an eye on the system.

      • Helios says:

        How does one perform this function on a LHR V2 3060? Any reply would be greatly welcomed, I am pumping 38 MH on you all’s awesome piece of work the last version of your software release in late July, and everywhere jerks talking about lol miner and NBminer with they not as good as you all’s unlock I have been informing yeah try out MiniZ and quit wasting time on that, those software coders are the best, because it is true, your miner beats those ones and credit is given where it is so due, not to mention the EPIC at least for me 100% increase on certain equihash algos as to have gminer only gives 44 sol/s and yours pumps 93 sol/s is beyond me but you all are freaking code geniuses if you ask me and anyone reading this, correct anyone on reddit and forums of miniZ of the LHR unlock, hell barley a single youtube video about these guys or gals code genius yet lol miner and NBminer get credit when they fail so compared….yeah not okay or correct miniZ spanks their asses into last year especially with the ticking clock on eth , so let us get that word out. I guess I should just post in reddit ETH mining and let the goblins in most of our miner heads just do their work to so see for there self like is common with at least myself and all miners I know on locked down tech and a ticking clock where every MH means that much less eth to hold and get massive passive income once 2.0 kills the second king in crypto mining wise but yeah 3 of those equihash algo coins are going to be what we go to raven or Firo as the numbers sit ATM this day as I so type and equihash algos MiniZ is master, Emperor and king of it no joke on the sol/s boost above and I do not even care given it was same pool side, this miner will be going places big time. Perhaps a boost to kawpow is in order ???? Dev team have anything like that on the agenda ? Thank you guys/gals for being epicness in these final hours “months” before the mining death of a legend completes but given that equihash boost beyond imagination a power grab of what is coming such brilliant coders such as yourself could take your fair share and show lol miner and NBminer what is up!!!

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Helios,

          Thank you so much for your message.

          It is always good to know that our work is being appreciated.

          The new release will be out very soon with improvements in stability and performance.

