miniZ v1.0d is out!

Hi everyone,

thank you all for your support and feedback.

There is a new miniZ version v1.0d.

In brief:

* Major speed improvement. Up to 12%, depending on GPU.
* The temperature limit in the gauge meter was changed (telemetry).
* More accurate power consumption and Sol/W output.

Current Sol/s:

  • GTX 1050 2GB ~15-16 Sol/s
  • GTX 1050Ti 4GB ~17-18 Sol/s
  • GTX 1060 3GB ~27-30 Sol/s
  • GTX 1070Ti 8GB ~47-54 Sol/s
  • GTX 1080 8GB ~49-55 Sol/s

*Performance based on miniZ‘s tested GPUs. Hence, if your GPU model is not mentioned here we’d love to have your feedback! πŸ™‚

Download miniZ miner v1.0d here!

Happy mining!

Because your feedback is precious,Β miniZ kindly encourages you to use the comment box below, for general questions and feedback.

Additionally, miniZ created a few posts to help and guide specific problems you may experience while running/starting miniZ miner, or other requests or information you may want to share:

  • In case you’re having trouble running/starting miniZ miner, comment here.
  • If you want report a problem with a specific GPU/architecture, comment here.
  • Do you wish to exchange and/or compare information with others, such as OC settings or Sol/s? Comment here.
  • Also, to report any trouble connecting to a specific pool, comment here.

Your first comment needs to pass a spam check, so please be patient if you don’t see it online immediately.

Finally, miniZ wishes you a fast and friendly mining experience!


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  1. Matt says:

    Cool miner! Running with a couple of 1050 in linux. Using your OC MHz’s and limiting power to 65W it does 16 Sol/s. All fine so far.
    Nice job! Keep up!

  2. miniZ says:

    Thanks for letting us know, your feedback is very important.
    We may have a closer look at the mining efficiency soon.
    Keep us up to date with your findings!

  3. Stefan says:

    Nice miner! I tried to run it with a geforce gtx 770 2gb on windows 10 (without monitor) at suprnovas BTCZ Pool, but i get following error: “out of memory::CUDA: failed to alloc memory for main data”..

    is it really possible to run 144,5 algo on this card with only 2gb memory?
    thank you!

  4. miniZ says:

    Hi Stefan,

    thank you for your feedback!
    The miner works well with 2GB GPUs on Linux, not yet on Windows.

    On Windows the GPU driver overhead is quite big leaving only ~1.6 GB for the miner.
    It requires some work but because there seems to be some interest on this feature we’ll try to include this in a future version!

    It would be great to know what is the performance on a GTX 770 2GB.

    • Stefan says:

      Thank you for your answer!
      I will try it on linux today and will report here about the performance πŸ™‚

      • Stefan says:

        I have installed ubuntu on one of my pc and now it works!
        The miner shows “1.12 I/s 2.5( 2.2) Sol/s”

        I know thats absolutly not profitable, but is was a funny try! πŸ™‚

        • miniZ says:

          Thank you Stefan.
          It is great to know it works!
          Although it is likely that the Kepler architecture will never perform very well with this algorithm, it is true that the miner is not that optimized for these GPUs.
          Thanks again and feel free to report any further information you find interesting to share. πŸ™‚

        • miniZ says:

          Now you can also try it on Windows! πŸ™‚
          miniZ v1.0e is out!

          • Stefan says:


            Thank you for the update! πŸ™‚
            Is ther a way to use this miner for solo-mining?

            best regards,

            • miniZ says:

              Hi Stefan, sorry for the late reply. You can if you use a solo mining pool. Otherwise it may be doable if you use additional software, but it is much more complicated. Cheers.