Hi everyone,

A new miniZ version v2.0c2 is out with support for ZIL+ other algos dual mining.

Please find miniZ version v2.0c2 Download page.

miniZ version v2.0c2 is out!



  • Added support for Zilliqa (ZIL)+ all miniZ algos mining.
    (See FAQ How to mine Zilliqa (Zil)? for usage examples.)
  • Fixed progpow issues with Polaris GPUs.
  • Added support for RX 6500 XT (Navi 24 GPU). It should work with other Navi 24 GPUs.

 * * * Check if the option --autoclocks works for you, it can be very useful for changing OC settings during dual mining. * * *


*** Thank you all for the feedback! ***

Remember to try --oc1/--oc2/--ocX options for optimum performance. (NVIDIA only)

For additional information check our Usage or FAQ pages.

*** Download miniZ latest version here. ***

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Because your feedback is very important, miniZ kindly encourages you to use the comment box below for general questions and feedback.

Certainly we will strive to help you with any doubt and provide a solution to any problem you may encounter. In case you need to reach us, please check the Support page.

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We wish you a fast and friendly mining experience!



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  1. KaundaBits says:

    HiveOs just updated MiniZ v.2.0c2, but after a few minutes i start getting an insane amount of rejected shares.Tried a lot of stuff, like changing pools and OC. Neither helped.I then tried “downgrade” MiniZ miner from v.2.0c2 to v.2.0c and the issue stopped and now getting 100% accepted shares so far.Also no issues with other miners, just the miniZ 2.0c2.

    • miniZ says:

      Hi KaundaBits,
      Which algo are you trying to mine? And which pool?
      We’re having a look at this.
      Thank you for the feedback!

    • GuiToon says:

      Same problem:************ miniZ v2.0c2 ************Number of miniZ CUDA>=[.] using driver CUDA[12.00] devices found: 3Driver: 525.85Algo: EQ[125,4] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[t1*********************iY.M2] server[eu-flux.fluxpools.net] port[7001] ssl[no] pers[ZelProof]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Logging:: file[/var/log/miner/miniz/miniz.log] period[10] delay[0]Optimisation: ocX[0 0 0]Temp. limit: [90.C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%miniZ<125,4>[01:0:00.0: 7961]: Selecting GPU#0[0] Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1070 TiminiZ<125,4>[19:0:00.0:11929]: Selecting GPU#2[2] ASUS GeForce RTX 3060miniZ<125,4>[19:0:00.0:11929]: Selecting GPU#1[1] Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060[INFO ] Applying clocks to GPU[01] core= +210MHz mem=+2450MHz power=115W kernel=19[INFO ] Applying clocks to GPU[02] core= +210MHz mem=+2450MHz power=115W kernel=19[INFO ] Applying clocks to GPU[00] core= +220MHz mem= +500MHz power=124W kernel= 1[INFO ] GPU[0]: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti[10DE:1B82] bus: 0000:03:00.0 apply timings 28,7[ 0d 0h 0m08s] 120(120.0)Sol/s 312(312.2)W 0>GTX 1070 Ti 100% [41.C/85%]*19.80 I/s 39.50(39.50)Sol/s 118(117.5)W clk=1468MHz mclk=4252MHz Sol/W=0.336 1>RTX 3060 100% [39.C/84%] 20.13 I/s 40.17(40.17)Sol/s 98( 98.2)W clk=1500MHz mclk=8725MHz Sol/W=0.409 2>RTX 3060 100% [41.C/84%]*20.22 I/s 40.33(40.33)Sol/s 97( 96.5)W clk=1500MHz mclk=8725MHz Sol/W=0.418[ 0d 0h 0m10s] 120(120.0)Sol/s 312(312.2)W 0>GTX 1070 Ti 100% [41.C/85%] 19.82 I/s 39.53(39.53)Sol/s 118(117.5)W clk=1468MHz mclk=4252MHz Sol/W=0.336 1>RTX 3060 100% [39.C/84%] 20.14 I/s 40.17(40.17)Sol/s 98( 98.2)W clk=1500MHz mclk=8725MHz Sol/W=0.409 2>RTX 3060 100% [41.C/84%] 20.22 I/s 40.34(40.34)Sol/s 97( 96.5)W clk=1500MHz mclk=8725MHz Sol/W=0.418[ 0d 0h 0m20s] 120(119.7)Sol/s 317(316.6)WAnd 6min later:[ 0d 0h 6m00s] 118(118.3)Sol/s 309(316.4)W 0>GTX 1070 Ti 100% [41.C/85%]*18.83 I/s 38.33(38.74)Sol/s 114(120.5)W clk=1607MHz mclk=4252MHz Sol/W=0.322 1>RTX 3060 83.3% [42.C/85%] 19.79 I/s 39.16(39.28)Sol/s 99( 99.1)W clk=1500MHz mclk=8725MHz Sol/W=0.397 2>RTX 3060 100% [44.C/85%] 19.92 I/s 40.15(40.03)Sol/s 97( 96.9)W clk=1500MHz mclk=8725MHz Sol/W=0.413[TRACE ] NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti[0]: switch mode 08[16.90 I/s] -> mode 09 — max:mode 07[20.218 I/s][WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0003756859050053091[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0004187505310217553[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.00034039783968270264[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0007630662408479774[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0007881500252865437[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0008154806618831736[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.000495269996871495[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.005402020154260285[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0005484573589836295[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0003303068973397141[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0005526906874011267[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0008249379751233839[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0011282620791636497[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.00047066972527913515[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0008481077940875617[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0003293633354183138[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0007439779556618615[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0004459683125090322[WARNING] Bad share: low difficulty share of 0.0012796596234110013

    • 80n541 says:

      Hellosame issue here, how do you downgrade miner version?

      • miniZ says:

        Hi 80n541, KundaBits, GuiToon,
        We just released version v2.0c3. All should be OK now.
        Let us know how it goes.
        Thanks for the feedback!

  2. Vaidas says:

    “>”>Started receiveing these issuses when upgraded to latest version.

  3. Andy says:

    Hi, does this version support ZMP for dual-mining non-ETC coins with ZIL? For example, could I dual mine FLUX with ZIL using the Flexpool ZMP server for ZIL, or would I need to choose a legacy compatibility mode server for ZIL?

  4. not_zilling says:

    tried dual mining aion+zil, but not working. It has been several periods that the other miners mined zilRunning through hive, and this is the config file–par=210,9 –url=0xa….rig@stratum.aionmine.org:3333 –pass=x –smart-pers –url=ssl://zil….rig@etc-us-east.flexpool.io:5555 –autoclocksThe first few lines of the logNumber of OpenCL[gfx1031] devices found: 2Driver: 525.85Algo: EQ[210,9] [smart-pers]Pool#0: user[0xa….rig] server[stratum.aionmine.org] port[3333] ssl[no] pers[AION0PoW]Pool#1: user[zil….rig] server[etc-us-east.flexpool.io] port[5555] ssl[yes] pers[zil]Telemetry: [http://localhost:20000]Logging:: file[/var/log/miner/miniz/miniz.log] period[10] delay[0]Temp. limit: [90.C][INFO ] Mining fee set to 2.00%miniZ<210,9>[06:0:00.0: 7829]: Selecting GPU#3[0] Gigabyte RTX3060 Ti EAGLE OC 8G[INFO ] Applying clocks to GPU[03] core= +265MHz mem=+2500MHz power=115W kernel= 6[ 0d 0h 0m08s] 291(291.3)Sol/s 102(101.6)W

  5. runna says:

    Hello, is there documentation for which algorithm is the r9 390 compatible?

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