  99. ASUS 3060 says:

    [INFO ] Target set to 00000000FFFF0000 (4295.03M)
    [INFO ] GPU[0]: Generating DAG #433 [4487+70=4558MB]
    [INFO ] GPU[0]: Generated DAG in 24.640
    [ 0d 0h 0m32s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/53%] 392.68(392.68)kH/s 111(111.1)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz kH/W=3.54
    [ 0d 0h 0m39s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/53%] 15.32(15.32)MH/s 112(112.0)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.14
    [ 0d 0h 0m40s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/53%] 15.32(15.32)MH/s 112(112.0)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.14
    [ 0d 0h 0m50s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/53%] 17.27(17.27)MH/s 115(113.9)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.15
    [ 0d 0h 1m00s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/53%] 17.93(17.93)MH/s 115(114.3)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.16
    [ 0d 0h 1m10s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/53%] 18.50(18.50)MH/s 118(116.2)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.16
    [ 0d 0h 1m20s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/53%] 18.82(18.82)MH/s 119(117.2)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.16
    [ 0d 0h 1m30s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/53%] 19.30(19.30)MH/s 120(118.1)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.16
    [ 0d 0h 1m40s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/53%] 19.43(19.43)MH/s 122(118.9)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.16
    [ 0d 0h 1m50s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/53%] 19.52(19.52)MH/s 119(118.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.16
    [ 0d 0h 2m00s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/53%] 19.66(19.66)MH/s 119(118.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 2m10s] S: 0/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/53%] 19.76(19.76)MH/s 120(119.2)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 2m20s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/53%]* 19.83(19.83)MH/s 120(119.4)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 2m30s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/53%] 19.81(19.81)MH/s 121(119.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 2m40s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/54%] 19.82(19.82)MH/s 122(120.0)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 2m50s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/54%] 19.83(19.83)MH/s 119(119.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 3m00s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/55%] 19.84(19.84)MH/s 120(119.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 3m10s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/55%] 19.82(19.82)MH/s 121(120.0)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 3m20s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/56%] 19.81(19.81)MH/s 120(120.1)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.16
    [ 0d 0h 3m30s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/56%] 19.85(19.85)MH/s 122(120.3)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 3m40s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/56%] 19.89(19.89)MH/s 123(120.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 3m50s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/56%] 19.96(19.95)MH/s 120(120.2)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 4m00s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 19.99(19.98)MH/s 120(120.3)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 4m10s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.02(20.00)MH/s 121(120.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 4m20s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.04(20.02)MH/s 120(120.4)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 4m30s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.07(20.04)MH/s 122(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 4m40s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.11(20.08)MH/s 123(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 4m50s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.13(20.09)MH/s 119(120.4)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 5m00s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.14(20.11)MH/s 120(120.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 5m10s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.16(20.12)MH/s 121(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 5m20s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.19(20.14)MH/s 120(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 5m30s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.17(20.13)MH/s 122(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 5m40s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.15(20.12)MH/s 122(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 5m50s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.13(20.11)MH/s 119(120.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 6m00s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.11(20.10)MH/s 120(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 6m10s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.09(20.09)MH/s 120(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 6m20s] S: 1/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.06(20.07)MH/s 120(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 6m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%]* 20.03(20.06)MH/s 122(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 6m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.02(20.05)MH/s 122(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 6m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.07(20.07)MH/s 119(120.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 7m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.09(20.08)MH/s 120(120.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 7m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.11(20.09)MH/s 120(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 7m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.16(20.12)MH/s 121(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 7m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.19(20.13)MH/s 122(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 7m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.27(20.17)MH/s 121(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 7m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.31(20.19)MH/s 119(120.5)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 8m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.35(20.21)MH/s 120(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 8m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.38(20.23)MH/s 121(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 8m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/56%] 20.41(20.25)MH/s 122(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 8m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/56%] 20.46(20.28)MH/s 122(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 8m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.49(20.29)MH/s 121(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 8m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.48(20.30)MH/s 120(120.6)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 9m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.47(20.30)MH/s 121(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 9m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.44(20.30)MH/s 121(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 9m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/56%] 20.44(20.30)MH/s 122(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 9m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/56%] 20.43(20.30)MH/s 123(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 9m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.42(20.30)MH/s 121(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h 9m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.40(20.30)MH/s 120(120.7)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h10m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.38(20.30)MH/s 121(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h10m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.40(20.31)MH/s 121(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h10m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/56%] 20.43(20.32)MH/s 122(120.9)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h10m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/56%] 20.45(20.33)MH/s 123(120.9)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h10m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/56%] 20.50(20.35)MH/s 120(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h10m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.52(20.36)MH/s 120(120.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h11m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.53(20.37)MH/s 121(120.9)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h11m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.55(20.38)MH/s 121(120.9)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h11m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.56(20.38)MH/s 122(120.9)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h11m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/57%] 20.59(20.40)MH/s 123(121.0)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h11m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/57%] 20.61(20.41)MH/s 120(120.9)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Searching lock… speed=16.4/32.9[3,56,3.050,0.73]
    [ 0d 0h11m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [50 C/57%] 20.62(20.42)MH/s 100(119.9)W clk=1792MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h12m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [47 C/55%] 20.62(20.42)MH/s 73(117.8)W clk=1770MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h12m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/53%] 18.89(19.96)MH/s 86(117.1)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h12m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [56 C/54%] 20.59(20.37)MH/s 114(117.8)W clk=1793MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h12m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/54%] 21.61(20.64)MH/s 135(118.8)W clk=1786MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.17
    [ 0d 0h12m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/58%] 22.55(20.90)MH/s 139(119.4)W clk=1794MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.18
    [ 0d 0h12m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/61%] 23.43(21.16)MH/s 141(120.0)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.18
    [ 0d 0h13m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/62%] 25.08(21.68)MH/s 147(120.9)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.18
    [ 0d 0h13m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/63%] 25.91(21.95)MH/s 149(121.7)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.18
    [ 0d 0h13m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/63%] 26.66(22.21)MH/s 153(122.5)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.18
    [ 0d 0h13m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/63%] 27.35(22.47)MH/s 156(123.4)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.18
    [ 0d 0h13m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/63%] 28.04(22.73)MH/s 150(123.9)W clk=1777MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.18
    [ 0d 0h13m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/64%] 29.26(23.24)MH/s 148(124.4)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h14m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/64%] 29.80(23.48)MH/s 151(125.2)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h14m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/64%] 30.28(23.71)MH/s 152(125.9)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h14m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/64%] 30.74(23.94)MH/s 154(126.5)W clk=1782MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h14m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [59 C/64%] 31.15(24.16)MH/s 156(127.2)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h14m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/64%] 31.87(24.58)MH/s 153(127.7)W clk=1774MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h14m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 32.19(24.79)MH/s 148(128.0)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h15m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 32.48(24.98)MH/s 151(128.7)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h15m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 32.74(25.18)MH/s 152(129.3)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.19
    [ 0d 0h15m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/65%] 33.04(25.51)MH/s 151(129.7)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h15m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/65%] 33.15(25.66)MH/s 155(130.3)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h15m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 33.25(25.82)MH/s 155(130.8)W clk=1772MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h15m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 33.35(25.96)MH/s 149(131.0)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h16m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 33.63(26.27)MH/s 151(131.5)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h16m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 33.79(26.43)MH/s 153(132.0)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h16m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/65%] 33.94(26.58)MH/s 151(132.4)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h16m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/65%] 34.07(26.73)MH/s 155(132.9)W clk=1773MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h16m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [58 C/65%] 34.20(26.87)MH/s 156(133.3)W clk=1770MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h16m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 34.42(27.15)MH/s 150(133.5)W clk=1777MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h17m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 34.51(27.29)MH/s 150(133.9)W clk=1780MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h17m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/65%] 34.60(27.42)MH/s 152(134.3)W clk=1781MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h17m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/65%] 34.66(27.54)MH/s 143(134.4)W clk=1606MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.20
    [ 0d 0h17m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/64%] 34.73(27.67)MH/s 129(134.0)W clk=1465MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.21
    [ 0d 0h17m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/64%] 34.86(27.91)MH/s 123(133.7)W clk=1367MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.21
    [ 0d 0h17m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/63%] 34.93(28.03)MH/s 119(133.3)W clk=1371MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.21
    [ 0d 0h18m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/62%] 34.92(28.13)MH/s 117(133.0)W clk=1619MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.21
    [ 0d 0h18m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/61%] 34.86(28.22)MH/s 116(132.7)W clk=1620MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.21
    [ 0d 0h18m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/60%] 34.77(28.40)MH/s 116(132.4)W clk=1622MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.21
    [ 0d 0h18m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/59%] 34.74(28.49)MH/s 116(132.0)W clk=1594MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h18m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/58%] 34.71(28.57)MH/s 116(131.8)W clk=1377MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h18m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/58%] 34.79(28.68)MH/s 116(131.5)W clk=1502MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h19m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/57%] 34.92(28.79)MH/s 115(131.2)W clk=1625MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Searching lock… speed=16.3/49.4[3,56,3.050,0.74]
    [ 0d 0h19m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [49 C/56%] 35.03(28.89)MH/s 111(130.8)W clk=1790MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h19m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [46 C/55%] 33.14(28.67)MH/s 78(129.3)W clk=1769MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h19m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [51 C/53%] 31.22(28.42)MH/s 82(128.5)W clk=1612MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h19m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/53%] 30.93(28.41)MH/s 98(128.2)W clk=1606MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h19m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/53%] 30.93(28.44)MH/s 107(128.0)W clk=1573MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h20m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/53%] 31.10(28.50)MH/s 111(127.8)W clk=1223MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h20m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/53%] 31.56(28.65)MH/s 113(127.6)W clk=1221MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.22
    [ 0d 0h20m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/53%] 31.80(28.72)MH/s 114(127.4)W clk=1481MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.23
    [ 0d 0h20m30s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/53%] 32.04(28.80)MH/s 115(127.2)W clk=1486MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.23
    [ 0d 0h20m40s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [54 C/62%] 32.25(28.88)MH/s 115(127.0)W clk=1484MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.23
    [ 0d 0h20m50s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/65%] 32.41(28.95)MH/s 115(126.8)W clk=1451MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.23
    [ 0d 0h21m00s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/65%] 32.66(29.08)MH/s 115(126.7)W clk=1239MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.23
    [ 0d 0h21m10s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/65%] 32.80(29.14)MH/s 115(126.5)W clk=1241MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.23
    [ 0d 0h21m20s] S: 2/0/0 0>RTX 3060 100% [52 C/65%] 32.92(29.21)MH/s 115(126.3)W clk=1490MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.23

    i have finally seen over 20MH/s but this is so random sometimes it works sometimes don’t

    core -150 mem +1350 pl 100% only using –show-shares –log

    trying now with pl 80% and –tune=5 –mode=80 ill wait and see

    adding –dag-fix stops bat file running minz.exe?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi ASUS 3060,

      Have you tried to lower PL a little bit more? And yes, try with --tune=5. Maybe this will help.

