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  • miniZ v1.3n is out!

    Hi everyone, thank you for your support and feedback! All your feedback really matters. miniZ is growing better in each version. There is a miniZ version v1.3n for you to download.   In brief: Support for Equihash 150,5 (BEAM). Configuration file support. Console output on telemetry. Fixed busid in api. Fixed time in api. Removed ` when nocolor. Removed extra miniZ instance from GPU0. Improved… read more

  • How to use miniZ with Hive OS

    Hi everyone, we made a package for you to use miniZ with Hive OS. * Tested on Hive OS 0.6, and added compatibility with Hive OS 0.5. * To use miniZ with Hive OS, you only have to create a new Flight Sheet: in Miner field select custom, then click in Setup Miner Config and fill the necessary fields as… read more

  • miniZ v1.2m is out!

    Hi everyone, thank you for your support and feedback! All your feedback really matters. miniZ is growing better in each version. There is a miniZ version v1.2m for you to download. In brief: Speed improvements for 144,5 and 192,7. Major boost for RTX GPUs. Fee shares excluded from statistics. --show-pers to show personalization string. --smart-pers to use personalization string ‘auto’ if available, otherwise use specified… read more

    22 comment(s)

  • How to use miniZ with Hive OS

    Hi everyone, we made a new package for you to use miniZ v1.2l with Hive OS that should perform better.  * Tested on Hive OS 0.6, and added compatibility with Hive OS 0.5 (nvidia driver >=390.46.)* To use miniZ with Hive OS, you only have to create a new Flight Sheet: in Miner field select custom, then click in Setup… read more

  • miniZ GUI Launcher

    miniZ version v1.2l includes a GUI Launcher that intents to help you through a fast and friendly GPU mining start. Update: If you have trouble running launcher in Windows 7, download miniZ GUI for Windows 7 available @ Download page. miniZ GUI Launcher

    3 comment(s)

  • How to use miniZ with Hive OS

    Hi everyone, we made a package for you to use miniZ with Hive OS. * Tested on Hive OS 0.6, and added compatibility with Hive OS 0.5. * To use miniZ with Hive OS, you only have to create a new Flight Sheet: in Miner field select custom, then click in Setup Miner Config and fill the necessary fields as… read more

  • How to mine BTG?

    BTG mining on Windows: step-by-step  

  • miniZ v1.2l is out!

    Hi everyone, thank you for your support and feedback! There is a miniZ version v1.2l for you to download. This time, with support for Equihash 192,7: Zero, SafeCoin, Genesis, Vidulum and ZeroClassic! Moreover, v1.2l brings you a miniZ GUI laucher to help you start mining.   In brief: Support for Equihash 192,7 (ZER, SAFE, GENX, VDL, ZERC). miniZ GUI Launcher v1.0. (Windows) Improved miner API. Minor speed improvements for… read more

  • Windows mining with miniZ step-by-step

    Windows mining step-by-step: how to start miniZ on Windows? 

  • How to start mining SnowGem (XSG) with miniZ?

    Do you want to start mining SnowGem (XSG) using miniZ miner and don’t know exactly how to set up the miner and the pool parameters? Below, we list a few examples to get you mining SnowGem with miniZ and help you get off to a smooth start. Because these are just a few examples, you should check each pool page since more than… read more


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