      For the 3060 you do not need to use --mode=80, this kernel will start by default on this GPU.

      --dag-fix, shouldn’t have that effect. Are you sure it is caused by this option?

      Let us know how it goes with --tune=5, and with lower PL.


  100. Ron says:

    I understand you guys want to start from 0MH/s and go up step by step (each step is 0.02~ 0.03MH/s) to find the lock, but who would put a lock at 3MH/s or 5MH/s? Could you use something like a binary search? Or have some baseline for particular models? The few minutes just after starting is really terrible. Like 1MH/s something and it is a waste of time.



    [ 0d 0h 9m10s] 0>RTX 3060 100% [41 C/80%] 1.86(1.74)MH/s 38( 40.7)W clk=1102MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.04
    [ 0d 0h 9m20s] 0>RTX 3060
    100% [41 C/80%] 1.87(1.75)MH/s 37( 40.5)W clk=1102MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.04
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/20.7[1,32421.18,2.070,1.08]
    [ 0d 0h 9m30s] 0>RTX 3060 100% [41 C/80%] 1.87(1.75)MH/s 43( 40.9)W clk=1102MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.04
    [ 0d 0h 9m40s] 0>RTX 3060
    100% [41 C/80%] 1.90(1.76)MH/s 39( 40.7)W clk=1102MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.04
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Searching lock… speed=20.6/20.7[1,32421.18,2.070,1.09]
    [ 0d 0h 9m50s] 0>RTX 3060 ` 100% [41 C/80%] 1.90(1.76)MH/s 47( 41.4)W clk=1102MHz mclk=7300MHz MH/W=0.04

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ron,

      Thank you for your message.

      The miner is not making those steps, but you are right it is not running well with your GPU. The miner is not able to get rid of the lock.

      Are you using miniZ v1.8y4rc1 (beta) version? Try this version, it is the most recent and is running well with your GPU. You can download it here.
      If you are not lowering power, it is better to do that too. Pl closer to 100W.
      Also, try adding --tune=5 to your command line if you’re using a recent driver.

      Let us know if this helps.


  101. kiran kumar says:

    getting 42mh @120watts for rtx 3060TI.anybody tried on 3070TI,3080,3080TI?


    • Eduardo Rafael Cariaga Canche says:

      Can you share more data? Is on HiveOs or Windows? What Driver & settings, i have the same card, thanks sir.

  102. Joe says:

    Testing on EVGA 3060 Ti LHR, ethereum. Syntax:  miniZ.exe –url=Wallet.Worker@us1.ethermine.org:4444 –mode=80 –tune=5. We get 39 to 41 Mh which is great, but does seem to mess up after about an hour.  Starts to run TRACE too many times. Mh goes down to 3mh at some point. We close and restart the batch file and back to 39-41mh!  For now, perhaps solution is to automatically restart the program every 60 minutes, or create a command line option to reset the program such as –restart=60.

  103. sukelove says:

    TKS MININZ,,,my 3060LHR running LONGTIME  AT 35M,110W,,,WIN 10X64 , core -350 ,GPU电压800,, Mem +1150 ,,pl 70%,, –tune=5,,,,I AM Chinese

  104. Kasper says:

    3060 V2 (id 2504)

    Client: 1.8y4
    Driver: 460.84

    Miner Config:
    • miniZ says:

      Hi Kasper,

      Thank you for your message.

      Do not use --ocX with the the 3060s (or any 30XX). It will not work with GPUs with lock mechanism.
      Also it is better not to use --mode=80. For the 3060 there is no need to specify the kernel mode.

      Let us know if this helps.

  105. SalihFx says:

    Hello hiveos 0.6-207@210810

    Nvidia 460.39 driver

    miniz-ver. 1.8y4



    O.c Setting  Core: 1450 mem:2400 PL:115

    40 Mhs

    stable Excellent Work  🙂


  106. Mr Liu says:

    hi, i’m use rtx 3060 v2 lhr.

    power,70%, core-350,mem+1200, but the rate is not stable.

    max 33M, min is 16M. run about an hour.

    the command line is this

    .\miniZ.exe –url=sp_304225502.rtx3060@cn.sparkpool.com:3333 –par=ethash –pers=auto
    –tune=37 –mode=80 –log
    timeout /t 5


    version 1.8y4c1

    my question is that how to make the hash rate stable?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mr Liu,
      Thank you for your message.

      Which driver are you using?

      If you are using driver 461.40 you can use --tune=38 (or 37).
      However, if you use a more recent driver, then you need to use --tune=5 (or 4).

      Let us know if this helps.

  107. sukelove88 says:

    what the wrong???  how to FIX it? it show like this ::”socker write error2.        write:NO error”

    • miniZ says:

      Hi sukelove88,
      That error means that the connection to the pool is not very good.
      Try to use a different server, or mining pool.
      If the hashrate doesn’t drop there is nothing to worry about.

  108. Leclerc_16 says:


    Thank you for your amazing work.

    I have recently bought LHR 3060, LHR 3060Ti and LHR 3080.

    I tried the LHR 3060 12GB with 1.8y4rc1 on Hive os(driver 465.31), with only -tune=5 command. OC is core -150; mem 2200; PL 100w; My hash rate at last stabled at 31.29MH.

    I first used the driver 460.39 and failed to boot and connected to Hive os. I used –mode=80 but it didn’t seem to work.

    Is there any further suggestions ?

    And for my LHR 3080, how should I tuned it?



    • miniZ says:

      Hi Leclerc_16,

      Thank you for your message.

      It looks that the older driver doesn’t work for your GPU. But also for the 3080 you’ll need a recent driver, so best to just install a recent driver so that it works for all.

      Also, it is best to use the version v1.8y4rc1 (beta version), in case you are not using it already.

      We have been working on the 3080Ti, and the 3080 will also benefit from these improvements. The new version will come out very soon.


  109. NewMiner says:

    Thank you guys.

    My testing on 3060LHR 12GB is 33.39MH with command –tune=4 and OC core-150 Men 1800 PL 100w

    Driver is 460.91.03 Miniz 1.8y4rc1 on Hive os

    • miniZ says:

      Hi NewMiner,
      Thank you for the feedback.
      It looks that it is working OK for you.

      Because you are using --tune=4, we presume that --tune=5 was not stable for you?

      We’ve been working on a new version, and expect some improvements both in performance and in stability for your GPU.
      It’s a release that has been delayed but it should be out very soon.


  110. soso says:

    Hello from germany,

    i use the Palit 3060 V2 Dual Fan OC 12 GB – Price in germany approx 540 Euro

    MSI Afterburner 4.6.3 16053


    Windows 10 Pro 10.0.19043  15GB Pagefile – Mainboard MSI Z270 PC-Mate (MS-7A72) – I7 7700K – 32GB Dram 3200Mhz

    Nvidia Driver 466.27-desktop-win10-64bit-international-dch-whql.exe

    I use the following command line in Minz

    .\miniZ.exe –url=0xF46ab7a7c9EFbd52F9A6e241f93F0277FAB1ef6d.ernie007008@eu1.ethermine.org:4444 –tune 4
    timeout /t 5
    goto loop

    After 10 hours with the 3060 i get approx 35.5 Mhs / 120 Watt / in the smae system i use a RTX 1060 6GB

    and with my 1060 6GB with the same command line i get approx 19,5 / 83Watt


    Here my results after 10 hours

    Therefore must have AMD – Nvidia not more interested for mining

    6700XT approx 43-47 Mhs 100-115 Watt price in germany 600-700 Euro

    6600XT approx 30 Mhs / 60 Watt price in germany approx 500-570 Euro

    Nvidia 3060 – 35 Mhs / 100-120 Watt

    Winner in perfomance and Price AMD!

    greetings from germany


    • miniZ says:

      Hi soso,
      Thank you for your feedback.

      We need to improve performance for the Nvidia. Or are you suggesting that we need to add support for the AMD? 🙂


  111. Kristpas says:

    Thanks guys got 42 mh/s sec. on my rtx3060ti

    Afterburner settings – PL(70%), Core clock(+200), Memory Clock(+1050)

    In bat file using only –mode=80 –tune=4

    Waiting for update, thank you ! 🙂

  112. ivean says:

    raveos driver 460.84

    Core: -200

    Mem: 2600

    PL 110

    –tune 6 , oc –fixclk=1280

    34.14 MH/s Thank you

  113. ivean says:
    This is a 3060 Palit LHR card, with oc setting –fixclk = 1280 and Core clock-200, it began to gain speed faster and work more stable. Consumption somewhere 103-109W.
  114. smbdy says:

    Hi, miniZ 🙂

    …i have Gigabyte RTX3060 v.1 x5, mining on ethermine on HiveOS: core 1480, memory 2180-2700 (some cards need lower memory), power ~98-112W (it changing every time), every card gives ~40Mh/s and ratio 0.37-0.40

    use command line commands:


    tried –tune 37 & 38, but seems it works better without it.

    All looks good, but after 20…30minutes or later some cards have invalid shares. In 24h it’s about 1…2% ..not much, but sucks :D, i lowered memory clock on cards with invalids, but anyway some invalids.


    • miniZ says:

      Hi smbdy,
      Thanks for the feedback.

      Did it help when you adjusted the clocks? Are all GPUs equally affected?

      It looks that could be the OCs. However, we’ll have a closer look at this.

  115. MasterB says:


    maybe someone is here with same problems.

    Running rtx3060 and rtx2070 super since months:

    – rtx3060 @ 42MH/s (1st PCEe 16x)
    – rtx2070Super @47MH/s (2nd PCIe 16x)
    – Nvidia Driver 470.05
    – both with Excavator v1.7.1d  (Nicehash)

    Additionally I got a rtx3090FE and changed the pci slots

    – rtx3090 @115MH/s (1st PCIe 16x)
    – rtx2070Super @47MH/s (riser @ PCI 1x)
    – rtx3060 @25MH/s (riser @ PCI 1x)
    – all with Excavator v1.7.1d (Nicehash)

    so I tried to use Nicehash only with rtx3090 + rtx2070Super and miniZ with rtx3060

    I don’t get more than 21MH/s with miniZ.
    Tried v1.8y3, 1.8y4rc1 and several nvidia driver (470.05, 461.40, 471.68)

    Could it be a hardware problem with riser on pci or software problems with wrong driver <-> miniz version?

    Someone an idea?

  116. MasterB says:

    Hi, getting not over 35MH/s with v1.8y4rc1 and NVidia 471,68

    Clock -200

    Mem 1450

    Parameter tune=4

    • miniZ says:

      Hi MasterB,
      Thank you for your message.

      Possibly the 3060 would perform better if in the 1st PCIe, and using Nvidia Driver 470.05.

      You could also try Nvidia Driver 461.40, it doesn’t work for all 3060s. If it works you may achieve ~40Mh/S.
      You could try it out. With this driver you may need to add --tune=37 if needed to make it more stable.

      With the recent drivers you need to use --tune=5 (or 4).

      With the NVidia 471,68 the RTX3060 will not make more than ~35Mh/s.

      Let us know how it goes.

  117. Carlos says:

    Hola me salta este error desde HiveOS.

    [FATAL  ] GPU[9]: Driver error 101 invalid device ordinal in line 207

    0.6-209@210819, 5.4.0-hiveos # 132
    Driver Nvidia: 465,31
    RTX 3060 × 1

  118. Mody says:

    Hi MiniZ,

    when are we expecting the new version? And what improvements are we expecting specially in RTX 3060 V1 ?

    • RSG says:

      yeah been weeks and would love to see a new version soon… he said a few days 2 weeks ago …

      • miniZ says:

        Hi RSG,
        Thank you for your message.
        You are right, unfortunately we had to deal with unexpected events.
        The release will be out very soon.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mody,
      Thank you for your message.

      The new release is delayed due to a fall that affected our main developer.
      Things are slowly going back to normal and we expect that the new release will be out very soon.

      The 3060 will have improvements in performance (~37Mh/s with latest driver in linux). Also, it will have improved stability. 🙂

      • RSG says:

        cant wait !!!any improvement for windows? and the new drivers 471.96?

        • miniZ says:

          Hi RSG,
          We’re also impacient with the release. 🙂
          Yes, the 3060s will also have improvements on Windows. However, that driver (471.96) will not work for now.
          We had a look, it seems that it will require more time for adjustments… and we do not want to delay the release much longer.

      • Mody says:

        Thanks for your reply, my question was about RTX 3060 V1. I believe you are referring to RTX 3060 V2 when you said “improve in performance ~37 MH/S” , correct? Bcs currently im getting 40/41 MH/S with the current beta version on RTX 3060 V1.

  119. anton_chekhov says:

    Thanks for your work. I also worked for a while LoL.

    Use Hive 0.6-208@210818

    Driver  460.84

    miniZ version 1.8y4

    Cards all LHR v2: 3060 MSI VENTUS, PALIT DUAL, ASUS TUF

    Get hash: 35 Mh

    My test results and best perfomance:


    –tune=4 –mt-dump –mode=80

    CORE-150 MEM2200 PL120



    –mt-dump –tune=37 or –tune=4

    CORE-150 MEM2200 PL120

    5.4.0-hiveos #140 · H 0.6-208 · N 460.84 · up 2 minutes 45 seconds
    RTX3060 · ID * · LA 1.53 0.95 0.39 · RAM 7.7G available 6.6G (86%)
    sda4 total 6.8G used 5.5G free 1.3G (18%) · ATA SSDPR-CX400-256- 238.5G
    eth0 routable ip * gw * dns * · e1000e

    00:02.0 HD Graphics 510
    0 01:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 35°C 51 % 37 W
    1 02:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 36°C 50 % 36 W
    2 03:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 36°C 50 % 40 W
    3 07:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 40°C 50 % 44 W
    4 08:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 40°C 50 % 40 W
    5 09:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 40°C 60 % 39 W
    6 0c:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 35°C 50 % 36 W
    7 0d:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 40°C 50 % 42 W
    8 0f:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 37°C 50 % 40 W
    9 10:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 35°C 49 % 45 W
    10 11:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 41°C 50 % 40 W
    11 12:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 40°C 50 % 40 W
    12 13:00.0 GeForce RTX 3060 12053 MB ( 35°C 50 % 38 W

    = [ 1 miniz ] = 8 syslog = 9 autofan = 0 agent = h help =============================================================================================================================================
    Skipping miner log rotation due to execution time < 30sec

    Trying to release TIME_WAIT sockets:
    tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT

    ************ miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
    Number of CUDA[8.0] devices found: 13
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:11935]: Selecting GPU#0[0] GeForce RTX 3060
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:11935]: Selecting GPU#1[1] GeForce RTX 3060
    miniZ<ethash>[80:1:00.0:11935]: Selecting GPU#2[2] GeForce RTX 3060
    /hive/miners/miniz/h-run.sh: line 20: 18834 Segmentation fault (core dumped) ./miniZ $(< {MINER_NAME}.conf) –logfile $MINER_LOG_BASENAME.log –telemetry${MINER_API_PORT} –gpu-line

    miniz exited (exitcode=139), waiting to cooldown a bit

    Skipping miner log rotation due to execution time < 30sec


    –mt-dump –tune=37 -mode=80

    CORE-150 MEM2200 PL120

    12>RTX 3060 100% [37°C/51%] 0.27( 0.27)MH/s 75( 71.2)W clk=1807MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.00
    [TRACE ] GPU[3]: Searching lock... speed=22.4/37.1[1,4609.94,2.070,0.81]
    [INFO ] GPU[0]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2503] bus: 0000:01:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[1]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:02:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[2]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:03:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[3]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:07:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[4]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:08:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[5]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:09:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[6]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:0C:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[7]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:0D:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[8]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:0F:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[9]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2503] bus: 0000:10:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[10]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:11:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[11]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2504] bus: 0000:12:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [INFO ] GPU[12]: GeForce RTX 3060[10DE:2503] bus: 0000:13:00.0 current timings 20,5
    [ 0d 0h 1m10s] 79(79.0)MH/s 883(882.0)W
    0>RTX 3060
    100% [44°C/50%] 14.55(14.55)MH/s 73( 67.9)W clk=1537MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.21
    1>RTX 3060 100% [48°C/49%] 13.61(13.61)MH/s 73( 69.2)W clk=1552MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.20
    2>RTX 3060
    100% [46°C/50%] 14.12(14.12)MH/s 76( 72.4)W clk=1522MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.20
    3>RTX 3060 100% [40°C/50%] 18.18(18.18)MH/s 74( 71.8)W clk=1785MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.25
    4>RTX 3060
    100% [44°C/50%] 14.79(14.79)MH/s 75( 70.9)W clk=1582MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.21
    5>RTX 3060 100% [50°C/60%] 17.42(17.42)MH/s 76( 72.4)W clk=1440MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.24
    6>RTX 3060
    100% [45°C/50%] 14.99(14.99)MH/s 74( 69.9)W clk=1612MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.21
    7>RTX 3060 100% [44°C/49%]* 17.72(17.72)MH/s 75( 72.2)W clk=1500MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.25
    8>RTX 3060
    100% [39°C/50%] 4.04( 4.04)MH/s 56( 61.7)W clk=1807MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.07
    9>RTX 3060 100% [36°C/50%] 4.08( 4.08)MH/s 62( 66.8)W clk=1792MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.06
    10>RTX 3060
    100% [38°C/50%] 3.76( 3.76)MH/s 57( 62.6)W clk=1777MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.06
    11>RTX 3060 100% [36°C/50%] 3.76( 3.76)MH/s 56( 61.6)W clk=1777MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.06
    12>RTX 3060
    100% [36°C/50%] 4.08( 4.08)MH/s 57( 62.5)W clk=1807MHz mclk=8400MHz MH/W=0.07
    [TRACE ] GPU[7]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/37.0[1,4411.10,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[6]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/37.1[1,4609.94,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[1]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/36.9[1,4411.10,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[2]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/37.1[1,4609.94,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[5]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/36.9[1,4411.10,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[4]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/36.9[1,4411.10,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/37.1[1,4411.10,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[11]: Searching lock… speed=21.6/36.9[1,4609.94,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[10]: Searching lock… speed=22.6/37.0[1,4609.94,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[12]: Searching lock… speed=22.8/37.1[1,4609.94,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[8]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/37.0[1,4411.10,2.070,0.81]
    [TRACE ] GPU[9]: Searching lock… speed=20.7/37.1[1,4411.10,2.070,0.81]


    –tune=4 –mt-dump –mode=80

    core -200 mem +2500 pl 115w

    [ 0d 0h 3m50s] 434(432.0)MH/s 1493(1456.1)W
    0>RTX 3060 100% [57°C/50%] 35.14(35.14)MH/s 115(112.1)W clk=1477MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    1>RTX 3060
    100% [60°C/50%]* 35.16(35.16)MH/s 115(112.0)W clk=1477MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    2>RTX 3060 100% [58°C/50%] 35.19(35.19)MH/s 115(112.1)W clk=1485MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    3>RTX 3060
    100% [55°C/50%] 35.17(35.17)MH/s 115(112.4)W clk=1417MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    4>RTX 3060 100% [54°C/50%] 35.20(35.20)MH/s 115(112.2)W clk=1462MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    5>RTX 3060
    100% [62°C/60%] 35.03(35.03)MH/s 115(112.1)W clk=1350MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    6>RTX 3060 100% [56°C/50%] 35.26(35.26)MH/s 115(112.0)W clk=1507MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    7>RTX 3060
    100% [53°C/50%] 35.10(35.10)MH/s 115(112.1)W clk=1432MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    8>RTX 3060 100% [59°C/50%] 35.11(35.11)MH/s 115(112.0)W clk=1402MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    9>RTX 3060
    100% [53°C/50%] 34.64(34.64)MH/s 115(112.1)W clk=1342MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    10>RTX 3060 100% [56°C/50%] 35.16(35.16)MH/s 115(112.1)W clk=1455MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    11>RTX 3060
    100% [54°C/50%] 34.88(34.88)MH/s 115(111.2)W clk=1477MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.31
    12>RTX 3060 ` 100% [55°C/49%] 35.21(35.21)MH/s 115(111.8)W clk=1447MHz mclk=8551MHz MH/W=0.32
    [FATAL ] GPU[9]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 878
    [INFO ] Disconnecting from eu1.ethermine.org

    miniz exited (exitcode=1), waiting to cooldown a bit

    Trying to release TIME_WAIT sockets:
    tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
    tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
    tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
    tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT
    tcp 0 0 TIME_WAIT


    • miniZ says:

      Hi anton_chekhov,
      Thanks for the feedback.

      It looks that you may need to adjust your OCs. Try to lower PL a bit more.

      Do not use --mt-dump, it should not do anything (meant for Pascal GPUs) so better not to use it.

      Let us know if these suggestions helped to make it more stable.

  120. Ash says:

    I’m having an issue where miniz is exiting randomly without posting any error. For example….

    *********** miniZ v1.8y4rc1 ************
    miniZ<192,7>[10:0:00.0:7217]: Selecting GPU#1[1] GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
    miniZ<192,7>[10:0:00.0:7217]: Selecting GPU#2[2] GeForce GTX 1070 Ti


    I’m using it in conjuction with rainbowminer software. Do you have any suggestions please?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ash,
      Thank you for your feedback. Sorry for the late response to your question.

      We’re unable to reproduce the issue. Have you tried to increase pagefile?
      Does this only happen with equihash algos?

      Could you try running miniZ directly in the console, and see if you get the same behavior?


  121. Redspark says:

    Hello Dear,

    This is my problem, It’s been like this for the past few days and restart miner.. How can we fix this?

    [FATAL ] GPU[0]: CUDA error 77 ‘an illegal memory access was encountered’ in line 878
    [FATAL ] GPU[6]: CUDA error 4 ‘unspecified launch failure’ in line 878


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Redspark,

      This message seems to be related to the OCs.
      Try to adjust them a little and see if it becomes more stable.

      Let us know how it goes.


  122. L says:

    Hi, miniZ, the next version will support 3080TI?  when next version release? thank you

    • miniZ says:

      Hi L,

      Yes, we’ve been working with the 3080Ti too, for the next version. At the moment, with the 3080Ti we have ~74MH/s @ 245W.
      Our release had to be delayed but it should be out soon.

      Thank you for your message and for your patience.

  123. Ammereys says:


    • miniZ says:

      Hi Ammereys,

      You are right, unfortunately we had to deal with unexpected events.

      However, the release will be out very soon.

      Thank you for your message and for your patience.

  124. NucleaR-II says:

    MiniZ Thanks for your hard work,
    I hope you manage to unlock the 3080 and 3080TI.
    The whole world is waiting for you.
    I tried to install the 460.39 drivers on Hive OS, but unfortunately it does not work, the driver does not start with 3080.
    Thanks again for your work and hope for a new version.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi NucleaR-II,
      We’ve been working on improvements (stability and performance) for the 3060 and the 3070Ti.
      Also working with the 3080Ti, we expect that the improvements will also apply to the 3080.
      The 3080s are supported with the more recent drivers. We still have to check the latest one.
      The new release will be out very soon. Thank you for your message and for your patience.

  125. Leechnod says:

    Awesome miniX thank you <3
    Manage to get stable on 2x EVGA rtx 3060 with 35.22 MH per unit.
    However I can’t use old drivers. I tried to install 460.32.03, 460.39 and 460.67 but HIVEos can’t recognize my GPUs. 🙁

    miniZ do you have any suggestions for improving my settings?

    Can I push it for more:

    HIVEos- 0.6-209@210826
    NVIDIA-  460.91.03 (CUDA 11.2)
    CORE – 150
    MEM – 2300
    FAN – 90
    PL – 120

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Leechnod

      Some 3060s are not supported by the older driver. You’ll need to install a more recent driver.

      Try to lower PL a bit more. To 100-110W if possible. And try again with --tune=5. If it is not stable use --tune=4.

      You’ll not be able to get much more than ~35MH/s. The new release will be out soon with improvements for the 3060 (stability and performance ~36.5MH/s).

      Let us know how it goes.


  126. Knarf says:


    Thanks a lot for working on improving the hashrates for 3060s. I have been able to get a stable >38MH with the cards thanks to the latest update.

    I have 3 3060s rev1 (Zotac twin edge OC) and I get 38MH on 2 cards and 39MH on 1 card when I hash on the 3 cards together. When I hash on 2 cards only, one card gets at 40MH and the other around 39MH.

    I am currently running on:
    – hiveos 0.6-209@210826
    – drivers 460.39
    – –tune=37
    – cc: -150 / mc:2600 (2700 doesn’t increase my Hashrate) /PL:100W

    1- Is there anything I could do or you could do on your end to improve that?
    2- I have rev1 3060s, should I stay on drivers 460.39 or should I go on more recent ones?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Knarf,

      Great that it is working well for you.

      1. At the moment it seems that your GPUs are performing on their best. If you do not use --tune=37 will it become unstable? If not do not use it. Tune option helps stability but has a small costs in performance.

      The new release will be out soon with small improvements for the 3060 (stability and performance) with that driver.

      2. If all your GPUs are running well with driver 460.39 just keep it that way, it provides the best performance.

      Thank you for your message.

  127. billy says:

    hi MiniZ,

    I have a evga rtx 3060 12gb card i beleive its the v2 ( the driver does not work ) would this miner work and unlock up to 40mh/s on hive os?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi billy,

      Thank you for your message.

      Some 3060s are not supported by the older driver. You’ll need to install a more recent driver.
      With the recent driver you’ll be able to get ~35MH/s.

      The new release will be out soon with improvements for the 3060 (stability and performance ~36.5MH/s).


  128. 3070ti says:

    R.I.P miniz…..

    • miniZ says:

      Hi 3070ti,

      Sorry for taking longer than we expected.

      However, the release will be out very soon.

      Thank you for your message and for your patience.

  129. Alvaro says:

    I think Miniz should auto detect the fan glitch and change to a normal mode, because when it happend i need to change the miner to get full unlock in 3060 v1.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Alvaro,
      Thank you for your suggestion. We’ll think about it.

      You can restart miniZ with --mode=48, it should work too.


      • Mody says:

        Hi MiniZ,
        Can you elaborate on –mode=48 please.

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Mody,

          --mode=48 will force a kernel that ignores the lock and allows the miner to run as if there were no anti-mining mechanism.
          This may work in the case where the driver becomes faulty, like the case of Alvaro’s GPU.


  130. Guidi says:

    Hey guys, Any idea about this error only with miniZ other works good.


    hiveOS – 0.6-210@210913
    nvidia driver – N460.91.03 RTX 3060 × 4
    miniZ – 1.8y4
    Erro – Temp. limit: [90°C] [INFO ] Mining fee set to 0.75% [ERROR ] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect [ERROR ] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect [ERROR ] Socket[-1] Operation now in progress:connect [WARNING] Cannot connect to use-eth.hiveon.net pool, reconnect in ~60s!

  131. Ravi says:

    How to set the below settings in Hive OS?


  132. Gustavo says:

    Hi! How do I use windows to set the overclock to start in .bat? please explain absolut clock and memory clock commands in windows

  133. Megaza says:

    Windows 10 21H1 (19043.1202)
    EVGA RTX 3060 XC (12G-P5-3657-KR/GA106-300-A1)
    Nvidia 470.05 (with 461.40 not recognized)
    Afterburner Core -150 Memory +1350 PL 60%
    Miniz v1.8y4rc1 win-x64

    I’m getting Searching lock …

    –cuda-devices 0 –tune=5 –dag-fix

    [ 0d 0h 7m00s] 0>RTX 3060 100% [57 C/64%] 34.11(34.18)MH/s 102(101.5)W clk=1229MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.34
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Searching lock... speed=18.1/46.7[1,2833.47,2.070,0.80]
    [ 0d 0h 7m10s] 0>RTX 3060 100% [53 C/64%] 34.21(34.23)MH/s 89(100.5)W clk=1454MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.34

    –cuda-devices 0 –tune=37 –dag-fix

    [ 0d 0h 2m10s] 0>RTX 3060 100% [55 C/63%] 33.65(33.65)MH/s 96( 88.2)W clk=1323MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.38
    [TRACE ] GPU[0]: Searching lock... speed=21.3/46.4[1,3079.93,2.070,0.81]
    [ 0d 0h 2m20s] 0>RTX 3060 100% [50 C/63%] 33.65(33.65)MH/s 81( 85.6)W clk=1827MHz mclk=8642MHz MH/W=0.39

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Megaza,
      Thank you for the feedback.

      Are you still able to lower PL? Say to 58% for example. Does this have any impact with stability?

      You can also try to lower tune to --tune=4.

      Let us know if any of these suggestions helps.

  134. jiewuko says:

    Good day.
    I have  the next configuration:

    10 RTX 3060 1 rev (Palit).
    Hive OS: 5.4.0-hiveos #140.
    miniZ v.1.8y4rc1
    Miner Config: –tune=37 –dag-fix –extra –show-mode

    If I use configuration miner without –tune args, then only 2 cards have 40+ MH, others have only ~20MH.
    But I have 10% rejects on one card.
    I try to undervolt, but this did not provide success.


    Thanks for your teamwork.

  135. 3070ti says:

    I can’t wait new version from last month…..


    When will you update miniz?

  136. Chris says:


    Can you detail the available modes and how it works more precisely ?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Chris,

      You can find more information on modes within FAQ section.
      “How to use --mode?”

      You can also run --list-modes that lists the available kernels for each GPU in the log (when mining starts).

      For ETH mining with the mining locked GPUs this is not relevant, these can only run one mode/kernel.


  137. Vitao says:

    Hello, i couldn’t find it but what’s the 3060 TI LHR hash on equihash 192,7, on windows 10?
    Btw MiniZ is the best equihash out there, good job.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Vitao,

      Thank you for your message.

      We do not know about the 3060 Ti but the 3060 makes ~36 Sol/s in stock. With OC can reach ~40 Sol/s (maybe a bit more).


  138. Vitaum says:

    where can i find the 3060 TI LHR hashrate on Windows 10?

  139. Vitaum says:

    ops i meant 192,7 equihash hashrate… sorry

    btw MiniZ is the best equihash miner, good job

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Vitaum,

      Thanks for your message.

      We do not know about the 3060 Ti but the 3060 makes ~36 Sol/s in stock. With OC can reach ~40 Sol/s (maybe a bit more).


  140. Bahman says:

    Hi, I have 4 cards 3060v2, everything I did I couldn’t install version 460.39 on Hive, the installation is complete but after restarting the system no longer hive comes up, I now with the latest miniz version and version 460.84 finally get 34 MAh.

    I use –mode=80 and –tune=4

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Bahman,

      Thank you for the feedback.

      It seems to be running well for you.

      It is always good to lower power to ~100W -110W.
      Did you try --tune=5 and and wasn’t running stable?

      If you already tried all this then just wait for the next version, you may get a few improvements.


  141. Knarf says:

    Thanks for the reply!
    It seems I can’t reply to your own message or even mine so I am replying in a separate text but I have tried different setups and this one works best on my 4 3060 V1 Zotac cards:

    I am currently running on:
    – hiveos 0.6-210@210921 (version doesn’t matter)
    – drivers 460.39 (this is key)
    – –tune=37
    – cc: locked 1450 / mc:2450 / PL:115W (it runs between 98 and 106W depending on the cards)

    They all hash between 39.73 and 40.06MH/s so pretty happy with those!
    I will try to remove the tune argument and see if it is better while hopefully waiting for a newer miner version to unlock full potential of the card! As of now, if I get lucky one of the card would have the fan bug (0%) and I would just create a new flight sheet to bring that card to another miner to mine around 48MH/s but 40MH on all cards isn’t that bad, hopefully 48MH/s soon ~~

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Knarf,

      Thank you for your feedback.

      The new release will be out this weekend. It will have a few improvements but the GPUS will not run at full potential. That would be great, but not yet 😉

      When your fan goes 0% due to driver becoming faulty, you can restart miniZ with –mode=48. When forcing this kernel the miner will not try to “deal” with anti-mining mechanism.


  142. Arturs says:


    i have some problem with Nvidia 1060 3GB cards, when minig FLUX: at startup hashrate is approx 21 sol/s, but after ~minute it drops down to ~17sol/s, where is the problem? Tried –ocX, but nothing…result same

    Windows, MSI Afterburner: power 70%, core clock +150, memory clock +570 (Hynix), +670 (Samsung)

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Arturs,

      We could not reproduce the same behavior in our 1060 3GB. It may be that your OCs are a bit extreme.

      We tried PL= ~70% (84W), core clock +200, memory clock we tried without change (+0) and with -200 and got 20.5 Sol/s (54C). It looks that high memory clock does not improve performance.

      We suggest that you adjust your memory clock a bit, lower a little.
      Let us know if this helps.

  143. Steven says:

    it’s a good miner i appreciate it I am getting 40/41 MHs on nerfed v1 3060s; however, there are a lot of invalid/rejected shares…. probably about 80 percent are rejected the miners uptime has probably been up for like 1 hour. I want to keep using this software so please if you will tell me how to stop getting stale shares pls.

    Pool: HiveOS

    Version: The Latest
    User Config–mode=80 –tune=37 –dag-fix

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Steven,

      We suggest that you adjust the OCs a little. Lowering the values may help.

      Let us know if this helps.


  144. MAURICIO says:

    Hi, what kind of OC shoud i use to miner RVN ? I get 3x 3060. thc

  145. mauricio says:

    Hi, can i use 3060 lhr v2 with driver 460,39 and get nice results ??? Wich oc should i use ?

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Mauricio,

      V2 GPUs usually do not work the driver 460,39.

      For ETH, try to lower the power a bit more because this improves stability. We recommend lowering PL to something closer to 100W. We usually use -150 on core.

      If you still get the “[TRACE] GPU2 : Searching lock…….’ message too frequently, you can add --tune=37 with the older driver (460,39). (If you use other driver, add --tune=5.)

      Regarding the OCs for RVN, we did not test it much but PL=115W (better not use more than this). Memory clock ~2700, and no core change.

      Let us know how it goes.


      • Logan says:

        Hi team, Thanks for your nice work on miniZ
        I have the new 3060 LHR v2, device ID 2504, which doesn’t support the driver 460.39 on Linux, my stable driver version on HiveOs is 460.91.03, MY configs are
        Absolute core clock 1450 Mhz
        Memory Clock 2350Mhz
        Fan 75
        PowerLimit 0
        I’m getting 34 MHs …though I’ve seen so many getting around 39MHs…is there any way to switch the driver to get a better result?
        Best regards,

        • miniZ says:

          Hi Logan,
          Thanks for your feedback.

          Only the GPUs that work with the older driver are able to reach 39-40 MH/s. (At least for now 🙂 )

          You can already download miniZ latest version v1.8y4rc2 here.

          With this version you can also use --tune option. Check FAQ page for more information (Optimisation section).

          Also, does PL 0 means that you did not change PL? If possible try lower PL to 100-110W. Usually it helps to maintain stability.
          We share some of our testing settings here https://miniz.ch/2021/10/06/miniz-v1-8y4rc2-beta-version-is-out/

          Let us know how it goes.

        • MarcosNJ says:

          RTX 3060 Zotac Twin Edge 12GB – no LHR but limited by new chip (can’t accept driver 460.39 Hiveos) Using 0 (zero) core clock, 2100 memory clock, you can contorl just the PL… i reach ~36mhs in hiveos with latest drivers just with this settings. my PL is 110w now, but i started with 130w to test.Core clock = 0Memory clock = 2100Fan = 0PL (power limit) = 110w~35,23mhs ~~ 36,67mhs (oscilating)

  146. Su 3070ti says:

    Any new version released this weekend?

  147. Neves Corvo says:

    Hello,I had my setup running smoothly (I had about 35MH/s in a 3060 LHR V2). Meanwhile I got issue with Load Average and I made the mistake to upgrade my OS and nvidia drivers. And everything went bad. I tried to go back to the previus drivers, but when it started to reach the 35MH/s, the miner exits and gives the following information the it is because it is too hot, however the temperature is around 55CMy settings are:HiveOs: version 0.6-208@210818nvidia driver: 460.91.03Version of miniZ 1.8y4rc1CC – 1420MClock – 2600PL – 115Any suggeston?O

    • miniZ says:

      Hi Neves Corvo,
      Have you tried to adjust the OCs a bit? But first try adjusting PL, decreasing the value to ~100W tends to be the best option.
      If this doesn’t help, then try to adjust your OCs.
      Let us know how it goes.

  148. Keyron says:

    gtx 1050ti WIN10 error: no mining pool specified!

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